Chocolate Brownies

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Chocolate Brownies


By María Fernández González

Why is this recipe important to me?

I’m a little chocoholic so I love eating chocolate desserts especially if they are made with dark chocolate and delicious nuts and dry fruit.

This brownie was made in a course in the AUPA and a friend gave me the recipe because he knew that I’m addicted to chocolate.


200 grammes of butter95 grammes of flour100 grammes of dark chocolate205 grammes of sugar or sweetener105 grammes of dry fruitTwo eggs and another yolk100 grammes of white chocolate


Firstly I’m going to chop the chocolate and put it inside a bowl.

Then, I’m going to melt it in an especial way: the bain-marie.

I should do it carefully because if the water goes in the bowl, it will spoil the brownie.


At the same time I will melt the butter in another bowl.


Secondly, I’ll beat the eggs with the sugar and then I’ll add the butter which must be tempered. Afterwards I’ll stir the mixture.

PROCEDUREThen I’ll add the chocolate (it should be tempered


PROCEDUREI’m going to work with the nuts. I choose walnuts

because now they are at the height of the season but in other occasions I chose some pine kernels or pistachios.

I'll open them using a pair of nutcrackers. If you don’t have one, you can use a knife but you should be careful because it’s dangerous.


I’ll chop the nuts in big pieces and then I’ll crush them in the mortar but I’ll do it smoothly because I only want them to lose some oil.


I’ll sift the flour but I don’t have a sieve so I’ll use the colander. Them I’ll mix the nuts with the flour and with the previous preparation.

PROCEDUREI’ll move it with enveloping movements.


Immediately after I’ll bake it in the warm oven for 20 or 25 minutes.

I should use a rectangular baking pan which must be greased and covered with flour but I’ll use a silicone one.


While the mixture is in the oven I’ll prepare the white chocolate cover.

I’ll melt the chocolate by the bain-marie method.


Finally, I’ll remove from its mould and paint it with the white chocolate I previously melted and I’ll cut the brownie in rectangular pieces.


It’s the perfect dessert for a child’s birthday party.