CHATTERBOX...This is the last Chatterbox for Term 1 with the term ending on Friday, 12 April. All...

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Transcript of CHATTERBOX...This is the last Chatterbox for Term 1 with the term ending on Friday, 12 April. All...


PRINCIPAL’S REPORT…. This is the last Chatterbox for Term 1 with the term ending on Friday, 12 April. All students commence Term 2 on Tuesday, 30 April in full winter uniform ready for a very busy Term 2. Please ensure that your child has the correct winter uniform, including black leather shoes and ankle socks (not sport socks which do not protect the ankle). Each time I present a Gold Award at Morning Assembly I reflect on how proud the students are to wear their uniform. It contributes to school tone and also to pride in belonging to our school. This term has certainly flown by. Our Kindergarten students will have been at school 50 days by the end of next week, are settled and are really enjoying learning and playing at BIG school! Their teachers are looking tired but are really enjoying supporting and observing the academic and social growth of their “Kindy Kids.” The Year 6 leaders and Flag Monitors are really growing into their roles, Year 5 have proven to be excellent “buddies” and, in general, the tone of the school is very positive. All teachers are participating in professional learning around Language, Learning and Literacy, the Literacy and Numeracy progressions and the use of data to inform practice. Term 1 has been very busy for us all, with our School Plan being endorsed by our Director yesterday following a 2 hour meeting with the Executive. I would like to acknowledge the work of Ms Mahony as the relieving Stage Coordinator for Term 1. She has done a mighty job despite her stage being spread across the school. Ms Mahony will continue on 2JM for the rest of the year for 2 days per week. We will welcome Miss McIntyre back at the beginning of Term 2 and Ms Mahony will move in to an Instructional Leader role in Literacy and Numeracy for an additional 2 days per week for the rest of the year. Our School Cross Country, held last Monday was a very successful day. Miss Howell, Mrs Walker and Miss King (ably supported by Mr Dodd) planned and executed a very smooth event. We are very grateful for their commitment. I sought feedback at P&C last Monday night and at our Administration meeting on Tuesday morning. Overwhelmingly, the earlier start was positively received. There are a few “tweaks” which we have noted for next year.

You are warmly invited to our ANZAC Day Service which will be held next term on Wednesday, 1 May commencing at 2.00pm. This special service will be held near the flag pole and our Memorial Garden.

As I mentioned in Chatterbox at the end of last year I am planning on retiring (The BIG “R” word has hit me!) this year. I wanted to keep you informed to avoid confusion and misinformation. At this stage my last day (sadly) at Panania PS will be Friday, 24 May (end of Week 4 in Term 2). I then plan to take long service leave and will “relinquish” my right to return to this school enabling our Director, Educational Leadership, Jan Green, to advertise for a new principal to commence for the start of Semester 2 (Term 3). Prior to this, Ms Adams will relieve as Principal from Monday, 27 May until Friday, 14 June and then Ms Ambrose for the remainder of the term.

I hope your Autumn Break has much family time built in and that you have the chance to unwind a little and enjoy the beautiful crisp weather.

See you at the Disco!

With my best wishes,

Sandra Palmer

STOP PRESS 1 A note about our Gymnastics Program commencing at the beginning of Term 2 went home on 4 March allowing a month to make payment, which is due tomorrow 4 April. I know that there has been a lot of expense this term but request that you make this payment this week if possible. It makes our accounting processes so much easier if payments are made on time. At this stage there are still 175 students who have not paid. A note is available online if you have misplaced yours. Thank you for your consideration in attending to this as a matter of urgency. STOP PRESS 2 An arborist has inspected our trees as we have observed a few dead trees and many fallen branches. One tree has been removed today and more work will commence soon. Our trees are very beautiful and create lovely shade but require constant upkeep to ensure they are safe for everyone on site.

Term 1 Week 10 3/4/2019

CHATTERBOX Panania Public School 21A Lawler Street, Panania NSW 2213

Phone: 9773 9017 Fax: 9792 3907 Email:

Congratulations to Jack Campbell 5D, Lilli Howell 6S, Sienna Janceska 3/4AW, Aaminah Kayani 5D, Kayla Pargovski 3/4AW, Ava Pringle 4ST, Isabella Savvides 4ST, Makayla Thompson 5P, Emily Tran 5P, Sophie Willis 4H, Ruby Wise 5P, Mackenzie Baird 6D who received Gold Awards at assembly this term. Congratulations to Megan Hallowes and Memphis Fuatimau who were both selected in the Convenor’s Basketball Teams and played in the SSW Basketball Championships on Monday, 18 March. Congratulations to Jack Campbell, Memphis Fuatimau, and Rhys Parmeter who were selected for the East Hills District Under 11’s Rugby League Team. These students will compete at the SSW Area Carnival on 4 April. Congratulations to Bree Whitehall who was selected for the East Hills District Girls Touch Football Team. Bree will compete at the SSW Area Carnival on Monday, 3 June.

Congratulations to Ryleigh Delacour-Batch who has been invited to be a part of the SSW Conveners Touch Football Team. Ryleigh will compete at the SSW Area Carnival on Monday, 3 June.

WARAMI GARDEN REPORT Our first term in the garden has been very productive in so many ways. Many students are enjoying Garden Club lunchtime activities including, pest identification and natural controls, seed saving, watering, planting, weeding, composting, sculpture making, tase testing (always a favourite) and honing social skills. 2JM, in their Science unit on ‘Living Things’, visited the garden to see how plants are grown and used for food. We gathered, prepared and ate a delicious healthy salad. Kinder students, learning about the needs of ‘Living Things’, planted sunflower seeds and are currently watching them grow. Mrs King and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with such enthusiastic and engaged students. Special thanks to the following people:

Mr Mitchell (Callum Year 2) for his ongoing supply of seedlings;

Mrs Galbraith (Grandma of Arabella Year 3 and Lilli Year 6) for her tomato seedlings which have proven to be an ongoing source of many delicious lunchtime snacks;

Andrew Smith and Lawrence Hall from TreeServe for providing a mountain of mulch;

Mr Brian Barrett and the East Hills Men’s Shed who are constructing an archway into our garden;

Mrs Lonergan for her supply of small, white, plastic moth shapes; and

All the parents and their children who worked so hard in the garden on Saturday… looks wonderful! Martin Ferrier and Nathan 2JM, Clare Ceiley and Zachary KR, Cass Wedgwood and Juliette 5D, Ranjana Seeburrun and Kushal 2JM, Farida Duran and Madison 2JM & Tino, Kim Stephens and Remi KR, Clare Tapp and Natalie 3N, Alyssa 1BM, Megan Gibson and Eli 3/4AW, Allegra 1MW & Cooper.

Mrs P Waskiw & Miss S King Warami Garden Coordinators.

P&C UNIFORM SHOP UPDATE The uniform shop is fully operated by the P&C and run by a small team of parent volunteers. All payments for uniforms must be made directly to the Uniform Shop by either cash, “TAP & GO” card payment instore or online through our gmail account where an invoice will be emailed to you for payment. Payments for uniforms CANNOT be made through the school’s online payment service (POP) or using EFTPOS at the office. A copy of our current pricelist/pre-order form is available from the office and on the school’s website, as follows: – School Notes – General – Uniform Shop Order 2019. For your convenience, you can PRE-ORDER YOUR UNIFORMS in 2 ways:

1. Complete the pre-order form and place it in the Drop

box at the front office (cash enclosed or include your

email address to receive an invoice for online


2. Email us directly at with a list of

the items you require or a copy of the completed form

and we will email you an invoice for online payment.

Remember to include your child’s name and class.

Orders will be filled each Friday when the Uniform Shop is open. Your order will then be sent home with your child asap. If you require something urgently please email us and we’ll do our best!

WINTER UNIFORMS ARE AVAILABLE! From the beginning of Term 2 students will be wearing the winter school uniform. The uniform shop will open on Tuesday AND Friday mornings during the last week of Term 1 and first week of Term 2, from 8.45am - 9.15am to assist as many families as possible. It is usually quite busy at this time of year so please be patient, remembering you can pre-order (details in the Uniform Shop Update below) to save time. GIRLS: Our girls have the option of our winter tunic or navy bootleg pants, both worn with a white Peter Pan collared shirt. Shoes and socks remain the same, however navy tights may be worn under the tunic for extra warmth. Winter tunic = $40 each (sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16). Winter bootleg pants = $40 each (sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16). White Peter Pan short sleeved shirt = $20 each (sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16). White Peter Pan long sleeved shirt = $20 each (sizes 6 and 8 only).

BOYS: While some boys wear their grey shorts and blue short sleeved shirt all year round, we do stock long grey pants and some long sleeved school blue shirts (as pictured). Shoes and socks remain the same. Long grey pants = $25 each (sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16) Long sleeved blue shirt = $20 each (sizes 6 and 8 only) UNISEX SPORT: Our winter sport uniform is a Microfibre tracksuit (as pictured). We also have some long sleeved sport polo shirts available. Sport shoes and socks remain the same. Microfibre jacket = $45 each (sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16) Microfibre track pants = $25 each (sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16) Long sleeve sports polo = $20 each (sizes 6 and 8 only)

Thank you again for supporting the P&C by using our Uniform Shop!

Woolworths Earn & Learn 2019 Woolworths Earn & Learn is back and it is now easier than ever to earn valuable equipment for your primary school, secondary school or Early Learning Centre. In our last campaign, more than 16,000 schools and Early Learning Centres benefited from the program, boosting supplies in classrooms, libraries, music rooms, gymnasiums and science labs. It's simple to participate. From Wednesday 1st May and Tuesday 25th June 2019 or while stock lasts, when your staff and parents shop at Woolworths they can collect Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers from the checkout operator, via team members at the self service checkout or through an online order and place them on a Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker Sheet. There will be one Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker for every $10 spent (excluding liquor, tobacco, and gift cards). Once completed, simply place the Sticker Sheet in the Collection Box, either at your school or at your local Woolworths. You can then redeem your Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers for valuable education equipment for your school or Early Learning Centre. You can find everything you'll need for the program below. And don't forget parents and friends can access your barometer via so be sure to keep updating your points!

STEWART HOUSE REMINDER Stewart House donation envelopes were distributed with the last Chatterbox and are due back at school by Wednesday, 10 April to be included in the prize draw. Also a reminder Stewart House bags are to be returned to school by Wednesday, 10 April. . Thank you again for your support. Mr B Dodd, Coordinator.


The rule we are focusing on for Term 1 , Week 11 is:

Be Respectful

You can support us at home by having discussions with your child/children about what “Being respectful” means and what this rule means in different settings.

We sincerely thank our advertisers for their support of our school. The Department of Education and Panania

Public School do not necessarily endorse these companies or their services and products.


Be Collaborative/Responsibility

Please support us at home by having discussions with your child/children about what ‘responsibility’ means at home,

at school and in the community.

DIARY DATES Friday, 5 April

P & C School Disco Tuesday, 9 April

Treat Day – Hot Cross Buns and Milk

Photo Day #2 Years 5 and 6 Wednesday, 10 April

Combined Scripture Thursday, 11 April

NSW Swimming Carnival Day 1 Friday, 12 April

NSW Swimming Carnival Day 2

Last Day of term

TERM 2 Monday, 29 April

Staff Only Return Tuesday, 30 April

Students K-6 return Thursday, 9 May

Mother’s Day Stall Tuesday, 28 May

District Cross Country Wednesday, 29 May

School Athletics Carnival

PAYMENTS - WHAT’S DUE WHEN Resource Package Overdue Kindergarten $55 Years 1 & 2 $75 Years 3 & 4 $90 Years 5 & 6 $95 Gymnastics Program Due Thursday, 4 April ‘Dancefever Multisport’ $35 each First 2 children Third child $30 Fourth or more free School Contribution Due end of Term 1 All Years $45 per student OR $120 for a family of 3 or more