cholera hosp M'

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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Transcript of cholera hosp M'

  • 8/7/2019 cholera hosp M'


    Presented by:

    Deepika Acharya

    Rajshree Chavan

    Bhumika Kosambia

    Aarti Paradkar

    Amita Vasu

  • 8/7/2019 cholera hosp M'




  • 8/7/2019 cholera hosp M'


    Rural people of cholera affected area in



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    poor sanitation

    unhygienic living conditions

    contaminated drinking sources

    characterized by profuse watery diarrhea,

    vomiting, and leg cramps

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    Campaign Management Unit (CMU)

    Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)

    Awareness Raising and Information


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    Intensify hygiene promotion and awareness campaigns;

    Essential drugs such as ORS, supplies and equipment (cholerabeds, buckets, spray pumps, linen for patinets, hand washingbasins) for proper case management at Cholera Treatment


    Additional health workers to handle expanding CTCs

    Training of community health volunteers and participatory

    health and hygiene educators on hygiene promotion; Pre-positioning cholera kits in cholera prone areas.

    Logistics and transport assistance to government and/ormunicipal health staff to respond to

    disease outbreaks;

    Wet feeding for patients and health staff at CTCs

    Capacity-building of community-level health cadres within MVPcommunities to improve early

    detection and active case finding;

    Address the immediate need for potable water and sanitationfacilities in affected areas.

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    In September and October, a mass media campaign washeld in India with the support of Sachin Tendulkar andYuvraj Singh, two hugely popular cricket celebrities.

    Almost 1 million school teachers received training courses

    to execute the campaign and to reach out to about 100million school children. Materials developed included:posters, teacher training module on handwashing,pamphlet with pledge for students, TV spots and radiojingles, all including 25 seconds central song on the 5 stepsfor correct handwashing.

    The concerned ministers at national and state levelslaunched the campaign on 15th October by participating inthe handwashing activities with children in rural schools.Activities in schools included: children pledging towardshygiene, organized handwashing games and washing handsin a giant waterfall.

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    information about the disease

    Hygiene Promotion

    Sanitization exercises

    interactive and photograph sessions

    benefits of a hygienic lifestyle

    At public water points:

    Handing out free Aquatab purification tablets

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    Hygienic disposal of human faeces

    Adequate supply of safe drinking waterGood food hygiene

    Cooking the food thoroughly & eating ithot

    Avoid raw vegetables unless peeled

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    Sterilization: Boiling, filtering, and

    chlorination of water before use Fish, particularly shellfish taken from

    contaminated water and eaten raw or

    insufficiently cooked

    Boil or pasteurization of the milk.

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    hygiene promotion cards

    Mobile vans

    Emergency contact numbers

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    Hygiene strategies

    These are examples of the inclusive, practicaland appropriate strategies used to promote goodhygiene practices:

    Local heath motivators Community members are recruited to promote

    key hygiene practices to their friends andneighbors. Women are often recruited in theseroles as they are most affected by water andsanitation issues. By receiving training andtaking on an important role they also strengthentheir status within their community.


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    Children and schools

    Children are taught good hygiene messages inschools throughsongs, games and drama.

    A hygiene education mural on a school latrineblock in India.

    Credit: WaterAid / Somesh

    This is done because children are more open todiscussing and changing hygiene habits than

    adults. When children learn the importance ofgood hygiene practices they are encouraged topass these on to their families and friends,extending the benefits long into the future.

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    Community-wide activities

    These can include practical demonstrations

    of hygiene practices, drama performances,radio and puppet shows, videos, picture

    books and cards, and health rallies. Once

    hygiene education has begun it is crucial that

    it continues. All the methodsdescribed here are community-led and

    designed to bring about

    sustainable behavior change

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    simply and successfully treated by oral

    rehydration solution

    Severe cases : intravenous fluid replacement

    Awareness regarding vaccination

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    Produce long-lasting immunity

    Be compatible with the Expanded Program

    on Immunization

    Be able to produce immunity rapidly,ideally after one dose, to be useful inepidemics

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