Modern warfare 2 secrets

Modern Warfare 2 : Cheats It'is all about the range. The more range you experience against your adversaries, the better off you are. In MW2, this implies sharpshooting. Just be careful you're not seeking to sharpshoot on a map that doesn't lend itself to sharpshooting. Primary: The Barrett is a good gun, with more accuracy and a higher rate of fire than the Intervention. The Wazoo and the M21 are both even faster firing and more accurate, merely take two shots to killing instead of 1. Which gun you use is up to your personal taste. For attachments, be willing to switch. Thermal if your adversaries aren't the type to use Cold- Blooded. Heartbeat Sensor is great to let you know if someone is sneaking up behind you; just mind for the beep. Secondary: You may be lured to use a shotgun, only if your opponent is in medium range, you'll die every last time. Instead, a machine pistol is your greatest bet. The PP2000 has virtually no recoil and can ruin anyoneTerminal in front of you. The G18, especially akimbo, can put bullets quickly into your adversary before they know what hit them. Extras: Claymores are delightful, but be sure you know how to use them. Also, to anyone using Sitrep, they're a enormous 'sniper here' flag. Semtex grenades can assist if you know someone is coming that can out-gun you. Smoke grenades can hide your escape, as well. More codes and methods are available at many blogs, some work, some don't. I have found

Transcript of Modern warfare 2 secrets

Page 1: Modern warfare 2 secrets

Modern Warfare 2: Cheats

It'is all about the range. The more range you experience against your adversaries, the better off you are. In MW2, this implies sharpshooting. Just be careful you're not seeking to sharpshoot on a map that doesn't lend itself to sharpshooting.

Primary: The Barrett is a good gun, with more accuracy and a higher rate of fire than the Intervention. The Wazoo and the M21 are both even faster firing and more accurate, merely take two shots to killing instead of 1. Which gun you use is up to your personal taste. For attachments, be willing to switch. Thermal if your adversaries aren't the type to use Cold-Blooded. Heartbeat Sensor is great to let you know if someone is sneaking up behind you; just mind for the beep.

Secondary: You may be lured to use a shotgun, only if your opponent is in medium range, you'll die every last time. Instead, a machine pistol is your greatest bet. The PP2000 has virtually no recoil and can ruin anyoneTerminal in front of you. The G18, especially akimbo, can put bullets quickly into your adversary before they know what hit them.

Extras: Claymores are delightful, but be sure you know how to use them. Also, to anyone using Sitrep, they're a enormous 'sniper here' flag. Semtex grenades can assist if you know someone is coming that can out-gun you. Smoke grenades can hide your escape, as well.

More codes and methods are available at many blogs, some work, some don't. I have found this one paticular blog at