Consultants Corner October-November 2015

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A Bi-Monthly e-Journal from MaGC

Transcript of Consultants Corner October-November 2015

Consultants’ Corner A Bi-Monthly e-Journal from

Issue 97 | Pages 1 – 18 October-November 2015

In this Issue

Consultants’ Corner 2

Consultant’s Corner

From the Editors

3 Consultants’ Corner

contd on next page

5 Consultants’ Corner

It is in your moments of decision that your

destiny is shaped.

- Tony Robbins

contd on next page

Great things are done by a series of small

things brought together.

- Vincent Van Gogh

Varun R

can be reached at

6 Consultants’ Corner

Artists don't get down to work until the pain

of working is exceeded by the pain of not


- Stephen DeStaebler

contd on next page

7 Consultants’ Corner

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxu-

ries. Without them humanity cannot survive.

- Dalai Lama

contd on next page

8 Consultants’ Corner

9 Consultants’ Corner

Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just

as nothing can cure the senses but the soul.

- Oscar Wilde

contd on next page

To keep the body in good health is a duty...

otherwise we shall not be able to keep our

mind strong and clear.

- Buddha

U Shrikantha Maiya

can be reached at

10 Consultants’ Corner

11 Consultants’ Corner

Look deep into nature, and then you will

understand everything better.

- Albert Einstein

contd on next page

Knowledge Capsule Governance & PFM

12 Consultants’ Corner

Progress is impossible without change, and

those who cannot change their minds cannot

change anything.

-George Bernard Shaw

contd on next page

Padmaja J

can be reached at

13 Consultants’ Corner

14 Consultants’ Corner

Ashok Rao

can be reached at

If you just bring everybody together then good

things will happen.

- Ida Oberman contd on next page

15 Consultants’ Corner

Birthday wishes

17 Consultants’ Corner

Jeevan Rao - 9th Nov

Gayathri R - 7th Nov

MaGC Mission Statement

Our Mission is to apply our professional capabilities with a holistic approach for the happiness

of clients, through values and social commitment.


N.C.R & Co.

Management and Governance Consulting Pvt. Ltd.

MaGC’s Quality Policy

“We at MaGCTM continuously innovate to meet and exceed client expectations by providing

high quality, value adding services. We are committed to a regular assessment of the quality of

our service delivery and to continual improvement in whatever we do.”