Chapter 21 english civil war

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Transcript of Chapter 21 english civil war

English Revolution

Opposition to the CrownUnder Elizabeth’s 45 year reign,

Parliament gained a lot of powerJames I (1603-1625)

Elizabeth I dies with no heirPromoted divine rightDisagreements Puritans and ParliamentTranslated Bible

Charles I (1625-1647)

Charles constantly was dissolving Parliament over taxation

Implemented martial law in England

1628-Parliament forced Charles to sign the Petition of Rights(p. 180), ignores

Charles and Archbishop Laud persecuted the Puritans (Great Migration)

Civil WarFacing many invasions, Charles had

to turn to the Puritan-ruled ParliamentCharles refuses reforms

Charles-Royalists/CavaliersOliver Cromwell-Roundheads-

ParliamentCharles was captured and executed

in 1649

Political UnrestOliver Cromwell (1649-1658)

formed a common wealthNavigation Act (1651)Ineffective so he implemented military

rule under Puritan LawThe monarchy and parliament were

“restored” in 1660 More individual rights (Habeas Corpus)

The Merry MonarchCharles II

Puritans lost their power Constitutional monarchy limited the king

Charles’ successor was his Catholic brother James II in 1685

The Whigs opposed James as king and the Tories supported him

Glorious Revolution (1688)

Protestant daughter Mary married to William the Orange of the Netherlands

Both parties supported William claiming the throne

James II fled to France Later led a revolt with the Irish (1689)

Change in Power William allowed Parliament to be primary ruler Passed Bill of Rights that further weakened the

monarchy (p.183) Monarch could not rule without Parliament’s

consent Had to be a protestant-Act of Settlement

(1701) Act of Union (1707)

United Scotland and England

Rise of Parliament Power

Anne and George I (1702-1727) chose members of Parliament for a cabinet

Robert Walpole First prime minister King granted him many administrative


Expanding Empire

Under George III (1760): England defeated France in the 7

Year’s War (1756-1763)Gained Canada and France’s

territory east of the Mississippi R.