Ch.24 “The New Era”

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Ch.24 “The New Era”. Fear of Change. Nativism Isolationism Red Scare Palmer Raids Sacco and Vanzetti KKK Quota System Strikes . P olitics. Warren G. Harding “Return to normalcy” Return to old-guard conservative Republicans. Limited government regulation Domestic Policy: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Ch.24 “The New Era”

Ch.24“The New Era”

Fear of Change• Nativism• Isolationism• Red Scare• Palmer Raids• Sacco and Vanzetti• KKK• Quota System• Strikes

PoliticsWarren G. Harding “Return to normalcy”• Return to old-guard conservative Republicans.• Limited government regulation

Domestic Policy: -Reduction in income tax-Increased tariff rates to the highest ever (Fordney-McCumber

Tariff)-Bureau of BudgetScandals and Death:Ohio Gang: Appointed good and some VERY bad men for

positions. (Teapot Dome) Bribery and scandal -Died suddenly in August 1923.

Harding & Foreign PolicyPeace Movement

• Washington Conference: Stabilize armaments. • Five-Power Treaty - Navy ratios: US 5, Britain 5, Japan 3, France 1.67, Italy 1.67.• Four-Power Treaty - US, France, GB, and Japan respect

each other’s territory in the Pacific• Nine-Power Treaty - Open Door Policy

• Kellogg-Briand Pact- All nations signed a pact to not use aggressive force to achieve national ends.

• Dawes Plan- A cycle to help Germany pay war reparations and Britain and France pay back borrowed money to the US.

PoliticsCalvin Coolidge “Silent Cal”“The business of America is business”

• Election of 1924: Wins reelectionVetoes and inaction: • Vetoed almost everything, wouldn’t help struggling farmers or

veterans. • Andrew Mellon (Secretary of Treasury)- Reductions in taxes,

personal income and inheritances. • Herbert Hoover: (Commerce Department)- “

Coolidge declines a second term Herbert Hoover runs for president

“New Era” Economic Development

• 1921: Postwar recession• Business prosperity: (1922-1928)

Standard of living higher, indoor plumbing, central heating, electricity, income increased for most middle and working class.

Reasons for Business Prosperity: • Increased productivity: Assembly line, mass production• Energy Technologies: Oil and electricity instead of coal. • Technological Advancements• Government policy

Questions: • What did both Harding and Coolidge promote during their


• What did the passing of numerous armament treaties as well as the Kellogg-Briand Pact signify?

• How did the automobile change American life?

• What advances were made in the airplane industry during the postwar years?

• In what ways did the increase of the standard of living change/improve life in America?

Prohibition• “Noble Experiment”• Defying the law- Popular to ignore the law and drink.• Speakeasies- Bars that gave access to bootleg liquor. • Gangsters- Al Capone used alcohol to strengthen his

posse. • 1933- 21th Amendment repealed the 18th

Women and Minorities

• Women: “Pink-Collar” Jobs- Low paying jobs (secretaries, salesclerks, telephone operators, etc…)

• Blacks: Janitors, garbage collectors, dish washers. *Neither group represented by unions*A. Philip Randolph- Sleeping Car Porters union

Flapper: Changing Family

Rough times for farmers • Increase in tractors/production• Better planting technologies: Hybrid corn• Overproduction led to lower prices.

• “Parity”- Gov. ensure farmers a certain price for crops -McNary-Hangen Bill- Wouldn’t pass.

Pop Culture

Decline of the “Self-Made Man”• “Self-Made Man” becomes more of a myth

than reality.• Men sought after other outlets for “manhood”• Heroes: Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and

Charles Lindbergh (Aviator flew solo across the Atlantic.)

Literature of Alienation

• Writing turned against religion and wartime. • Gertrude Stein called these postwar writers and

peoplea “lost generation”• F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, & Sinclair

Lewis, Ezra Pound, & T.S Lewis spoke out against -Ideals of earlier times-Materialism

Harlem Renaissance• Harlem NY became famous for black actors,

artists, musicians, and writers.

Poets & Musicians: -Looked at African American heritage-Jazz Age- Duke Ellington & Louis Armstrong-Blues- Bessie Smith, Paul Robeson