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Cómo ejecutar 32-bit plug-ins de Logic Pro XRounik Sethi • Jul 22, 2013 • Logic Pro • 71 comments

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Check out our Logic Pro: What’s New In Logic Pro X course!

1. Introducing Logic Pro X

6. Overview of MIDI FX

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14. Flex Pitch

Por lo tanto, usted tiene Logic pro X? Te encanta las nuevas características y prefiere utilizarla de Logic 9? Sin embargo, usted ha todavía tiene algunossintetizadores de 32 bits, como Sylenth , que no puede DAW insignia de 64 bits se ejecute en las manzanas?

Es comprensible que usted puede sentir decepcionado ... Asegúrese de que la escritura ha sido en la pared desde la lógica 9.1 (la versión de 64 bits) fue lanzadohace algunos años, pero no lo hace sentir mejor que algunos desarrolladores aún no han hecho sus plug-ins de 64 bits listo.

Por lo tanto, si usted depende de instrumentos como Sylenth para sus chuletas musicales detener su llanto en la esquina de su estudio! Hay varias soluciones queimpliquen alojamiento de su plug-in de 32 bits fuera de la lógica y el enrutamiento en Logic.

Ahora algunas de estas soluciones se golpeó su billetera: Vepro (pesado) y Plogue Bidule (más razonable) son dos ejemplos. Sin embargo, la identificación tienegusto de compartir un método que es gratuito y relativamente fácil de configurar con las manzanas un poco escondida AU Lab host.

AU Lab ¿Qué?

AU Lab es una aplicación excelente para albergar la unidad de audio plug-ins (instrumentos y efectos) in Su diseñado como un programa de control de mezcla deaudio gratuito para aquellos que no tienen Logic Pro o de otro host AU. ¿Mencioné que es gratis? Para seguir este tutorial, usted necesitará descargar e instalar AULab de Apple aquí:


Una vez instalado, el youll también necesita instalar Cycling74s Soundflower si ya no has hecho. Esto le permitirá a la ruta de audio entre las aplicaciones de tuMac. Hay otras soluciones para hacer esto, pero me voy a estar usando Soundflower para este tutorial.

Descarga Soundflower aquí:


Nota: Si instala Soundflower usted necesitará reiniciar el Mac, así que asegúrese de marcar esta página y vienen de regreso para continuar con este tutorial!

Paso 1 - Configuración de AU Lab

Lanzamiento AU Lab! Usted debe saber que residen en sus Aplicaciones / Utilitarios / carpeta (o utilizar Spotlight para encontrar y poner en marcha).

El lanzamiento itll escanear su sistema para las unidades de audio disponibles y usted verá la ventana de configuración a continuación.

Antes de seguir, paso atrás y pensar en lo que nos proponemos aquí. Idealmente, queremos AU Lab acogerá nuestro 32-bit plug-in (enfermedad esté utilizando la

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versión parcial de programa de los 32 bits Sylenth por Lennar Digital ). A continuación, queremos crear las pistas relevantes en Logic Pro X, que nos permitanactivamos Sylenth mediante el envío de datos de notas MIDI a ella ... y recibir la salida de audio del AU Lab en Lógica (para que podamos escuchar que se estáreproduciendo).

Con esto en mente, voy a ajustar la entrada de la pista de audio inicial en AU Lab en Ninguno y ajuste la salida de audio a Soundflower (2 canales).

Asegúrese de ajustar la salida a Soundflower (2 canales) y no una función de la salida o salidas de la interfaz de audio.

Pulse Crear documento.

Paso 2 - Inserte un instrumento de 32 bits

Un canal de audio ha sido creado, pero de acogida no puede un instrumento plug-in allí, así que elija Editar

Elige tu preferido plug-in en el menú emergente de instrumentos. Youll sabe por ahora Im que va directamente a Sylenth1Demo!

Elegir el instrumento de 32 bits de su elección.

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El plug-in se abrirá y si se intenta activar con el teclado MIDI debería ver los medidores de nivel en el canal móvil.

Sin embargo, usted no debe escuchar ningún sonido. Esto se debe a que hemos creado la salida de audio a través Soundflower que no tiene una salida de destinotodavía. es decir, su no que sale de los altavoces internos o interfaz de audio. Bueno poner esto en marcha en Logic en el próximo par de pasos.

Sylenth en AU Lab.

Paso 3 - Configuración MIDI externo en Logic Pro X

Lanzamiento de Logic Pro X. Ive creó un proyecto vacío y lo más importante creado una pista MIDI externo. Bien usar esto para desencadenar Sylenth.

Cree una pista MIDI externo.

Abra la biblioteca y seleccione Sylenth1Demo

Ajuste la salida MIDI correcta para el canal en la Biblioteca.

Reproducción de una nota en el teclado MIDI ahora debe dar lugar a Sylenth en AU Lab! Una vez más, no hay sonido por el momento ... Pues frente a ese lado.

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Paso 4 - Configuración de audio Preferencias

Ahora tenemos que decirle a la lógica de recibir su entrada de audio de la salida de los laboratorios de la UA, que nos pusimos a Soundflower (2 canales). Por lotanto, elija: Logic Pro X

En la ficha Dispositivos, cambie el dispositivo de entrada de Soundflower (2 canales) y retire el conjunto de dispositivos de salida de la interfaz de audio. Ustedtambién tendrá que asegurarse de que el software de monitoreo está marcada.

Ajuste el dispositivo de entrada en Logic para Soundflower.

Haga clic en Aplicar cambios y cerrar la ventana de preferencias.

Paso 5 - And Then There Was Sound

El último paso para el éxito (y por favor no salva esto como una plantilla cuando estás hecho!) Es la creación de un objeto en Logic para recibir la salida de audiodel AU Lab. Podríamos crear un canal auxiliar, pero para este ejemplo Id preferiria crear una pista de audio para que se registre más fácilmente Sylenth de audio

Elija Track

El botón Formato de la entrada y la ranura de entrada se encuentran en la parte superior del canal en el mezclador o el Inspector.

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Haga clic en el botón Input Monitoring en la cabecera de la pista de audio para que pueda escuchar la señal de audio entrante de AU Lab en esa pista.

Asegúrese de que la pista MIDI externo seleccionado y, si no tienes un teclado MIDI conectado, pop teclado Lógica abierto usando Comando-K o Ventana

Hit algunas notas y usted debe estar jugando Sylenth en Logic Pro X! Puede grabar MIDI a la pista como lo haría al utilizar hardware MIDI externo ... Además,puede grabar la salida de AU Lab de la pista de audio mediante la selección de la cabecera de pista y golpear Record!

Felicidad! Estás en Logic Pro X y que está ahora en condiciones de desempeñar sus sintetizadores de 32 bits, registrar los patrones como MIDI y grabar comoaudio.

Esta es una solución útil para mantenerlo utilizando sus sintes y efectos favoritos antes de que sus versiones de 64 bits están disponibles. Ah, y no olvide guardar laconfiguración en AU Lab y guardar su proyecto de Logic Pro X como una plantilla.

Estaban interesados &&en saber de otras maneras youve encontraron usar plug-ins de 32 bits de Logic Pro X. Dinos en los comentarios.

Check out our Logic Pro: What’s New In Logic Pro X course!

1. Introducing Logic Pro X

6. Overview of MIDI FX

14. Flex Pitch

Related ArticlesAdding Punch to Tracks in Logic Pro X

Logic Pro X Score Editor: The Best Yet

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macProVideo Release Logic Pro X 109: Core Training– The Score Editor

Logic Pro 9 to Logic Pro X: Oh No, is it Gone?

Creating Signature Patches with Summing Track Stacks in Logic Pro X

Rounik Sethi | Articles by this author

Rounik is the Editor and Lead-Writer on the MPV Hub. As an Apple Certified Trainer for Logic (and a self-confessed Mac fanatic) he's taught teachers,professional musicians and hobbyists how to get the best out of Apple's creative software. He is a Visiting lecturer at Bath Spa University's Teacher trainingprogram, facilitating workshops on using iLife and digital media tools in the classroom. If you're looking for Rounik, you'll most likely find him (and his articles)on the macProVideo.com Hub & Forums.


Jul 22, 2013Gary HiebnerExcellent tip Rounik! Now don't have to feel so lost in Logic X without Sylenth.

Reply Jul 22, 2013JonathanGreat tip - thanks Rounik.Is there any way to get Sylenth to sync to the tempo of Logic using this method?


Reply Jul 22, 2013RounikThanks Jonathan!

Actually, I'm not really a Sylenth user (hence my use of the demo version in the tutorial!), so I didn't even think of it.

I'm not sure if it is possible to tempo sync using AU Lab ... hmmm, perhaps Mainstage or JBridge would work better for that.


Jul 22, 2013DavidMan, this is a lot of work to get old tech to work with new tech...

I'm sure theres plenty of 64 bit plugins that are just as good (or better) than the old 32 bit plugins that the 3rd party developers seemed to have abandoned?

personally, i'd feel uncomfortable using any software where the last update on their website was in 2009 o.0

Thanks for posting this, but I hope that LPX will mostly get people to move forward :-)Reply

Jul 22, 2013JonathanOK - I didn't know you could do the same trick with MainStage...?Thanks J

Reply Jul 22, 2013PondThis is *identical* to the approach I posted about on Apple's Logic Pro discussion forums several days ago:


...except the author doesn't mention any of the downsides, not least AU Lab instability and overall latency.

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As far as sync etc. goes - this treats your software plugin as an external MIDI instrument, totally independent of Logic as if it were sitting its own metal box in arack somewhere.

Reply Jul 22, 2013RounikHi David,

It seems like more work than it is... but I agree with your sentiment.

I personally prefer to work with as stable a setup as possible and therefore am sticking with 64-bit plugins mainly with Logic Pro X.

I really wrote this for the benefit of some friends who use Sylenth and are waiting for it to become 64-bit. I only see this method as a workaround - not an everydaysolution for using multiple 32-bit plugins in LPX :)

I really hope most devs update their plugins soon to 64-bit so we can all move into the 64-bit future with no more baggage ;-)Reply

Jul 22, 2013RounikHi Pond,

I've answered your post on the Apple Discussions forum too.

Once again, thanks for your observation. Great to know you cam up with the same solution. It's no surprise that 2 or more users can come up with this...

I've been using Soundflower and building complex Logic Environments for years - learning and teaching Logic... so that you came up with a similar/same solutionwould suggest that great minds think alike? ;-)

Thanks for posting your comment here :)Reply

Jul 22, 2013PondI just thought it was worth pointing out that there are stability and latency implications. Some AUs make AU Lab crash outright and Soundflower has been proneto hiccups/dropouts IME ever since Lion.

If only there was a decent Rewire-capable AU host at low/no price then that'd allow for deeper integration at lower latency.Reply

Jul 22, 2013LungRounik, is there any benefit to using AU Lab as opposed to MainStage? I've been meaning to try MainStage 2 since it's already on my hard drive but just haven'tgotten around to it yet. In any case, how's the latency if not negligible? I won't be using Soundflower but actually the front end mixer that comes with my audiointerface to route audio by the way, for what its worth. So figures may be different.

Reply Jul 22, 2013FrankSalvatoBrilliant! It's plain to see that MPV is quickly on it's way to be THE place for those serious about music Production with Logic Pro.

Reply Jul 23, 2013Daniel BrourmanCould you show us how to automate Sylenth using this method? I want to upgrade to Logic Pro X but I use Sylenth a lot and I'm wondering if automating will bemore difficult and slow my work flow down.

Reply Jul 23, 2013RounikHi Lung,

The only benefit I can think of is that AU Lab is free and MainStage costs a very very reasonable amount! So, my tip here is designed to be completely free (as infree lunch!) but certainly Mainstage is an excellent way to go too. I also feel AU Lab is more streamlined and easier to setup for those that don't know about MS.

Yes, Soundflower can introduce some latency into the process. From my tests it's pretty minor, but for other "serious" players it could be a deal breaker. Routingthrough your interface should give better results!! Let us know :)

Reply Jul 23, 2013RounikThanks Frank! We aim to please :)

Reply Jul 23, 2013RounikHi Daniel,

This is really a workaround - so it's not perfect or ideal for the long haul. It's also a free technique...

I'd suggest checking out JBridgeM (VST only host) which costs around $10 I believe. I haven't had time to try it but it could be possible to automate parametersthere. Good luck and let us know if you have any success.

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Reply Jul 23, 2013putteThanks a lot for this well explained workaround.

What I don´t get yet is how to make use of my effects using this method? I´d be happy fpr hints. :)Reply

Jul 23, 2013putteTo be more precise:

Is there a way to simply add 32-bit effects to my audio tracks?Reply

Jul 23, 2013gabriel junghello it works fine! Is it now possible for me to get it play some of my logic pro 9 profects where i used slenth1 aswell! greetings from germany

Reply Jul 23, 2013RounikThanks putte! To be honest I haven't properly tried using 32-bit audio fx in LPX. It's more complex really and I think would require a much more complexworkaround.

Personally, I'd load up Logic Pro 9 or another 32-bit capable DAW and run them there.Reply

Jul 23, 2013RounikHi Gabriel,

Glad it's working well for you.

Unfortunately, that won't work because Logic Pro X can't directly host 32-bit plug-ins and there's no way I know of for AU Lab to know the settings of Sylenthfrom a Logic 9 project.

If you're in any way heavily reliant on 32-bit plugins as used in a previous project I'd recommend still using Logic Pro 9 for those projects.

The good news is: I've heard on the grapevine that Sylenth 64-bit is being worked on as I type...


Jul 23, 2013LungThanks for the answers, Rounik!

Reply Jul 23, 2013Utopian 811I would like to suggest the VEPro method. It's very easy to use, syncs, and while it costs a few $$$ the included "Epic Orchestra" library is a pretty good basicsample library that can be used with awesome results.

That and the big plus that it takes the issue of Logic's CPU balancing (or lack of it) and lets you optimize your computers power.

This used to be a so so app a few years ago, but in the last year has become the best option out there for either using multiple computers for sample library use forcomposers or if you just wanna use any older computers or something like a Mac Mini as synths...

George Leger IIIwww.georgetechguru.com

Reply Jul 23, 2013gabriel jungOk thank you very much anyway!I already started finishingmy old projects with logic 9

Reply Jul 24, 2013Gavin fivepastcrewExcellent work Rounik..

Reply Jul 24, 2013RounikHi George,

I agree. The VEPro method is preferable, more reliable and useful...

But most people seem to be looking for a free solution/workaround to tide them over. Definitely VEPro would be a good investment if the user is serious and ableto open their wallet ;-)


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Reply Jul 24, 2013RounikThanks Gavin! :)

Reply Jul 24, 2013gabriel jungAlthough its working Im still hoping for a 64bit version.It would just make things so much easier!

Reply Jul 24, 2013RounikHi Gabriel,

I agree 100%... and there's some good news from Lennar Digital released today:


From the Lennar Digital website:

"23 July 2013Recently we receive a lot of questions about how to run Sylenth1 in 64bit hosts on OSX, such as the new Logic X and Ableton Live 9. We are still working on a64bit version of Sylenth1 and we're hoping to get it done before the end of this year. Until then there are a few options to run Sylenth1 in these hosts. You can findan example walkthrough here (links to this page).

For Ableton Live it is recommended to use the 32bit version of Live to run Sylenth1. If you still need the 64bit version, you can use JBridge to run Sylenth1. "Reply

Jul 24, 2013gabriel jungMade my day !!! :)

Reply Jul 25, 2013Juan ZambranoThank You very much for this tutorial, A Life Saver !!!

I have only been able to play one instance of Sylenth on my Logic Pro X, whenever I try a second track, it all goes OMNI, so I hear the same performance with thedifferent channels, Is there a way to have more than one Channel?

Reply Jul 25, 2013Juan ZambranoEDIT:

I was able to play different instances of Sylenth on different tracks by changing de different instance's MIDI channels in the MIDI editors on each instance ( Upperright corner ) inside AU Lab's documents, but MIDI Channel 1 Can't be used, whenever I try to use MIDI Channel 1 it goes into OMNI mode,Using MIDI Channel 2 and above I was able to play several instances of Sylenth on one document...I don't think this is really the best way, but it seems to be working...

Reply Jul 25, 2013JohnnyI understand some users have used Jbridge and maschine, can some give a walkthrough on how to do this? I have both and I'm struggling and poor Joao at Jbridgeis being very helpful but we haven't got round it yet for my mac, just wanna make sure 'm doing it right


Jul 25, 2013Jimi BIs there any way to run Superior Drummer in logic pro x? I just got it days before LPX launched, and I'm new to both. Any suggestions?

Reply Jul 27, 2013LeonI tried this method and I can get sound coming through the Audio channel but not the MIDI. I have an old project which I converted to MIDI data and opened onLogic X and I need to add a 32 bit AU to it, any idea what I did wrong?

Reply Jul 27, 2013RounikHi Jimi B, sure! Superior Drummer 2 is 64-bit compatible so it will appear in the Instrument drop-down menu on a Software Instrument Channel strip :)

Reply Jul 27, 2013RounikHi Leon,

Try it in a new Logic Pro X project, maybe restart AU Lab too...

Hope it works for you.Reply

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Jul 28, 2013Thanks for the run down on thatI have to use software like this for a living it's really bull&#@t that it doesn't run 32bit 3rd party plugs, the work around is so much of a pain in the ass that I'mreally reluctant to move forward with this version. I've been with Logic since 8 and I'm beyond frustrated that this simple compatibility service hasn't been added tothis version. I live in 3rd party plugs and I'm not interested in performance and latency issues or having to run soundflower or and AU Lab work around's. In short;if they don't figure out better 32bit support then Logic X can go eat **************. Logic Pro 9 is great, and if it ain't broke...... Don't fix it.

Reply Jul 29, 2013Jimi BGot it... Thanks Rounik, best of both worlds! SD & Drummer work well in LPX.

Thanks for the prompt response.Reply

Jul 29, 2013Utopian 811Hi Rounik,I did a tutorial that is on You Tube about using Logic Pro X and VEPro 5 together to run 32 bit plug-ins. Can I post the link here so people can see the difference inrunning the AU Lab VS VEPro, or would you prefer I start a new topic (which I might have already done).Since it seems like the topics are related, and that the VEPro method is much easier (though more costly) and I think people would want to see just how easy.ThanksGeorge Leger IIIAKA George Tech Guru.

BTW I have no affiliation or connection with the people at VSL. I bought and paid for their software that I'm using for this tutorial. Also, if you do buy VEPro,you will get the "Epic Orchestra" sample library free with it. This is a 3 GB sampled orchestra, simple to use, and fantastic sounding, a great addition to onessample collection.

Reply Jul 29, 2013RounikHi Jimi B, glad to hear it :)

Reply Jul 29, 2013RounikHi George,

Sounds like a good new thread for the macProVideo.com Logic forums :-)Reply

Jul 29, 2013Utopian 811Done... If anyone wants to see my video on Logic Pro X and VEpro running Sylenth, cheak out the link in the post I did about it...



Jul 30, 2013Au LabsThanks for the info, The AU labs crashes on my system while validating plugins.

Reply Aug 05, 2013AndresThanks for the great tutorial! But how do you automate synth parameters in Logic Pro X? If someone can answer to this question, I'd appreciate that! :))

Reply Aug 05, 2013don salmonhi, this workaround was great for getting Miroslav Philharmonik (a 32 bit plug in for now - supposed to be updated to 64 by the end of the year) to work in LogicX.

I'm still having trouble getting two different MIDI sounds at the same time. I've been fiddling around with different channel assignments in both MIroslav andLogic X.

I can do another workaround - I can record each track as an audio track, but that way I don't get to hear what the various sounds are like together before the audiorecording.

Anyway, if anybody knows how to deal with this, I'd really appreciate it.

(or, heck, I'll just do the recording in Logic 9!!)Reply

Aug 12, 2013CHRONOJAZZHi Rounik,thx so much for the workaround,tremendously helpful..have hit a slight snag tho...i'm trying to get Xln's Addictive Drums to work

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with a midi kit but it wont trigeer on any midi channel..it plays the demo audio fine with the AU Lab workaroundbut i cant seem to get it to trigger from either a midi kit or a keyboard controller...the kit and keys are triggering the new LPX kits just fine, but not AD..All midi channels have been tried and the midi is going in ,but in the tutorial when is says i should see the channels show the kit sounds without hearing them ,theyaren't being triggered.Any help/ideas most welcome...On the upside i can now trigger RMX kits from the midi kit which i couldn't do in LP9..Which is nice..Cheers, i've just found this forum and it's excellent.Thx again,-CJ

Reply Aug 12, 2013RounikHi ChronoJazz,

No problem at all :)

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with Addictive Drummer. Have you setup each track in Logic to its own MIDI channel? hmmm... not too sure I'm afraid.

I didn't consider multi-instruments when writing this tutorial. If you find a solution do let me know.

I'll have time to take a look over the weekend maybe. If I discover anything I'll let you know... though, a better solution to using AU Lab and Soundflower wouldbe VEPro (a few hundred dollars) - it can run 32-bit plugins in Logic Pro X... and I believe it'll work a lot better.

Another author has written about this recently... so stay tuned to macProVideo as we'll publish it in the coming days.


Reply Aug 12, 2013Utopian 811FYI Addictive Drummer IS 64 bit now. Just download the latest version at the site.

Reply Aug 14, 2013henkxHi Rounik,

thank you very much for your contribution!

I tried to run Steinbergs virtual guitarist, I get sound, but the plugin won't play as it should, you can hear only the first chord but no groove follows. After a fewmoments the first chord can be heard again and so on.

In this discussion Main Stage was mentioned: Do I need version 3 or could do version 2, delivered with Logic Studio, do the job?

Itried to connect Main Stage 2 and Logic X, but it did'nt wor so far.If someone could give me a hint, I would be very glad.

Best wisheshenkx

Reply Aug 15, 2013henkxHi there,

finally I got it to work with MainStage 2, seems to be ok far now.

One thing I always wanted to know: If I want to use Vienna Ensemble, it has to be Ensemble Pro?

With the VSL Special Edition there came the Ensemble, but I only could create instances with Vienna instruments.

Best regardshenkx

Reply Aug 16, 2013Utopian 811Yes you need Vienna Ensemble Pro to use it as plug-in host.

Reply Aug 18, 2013Komplete 8 Ultimate on Logic ProHi guys,

I came here looking for a solution, when I realised my Komplete 8 Ultimate sounds disappeared from Logic Pro X. Just to confirm: Is the issue people areencountering got to do with Logic ProX not detecting Komplete 8 at all? Or is it that Komplete 8 fx don't work? I use Komplete 8 Ultimate and at first I had a hardtime finding it on Logic Pro X. But now, I got a way out. But I have to tested that all the plugins work.


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Aug 18, 2013bobdemaaI'm wrapping up a couple of days worth of working on a 32bit interface that is reliable. I mainly need to insert a couple of plug-ins that are still 32 bit, but likeworking in Logic X for the most part.

AU Lab for whatever reason does not like FLUX plug-ins, and AU lab seemed a little crash, had to bail on that.

Tried Vienna Ensemble Pro, but there's too many hoops to jump through and my ability to get audio to just consistently pass through like a plug-in would justwasn't happening for me. It's likely that the intention of VEP is meant for slightly different uses than I need.

I decided to give RAX a try, from Audiofile-Engineering. They've made some great improvements on this application which I hadn't tried since many years ago.It's been working great and lets me use Logics I/O plug-in to get in and out of it which I prefer for my workflow.

Rax also has the added benefit of VST support. It also looks like it has Multichannel support up to 8, I may have to try that with surround mixes from Pro Toolswhere I'd like to use some VST's...

As with all things, YMMV, but this seems a good solution for now.Reply

Aug 23, 2013G.F. BigHi Rounik,

Thanks for the tip. Is it possible to run instances of, say, Miroslav and Sonik Synth 2 in the same project via this method?



Aug 25, 2013RounikHi G. F.

I think it'll be tricky to set up with this method...However, stay tuned to:www.askaudiomag.comin a few hours from now we'll publish an article on running 32-bit plug-ins (multiple ones too) in Logic Pro X using VEPro.


Aug 25, 2013G.F. BigThanks for your reply, Rounik. VEPro costs mucho pesos, non?

Reply Aug 25, 2013RounikHey GF,

Admittedly is does cost... seems to be about 150 Euros (probably about the same in dollars).http://www.vsl.co.at/us/211/497/537/1456/1083.htm

But, a few of our authors tell me you get a lot of bang for your buck with it... lots of excellent features and sounds. Also, looks like a very efficient way to run 32-bit plug-ins in Logic Pro X.


Aug 25, 2013G.F. BigAgain, Rounik, thanks. In looking around for this software, am I missing something when I see that it is only a host for sample libraries bought separately, or doesit have its own instruments?

Reply Aug 25, 2013RounikHi G. F.,

Oops. My bad... so yes, if you get VE Pro you get a 9 GB collection of high-quality samples:http://www.vsl.co.at/en/211/497/1685/1990/2016/1703.htm

And, yes, that means the price creeps up too... though if you're already in the market for orchestral samples I've heard it's a good buy!

We'll be publishing the article on using VE Pro to host 32-bit plugins in Logic Pro X on Monday (tomorrow)... so take a look through the steps (very few involved)to get a sense whether it's the route you'd like to take.



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Aug 25, 2013Utopian 811Well, there is a tutorial that goes through the VEPro/Logic Pro X 32 bit plug-in setup here:



Aug 26, 2013RounikHi All,

We've just published our article on using VEPro to host 32-bit plugins in Logic Pro X (you'll find it here at macProVideo.com) or here at AskAudioMag.com:



Aug 29, 2013scottyvI recently completed this and got everything working ,thank you. The only issue I have is when i add another software track, sylenth still plays when i use my midicontrollers on other instruments? Any ideas on how to fix this?

Reply Sep 06, 2013JonStranksI'm completely new to logic and I'm having trouble.. I've followed all the steps and when I play on Logic's keyboard It's lighting up the bar but no sound is comingout?

I think It might have to do with Step 5, where you're meant to set the Input Format button to Stereo because I couldn't work out how to do it, thanks!Reply

Sep 06, 2013JonStranksI'm also having trouble saving it as a template, it comes up with, 'Please choose a location in the template folder or one of its subfolders!'


Sep 07, 2013RounikHi JonStranks,

In other projects do you have sound coming through? Have you set your Audio Device for input and output correctly in the Logic Pro > Preferences > Audiowindow?

Is the channel strip for the track setup correctly with its output and input?

In terms of setting the stereo format button/input for the audio track click on the track header and in the Inspector on the left is its channel strip. Next to "Input"you should see a circle (mono) or interlinked circles (stereo). clicking on this button will toggle the input type between the two. Clicking on the word "Input" willallow you to set the input for the audio channel.

Hope this helps.

And regarding templates, simply choose File > Save as template...Choose a name and make sure the location is set to:Users/~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Project Templates/


P.S. I'd highly recommend checking out the Logic Pro X video courses here to help you master Logic quickly:http://www.macprovideo.com/logic

Reply Sep 09, 2013LorenzoI got it to work except for one thing.

I imported a midi clip from Ableton, to use in Logic. When I play the keyboard, the audio plays through just fine. However, when I add the midi clip to the sametrack and hit play, no audio comes through. Is there a way to fix this? I would love to be able to edit and humanize this midi performance in Logic instead ofexporting an audio track from Ableton.


Sep 10, 2013RounikHi Lorenzo,

That sounds like a different issue.

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Have you tried importing the MIDI clip to a different software instrument track in Logic?

It should work fine as long as it's on the correct track (i.e. not on the audio track).


Sep 10, 2013LorenzoI got it to work. I'm not sure why this worked but disabling the "record enable" on the external midi track allowed the audio to pass through once the midi clip wasplaced on the track.

On a separate note, it seems unfortunate that I cannot record audio while this reroute occurs, since I have to change the input to my audio interface. I guess thatmeans I will need to bounce the track down to an audio file first, which isn't a huge deal.

Thanks for the work-around! This saved me a lot of time.Reply

Sep 18, 2013JesusHello, so i have Logic Pro 9 and recently download Logic X, i did everything what here says and it worked, but now i want back to use the Logic 9, so i openedlogic 9 and neither Sylenth Or Nexus appears on plugins. Can someone help me please.

Reply Sep 21, 2013David JHello,

Thanks for this tutorial. I'm having problems with hearing sound...

(FWIW I'm an relatively experienced Logic user - at least of the previous versions :-))

I can see the signal on the MIDI channel, and when I hit the keys on the plugin (Sylenth) within AU Lab I can hear sound, but when I'm back in LPX, nothing.

Can someone help ?Reply

Oct 18, 2013sylenthI think that the people from syleth 1 are being lazy and slow on the 64 bit version .it use to be my main synth now i use nexus 2 because they got good sound and is64 bit without having to jump a bunch of hoops sorry lennar but i was looking forward to silent 2 64 bit and with other much needed improvements. i still love howit sounds so hopefully soon


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