CatalogAlmalux 2009

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Transcript of CatalogAlmalux 2009



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Prezentarea CompanieiCompany Presentation

Serii de ProduseProduct Series

Referinţe LegislativeLegislative References

Sisteme de CablareWiring Systems

Sisteme OpticeLouvers

Semne ConvenţionaleConventional Signs

„Chair şi cel mai banal context, metamorfozat prin fluxluminos, poate deveni spectaculos. Iar cel mai spectaculos obiect are nevoie de lumină pentru a străluci.“

"Even the most common context, metamorphosed throughlighting beam can become spectacular. And the most spectacular object needs light to shine."



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ALMA LUX LIGHTING, specializată în producţia corpurilor de iluminat, aparatelor tehnice de iluminat şi echipamentelor pentru instalaţii electrice, este o societate consacrată în domeniul electricităţii şi iluminării profesionale, plasată pe locul secund în industria naţională de profil.

Brand-ul ALMA LUX LIGHTING este asociat produselor care soluţionează exigenţele iluminatului de tip comercial, industrial, rezidenţial, arhitectural, sportiv, exterior, stradal - produse care, în exploatare, îşi menţin performanţele pe termen lung şi eficientizează consumul de energie electrică.

Afirmarea incontestabilă a societăţii se datorează politicii de dezvoltare, ce vizează atât îmbunătăţirea calităţii şi diversităţii produselor, pentru un nivel merceologic competitiv, cât şi realizarea unor acorduri strategice de distribuţie, pentru o recunoaştere şi apreciere crescândă la nivel teritorial.

ALMA LUX LIGHTING este catalizatorul relaţiei dintre funcţionalitate şi context, prin intermediul unei platforme comune de resurse şi echipamente dedicate producţiei, cercetării, dezvoltării şi testării. Şi toate acestea deoarece ALMA LUX LIGHTING consideră că: „percepţia clientului conturează imaginea companiei“.

Responsabili pentru realizarea analizelor de piaţă şi interpretarea rezultatelor statistice, sunt profesioniştii departamentului cercetare-dezvoltare. În acest mod, sunt generate direcţiile de dezvoltare ale culturii organizaţionale, respectând totodată conformitatea domeniului şi etica profesională.

ALMA LUX LIGHTING, specialized in manufacturing of the lighting fixtures, luminaires and electrical installation equipments, is a renowned company in the electricity and professional lighting field, situated on the second place in the national profile industry.

ALMA LUX LIGHTING brand is associated with products that answer to commercial, industrial, residential, architectural, sporting, exterior, street lighting demands – products that maintain their performances on long term operation and have an efficient power demand.

The indisputable self-assertion of the company is owed to the development policy that sets its sights on quality improvement and product diversity, for a merceologic competitive level, signing strategic distribution agreements for a higher recognition and consideration on territorial level.

ALMA LUX LIGHTING is the accelerator of the relationship between functionality and context through a common platform of resources and equipments dedicated to manufacture, research, development and testing. And all this because ALMA LUX LIGHTING considers that "the client's perception takes shape into the company's image".

The high professional staff from the research-development department is responsable with the market analysys and interpretation of statistic results. In this way, the development directions of the organizational culture are generated, respecting both field's conformity and professional ethics.

Investiţiile substanţiale de capital destinate sectorului productiv, au vizat achiziţia de echipamente moderne şi linii automatizate, apte să ofere independenţă în exploatare, majorarea capacităţii de fabrica]ie şi dinamizarea fluxului operaţional. Calificarea lucrătorilor din producţie, prin instruiri tehnice periodice, se reflectă prin gradul ridicat de eficienţă al colectivului la locul de munc`.

Departamentul comercial se remarcă prin capacitatea cu care satisface necesităţile clienţilor, animând competiţia în branşa distribuitorilor de profil. Popularitatea ALMA LUX LIGHTING, cu tot ansamblul de mărfuri, servicii, beneficii, oportunităţi, creşte pe măsura „conjugării eforturilor“ comerciale şi de cercetare a pieţei, în direcţia noilor oportunităţi.

Pe lângă producţia şi comercializarea mărfurilor fabricate, departamentul de asistenţă tehnică asigură partea de suport profesional la soluţionarea problematicilor specifice fiecărui proiect, prin analizarea necesarului de aparatură electrică, dimensionarea şi configurarea sistemelor de iluminat, realizarea calculului luminotehnic în amen`jarile de anvergură, montaj, garanţie şi \ntre]inere cu personal calificat. În acest mod, propria expertiz` profesional` a societăţii este pusă \n slujba clienţilor, spre beneficiul lor.

Great investments in the production department were made for the aquisition of modern equipments and automatic production lines, able to offer self-support in exploitation, a higher production capacity and dinamism to the operational flux. The high competence of the personnel, obtained through periodic technical courses is reflected in our worker's high efficiency.

The commercial department excels in its ability to satisfy the needs of the clients, activating the competition in the distribution field. The popularity of ALMA LUX LIGHTING, with all the goods, services, benefits, opportunities, grows in the same time with the commercial and research of the market "effort conjugation", towards new opportunities.

Beside the production and selling the manufactured products, tehnical asistency department ensures the professional support, solving all the specific problems of any project, analysing the necessary electrical equipments, designing and configurating lighting systems, making lighting computation in ample facilities, installation work, offering warranty and maintenance with high qualified personnel. In this way, our company’s professional expertise attends our clients, for their support.

CERTIFIC~RI PRODUSECERTIFICATIONS PRODUCTSALMA LUX LIGHTING îşi îmbunătăţeşte permanent reputaţia în mediul de afaceri şi datorită certificărilor dobândite în domeniul său de activitate.

• În februarie 2007, societatea a fost avizată favorabil în privinţa agrementelor tehnice ale echipamentelor de iluminat, conforme cu „Metodologia privind programul de urmărire în timp, a comportamentului construcţiilor din punct de vedere al cerinţelor funcţionale“, de către Consiliul Tehnic Permanent pentru Construcţii – certificare MLPTL/CTPC.

• Toate produsele fabricate de ALMA LUX LIGHTING corespund normelor europene impuse echipamente-lor electrice, referitoare la siguranţa electrică, compa-tibilitatea electromagnetică EC 89/339/CEE, reducerea voltajului electric 73/23/EC şi impactul acestora asupra mediului, beneficiind de certificarea Agenţiei Naţionale pentru Protecţia Mediului, în conformitate cu direc-tivele RAEE.

• Din septembrie 2008, produsele fabricate sunt în conformitate cu directivele UE şi îndeplinesc cerinţele esenţiale impuse pe piaţa Uniunii Europene. Societa-tea obţine certificarea de aplicare a marcajului de con-formitate CE şi acordul pentru libera circulaţie a pro-duselor în spaţiul comunitar, fără să afecteze sănătatea sau siguranţa publică.

• În iunie 2006, societatea a fost certificată de TUV Rheinland InterCert Kft., în conformitate cu standar-dul internaţional ISO 9001:2000, ca o confirmare a implementării cu succes a Sistemului de Manage-ment al Calităţii, orientat pe îmbunătăţirea continuă a produselor şi serviciilor către satisfacţia clienţilor. Astfel sunt garantate reglementările de calitate şi performanţele referitoare la „producţia şi comercia-lizarea corpurilor pentru iluminatul industrial, comer-cial şi arhitectural“.

ALMA LUX LIGHTING constantly improves its reputation in the business field due to the certification received in it’s field of activity.

• In February 2007, our company received MLPTL/ CTPC certification from Permanent Tehnical Cons- truction Councile, regarding tehnical ageements for lighting equipments, according to "The methodo-logy regarding pursuance programme of buildings bearing under the aspect of functional requests".

• All the products manufactured by ALMA LUX LIGHTING comply with european regulations imposed to electrical equipments, regarding electrical safety, electromechanical compatibility EC 89/339/CEE, low voltage 73/23/EC and their impact on the environment, and received National Agency of Environment Protec-tion certification, in accordance with RAEE directives.

• Since September 2008, our manufactured products comply with UE directives and thus comply with the rules imposed to the market by UE. Ourcompany received CE certification and the appro-val for free trade of our products in CE space, without affecting the health and public safety.

• In June 2006, our company received TUV Rheinland InterCert Kft. Certification, in conformity with inter-national standard ISO 9001:2000, as a confirmation for the succesful implementation of Quality Manage-ment System, with a continuous trend to improve our products and services towards client’s satisfaction. In this way we ensure, quality and performance regula-tions regarding "the production and selling industrial, commercial and architectural lighting fixtures".


Corpurile şi sistemele tehnice de iluminat fabricate de ALMA LUX LIGHTING, soluţii funcţionale, accesibile şi economice din punct de vedere al consumului de energie electrică, sunt catalogate pe piaţa de consum ca fiind printre acele produse la care nivelul ridicat de calitate este exprimat la preţ corect. Gama merceologic` destinat` ilumin`rii spa]iilor comerciale include plafoniere, spoturi cu tuburi fluorescente şi sisteme modulare cu montaj aparent sau încastrat în plafoane (de tip casetat sau carton-gips), cu balast electronic sau invertor de autonomie, cu optici variate pentru distribuţia directă sau indirectă a unui flux luminos, amplu sau discret, în vederea asigurării condiţiilor optime pentru un confort vizual maxim. Sunt destinate utilizării pentru centre comerciale, showroom-uri, magazine, hoteluri, restaurante, clădiri de birouri, unităţi medicale, centre de date şi de comandă, unităţi de învătământ, săli de spectacole, săli de sport, saloane de înfrumuseţare şi Spa-uri etc.

În vederea unui management energetic eficient, indiferent de destinaţia de utilizare a sistemelor tehnice de iluminat, ALMA LUX LIGHTING recomandă să se realizeze iniţial proiecte luminotehnice de evaluare a necesarului de surse artificiale numai după determinarea cu exactitate a contribuţiei, variaţiilor, sensului şi intensităţii disponibilului de lumină naturală. Valoarea nivelului de iluminare este maximă în cazul sarcinilor vizuale foarte exacte, unde se cer performanţe mari. Nivelul descreşte treptat, până la cele mai mici valori, în cazul zonelor destinate circulaţiei şi depozitării mărfurilor.

The lighting fixtures and systems, manufactured by ALMA LUX LIGHTING, functional solutions, accessible and economic regarding energy saving, are recognized on the market as high quality products on a fare price. The commercial lighting range includes luminaires, spot lights with fluorescent lamps and modular systems flush mounted or embedded into ceilings (modular or false), with electronic ballast or autonomy inverter, with different optics for direct or indirect distribution of light, ample or discreet, for optimal conditions and maximum visual comfort. These lighting fixtures are suitable to be used in commercial centers, showrooms, shops, hotels, restaurants, office buildings, medical units, data and command centers, education units, theaters, gyms, beauty salons and Spa etc.

For a more efficient energetic management, no matter what destination the lighting systems have, ALMA LUX LIGHTING recommends, firstly, a lighting project to evaluate the need of artificial lighting sources, after the exact quantification of natural light’s contribution, direction and intensity. The value of the lighting level is maximum in case of high visual capacities, where precise performances are requested. This level decreases gradual, to the minimum, in traffic areas and storage units.

ALMA LUX LIGHTING funcţionează cu o echipă de profesionişti care înţeleg relevanţa acţiunilor în domeniu, a politicilor derulate pentru binele public, a utilităţii şi semnificaţiei unui iluminat corect. Aceştia aduc un aport semnificativ în relaţia dintre calitatea iluminatului şi avantajele de ordin economic, ambiental şi spiritual.

Designerii sunt cei care concep şi re-evaluează formele, modelează fiecare unitate prin stilizări simplificate sau suplimentează artificiile estetice, până în zona ornamentală. Creaţia designer-ilor şi tehnica specialiştilor se regăsesc transpuse în manieră raţională şi expresivă, la peste 300 de produse finite disponibile la ALMA LUX LIGHTING.

ALMA LUX LIGHTING works with a proffesional team that understands the relevance of its actions in the field, the public safety policies and the meaning and utility of a correct lighting. They bring a major contribution in the relationship between lighting quality and economic, ambiental and spiritual advantages.

Designers are the ones that create and re-evaluate shapes, adapt every unit thorugh simplified stylizations or increase esthetics for the ornamental space. The creation and the work of our technical personnel are found, in a rational and expresive manner, in more than 300 products availble at ALMA LUX LIGHTING.



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• {tirbei Palace, Bucharest;

• Praktiker Commercial Center, Piatra Neam];

• Auchan Commercial Center, Bucharest, Suceava;

• University of Agronomy, Bucharest;

• Spiru Haret University, Bistri]a;

• Orange Giule[ti Headquarters, Bucharest;

• Millenium Bank Headquarters, Bucharest;

• Business Center Rosetti Tower, Bucharest;

• Business Center Forum, Bucharest;

• Comrimet Office Building, Cluj Napoca;

• Tetarom Park Office Building, Cluj Napoca;

• Cavatorta Administrative Building, Giurgiu;

• Carson Administrative Building, Giurgiu;

• Office Buildings in Timi[oara, Arad, Ia[i, Drajna;

• Bucharest Municipal Hospital;

• CFR2 Hospital, Bucharest;

• Prejmer Industrial Park, Bra[ov;

• Curtici Industrial Park, Arad;

• Clujana Sports Park, Cluj Napoca;

• Titan Mall Commercial Center, Bucharest;

• General Parma Food, Bucharest;

• Staff Collection Stores, Bucharest;

• Staer Showroom, Bucharest etc.

REFERINŢE REFERENCESALMA LUX LIGHTING înţelege perfect ce însemnă respectarea unei promisiuni şi acordă o deosebită importanţă avantajelor furnizate pieţei, prin intermediul produselor şi serviciilor. Pentru acest fapt numărul proiectelor care poartă amprenta companiei este impresionant. Dintre cele mai importante enumerăm:

ALMA LUX LIGHTING perfectly understands what means to keep a promise and therefore gives a great importance to the advantages provided to the market through its products and services. Therefore, the number of projects signed all over by our company is impressive. The most important are:

DISTRIBUŢIA DISTRIBUTIONCoerenţa şi integritatea funcţională a societăţii este apreciată de un portofoliu bogat de clienţi naţionali (distribuitori, importatori, retaileri, arhitecţi, designeri etc.), cât şi internaţionali, proveniţi din Albania, Belgia, Bulgaria, Cambogia, Franta, Grecia, Italia, Kosovo, Republica Moldova, Serbia [i Ungaria.

Our company’s coherence and integrity is appreciated by a great portofolio of national clients (distributors, importers, retailers, architects, designers etc.) and international clients from Albania, Belgium, Bulgary, Cambogia, France, Greece, Italy, Kosovo, Republic of Moldova, Serbia and Hungary.

PROTECŢIA MEDIULUI Energia electrică este cea mai importantă formă de energie disponibilă pentru civilizaţia modernă, disponibilitatea ei fiind vitală pentru susţinerea structurilor economice. Totodată, energia electrică este unul dintre cei mai importanţi factori ce prejudiciază mediul prin diverse fenomene: creşterea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră, poluarea mediului cu hidrocarburi, stocarea pe termen lung a deşeurilor miniere şi nucleare, despăduriri în ritm alert etc. Sectorul energetic contribuie la emisia în atmosferă a unor cantităţi însemnate de dioxid de sulf (SO2), monoxid de carbon (CO), dioxid de carbon (CO2), oxizi de azot (NOx), particule fine, precum şi la deversarea de ape reziduale.

Pentru reducerea impactului sectorului energetic asupra mediului, România implementează normele reglementate de Uniunea Europeană, referitoare la: lucrări de reabilitare şi modernizare, ecologizarea haldelor de zgură şi cenuşă, monitorizarea continuă a calităţii mediului în zona marilor obiective energetice, reabilitarea solurilor poluate şi reintroducerea acestora în circuitul agricol, reducerea emisiilor de poluanţi la rafinării şi minimizarea pierderilor, refacerea ecologică a unor zone petrolifere prin reducerea riscului în operare, în scopul limitării emisiilor de dioxid de sulf, oxizi de azot şi pulberi.

Obiectivele principale de mediu, regăsite în politica de energie, se referă la minimizarea impactului de mediu şi dezvoltarea unui sistem energetic durabil. Minimizarea impactului de mediu are trei direcţii principale de acţiune: înlocuirea energiilor poluante cu altele mai puţin poluante, introducerea tehnologiilor de reducere a emisiilor de gaze şi creşterea eficienţei energetice.

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONThe electrical energy is the most important form of energy available for the modern civilization, it’s availability being vital for sustaining economic structures. Electrical energy is also one of the most important factors that injures the environment through variate phenomenons like: increase of greenhouse effect due to the toxic gas emissions, pollution of the environment with hydrocarbons, long term conservation of nuclear and mine residues, rapid deforestation etc. The energetic industry contributes to gas emissions in atmosphere with important quantities of: sulfur dioxide (SO2), white damp (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitric oxide (NOx), dust and residual waters.

In order to reduce the impact of the energetic industry on the environment, Romania introduced UE regulations regarding to: rehabilitation and modernization works, ecologic sinter dumps, continuously watching over the environment’s quality near big energetic objectives, the rehabilitation of polluted soils and reintroducing them into agrarian circuit, reducing polluting emissions in refineries and decreasing losses, ecologic recovery of oil lands by reducing the risk in operations, in order to limit sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide and dust.

The main environmental objectives, found in our energy policy, refer to reducing the impact on the environment and the development of a stable energetic system. The decrease of the environment impact has three main action trends: the replacement of polluting energies with less polluting ones, introduction of new technologies to decrease gas emission and finally increasing energetic efficiency.

• optimizarea termică a clădirilor;• optimizarea energetică a proceselor de producţie;• optimizarea reţelelor de termoficare;• optimizarea consumului casnic de energie;• optimizarea transportului.


ECONOMISIREA ENERGIEIPerioada prezentă şi viitoare se caracterizează printr-o tendinţă puternică de eficientizare a consumului de energie, atât la producători, cât şi la consumatori. Aceast` tendinţă are ca rezultat o diminuare a impactului sectorului energetic asupra mediului. Principalele direcţii pentru creşterea eficienţei energetice sunt:

ENERGY SAVINGThe present and future period is characterized by a powerful trend for energy saving both to producers and consumers. This trend has as a result, a decrease of the energetic field’s impact over the environment. The main trends for energy saving are:

Conform prevederilor Politicii energetice a României, măsurile specifice care vor fi adoptate pentru protecţia mediului în domeniul energetic sunt următoarele:

According to Romanian Energetic Policy regulations, the specific measures that will be adopted for the environment protection in the energetic field are:

• realizarea investiţiilor corespunzătoare protecţiei mediului;• internalizarea treptată a costurilor de mediu în preţul energiei;• intensificarea utilizării mecanismelor flexibile prevăzute în Protocolul de la Kyoto şi de Directiva 2003/87/CE privind comercializarea permiselor de emisii de CO2;• promovarea tehnologiilor curate şi în special a pilelor de combustie, precum şi utilizarea hidrogenului ca vector energetic.

• thermal optimization of the buildings;• energetic optimization of production processes;• optimization of heating installations;• optimization of the household energy consumption;• transport optimization.

• achieving investments for the environment’s protection;• gradual introduction of enviromental costs into energy’s price;• intensified use of the flexible mechanism that comply with Kyoto Protocol and 2003/87/CE Directive regarding the sell of CO2 emission licence;• promoting clean technologies and especially ignition elements, as well as the use of hydrogen as an energetic vector.


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Simbolul indic` faptul c` este interzis` depozitarea la co[urile de gunoi.

The symbol indicates that the disposal in garbage bins is prohibited.

Indicele IP indică gradul de protecţie al aparatului împotriva pătrunderii elementelor solide (prima cifră) şi lichide (a doua cifră). Ordinea se stabileşte în sensul creşterii eficacităţii. Există 7 trepte de protecţie împotriva corpurilor solide (de la 0, adică fără protecţie -> până la 6, protecţie integrală) şi 9 trepte de protecţie împotriva lichidelor (de la 0, adică fără protecţie -> până la 8, protejat împotriva imersiunii sub presiune).

IP index indicates the protection degree of the equipment against the penetration of solids (first number) and liquids (second figure). The order increases directly proportional with efficiency increase. There are 7 levels of protection against solids (from 0, without protection -> to 6, total protection) and 9 protection levels against liquids (from 0, without protection -> to 8, total protection against immersion under pressure).

Acest simbol arată că producătorul sau importatorul garantează conformitatea aparatelor cu normele în vigoare din Comunitatea Europeană şi satisface cerinţele administrative pentru vânzarea şi deplasa-rea liberă a produselor, pe teritoriul european.

This symbol indicates that the manufacturer or importer provides the compliance of the equipments with CE regulations and satisfies the administrative requests regarding the sell and free circulation of the products on the european teritory.

Clasa de izolaţie CLASS I este destinată seriei de produse izolate electric şi prevazute cu protec]ie prin \mp`mântare.

Insulation CLASS I is suitable for the series of electric insulated products, provided with protection by grounding.

Simbolul indic` faptul c` aparatul este dotat cu reactor electronic A2 pentru o economie a energiei de aproximativ 20% (15W pe or`, pe lamp`).

This symbol indicates that the equipment is provided with electronic reactor A2 for energy saving of approximately 20% (15W per hour, per lamp).

Clasa de izolaţie CLASS II este destinată seriei de produse prev`zute cu protec]ie \mpotriva şocurilor electrice, printr-o izola]ie adi]ionala, f`r` a depinde de izola]ia principal` şi f`r` a fi necesar` protec]ia prin \mp`mântare.

Insulation CLASS II is dedicated for the series of products provided with protection against electric shock, reinforced with a double insulation, without relaying on basic insulation and grounding.

Acest simbol denumit „dublă izolaţie“, indică faptul că niciun element, conducător al curentului electric, nu este accesibil fără utilizarea uneltelor şi echipamentelor speciale de protecţie. Aceste aparate sunt lipsite de conductorul neutru.

This symbol, also known as "double insulation", indicates the fact that no element, electricity conductive, is not accesible without the use of special tools and protection equipments. These equipments do not contain neutral conductive.

Indicele IK semnalează gradul de protecţie al aparatului împotriva şocurilor mecanice. Acest indice comportă 11 nivele, pornind de la 0, adică fără protecţie, până la 10, care rezistă la o energie de şoc de 20 joule (echivalentul unei mase de 5 kg, ce cade de la o înălţime de 40 cm).

IK index indicates the level of shock resistance of the equipment. It has 11 levels starting from 0, without protection, to 10, that has a shock resistance of 20J (correspondent to a 5 Kg mass that falls from a height of 40 cm).

Simbolul indic` faptul c` aparatul poate fi montat direct pe suprafe]e normal inflamabile.

This symbol indicates that the equipment can be mounted directly on normal inflammable surfaces.

Simbolul indic` faptul c` aparatul este dotat cu receptor cablat cu balast electronic dimabil.

This symbol indicates that the equipment is provided with receiver wired with electronic ballast dimmable

Indic` gradul de protec]ie al aparatului împotriva pătrunderii elementelor solide mai mari de 12 mm şi nu prezintă protecţie la pătrunderea lichidelor.

Indicates the protection degree of the equipment against the penetration of solid objects bigger than 12 mm and has no protection against penetration of liquids.

Indic` gradul de protec]ie al aparatului împotriva pătrunderii elementelor solide mai mari de 1 mm şi nu prezintă protecţie la pătrunderea lichidelor.

Indicates the protection degree of the equipment against the penetration of solid objects bigger than 1 mm and has no protection against penetration of liquids.

Simbolul indic` faptul c` aparatul rezist` la test`ri cu fir incandescent.

This symbol indicates that the equipment resists the test of incandescent wire.

Indic` gradul de protec]ie al aparatului împotriva pătrunderii elementelor solide mai mari de 1 mm şi la pulverizarea elementelor lichide.

Indicates the protection degree of the equipment against the penetration of solid objects bigger than 1 mm and protection against spraying liquid elements.

Indic` un grad ridicat de protec]ie al aparatului împotriva pătrunderii elementelor solide (praf) şi un nivel ridicat de protec]ie la acţiunea direct` a jeturilor lichide.

Indicates the protection degree of the equipment against the penetration of solid objects (dust) and a high level of protection against the direct action of water jets.

Indic` gradul de protec]ie total` al aparatului împotriva pătrunderii elementelor solide (praf) şi un nivel ridicat de protec]ie la acţiunea jeturilor directe de ap`.

Indicates the total degree of protection of the equipment against solids (dust) penetration and high protection against water jets direct action.



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GREY ........ 41

WHITE ........ 21 IVORY ........ 33

BROWN ........ 49

GREEN ........ 53 GRAFFITE ........ 65


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BLUE ........ 125

CHROME ........ 117 VIOLET ........ 121

PURPLE ........ 129

ACCESORIES .... 114, 119, 127AMARANTH ....... 133

YELLOW ........ 77 RED ........ 81

COPPER ........ 107 IVOIRE ........ 111

BLACK ........ 91 COBALT ........ 99


Corpurile din seria White sunt special proiectate şi fabricate astfel încât prin distribuţia coerentă şi uniformă a fluxului luminos să redea un iluminat de tip direct, un nivel optim de lumină şi un confort vizual maxim, asigurându-se cele mai bune condiţii din punct de vedere al funcţionalităţii, sănătăţii şi siguranţei colective. Iluminatul direct se caracterizează prin proporţia mare de flux luminos dirijat în emisfera inferioară şi o proporţie mică de flux emis în emisfera superioară. Aceast` modalitate de iluminat este cea mai eficient` din punct de vedere energetic, deoarece fluxul luminos este orientat cu preponderen]` \n direc]ia planului util.

Fabricarea integrală din tablă de oţel, construcţia de tip modular, echivalenţa dimensiunii laturilor (596 x 596 mm), ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar fixarea prin procedeul de încastrare diminuează timpul de montaj, reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare.

În funcţie de tipologia plafoanelor, corpurile de iluminat din seria White sunt disponibile \n trei versiuni:• White Sight, pentru plafoane din panouri modulare şi structur` portant` la vedere, de 24 mm; • White Board, pentru orice tip de plafoane false, cu excep- ]ia celor cu structuri la vedere sau ascunse; • White Hide, pentru plafoane din panouri modulare şi structur` ascuns`.

Avantaje:• creşterea eficien]ei energetice, prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice; • m`rirea rezistenţei la radia]ii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• prelungirea perioadei de exploatare, prin dotarea cu tuburi liniare fluorescente de tip T8;• facilitarea instal`rii, prin dotarea cu conector rapid cu montaj lateral;• versatilitatea gamei, prin folosirea diverselor sisteme optice: lamelar, dublu-parabolic dark-light, metacrilat multilenticular sau opal.

The White Series lighting fixtures are specially designed and manufactured to provide a coherent and uniform light distribution, to generate a direct lighting, an optimum luminous flux and highest visual comfort, ensuring the best conditions regarding the functionality, health and collective safety. The direct lighting type of these systems is characterized by a large proportion of luminous flux directed to the inferior hemisphere and a small proportion of flow to the superior hemisphere, therefore assuring a maximum visual comfort. This type of lighting is the most energy efficient because the luminous flux is directed mostly into the action plan.

Manufactured entirely from steel sheets, the modular struc-ture with the equivalence of side dimensions (596 x 596 mm) provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance and removal, and, in the same time, the assembling through embedding, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost.

According to the type of the false ceilings, the White Series luminaires are available in three versions:• White Sight, suitable for modular false ceilings with 24 mm sight supporting structure;• White Board, suitable for any kind of false ceiling, excluding sight and hidden supporting structure;• White Hide, suitable for modular false ceilings and hidden supporting structure.

Advantages:• increasing the energy saving, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires, by using T8 tubular fluorescent lamps; • easy installation using the fast connector from the lateral part;• versatility of the series, by using various louvers: lamellar, double parabolic dark-light, multilenticular or opal meta-crylate.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor).Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`.Paleta cromatică: culoare alb`.Zone de utilizare: centre comerciale, magazine, show-room-uri, hipermarket-uri, spaţii deschise de lucru colectiv, zone de call center, holuri şi încăperi de trecere/aşteptare în edificii publice, medii care necesit` un iluminat confortabil.

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated).Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp.Colours: white.Applications: commercial centers, shops, showrooms, hypermarket, open spaces, call center spaces, corridors and passage ways, waiting rooms in public buildings, rooms where a comfortable lighting is needed.




Seria White Sight integrează corpuri de iluminat cu montaj \ncastrat \n panouri modulare cu structura portant` la vedere, de 24 mm. Acestea sunt recomandate spa]iilor deschise, birourilor şi zonelor administrative. Sistemele optice diverse (lamelar, dublu-parabolic dark-light, metacrilat multilenticular sau opal) confer` o mare versatilitate seriei White Sight.

The White Sight Series include luminaires embedded into modular false ceilings with 24 mm open sight supporting structure. These are suitable for open spaces, offices and administrative spaces. The various louvers (lamellar, double parabolic dark-light, multilenticular or opal metacrylate) confer versatility to the White Sight Series.

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sisteme optice cu iluminat direct ce utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare T8.LA - Aluminiu lucios cu lamele striate;LB - Aluminiu alb cu lamele lise;DKE - Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°; DKE1 - Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°;LT - Metacrilat multilenticular cu ram` din aluminiu;LTO - Metacrilat opal cu ram` din aluminiu.

Light Sources and LouversDirect light systems that use T8 linear fluorescent lamps.LA - Specular aluminium with striped transverse blades;LB - White aluminium with transverse blades;DKE - Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium;DKE1 - Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium;LT - Multilenticular metacrylate with aluminium perimetral frame;LTO - Opal metarylate with aluminium perimetral frame.


G13 – 18W, 36W

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

10000 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.510001 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.510002 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.510003 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.510004 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.510005 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.5


10012 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.910013 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.910014 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.910015 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.910016 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.910017 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

10006 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 292x592x92 3.110007 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 292x592x92 3.110008 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 292x592x92 3.110009 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 292x592x92 3.110010 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 292x592x92 3.110011 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 292x592x92 3.1

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

10018 2x18W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 292x592x92 3.110019 2x18W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 292x592x92 3.110020 2x18W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 292x592x92 3.110021 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 292x592x92 3.110022 2x18W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 292x592x92 3.110023 2x18W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 292x592x92 3.1



24 25

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

10024 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.510025 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.510026 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.510027 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.510028 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.510029 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.5


10036 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.910037 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.910038 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.910039 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.910040 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.910041 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

10030 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.610031 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.610032 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.610033 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.610034 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.610035 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

10042 2x36W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.610043 2x36W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.610044 2x36W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.610045 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.610046 2x36W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.610047 2x36W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

10048 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.510049 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.510050 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.510051 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.510052 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.510053 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.5


10060 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.910061 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.910062 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.910063 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.910064 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.910065 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

10054 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 592x592x82 4.610055 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 592x592x82 4.610056 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 592x592x82 4.610057 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 592x592x82 4.610058 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 592x592x82 4.610059 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 592x592x82 4.6

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

10066 4x18W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 592x592x82 4.610067 4x18W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 592x592x82 4.610068 4x18W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 592x592x82 4.610069 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 592x592x82 4.610070 4x18W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 592x592x82 4.610071 4x18W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 592x592x82 4.6







Seria White Board integrează corpuri de iluminat cu montaj \ncastrat \n aproape orice tip de plafon suspendat, cu excepţia panourilor modulare cu structura la vedere sau ascuns`. Acestea sunt recomandate \n spa]iile care necesit` un iluminat confortabil, precum birourile şi spa]iile deschise.Sistemele optice diverse (lamelar, dublu-parabolic dark-light, metacrilat multilenticular sau opal) confer` o mare versatilitate seriei White Board.

The White Board Series include embedded luminaires in any type of false ceiling, excluding modular panels with open sight or hidden supporting structure. These luminaires are suitable for comfortable lighting spaces like offices and open spaces. The various louvers (lamellar, double parabolic dark-light, multi lenticular or opal metacrylate) provide versatility to the White Board Series.

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sisteme optice cu iluminat direct ce utilizeaz` surse fluores-cente liniare T8. LA - Aluminiu lucios cu lamele striate;LB - Aluminiu alb cu lamele lise;DKE - Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°;DKE1 - Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°;LT - Metacrilat multilenticular cu ram` din aluminiu;LTO - Metacrilat opal cu ram` din aluminiu.

Light Sources and LouversDirect light systems that use T8 linear fluorescent lamps.LA - Specular aluminium with striped transverse blades;LB - White aluminium with transverse blades;DKE - Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium;DKE1 - Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium;LT - Multilenticular metacrylate with aluminium perimetral frame;LTO - Multilenticular metacrylate with aluminium perimetral frame.


G13 – 18W, 36W


Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

11000 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 3.711001 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 3.711002 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 3.711003 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 3.711004 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 3.711005 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 3.7


11012 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 4.111013 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 4.111014 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 4.111015 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 4.111016 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 4.111017 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 4.1

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

11006 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 325x685x92 3.211007 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 325x685x92 3.211008 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 325x685x92 3.211009 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 325x685x92 3.211010 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 325x685x92 3.211011 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 325x685x92 3.2

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

11018 2x18W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 325x685x92 3.211019 2x18W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 325x685x92 3.211020 2x18W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 325x685x92 3.211021 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 325x685x92 3.211022 2x18W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 325x685x92 3.211023 2x18W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 325x685x92 3.2



28 29

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

10024 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.510025 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.510026 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.510027 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.510028 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.510029 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.5


10036 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.910037 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.910038 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.910039 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.910040 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.910041 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

10030 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.610031 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.610032 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.610033 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.610034 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.610035 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

10042 2x36W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.610043 2x36W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.610044 2x36W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.610045 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.610046 2x36W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.610047 2x36W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

11048 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 711049 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 711050 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 711051 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 711052 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 711053 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7


11060 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7.411061 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7.411062 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7.4 11063 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7.411064 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7.411065 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

11054 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 625x625x92 6.111055 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 625x625x92 6.111056 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 625x625x92 6.111057 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 625x625x92 6.111058 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 625x625x92 6.111059 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 625x625x92 6.1

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

11066 4x18W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 625x625x92 6.111067 4x18W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 625x625x92 6.111068 4x18W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 625x625x92 6.111069 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 625x625x92 6.111070 4x18W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 625x625x92 6.111071 4x18W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 625x625x92 6.1



300x1200MODUL600x600 4x18W



Seria White Hide integrează corpuri de iluminat cu montaj \ncastrat \n panouri modulare cu structura portant` ascuns`. Acestea sunt recomandate \n spa]iile ce necesit` un iluminat confortabil, precum centrele comerciale, birourile şi \nc`- perile deschise. Sistemele optice diverse (lamelar, dublu-parabolic dark-light, metacrilat multilenticular sau opal) confer` o mare versatilitate seriei White Hide.

The White Hide Series include embedded luminaires in false ceiling modules with hidden supporting structure. These luminaires are suitable for spaces that require an optimal, comfortable level of illumination, such as commercial centers, offices and open spaces. The various louvers (lamellar, double parabolic dark-light, multilenticular or opal metacrylate) confer versatility to the White Hide Series.

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sisteme optice cu iluminat direct ce utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare T8. LA - Aluminiu lucios cu lamele striate;LB - Aluminiu alb cu lamele lise;DKE - Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°;DKE1 - Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°;LT - Metacrilat multilenticular cu ram` din aluminiu;LTO - Metacrilat opal cu ram` din aluminiu.

Light Sources and LouversDirect light systems that use T8 linear fluorescent lamps.LA - Specular aluminium with striped transverse blades;LB - White aluminium with transverse blades;DKE - Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium;DKE1 - Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium;LT - Multilenticular metacrylate with aluminium perimetral frame;LTO - Multilenticular metacrylate with aluminium perimetral frame.



G13 – 18W

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

12000 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 612001 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 612002 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 612003 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 612004 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 612005 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6


12012 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6.412013 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6.4 12014 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6.412015 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6.412016 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6.412017 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

12006 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 5.1 12007 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 5.1 12008 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 5.1 12009 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 5.1 12010 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 5.1 12011 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 5.1

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

12018 4x18W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x92 5.1 12019 4x18W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x92 5.1 12020 4x18W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x92 5.1 12021 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x92 5.1 12022 4x18W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x92 5.1 12023 4x18W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x92 5.1

MODUL600x600 4x18W


Seria Ivory, cea mai versatilă serie de produse a societăţii ALMA LUX LIGHTING, oferă solu]ii de iluminare \n amenaj`rile interioare, capabile să redea cele mai bune condiţii din punct de vedere al funcţionalităţii, sănătăţii şi siguranţei colective. Aportul de lumină artificială atinge un nivel calitativ ridicat prin iluminare directă, deoarece proporţia cea mai mare a fluxui luminos este dirijat în emisfera inferioară şi o mică proporţie de flux emis în emisfera superioară. Aceast` modalitate de iluminat este cea mai eficientă din punct de vedere energetic, deoarece fluxul luminos este orientat cu preponderen]ă \n direc]ia planului util.

Fabricarea integrală din tablă de oţel, construcţia de tip modular, echivalenţa dimensiunii laturilor (596 x 596 mm), oferă beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar fixarea prin încastrare, diminuează timpul de montaj şi reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare. Corpurile de iluminat ale acestei serii se potrivesc tuturor tipurilor de plafoane suspendate, cu structură ascunsă sau la vedere, gips-carton sau grile.

Ivory, the most flexible series of products manufactured by ALMA LUX LIGHTING, supplies lighting solutions for interior design, able to provide the best conditions regarding the efficiency, health and collective safety. Artificial light level reaches a high quality through direct lighting, because the highest part of the lighting beam is directed to the inferior hemisphere and only a little part to the superior hemisphere. This type of lighting is the most efficient due to the lighting beam directed towards the effective plan.

Manufactured entirely from steel sheets, the modular struc-ture with the equivalence of side dimensions (596 x 596 mm) provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance and removal, and, in the same time, the assembling through embedding, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost. These luminaires are suitable for any type of false ceiling with sight or hidden supporting structure, gypsum boards or grills.

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficien]ei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice;• reducerea consumului şi cre[terea nivelului calitativ al luminii prin dotarea cu tuburi fluorescente liniare de tip T5;• m`rirea rezistenţei la radiaţii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• prelungirea perioadei de exploatare;• performanţe ridicate garantate de sistemul optic parabolic tri-dimensional din aluminiu anodizat anti-iridescent.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• reducing consumption and increasing the quality of the light by using T5 linear fluorescent lamps;• increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• increasing the product's lifetime;• higher performances guaranteed by the tri-dimensional louver, made from anti-iridescent aluminium.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor). Performan]ele superioare ale l`mpilor T5 conduc la o durat` de viaţ` mai mare, un consum mai mic şi un iluminat superior calitativ, datorit` fluxului luminos mai mare ca cel al l`mpilor T8.Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare alb`.Zone de utilizare: spa]ii cu destina]ie comercial`, zone de acces şi tranzit cu trafic intens, edificii publice, centre de conferinţe.

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). The high performances of T5 lamps result in a longer lifetime, lower energy consumption and a higher quality lighting due to the higher luminous flux that T8 lamps.Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp.Colours: white.Applications: commercial, access and transit rooms, conference centers.



Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistem optic cu iluminat direct ce utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare T5; Fabricat din aluminiu anodizat de calitate 99,9%, pentru control total \n plan longitudinal şi vertical;Luminan]a este mai mic` de 200 cd/m2 sub un unghi de 60°;Performan]a sistemului optic este de 72%.

Light Sources and LouversDirect light system with T5 linear fluorescent sources;Made from 99.9% quality aluminium for total control in both plans, transversal and longitudinal;Luminace is less than 200 cd/m2 under a 60° angle;The optical performance of this louver is 72%.


G5 – 14W, 28W




13004 2x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 296x596x55 3.213005 2x28W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 296x1196x55 4.413006 3x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x55 4.713007 4x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x55 4.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

13000 2x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 296x596x55 2.813001 2x28W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 296x1196x55 413002 3x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x55 4.313003 4x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x55 4.5

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

13008 2x14W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 296x596x55 2.813009 2x28W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 296x1196x55 413010 3x14W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x55 4.313011 4x14W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x55 4.5


Exigen]ele sistemelor de iluminat impuse la amenajarea clădirilor cu destinaţie medicală (spitale, clinici, centre de asitenţă medicală şi reparatorie) sunt complet soluţionate de corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Ivory Night.Fabricarea integrală din tablă de oţel, construcţia de tip modular, echivalenţa dimensiunii laturilor (596 x 596 mm), ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar fixarea prin încastrare diminuează timpul de montaj şi reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare. Corpurile de iluminat ale acestei serii se potrivesc tuturor tipurilor de plafoane suspendate, cu structura ascuns` sau la vedere, gips-carton sau grile.

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice;• reducerea consumului şi cre[terea nivelului calitativ al luminii prin dotarea cu tuburi fluorescente liniare de tip T5;• m`rirea rezistenţei la radiaţii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• prelungirea perioadei de exploatare;• performanţe ridicate garantate de sistemul optic parabolic tri-dimensional din aluminiu anodizat anti-iridescent.

The demandigs of medical spaces (hospitals, clinics, ambulance centers) regarding artificial lighting systems are totally solved by the Ivory Night luminaires.

Manufactured entirely from steel sheets, the modular struc-ture with the equivalence of side dimensions (596 x 596 mm) provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance and removal, and, in the same time, the assembling through embedding, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost. These luminaires are suitable for any kind of false ceiling, with open sight or hidden supporting structure, gypsum board or grills.

Avantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• reducing consumption and increasing the quality of the light by using T5 linear fluorescent lamps;• increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• increasing the product's lifetime;• higher performances guaranteed by the tri-dimensional louver, made from anti-iridescent aluminium.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor). Performanţele superioare ale l`mpilor T5 conduc la o durat` de viaţ` mai mare, un consum mai mic şi un iluminat superior calitativ datorit` fluxului luminos mai mare decat al l`mpilor T8. Cea de-a cincea lamp` dispune de un dispersor din policarbonat albastru, pentru asigurarea nivelului minim de iluminat nocturn pentru spitale.Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare alb`.Zone de utilizare: unitaţi medicale, clinici private, spitale, centre de asistenţ` medical`, recuperare şi tratament.

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). The high performances of T5 lamps result in a longer lifetime, lower energy consumption and a higher quality lighting due to the higher luminous flux than T8 lamps. The fifth lamp has a blue polycarbonate dispenser for a minimum night lighting in hospitals.

Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp.

Colours: white.

Applications: medical units, private clinics, hospitals, health, treatment and ambulance centers.



G5 – 14W



14001 4x14W+14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x55 4.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

14000 4x14W+14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x55 4

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ14002 4x14W+14W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x55 4

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistem optic cu iluminat direct ce utilizeaz` surse fluores-cente liniare T5; Fabricat din aluminiu anodizat de calitate 99,9%, pentru control total \n plan longitudinal şi vertical;Luminan]a este mai mic` de 200 cd/m2 sub un unghi de 60°;Performan]a sistemului optic este de 72%;Dispersor din policarbonat albastru pentru cea de-a cincea lamp`.

Light Sources and LouversDirect light system with T5 linear fluorescent sources;Made from 99.9% quality aluminium for total control in both plans, transversal and longitudinal;Luminace is less than 200 cd/m2 under a 60° angle;The optical performance of this louver is 72%;Blue polycarbonate dispenser for the fifth lamp.


Corpurile de iluminat din cadrul seriei Grey sunt proiectate special, astfel \ncât prin funcţionare la parametri normali se obţine o distribu]ie uniform`, coerent` şi larg` a fluxului luminos, caracteristic` iluminatului de tip indirect, mixt şi direct (protec]ie din folie de plastic opal). Lipsa suprafeţei de luminanţă mare a corpurilor de iluminat din câmpul vizual al utilizatorului conduce la diminuarea la minim a disconfortului, ceea ce presupune realizarea unui mediu luminos optim. Aceste sisteme de iluminat corespund cerinţelor actuale, impuse amenajărilor de interior, atât din punct de vedere funcţional, economic, cât şi estetic. Pentru evitarea supradimensionării sau subdimensionării iluminării artificiale, se recomand` o dimensionare corectă a sistemelor de iluminat, în funcţie de destinaţia încăperii şi activitatea desfăşurată.

Fabricarea integrală din tablă de oţel vopsit`, construcţia de tip modular, echivalenţa dimensiunii laturilor (596 x 596 mm), ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar fixarea prin încastrare, diminuează timpul de montaj şi reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare. Corpurile de iluminat ale acestei serii se potrivesc plafoanelor din carton-gips, plafoanelor suspendate de tip modular (grosimi 10-40 mm) cu structura portant` la vedere sau ascuns`.

The Grey Series luminaires are specially designed to function at normal parameters, to provide a coherent, uniform light distribution, as a feature of indirect, mixed and direct lighting (opal plastic protection). The lack of a high luminance surface of the luminaires from the user's visual field leads to a minimum visual discomfort and an optimum lighting. These lighting fixtures meet the requirements, imposed nowadays to interior arrangements in terms of economic, functional and esthetic design. To avoid over or under-sizing of artificial lighting, it is recommended to dimension correctly the lighting systems, according to the activities and use of the space.

Manufactured entirely from steel sheets, the modular struc-ture with the equivalence of side dimensions (596 x 596 mm) provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance and removal, and, in the same time, the assembling through embedding, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost. This luminaires are suitable for gypsum board false ceilings and for modular false ceilings (thickness 10-40 mm), with open sight or hidden supporting structure.

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice; • m`rirea rezistenţei la radia]ii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• facilitarea montajului \n panouri modulare (grosime \ntre 10-40 mm) prin dotarea cu sistem special de fixare;• alegerea stilului de iluminat: direct (datorit` protec]iilor din folie de plastic opal), indirect şi mixt, \n func]ie de necesit`]i.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• easy installation in modular panels (thickness 10-40 mm) using a special fixing system;• flexible choice of lighting: direct (opal plastic protection), indirect and mixed, according to the necessities.



Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performanţ` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic [i unul electonic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de funcţionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor).Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergenţ` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare alb`.Zone de utilizare: spaţii deschise de lucru, birouri, \nc`peri comune, holuri, s`li cu activitate intelectuală sau destinate odihnei, divertismentului, încăperi deosebite din punct de vedere arhitectural (clădiri monument de arhitectură, muzee, hoteluri de lux etc.), zone care necesit` un iluminat de tip difuz, caracterizat printr-o concentra]ie redus` de energie \n regiunea central` a spectrului, cu un contrast confortabil \ntre lumin` şi umbr`.

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated).Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21. Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp.Colours: white.Applications: open working areas, offices, commonplaces, halls, entertainment rooms, architectural buildings (museums, hotels etc.), rooms that require a diffuse lighting with a small concentration of the energy in the center of the lighting spectrum and a comfortable contrast between lights and shadows.



2G11 – 36W, 55W



Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

15000 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x145 10


15003 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 10.415004 2x55W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 9.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

15001 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 9.115002 2x55W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 9.1

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

15005 2x36W 2G11 - 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x145 9.1 15006 2x55W 2G11 - 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x145 9.1

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct-indirect utilizeaz` surse fluorescente compacte (2x36W, 2x55W – TC-L);Sistemul optic este dispus lateral şi este fabricat din tabl` de o]el vopsit` cu pulberi epoxy-poliester cu protecţie UV.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct-indirect light system uses compact fluorescent sources (2x36W, 2x55W – TC-L);The lateral louver is made from UV-stablished epoxy-polyester steel-sheet.


T5 – 14W, 24W


2G11 – 36W, 55W

44 45


Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

16000 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x145 10


16006 2x24W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x90 7.416007 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 10.416008 2x55W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 9.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

16002 2x24W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x90 716003 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 9.116004 2x55W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 9.1

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

16010 2x24W G5 - 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x90 716011 2x36W 2G11 - 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x145 9.116012 2x55W 2G11 - 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x145 9.1

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct-indirect utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (14W, 24W - T5), precum şi fluorescente compacte (2x36, 2x55W – TC-L);Sistemul optic este dispus lateral şi este fabricat din tabl` de o]el vopsit` cu pulberi epoxy-poliester cu protecţie UV.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct-indirect light system uses both linear (14W, 24W - T5) and compact fluorescent sources (2x36, 2x55W – TC-L);The lateral louver is made from UV-stablished epoxy-polyester steel-sheet.


G5 – 14W, 24W


2G11 – 55W

46 47



17003 1x55W 2G11 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 10.917005 2x24W G5 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x90 7.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

17000 1x55W 2G11 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 10.517002 2x24W G5 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x90 7

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

17006 1x55W 2G11 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x145 10.517007 2x24W G5 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x90 7

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct-indirect utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (14W, 24W - T5), precum şi fluorescente compacte (55W – TC-L);Sistemul optic este dispus lateral şi este fabricat din tabl` de o]el vopsit` cu pulberi epoxy-poliester cu protecţie UV şi dispersor dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct-indirect light system uses both linear (14W, 24W - T5) and compact fluorescent sources (55W – TC-L);The lateral louver is made from UV-stablished epoxy-polyester steel-sheet and double-parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium.

Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Brown, proiectate şi fabricate special pentru a corespunde iluminatului direct asimetric, se caracterizează prin realizarea unor niveluri de iluminare diferite, pe zone în care se desfăşoară activităţi diverse. Aceste surse de iluminare artificial` asigur` un nivel ridicat de confort vizual prin dirijarea către emisfera superioar` a fluxului luminos şi obţinerea reflexiei acestuia pe planul util. Lipsa suprafeţei de luminanţă mare a corpurilor de iluminat din câmpul vizual al utilizatorului conduce la diminuarea la minim a disconfortului optic.

Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Brown, potrivite tuturor tipurilor de plafoane suspendate (cu structur` ascuns` sau la vedere, gips-carton, grile), ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, deoarece montajul prin încastrare, diminuează timpul de instalare şi reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare.

The Brown Series luminaires are specially designed and manufactured to match direct asymetric lighting and are characterized by the realization of different levels of illumination, in areas for various activities. The artificial light sources provide a high level of visual comfort, through leading to the upper hemisphere the flow of light and reflecting it into effective plan. The lack of high luminance surface of the Brown Series luminaires in the visual field of the user ensures a minimum visual discomfort.

The Brown luminaires, suitable for any kind of false ceilings (sight or hidden supporting structure, gypsum board, grills), offer benefits in term of installation, maintenance, removal, and the assembling through embedding decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost.

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice;• m`rirea rezistenţei la radiaţii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• majorarea perioadei de exploatare, prin dotarea cu tuburi liniare fluorescente de tip T8;• modelele 18000, 1883, 18006, 18009 includ cleme de fixare reglabile şi pot fi instalate f`r` suporţi.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires, by using T8 tubular fluorescent lamps;• the 18000, 1883, 18006, 18009 models include adjustable fixing clips and can be installed without bracket supports.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor).Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`.Paleta cromatică: culoare alb`.Zone de utilizare: spa]ii comerciale, birouri, zone de lucru colectiv, zone de circulaţie, zone de depozitare \n care se necesit` un iluminat de tip indirect şi confortabil.

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp. Colours: white.Applications: commercial areas, offices, collective working areas, corridors, storage areas, where a direct, comfortable lighting is needed.



G13 – 36W, 56W

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct asimetric utilizeaz` surse liniare fluorescente (36W, 58W – T8);Sistemul optic este fabricat din tabl` de o]el vopsit` cu pulberi epoxy-poliester cu protecţie UV.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct asymetric light system uses T8 linear fluorescent sources (36W, 58W – T8);The louver is made from UV-stablished epoxy-polyester steel-sheet.

50 51

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

18000 1x36W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 618001 1x36W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x1295x92 618002 1x58W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x1595x92 9


18006 1x36W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.418007 1x36W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x1295x92 6.418008 1x58W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x1595x92 9.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

18003 1x36W G13 - 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6 18004 1x36W G13 - 20 ELECTRONIC 325x1295x92 5.618005 1x58W G13 - 20 ELECTRONIC 325x1595x92 8.3

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

18009 1x36W G13 - 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6 18010 1x36W G13 - 20 DIMMABLE 325x1295x92 5.618011 1x58W G13 - 20 DIMMABLE 325x1595x92 8.3


Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Green sunt proiectate şi fabricate astfel \ncât prin gradul ridicat al indicelui de protecţie împotriva pătrunderii elementelor solide şi lichide (IP55), s` corespund` exigenţelor impuse \n ambiente sau zone cu destinaţii speciale. Iluminatul de tip direct al acestor sisteme se caracterizează printr-o proporţie mare de flux luminos dirijat în emisfera inferioară şi o proporţie mică de flux emis în emisfera superioară, astfel \ncât confortul vizual este maxim \n direcţia planului util, iar corpurile sunt cele mai eficiente din punct de vedere energetic.

Fabricarea integrală din tablă de oţel, construcţia de tip modular, echivalenţa dimensiunii laturilor (596 x 596 mm), ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar fixarea prin procedeul de încastrare, diminuează timpul de montaj şi reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare.

|n funcţie de tipologia plafoanelor, corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Green sunt disponibile \n urmatoarele trei versiuni:• Green Board, potrivite tuturor plafoanelor suspendate, cu excepţia celor cu structura la vedere;• Green Sight, destinat plafoanelor realizate din panouri modulare cu structura la vedere, 24 mm;• Green Hide, recomandate plafoanelor realizate din panouri modulare cu structura ascuns`.

The Green Series luminaires are specially designed and manu-factured as their protection degree (IP55) against solids and liquids penetration solves all the demands of special space’s design. The direct lighting type of these systems is characterized by a large proportion of luminous flux directed to the inferior hemisphere and a small proportion of flow to the superior hemisphere, therefore assuring a maximum visual comfort.

Manufactured entirely from steel sheets, the modular struc-ture with the equivalence of side dimensions (596 x 596 mm) provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance and removal, and, in the same time, the assembling through embedding, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost.

Depending on the types of false ceilings, the Green Series luminaires are available in three versions:• Green Board, suitable for any kind of false ceiling, sight supporting structure excluded;• Green Sight, designed for modular false ceilings with sight supporting structure, 24 mm;• Green Hide, recommended for modular false ceilings with hidden supporting structure.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor).Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`.Paleta cromatică: culoare alb`.Zone de utilizare: unitaţi hoteliere, restaurante, spaţii din sectorul alimentaţiei publice, camere de baie, centre de înfrumuseţare şi tratament corporal, Spa-uri, ambiente care necesit` protecţie special` \mpotriva penetr`rii prafului şi a apei.

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated).Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp. Colours: white.Applications: hotels, restaurants, kitchens, food-service units, bathrooms, beauty saloons and body treatment, Spa centers, areas that need special protection against dust and water penetration.



Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice;• m`rirea rezistenţei la radiaţii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• majorarea perioadei de exploatare, prin dotarea cu tuburi liniare fluorescente de tip T8;• diversitatea sistemelor optice cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat (metacrilat multilenticular sau opal) induce versatilitatea gamei.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires, by using T8 tubular fluorescent lamps;• the diversity of louvers with extruded aluminum frame (multilenticular methacrylate or opal) induces versatility to the series.


G13 – 18W, 36W

54 55


Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Green Board sunt destinate iluminării spaţiilor în care este necesar un grad de protecţie IP55 şi care sunt amenajate cu plafoane de tip lamelar, gril`, cu structura ascuns` sau din gips-carton. Aceste corpuri de iluminat nu sunt recomandate \n cazul plafoanelor suspendate cu structura la vedere. Diversitatea sistemelor optice cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat (metacrilat multilenticular sau opal), confer` o mare versatilitate seriei Green Board.

The Green Board Series luminaires are suitable for lighting spaces that require an IP55 degree of protection and which are furnished with lamellar, grill, false ceilings with hidden supporting structure or gypsum board ceilings. These lighting fixtures are not recommended for false ceilings with open sight supporting structure. The diversity of louvers with extruded aluminum frame (multilenticular methacrylate or opal), induces versatility to the Green Board Series.

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

19000 1x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 4.5 19001 1x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 4.519002 1x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 6.219003 1x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 6.2


19008 1x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 4.819009 1x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 4.819010 1x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 6.619011 1x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 6.6

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

19004 1x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 225x705x105 4.119005 1x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 225x705x105 4.119006 1x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 225x1315x105 4.219007 1x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 225x1315x105 4.2

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

19012 1x18W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 225x705x105 4.119013 1x18W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 225x705x105 4.119014 1x36W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 225x1315x105 4.219015 1x36W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 225x1315x105 4.2

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (18W, 36W – T8);Sistemul optic este fabricat din metacrilat multilenticular sau opal cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat, IP55.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct light system uses T8 linear fluorescent lamps (18W, 36W – T8);The louver is made from multilenticular or opal matacrylate with extrudated aluminium frame IP55.

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

19032 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x105 8.519033 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x105 8.5


19036 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x105 8.919037 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x105 8.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

19034 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 625x625x105 7.619035 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 625x625x105 7.6

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

19038 4x18W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 625x625x105 7.619039 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 625x625x105 7.6

56 57


19016 2x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 4.6 19017 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 4.619018 2x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 7.219019 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 7.2


19024 2x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 519025 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 519026 2x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 7.619027 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 7.6

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

19020 2x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 225x705x105 4.119021 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 225x705x105 4.119022 2x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 225x1315x105 6.219023 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 225x1315x105 6.2

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

19028 2x18W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 225x705x105 419029 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 225x705x105 419030 2x36W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 225x1315x105 6.219031 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 225x1315x105 6.2



G13 – 18W, 36W

58 59


Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Green Sight sunt desti-nate iluminării spaţiilor în care este necesar un grad de protecţie IP55 şi care sunt amenajate cu plafoane din panouri modulare cu structura la vedere (24 mm). Aceste corpuri de iluminat nu sunt recomandate \n cazul plafoanelor de tip lamelar, gril`, cu structur` ascuns` sau din carton-gips. Sistemele optice cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat (metacrilat multilenticular sau opal) confer` o mare versatilitate seriei Green Sight.

The Green Sight Series luminaires are suitable for lighting spaces that require an IP55 degree of protection and which are furnished with modular false ceiling and sight supporting structure (24 mm). These lighting fixtures are not recommended for lamellar, grill, false ceilings with hidden supporting structure or gypsum board ceilings. The louvers with extruded aluminum frame (multilenticular methacrylate or opal), induce versatility to the Green Sight Series.

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

20000 2x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x292x105 6 20001 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x292x105 6


20008 2x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x292x105 6.420009 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x292x105 6.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

20004 2x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 292x292x105 5.6 20005 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 292x292x105 5.6

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

20012 2x18W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 292x292x105 5.6 20013 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 292x292x105 5.6

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (18W, 36W – T8);Sistemul optic este fabricat din metacrilat multilenticular sau opal cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat IP55.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct louver uses T8 linear fluorescent lamps (18W, 36W – T8);The louver is made from multilenticular or opal matacrylate with extrudated aluminium frame IP55.

MODUL300x600 2x18W




20002 2x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x105 8.520003 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x105 8.5


20010 2x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x105 8.920011 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x105 8.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

20006 2x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x105 8.120007 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x105 8.1

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

20014 2x36W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 292x1192x105 8.120015 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 292x1192x105 8.1



20016 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x105 7.5 20017 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x105 7.5


20020 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x105 7.920021 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x105 7.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

20018 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 592x592x105 6.620019 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 592x592x105 6.6

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

20022 4x18W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 592x592x105 6.620023 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 592x592x105 6.6

MODUL300x1200 2x36W


MODUL600x600 4x18W





G13 – 18W


Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Green Hide sunt destinate iluminării spaţiilor în care este necesar un grad de protecţie IP55 şi care sunt amenajate cu plafoane din panouri modulare cu structura ascunsă. Aceste corpuri de iluminat nu sunt recomandate \n cazul plafoanelor de tip lamelar, gril`, cu structura la vedere sau din carton-gips. Sistemele optice cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat (metacrilat multilenticular sau opal), confer` o mare versatilitate seriei Green Hide.

The Green Hide Series luminaires are suitable for lighting spaces that require an IP55 degree of protection and which are furnished with modular false ceilings and hidden supporting structure. These lighting fixtures are not recom-mended for false ceilings with sight support structure, for lamelar grill or gypsum board ceilings. The louvers with extruded aluminum frame (multilenticular methacrylate or opal), induce versatility to the Green Hide Series.

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

21000 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x105 8.1 21001 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x105 8.1


21004 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x105 8.521005 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x105 8.5

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

21002 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 596x596x105 7.221003 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 596x596x105 7.2

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

21006 4x18W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 596x596x105 7.221007 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 596x596x105 7.2

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (18W – T8);Sistemul optic este fabricat din metacrilat multilenticular sau opal cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat, IP55.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct light system uses T8 linear fluorescent lamps (18W – T8);The louver is made from multilenticular or opal matacrylate with extrudated aluminium frame IP55.

MODUL600x600 4x18W




Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Graffite, fabricate \n conformitate cu normele interna]ionale impuse iluminatului de interior al spa]iilor de tip „camer` curat`“, asigur` protecţie total` împotriva pătrunderii elementelor solide (praf) şi un nivel ridicat de protecţie la acţiunea jeturilor directe de ap` (IP65), pe \ntreaga perioad` de exploatare. Prin modul de distribuţie a fluxului luminos (o proporţie mare dirijat` în emisfera inferioară şi o proporţie mică emis` în emisfera superioară), se obţine un iluminat de tip direct a spa]iului interior şi un confort vizual maxim. Aceast` modalitate de iluminat este cea mai eficient` din punct de vedere energetic, deoarece ponderea fluxului luminos este orientat` \n direcţia planului util.

Fabricarea integrală din tablă de oţel vopsit`, construcţia de tip modular, echivalenţa dimensiunii laturilor (596 x 596 mm), ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar fixarea prin procedeul de încastrare, diminuează timpul de montaj şi reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare.

|n funcţie de tipologia plafoanelor, corpurile din seria Graffite sunt disponibile \n trei versiuni:

• Graffite Board, potrivite tuturor plafoanelor suspendate, cu excepţia celor cu structur` la vedere;• Graffite Sight, destinate plafoanelor realizate din panouri modulare cu structur` la vedere (24 mm);• Graffite Hide, recomandate plafoanelor realizate din panouri modulare cu structur` ascuns`.

The Graffite Series luminaires, manufactured according to the international standards regarding a "clean room" interior lighting, ensure (on the entire exploitation period) total protection against solids (dust) penetration and a high protection against direct water jets (IP65). This distribution of luminous flux (higher level in the inferior hemisphere and lower level in the superior hemisphere) gives a direct lighting and a maximum visual comfort. Due to the luminous flux directed to the effective plan, this type of lighting is the most efficient regarding the energy saving.

Manufactured entirely from steel sheets, the modular struc-ture with the equivalence of side dimensions (596 x 596 mm) provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance and removal, and, in the same time, the assembling through embedding, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost.

Depending on the types of false ceilings, the Graffite Series luminaires are available in three versions:

• Graffite Board suitable for any kind of false ceiling, sight support structure excepted;• Graffite Sight designed for modular false ceilings with sight support structure (24 mm);• Graffite Hide recommended for modular false ceilings with hidden support structure.

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice;• m`rirea rezistenţei la radiaţii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• majorarea perioadei de exploatare, prin dotarea cu tuburi liniare fluorescente de tip T8;• diversitatea sistemelor optice (geam sablat tratat, cu recuperator de flux sau geam transparent tratat, cu dispersor dublu-parabolic dark-light), cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat, contribuie la majorarea eficienţei acestor produse.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires, by using T8 tubular fluorescent lamps;• the diversity of louvers (sable glass treated, with flux recovery or transparent glass treated, with double-parabolic dispersion dark-light), with extruded aluminum frame, contributes to the increase of the efficiency of these products.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor).Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare alb`.Zone de utilizare: unit`]i din domeniul medical (spitale, clinici, laboratoare, cabinete medicale, centre de analiz`, tratament şi recuperare) şi unit`]i din industria alimentar` (fabrici de procesare a c`rnii, centre pentru alimentaţia public`, restaurante, s`li de tip cantină).

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp. Colours: white.Applications: medical units (hospitals, clinics, analysis laboratories, treatment, recuperation centers) and food industry units (processing industry, food service units, restaurants, kitchens).





G13 – 18W, 36W


Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Graffite Board sunt destinate iluminării spaţiilor de tip „cameră curată“ care necesită un grad de protecţie IP65 şi care sunt amenajate cu plafoane suspendate de tip lamelar, gril`, cu structura ascuns` sau din carton-gips. Aceste corpuri de iluminat nu sunt recomandate \n cazul plafoanelor suspendate cu structura la vedere. Diversitatea sistemelor optice (geam sablat tratat cu recuperator de flux sau geam transparent tratat cu dispersor dublu-parabolic dark-light), cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat, contribuie la majorarea eficienţei produselor din aceast` serie.

The Graffite Board Series luminaires are suitable for lighting spaces that require an IP65 degree of protection ("clean room" type) and which are furnished with lamellar, grill, false ceilings with hidden supporting structure or gypsum board ceilings. These luminaires are not recommaded for false ceilings with open sight supporting structure. The diversity of louvers (sable glass treated with flux recovery or transparent glass treated with double-parabolic dispersion dark-light), with extruded aluminum frame, contributes to the increase of the efficiency of these products.

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (18W, 36W – T8);LT6VSR - Geam sablat tratat cu recuperator de flux;LT6VTDK - Geam transparent tratat cu dispersor dublu-parabolic dark-light.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct light system uses T8 linear fluorescent lamps (18W, 36W – T8);LT6VSR - Tempered satin glass with regenerator;LT6VTDK - Tempered clear glass with dark-light dispenser.

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

22000 2x36W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x1315x105 1022001 2x36W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x1315x105 10


22004 2x36W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x1315x105 10.4 22005 2x36W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x1315x105 10.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

22002 2x36W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTRONIC 325x1315x105 9.122003 2x36W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTRONIC 325x1315x105 9.1

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

22006 2x36W G13 LT6VSR 65 DIMMABLE 325x1315x105 9.122007 2x36W G13 LT6VTDK 65 DIMMABLE 325x1315x105 9.1


68 69



22008 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x105 922009 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x105 9


22012 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x105 9.422013 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x105 9.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

22010 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTRONIC 625x625x105 8.122011 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTRONIC 625x625x105 8.1

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

22014 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 DIMMABLE 625x625x105 8.122015 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 DIMMABLE 625x625x105 8.1




G13 – 18W, 36W


Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Graffite Sight sunt destinate iluminării spaţiilor de tip „cameră curată“, în care se necesită un grad de protecţie IP65 şi care sunt amenajate cu plafoane din panouri modulare cu structura la vedere (24 mm). Aceste corpuri de iluminat nu sunt recomandate \n cazul plafoanelor de tip lamelar, gril`, cu structur` ascuns` sau din carton-gips. Diversitatea sistemelor optice (geam sablat tratat cu recuperator de flux sau geam transparent tratat cu dispersor dublu-parabolic dark-light), cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat, contribuie la majorarea eficienţei produselor din aceast` serie.

The Graffite Sight Series luminaires are suitable for lighting spaces that require an IP65 degree of protection ("clean room" type) and which are furnished with modular false ceiling with sight supporting structure (24 mm). These luminaires are not recommended for lamellar, grill, false ceilings with hidden supporting structure or gypsum board. The diversity of louvers (sable glass treated with flux recovery or transparent glass treated with double-parabolic dispersion dark-light), with extruded aluminum frame, contributes to the increase of the efficiency of these products.

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (18W, 36W – T8);LT6VSR - Geam sablat tratat cu recuperator de flux;LT6VTDK - Geam transparent tratat cu dispersor dublu-parabolic dark-light.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct light system uses linear fluorescent sources (18W, 36W – T8);LT6VSR - Tempered satin glass with regenerator;LT6VTDK - Tempered clear glass with dark-light dispenser.

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

23000 2x36W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x105 9.5 23001 2x36W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x105 9.5


23004 2x36W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x105 9.9 23005 2x36W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x105 9.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

23002 2x36W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x105 8.6 23003 2x36W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x105 8.6

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

23006 2x36W G13 LT6VSR 65 DIMMABLE 292x1192x105 8.6 23007 2x36W G13 LT6VTDK 65 DIMMABLE 292x1192x105 8.6

MODUL300x1200 2x36W


72 73

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

23008 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x105 8.523009 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x105 8.5


23012 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x105 8.923013 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x105 8.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

23010 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTRONIC 592x592x105 7.523011 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTRONIC 592x592x105 7.5

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

23013 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 DIMMABLE 592x592x105 7.523014 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 DIMMABLE 592x592x105 7.5



G13 – 18W, 36W

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (18W, 36W – T8);LT6VSR - Geam sablat tratat cu recuperator de flux;LT6VTDK - Geam transparent tratat cu dispersor dublu-parabolic dark-light.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct light system uses linear fluorescent sources (18W, 36W – T8);LT6VSR - Tempered satin glass with regenerator;LT6VTDK - Tempered clear glass with dark-light dispenser.

MODUL600x600 4x18W





G13 – 18W


Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Graffite Hide sunt destinate iluminării spaţiilor de tip „cameră curată“, în care se necesită un grad de protecţie IP65 şi care sunt amenajate cu plafoane din panouri modulare cu structura ascuns`. Aceste corpuri de iluminat nu sunt recomandate \n cazul plafoanelor de tip lamelar, gril`, cu structura la vedere sau din carton-gips. Diversitatea sistemelor optice (geam sablat tratat cu recuperator de flux sau geam transparent tratat cu dispersor dublu-parabolic dark-light), cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat, contribuie la majorarea eficienţei produselor din aceast` serie.

The Graffite Hide Series luminaires are suitable for lighting spaces that require an IP65 degree of protection ("clean room" type) and are furnished with modular false ceilings with hidden supporting structure. These luminaires are not recommaded for lamellar, grill, false ceilings with open sight supporting structure or gypsum board. The diversity of louvers (sable glass treated with flux recovery or transparent glass treated with double-parabolic dispersion dark-light), with extruded aluminum frame, contributes to the increase of the efficiency of these products.

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

24000 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x105 10.5 24001 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x105 10.5


24004 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x105 10.924005 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x105 10.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

24002 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTRONIC 596x596x105 9.624003 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTRONIC 596x596x105 9.6

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

24006 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 DIMMABLE 596x596x105 9.624007 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 DIMMABLE 596x596x105 9.6

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (18W – T8);LT6VSR - Geam sablat tratat cu recuperator de flux;LT6VTDK - Geam transparent tratat cu dispersor dublu-parabolic dark-light.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct light system uses linear fluorescent sources (18W – T8);LT6VSR - Tempered satin glass with regenerator;LT6VTDK - Tempered clear glass with dark-light dispenser

MODUL600x600 4x18W




Simple şi eficiente, corpurile din seria Yellow sunt create special pentru iluminatul interior al spa]iilor \n care existenţa sistemelor optice nu este necesar`. Fluxul luminos al acestor produse este orientat cu preponderenţ` \n direcţia planului util, asigurându-se cele mai bune condiţii din punct de vedere al funcţionalităţii şi siguranţei \n exploatare.

Fabricarea integrală din tablă de oţel vopsit` ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar fixarea pe orice tip de suprafaţ` reprezint` un avantaj.

Simple and effective, the Yellow Series luminaires are specially designed for interior lighting, in areas where the existence of louvers is not needed. The luminous flux is directed especially towards the action plan ensuring the best conditions regarding the function and exploitation safety.

Manufactured entirely from steel sheet, it provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance, removal, and the assem-bling on any surface is an advantage.

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice;• m`rirea rezistenţei la radiaţii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• majorarea perioadei de exploatare, prin dotarea cu tuburi liniare fluorescente de tip T8.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires, by using T8 tubular fluorescent lamps.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor).Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare alb`.Zone de utilizare: iluminarea coridoarelor şi a zonelor de trecere, iluminare de panouri publicitare, casete de prezentare, vitrine, aplicaţii pentru prezentare de produse, obiective şi standuri expoziţionale, amenajarea ilumin`rii scafelor şi arcadelor din carton-gips, baruri.

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp. Colours: white.Applications: corridors and traffic areas, billboards, showcases, windows, applications for product presentation, objectives and exhibition stands, lighting of archways and niches made from gypsum board, bars.



G13 – 18W, 36W, 58W

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Surse fluorescente liniare (18W, 36W, 58W – T8).

Light Sources and LouversLinear fluorescent sources (18W, 36W, 58W – T8).

78 79


25000 1x18W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 55x615x82 1 25001 1x36W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 55x1224x82 1.525002 1x58W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 55x1525x82 225003 2x18W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 55x615x62 125004 2x36W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 55x1224x62 225005 2x58W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 55x1525x62 2.7

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

25006 1x18W G13 - 20 ELECTRONIC 55x615x82 0.725007 1x36W G13 - 20 ELECTRONIC 55x1224x82 1.225008 1x58W G13 - 20 ELECTRONIC 55x1525x82 1.525009 2x18W G13 - 20 ELECTRONIC 55x615x62 0.725010 2x36W G13 - 20 ELECTRONIC 55x1224x62 1.225011 2x58W G13 - 20 ELECTRONIC 55x1525x62 1.5

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

25012 1x18W G13 - 20 DIMMABLE 55x615x82 0.725013 1x36W G13 - 20 DIMMABLE 55x1224x82 1.225014 1x58W G13 - 20 DIMMABLE 55x1525x82 1.525015 2x18W G13 - 20 DIMMABLE 55x615x62 0.725016 2x36W G13 - 20 DIMMABLE 55x1224x62 1.225017 2x58W G13 - 20 DIMMABLE 55x1525x62 1.5



Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Red sunt proiectate şi create special, astfel \ncât \nsuşirile esenţiale \n materie de func]io- nare, consum, costuri, design, s` corespund` exigenţelor de iluminare general` a interioarelor şi s` determine un plus de confort vizual, prin orientarea fluxului luminos \n direcţia planului util. Construc]ia acestor corpuri \n forme p`trate sau rectangulare, la dimensiuni diferite (162x646 mm, 603x646 mm, 286x1556 mm), permit proiectanţilor o mai mare flexibilitate de solu]ionare a aplicaţiilor de iluminat.

Fabricarea integrală din tablă de oţel vopsit` ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar montajul aparent, potrivit oricarui tip de plafon, diminuează timpul de fixare şi reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare.

The Red Series luminaires are especially designed to solve all interior lighting demands and to provide a visual comfort through a luminous flux directed on the action plan. Designed in square and rectangular shapes, with different dimensions (162x646 mm, 603x646 mm, 286x1556 mm), these luminaires allow a high flexibility in lighting applications.

Manufactured entirely from painted steel-sheet, it provides benefits in terms of the installation, maintenance, removal, and the flush mounting, suitable for any type of ceiling, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost.

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice;• m`rirea rezistenţei la radiaţii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• majorarea perioadei de exploatare, prin dotarea cu tuburi liniare fluorescente de tip T8;• versatilitatea gamei, prin folosirea diverselor sisteme optice: lamelar, dublu-parabolic dark-light, metacrilat multilenticular sau opal.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires, by using T8 tubular fluorescent lamps;• versatility of the series, using various louvers: lamellar, double-parabolic dark-light, or opal methacrylate multi-lenticular.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor). Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare alb`. Zone de utilizare: spa]ii deschise, birouri, \nc`peri de lucru colectiv, spa]ii comerciale, zone publice şi administrative.

Using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamps is ensured and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one is ballanced in only 8 month, 3 times higher lifetime of the lamps due to the immediate switching on (annoying flickering is eliminated).

Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp. Colours: white.Applications: open spaces, offices, collective working areas, commercial areas, public and administrative spaces.


Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sisteme optice cu iluminat direct ce utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare T8. LA - Aluminiu lucios cu lamele striate;LB - Aluminiu alb cu lamele lise;DKE - Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°;DKE1 - Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°;LT - Metacrilat multilenticular cu ram` din aluminiu;LTO - Metacrilat opal cu ram` din aluminiu.

Light Sources and LouversDirect light systems that use T8 liniar fluorescent sources.LA - Specular aluminium with striped transverse blades;LB - White aluminium with transverse blades;DKE - Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium;DKE1 - Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium;LT - Multilenticular metacrylate with aluminium perimetral frame;LTO - Opal metarylate with aluminium perimetral frame.


G13 – 18W, 36W, 58W

82 83

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26000 1x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.126001 1x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.126002 1x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.126003 1x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.126004 1x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.126005 1x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.1


26012 1x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.5 26013 1x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.526014 1x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.526015 1x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.526016 1x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.526017 1x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.5

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26006 1x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 162x646x82 2.726007 1x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 162x646x82 2.726008 1x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 162x646x82 2.726009 1x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 162x646x82 2.726010 1x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 162x646x82 2.726011 1x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 162x646x82 2.7

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26018 1x18W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 162x646x82 2.726019 1x18W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 162x646x82 2.726020 1x18W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 162x646x82 2.726021 1x18W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 162x646x82 2.726022 1x18W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 162x646x82 2.726023 1x18W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 162x646x82 2.7


26024 1x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 5.526025 1x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 5.526026 1x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 5.526027 1x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 5.526028 1x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 5.526029 1x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 5.5


26036 1x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 5.9 26037 1x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 5.926038 1x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 5.926039 1x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 5.926040 1x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 5.926041 1x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 5.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26030 1x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 162x1256x82 5.126031 1x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 162x1256x82 5.126032 1x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 162x1256x82 5.126033 1x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 162x1256x82 5.126034 1x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 162x1256x82 5.126035 1x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 162x1256x82 5.1

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26042 1x36W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 162x1256x82 5.126043 1x36W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 162x1256x82 5.126044 1x36W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 162x1256x82 5.126045 1x36W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 162x1256x82 5.126046 1x36W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 162x1256x82 5.126047 1x36W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 162x1256x82 5.1






26048 1x58W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 6.826049 1x58W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 6.826050 1x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 6.826051 1x58W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 6.826052 1x58W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 6.826053 1x58W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 6.8


26060 1x58W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 7.226061 1x58W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 7.226062 1x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 7.226063 1x58W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 7.226064 1x58W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 7.226065 1x58W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 7.2

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26054 1x58W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 162x1556x82 6.126055 1x58W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 162x1556x82 6.126056 1x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 162x1556x82 6.126057 1x58W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 162x1556x82 6.126058 1x58W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 162x1556x82 6.126059 1x58W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 162x1556x82 6.1

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26066 1x58W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 162x1556x82 6.126067 1x58W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 162x1556x82 6.126068 1x58W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 162x1556x82 6.126069 1x58W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 162x1556x82 6.126070 1x58W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 162x1556x82 6.126071 1x58W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 162x1556x82 6.1

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26072 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 3.626073 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 3.626074 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 3.626075 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 3.626076 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 3.626077 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 3.6


26084 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 426085 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 426086 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 426087 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 426088 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 426089 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26078 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 286x646x82 3.226079 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 286x646x82 3.226080 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 286x646x82 3.226081 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 286x646x82 3.226082 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 286x646x82 3.226083 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 286x646x82 3.2

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26090 2x18W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 286x646x82 3.226091 2x18W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 286x646x82 3.226092 2x18W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 286x646x82 3.226093 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 286x646x82 3.226094 2x18W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 286x646x82 3.226095 2x18W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 286x646x82 3.2







26096 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 726097 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 726098 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 726099 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 726100 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 726101 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 7


26108 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 7.426109 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 7.426110 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 7.426111 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 7.426112 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 7.426113 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 7.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26102 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1256x82 6.1 26103 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1256x82 6.1 26104 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1256x82 6.1 26105 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1256x82 6.1 26106 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1256x82 6.1 26107 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1256x82 6.1

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26114 2x36W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 286x1256x82 6.1 26115 2x36W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 286x1256x82 6.1 26116 2x36W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 286x1256x82 6.1 26117 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 286x1256x82 6.1 26118 2x36W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 286x1256x82 6.1 26119 2x36W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 286x1256x82 6.1

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26120 2x58W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 926121 2x58W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 926122 2x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 926123 2x58W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 926124 2x58W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 926125 2x58W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 9 Emergency Lamp Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26132 2x58W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 9.426133 2x58W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 9.426134 2x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 9.426135 2x58W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 9.426136 2x58W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 9.426137 2x58W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 9.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26126 2x58W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x82 7.5 26127 2x58W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x82 7.5 26128 2x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x82 7.5 26129 2x58W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x82 7.5 26130 2x58W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x82 7.5 26131 2x58W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x82 7.5

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26138 2x58W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x82 7.5 26139 2x58W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x82 7.5 26140 2x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x82 7.5 26141 2x58W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x82 7.5 26142 2x58W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x82 7.5 26143 2x58W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x82 7.5






Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26144 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 926145 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 926146 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 926147 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 926148 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 926149 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 9


26156 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 9.4 26157 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 9.4 26158 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 9.4 26159 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 9.4 26160 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 9.4 26161 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 9.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26150 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 603x646x82 8.1 26151 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 603x646x82 8.1 26152 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 603x646x82 8.1 26153 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 603x646x82 8.1 26154 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 603x646x82 8.1 26155 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 603x646x82 8.1

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

26162 4x18W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 603x646x82 8.1 26163 4x18W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 603x646x82 8.1 26164 4x18W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 603x646x82 8.1 26165 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 603x646x82 8.1 26166 4x18W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 603x646x82 8.1 26167 4x18W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 603x646x82 8.1




Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Black sunt proiectate şi create special, astfel \ncât s` reprezinte cea mai potrivit` solu]ie pentru iluminarea spa]iilor \n care se impune un nivel calitativ ridicat al iluminatului artificial şi un grad major al performanţei \n exploatare. Prin func]ionare, se obţine un iluminat de tip direct, caracterizat printr-o proporţie mare de flux luminos dirijat în emisfera inferioară şi o proporţie mică emis` în emisfera superioară. Aceast` modalitate de iluminat este cea mai eficient` din punct de vedere energetic, deoarece fluxul luminos este orientat cu preponderenţ` \n direcţia planului util.

Fabricarea integrală din tablă de oţel vopsit` ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar montajul aparent, potrivit oricarui tip de plafon, diminuează timpul de fixare şi reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare.

The Black Series luminaires are specially designed and produced to represent the best solution for interior lighting, where a high quality level of artificial lighting and performances are needed. During functioning is obtained a direct lighting with a higher luminous flux directed towards the inferior hemisphere and a lower flux into the superior hemisphere. This type of lighting is the most efficient from the energy-saving point of view because the luminous flux is directed more into the action plan.

Manufactured entirely from painted steel-sheet, it provides benefits in terms of the installation, maintenance, removal, and the flush mounting, suitable for any type of ceiling, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost.

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea numai cu balasturi electronice; • reducerea consumului şi cre[terea nivelului calitativ al luminii prin dotarea cu tuburi fluorescente liniare de tip T5;• m`rirea rezistenţei la radiaţii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• prelungirea perioadei de exploatare;• performanţe ridicate garantate de sistemul optic parabolic tri-dimensional din aluminiu anodizat anti-iridescent.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• reducing energy consumption and increasing the quality level of lighting by using T5 linear fluorescent lamps;• increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires;• higher performances due to the tri-dimensional louver made from anti-iridescent aluminium.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor). Performanţele superioare ale l`mpilor T5 conduc la un consum mai mic şi un iluminat superior, datorit` fluxului luminos mai mare decât al l`mpilor T8. Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare alb` sau gri. Zone de utilizare: birouri, săli de clasă, s`li de conferinţ`, spa]ii cu destina]ie comercial` (magazine, showroom-uri etc.).

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). The higher performance of T5 lamps results in a longer lifetime, lower energy consumption and a higher quality lighting due to the higher luminous flux than T8 lamps. Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp.Colours: white or grey.Applications: writing and reading spaces, collective working areas (offices, classrooms, meeting rooms etc.), commercial areas (shops, showrooms etc.).


Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sisteme optice cu iluminat direct ce utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare T5; Fabricat din aluminiu anodizat de calitate 99,9%, pentru control total \n plan longitudinal şi vertical;Luminan]a este mai mic` de 200 cd/m2 sub un unghi de 60°;Performan]a sistemului optic este de 72%.

Light Sources and LouversDirect light systems that use T5 linear fluorescent sources;Made from 99.9% quality aluminium for total control in both plans, transversal and longitudinal;Luminace is less than 200 cd/m2 under a 60° angle;The optical performance of this louver is 72%.


G5 – 14W, 28W

92 93

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

27000 2x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 286x462x55 427001 2x28W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 285x1190x55 627002 3x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 462x590x55 527003 4x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 462x590x55 5


27004 2x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 286x462x55 4.427005 2x28W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 285x1190x55 6.427006 3x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 462x590x55 5.427007 4x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 462x590x55 5.4

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

27008 2x14W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 286x462x55 427009 2x28W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 285x1190x55 627010 3x14W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 462x590x55 527011 4x14W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 462x590x55 5





Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Black Night sunt proiectate şi echipate special, astfel \ncât s` reprezinte cea mai potrivit` solu]ie pentru iluminarea spa]iilor cu destinaţie medical`, \n care se impune un nivel calitativ ridicat al iluminatului artificial, un confort vizual maxim şi un grad major al performanţei \n exploatare. Prin func]ionare, se obţine un iluminat de tip direct, caracterizat printr-o proporţie mare de flux luminos dirijat în emisfera inferioară şi o proporţie mică emis` în emisfera superioară. Aceast` modalitate de iluminat este cea mai eficient` din punct de vedere energetic, deoarece fluxul luminos este orientat cu preponderenţ` \n direcţia planului util.

Fabricarea integrală din tablă de oţel vopsit` ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar montajul aparent, potrivit oricarui tip de plafon, diminuează timpul de fixare şi reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare.

The Black Night Series luminaires are specially designed and equipped to be the best choice for lighting the medical spaces, where a high quality artificial lighting level, a maximum visual comfort and exploitation performance are needed. The series give a direct lighting characterized by a large proportion of luminous flux directed to the inferior hemisphere and a small proportion of flow to the superior hemisphere. This type of lighting is the most efficient from the energy-saving point of view because the luminous flux is directed more into the action plan.

Manufactured entirely from painted steel sheets, it provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance and removal, and, in the same time, the flush mounting, suitable for any type of ceilings, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost.

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea numai cu balasturi electronice; • reducerea consumului şi cre[terea nivelului calitativ al luminii prin dotarea cu tuburi fluorescente liniare de tip T5;• m`rirea rezistenţei la radiaţii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• prelungirea perioadei de exploatare;• performanţe ridicate garantate de sistemul optic parabolic tri-dimensional din aluminiu anodizat anti-iridescent.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• reducing energy consumption and increasing the quality level of lighting by using T5 linear fluorescent lamps;• increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• increasing lifetime of luminaires;• higher performances due to the tri-dimensional louver made from anti-iridescent aluminium.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor). Performanţele superioare ale l`mpilor T5 conduc la un consum mai mic, un iluminat superior, datorit` fluxului luminos mai mare decât al l`mpilor T8. Cea de-a cincea lamp` dispune de un dispersor din policarbonat albastru, care asigur` nivelului minim de iluminat nocturn.Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare alb` sau gri. Zone de utilizare: unit`ţi medicale, spitale, clinici, laboratoare de analiz`, centre de asistenţ` medical`, recuperare şi tratament.

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). The higher performance of T5 lamps results in a longer lifetime, lower energy consumption and a higher quality lighting due to the higher luminous flux than T8 lamps. The fifth lamp has a blue polycarbonate dispenser for a minimum night lighting in hospitals.

Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.

Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp.Colours: white or grey.Applications: medical units, hospitals, clinics, analysis laboratories, assistance, recovering and treatment centers.

96 97


G5 – 14W

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

280003 3x14W+14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 462x590x55 4


28001 3x14W+14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 462x590x55 4.4

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

28002 3x14W+14W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 462x590x55 4

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sisteme optice cu iluminat direct ce utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare T5; Fabricat din aluminiu anodizat de calitate 99,9% pentru control total \n plan longitudinal şi vertical;Luminan]a este mai mic` de 200 cd/m2 sub un unghi de 60°;Performan]a sistemului optic este de 72%;Dispersor din policarbonat albastru pentru cea de-a cincea lamp`.

Light Sources and LouversDirect light systems that use T5 linear fluorescent sources;Made from 99.9% quality aluminium for total control in a longitudinal and vertical plane;Luminace is less than 200 cd/m2 under a 60° angle;The optical performance of this louver is 72%;Blue polycarbonate dispenser for the fifth lamp.





Corpurile de iluminat din seria Cobalt reprezint` o soluţie echilibrată \n cadrul proiectelor de iluminare general` a spa- ]iilor de interior. Proiectarea şi echiparea special`, permit flexibilitatea alegerii tipului de iluminat: direct (datorit` protecţiilor din folie de plastic opal), indirect sau mixt şi totodat`, asigură o distribuţie foarte bună a luminanţelor în spaţiu, prin dirijarea preponderent` a fluxului luminos către emisfera superioară şi reflexia acestuia \n planul util. Lipsa suprafeţei de luminanţă mare a corpurilor de iluminat din câmpul vizual al beneficiarului, conduce la diminuarea la minim a disconfortului optic şi realizarea unui mediu luminos s`n`tos şi plăcut, caracterizat printr-un iluminat difuz şi un contrast slab \ntre lumin` şi umbr`.

Fabricarea integrală din tablă de oţel vopsit` ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar montajul aparent, potrivit oricarui tip de plafon, diminuează timpul de fixare şi reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare.

The Cobalt Series luminaires represent a balanced solution for general interior lighting. The special design of this luminaries affords a large flexibility in choosing the lighting type: direct, indirect or mixed and also ensure a good distribution of luminance in space, directing the luminous flux mainly to the superior hemisphere and its reflection in the action plan.Lower luminance gives a minimum discomfort, therefore a pleasant and healthy lighting ambience with a diffuse lighting and low contrast between light and shadow.

Manufactured entirely from painted steel-sheets, it provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance and removal, and, in the same time, the flush mounting, suitable for any type of ceilings, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost.

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice;• mărirea rezistenţei la radiaţii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• prelungirea perioadei de exploatare prin dotarea cu tuburi fluorescente liniare şi compacte;• flexibilitatea ilumin`rii, \n func]ie de necesit`]ile aplicaţiei.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires, by using compact fluorescent lamps;• flexibility of lighting, according to application's demands.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor). Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare alb` sau gri. Zone de utilizare: birouri, săli de clasă, bibliotec`, \nc`peri de studiu şi lectur`, camere de arhiv`, încăperi deosebite din punct de vedere arhitectural (clădiri monument de arhitectură, muzee, hoteluri de lux etc.).

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp.Colours: white or grey.Applications: offices, classrooms, libraries, study rooms, archives, architectural projects (museums, luxury hotels etc.)






2G11 – 36W, 55W

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

29000 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 600x600x105 8


29003 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 600x600x105 8.429004 2x55W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 600x600x105 7.5

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

29001 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 600x600x105 7.129002 2x55W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 600x600x105 7.1

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

29005 2x36W 2G11 - 20 DIMMABLE 600x600x105 7.129006 2x55W 2G11 - 20 DIMMABLE 600x600x105 7.1

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct-indirect utilizeaz` surse fluorescente compacte (2x36W, 2x55W – TC-L);Sistemul optic este dispus lateral şi este fabricat din tabl` de o]el vopsit` cu pulberi epoxy-poliester cu protecţie UV.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct-indirect light system uses compact fluorescent sources (2x36W, 2x55W – TC-L);The lateral louver is made from UV-stablished epoxy-polyester steel-sheet.





2G11 – 36W, 55W


G5 – 14W, 24W

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

30000 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 600x600x105 8


30005 2x24W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 6.430006 2x54W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x1196x92 8.430007 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 600x600x105 8.430008 2x55W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 600x600x105 7.5

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

30001 2x24W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 630002 2x54W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x1196x92 830003 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 600x600x105 7.130004 2x55W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 600x600x105 7.1

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

30009 2x24W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 630010 2x54W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x1196x92 830011 2x36W 2G11 - 20 DIMMABLE 600x600x105 7.130012 2x55W 2G11 - 20 DIMMABLE 600x600x105 7.1

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct-indirect utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (14W, 24W – T5), precum şi fluorescente compacte (2x36, 2x55W – TC-L);Sistemul optic este dispus lateral şi este fabricat din tabl` de o]el vopsit` cu pulberi epoxy-poliester cu protecţie UV.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct-indirect light system uses both linear (14W, 24W – T5) and compact fluorescent sources (2x36W, 2x55W – TC-L);The lateral louver is made from UV-stablished epoxy-polyester steel-sheet.





2G11 – 55W


G5 – 14W, 24W


31002 2x24W G5 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 6.431003 2x54W G5 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 596x1196x92 8.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

31000 2x24W G5 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 631001 2x54W G5 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 596x1196x92 8

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

31004 2x24W G5 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x92 631005 2x54W G5 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 596x1196x92 8

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct-indirect utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (14W, 24W - T5), precum şi fluorescente compacte (55W – TC-L);Sistemul optic este dispus lateral şi este fabricat din tabl` de o]el vopsit` cu pulberi epoxy-poliester cu protecţie UV şi dispersor dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct-indirect light system uses both linear (14W, 24W - T5) and compact fluorescent sources (55W – TC-L);The lateral louver is made from UV-stablished epoxy-polyester steel-sheet and double parabolic dark-light 60° dispenser.



Corpurile de iluminat din seria Copper sunt special fabricate pentru aplicaţii de iluminare general` a spa]iilor de interior. Flexibilitatea alegerii tipului de iluminat: direct asimetric sau indirect confortabil, recomand` utilizarea acestor corpuri de iluminat \n spa]ii cu destinaţie comercial`. Prin dirijarea direct` a fluxului luminos către planul util, acest sistem de iluminat asigur` un nivel ridicat al confortui vizual. Aceast` modalitate de iluminat este cea mai eficient` din punct de vedere energetic, deoarece fluxul luminos prepodenderent este emis c`tre emisfera inferioară, iar c`tre emisfera superioară este orientat` o mică proporţie a fluxului luminos. Lipsa suprafeţei de luminanţă mare a corpurilor de iluminat din câmpul vizual al beneficiarului, conduce la diminuarea la minim a disconfortului optic şi realizarea unui mediu luminos plăcut.

Fabricarea integrală din tablă de oţel vopsit` ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar montajul aparent, potrivit oricarui tip de plafon, diminuează timpul de fixare şi reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare.

The Cooper Series luminaires are specially designed for general interior light. The flexibility to choose the lighting type: direct asymmetric or comfortable indirect, recommends this lighting fixtures for commercial areas. With a direct luminous flux in the action plan, this lighting system ensures a high visual comfort. This lighting is the most efficient regarding the energy saving due to a higher luminous flux towards the inferior hemisphere and a lower luminous flux to the superior hemisphere. The lower luminance gives a minimum optic discomfort and a pleasant lighting ambiance.

Manufactured entirely from painted steel-sheets, it provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance and removal, and, in the same time, the flush mounting, suitable for any type of ceilings, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost.

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea numai cu balasturi electronice; • m`rirea rezistenţei la radiaţii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• prelungirea perioadei de exploatare prin dotarea cu tuburi fluorescente liniare T8;

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires, by using linear T8 fluorescent lamps.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor). Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare alb`. Zone de utilizare: spa]ii cu destina]ie comercial` (maga-zine, showroom-uri etc.), spa]ii deschise \n edificii publice, zone de relaţii cu publicul, birouri administrative, spa]ii deschise de lucru colectiv.

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp.Colours: white.Applications: commercial areas (shops, showrooms etc.), open spaces, administrative offices, open collective working areas.




G5 – 24W, 54W



32000 2x24W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 632001 2x54W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x1196x92 8


32004 2x24W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 6.432005 2x54W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x1196x92 8.4

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

32002 2x24W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 632003 2x54W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x1196x92 8

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

32006 2x24W G5 - 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x92 632007 2x54W G5 - 20 DIMMABLE 596x1196x92 8

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct asimetric utilizeaz` surse fluorescente (24W, 54W – T5); Sistemul optic este fabricat din tabl` de o]el vopsit` cu pulberi epoxy-poliester cu protecţie UV.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct asymmetric light system uses liniar fluorescent lamps (24W, 54W – T5); The louver is made from UV-stablished epoxy-polyester steel-sheet.




Versiunile, materialele şi stilurile corpurilor de iluminat din seria Ivoire, permit crearea unui design propriu \n proiectele de amenajare interioar`, iar modalitatea de iluminare, direct` sau indirect`, satisface necesit`]ile specifice ale aplicaţiilor de iluminat. Iluminatul direct se caracterizează prin proporţia mare de flux luminos dirijat în emisfera inferioară şi o proporţie mică de flux emis în emisfera superioară. Aceast` modalitate de iluminat este cea mai eficient` din punct de vedere energetic, deoarece fluxul luminos este orientat cu preponderenţ` \n direcţia planului util. Lipsa suprafeţei de luminanţă mare a corpurilor de iluminat din câmpul vizual al beneficiarului, conduce la diminuarea la minim a disconfortului optic şi realizarea unui mediu luminos plăcut şi sănătos.

Forma modular`, design-ul minimalist şi flexibilitatea monta-jului aparent atât pe plafon, cât şi pe perete, trasform` aceste corpuri de iluminat \n solu]ii dinamice, adaptate oricarui ambient interior. Fabricarea din aluminiu extrudat ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar montajul aparent, potrivit oricarui tip de plafon sau perete, diminuează timpul de fixare şi reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare. |n funcţie de echiparea acestor sisteme modulare de iluminat, sunt disponibile urmatoarele variante de dimensiuni:

• pentru sistemul mono-lamp`: Diametru: 70 mm Lungime: 1076, 1686, 2031 mm;• pentru sistemul bi-lamp`: L`ţime: 65 mm; Lungime: 777, 1387, 1687 mm.

The Ivoire Series types, materials and styles allow an unique design for interior lighting, and the various types of lighting, direct or indirect, satisfy the specific needs of any application. The higher luminous flux directed into the inferior hemisphere is a feature of direct lighting. This type of lighting is the most efficient regarding energy saving due to the luminous flux directed to the action plan. The lower luminance gives a minimum optic discomfort and a pleasant and healthy lighting ambiance.

The modular shape, minimalist design and flush mounting flexibility, in ceilings or walls, transform these luminaires into dynamic and adjustable solutions for any interior design. Manufactured entirely from extruded aluminium, it provides benefits in terms of the installation, maintenance, removal. The flush mounting, suitable for any type of ceiling or walls, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost. Depending on the equipment of this modular lighting system, there are available different dimensions:

• for mono-lamp system Diameter: 70 mm Length: 1076, 1686, 2031 mm;• for bi-lamp system: Width: 65 mm; Length: 777, 1387, 1687 mm.

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea numai cu balasturi electronice;• prelungirea perioadei de exploatare prin dotarea cu tuburi fluorescente liniare T8;• versatilitatea gamei, prin dotarea cu dispersoare lamelare sau din metacrilat transparent;• accesoriile mecanice speciale asigur` conexiunea rapid`;• conexiunile electrice pot alimenta una sau mai multe l`mpi.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires, by using linear T8 fluorescent lamps;• versatility of the series, by using lamellar or clear meta-criylate dispenser;• special mechanic accessories ensure a fast connection;• electric connections can supply one or more lamps.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor).Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare alb` sau gri. Zone de utilizare: Toate corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Ivoire ajut` la economisirea de energie şi ofer` un iluminat general ideal, de accent şi de efect pentru aplicaţii comerciale (magazine, showroom-uri etc.), medii de protocol, spaţii \n edificii publice, zone de relaţii cu publicul, birouri admi-nistrative, spa]ii deschise de lucru colectiv.

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp. Colours: white or grey.Applications: All the Ivoire luminaires saves energy, offering an ideal lighting with different accents and general effects for commercial areas (shops, showrooms), open spaces in public buildings, administrative offices, open collective working areas.




G13 – 18W, 36W, 58W



33000 1x18W G13 LTM 40 ELECTRONIC 70x1076x70 2.1 33001 1x36W G13 LTM 40 ELECTRONIC 70x1686x70 2.833002 1x58W G13 LTM 40 ELECTRONIC 70x2031x70 3.733003 1x18W G13 DKM 20 ELECTRONIC 70x1076x70 2.1 33004 1x36W G13 DKM 20 ELECTRONIC 70x1686x70 2.833005 1x58W G13 DKM 20 ELECTRONIC 70x2031x70 3.7

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (18W, 36W, 58W – T8);DKM - Dispersor din metacrilat cromat;LTM - Dispersor din metacrilat transparent.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct light system uses T8 linear fluorescent sources (18W, 36W, 58W – T8);DKM - Chromed metacrylate louver;LTM - Transparent metacrylate louver.


33006 2x18W G13 LTM 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 165x777x70 4.533007 2x36W G13 LTM 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 165x1387x70 1033008 2x58W G13 LTM 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 165x1687x70 1533009 2x18W G13 DKM 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 165x777x70 4.533010 2x36W G13 DKM 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 165x1387x70 1033011 2x58W G13 DKM 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 165x1687x70 15

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

33012 2x18W G13 LTM 20 ELECTRONIC 165x777x70 4.133013 2x36W G13 LTM 20 ELECTRONIC 165x1387x70 9.133014 2x58W G13 LTM 20 ELECTRONIC 165x1687x70 13.533015 2x18W G13 DKM 20 ELECTRONIC 165x777x70 4.133016 2x36W G13 DKM 20 ELECTRONIC 165x1387x70 9.133017 2x58W G13 DKM 20 ELECTRONIC 165x1687x70 13.5

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

33018 1x18W G13 LTM 40 DIMMABLE 70x1076x70 2.1 33019 1x36W G13 LTM 40 DIMMABLE 70x1686x70 2.833020 1x58W G13 LTM 40 DIMMABLE 70x2031x70 3.733021 1x18W G13 DKM 40 DIMMABLE 70x1076x70 2.1 33022 1x36W G13 DKM 40 DIMMABLE 70x1686x70 2.833023 1x58W G13 DKM 40 DIMMABLE 70x2031x70 2.733024 2x18W G13 LTM 20 DIMMABLE 165x777x70 4.133025 2x36W G13 LTM 20 DIMMABLE 165x1387x70 9.133026 2x58W G13 LTM 20 DIMMABLE 165x1687x70 13.533027 2x18W G13 DKM 20 DIMMABLE 165x777x70 4.133028 2x36W G13 DKM 20 DIMMABLE 165x1387x70 9.133029 2x58W G13 DKM 20 DIMMABLE 165x1687x70 13.5

114 115


33900 33902

33909 33906, 33907,33910, 33911



33900 Pies` de jonc]iune [i deriva]ie universal` / Cubic joint 80 x 80 x 80 0.14

33901 Pies` pentru fixare pe plafon sau perete / Spacer 27 x 30 0.014

33902 Racord flexibil de \mbinare / Flexible joint 220 x 67 0.21

33903 Set elemente pentru suspensie [i alimentare electric` (1.5m) 3 x 0.75 0.145

/ Set of elements for suspension and electrical connection (1.5m)

33904 Set elemente pentru suspensie simpl` (1.5m) -- 0.06

/ Set of elements for simple suspension (1.5m)

33905 Set capace terminale pentru sistemul mono-lamp` 71 0.06

/ Level heads set for one-lamp system

33906 Dispersor cromat din ABS pentru sistemul mono-lamp` DKM 302 x 61 x 21 0.038

/ ABS chrome-plated dispenser for one-lamp system DKM

33907 Dispersor din policarbonat transparent pentru 302 x 61 x 21 0.063

sistemul mono-lamp` LTM

/ Polycarbonate transparent dispenser for one-lamp system LTM

33908 Set capace terminale pentru sistemul bi-lamp` 165 x 70 x 18 0.11


33909 Set capace terminale pentru sistemul bi-lamp` 165 x 70 x 62 0.17

/ Joint shaped heads joint for two-lamp system

33910 Dispersor cromat din ABS pentru sistemul bi-lamp` DKM 302 x 109 x 10 0.07

/ ABS chrome-plated dispenser for two-lamp system DKM

33911 Dispersor din policarbonat transparent pentru sistemul 302 x 109 x 10 0.06

bi-lamp` LTM

/ Polycarbonate transparent dispenser for two-lamp system LTM





Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Chrome, concepute ca o alternativ` modern` a surselor clasice de iluminat, sunt caracterizate prin parametri ridicaţi de funcţionalitate, randament, eficienţ` luminoas` şi durat` de exploatare, pentru a satisface exigenţele aplicaţiilor de iluminat general în zone de retail, magazine cu autoservire, medii industriale şi înc`peri cu plafoane înalte. Produsele seriei Chrome asigur` un iluminat de tip direct, printr-o proporţie mare de flux luminos dirijat în emisfera inferioară şi o proporţie mică de flux emis în emisfera superioară. Aceast` modalitate de iluminat este cea mai eficient` din punct de vedere energetic, deoarece fluxul luminos este orientat cu preponderenţ` \n direcţia planului util şi îmbun`t`]e[te condi]iile vizuale şi ambientale.

Formele rectangulare, cu dimensiuni variabile (de la 190x1283 mm la 314x1583 mm) şi accesoriile reglabile de fixare, faciliteaz` adaptarea montajului, aparent sau suspendat, la orice tip de plafon. Mentenanţa este redus`, scazând astfel costul total de exploatare.

The Chrome Series luminaires, created as a modern alterntive to classic lighting fixtures, are characterized through high parameters of functionality, lighting efficiency, longer lifetime, to satisfy any demands of general lighting for retail, shops, industrial halls and high ceiling buildings. The Chrome luminaires ensure a direct lighting with a high luminous flux directed towards the inferior hemisphere and a lower luminous flux in the the superior hemisphere. This kind of lighting has the best energy efficiency due to the luminous flux directed into the action plan and improves visual and ambiental conditions.

The rectangular shapes, with variable dimensions (from 190 x 1283 mm to 314 x 1583 mm) and adjustable fixing acces-sories, provide installation advantages (flush or suspended mounting on any kind of ceiling). Therefore the maintenance is reduced, decreasing the total operating cost.

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea numai cu balasturi electronice; • prelungirea perioadei de exploatare prin dotarea cu tuburi fluorescente liniare T8;• sistemele optice dark-light asigur` nivelul \nalt al calit`]ii iluminatului seriei Chrome.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires, by using linear T8 fluorescent lamps;• the dark-light louvers ensure the high quality lighting of the Chrome Series.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsCorpurile de iluminat ale acestei serii sunt fabricate integral din aluminiu extrudat. Prin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor).Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare alb` sau gri. Zone de utilizare: înc`peri cu plafoane înalte, zone comer-ciale, centre de retail, magazine cu autoservire, spa]ii deschise şi medii publice, centre de conferinţ` şi s`li de birouri.

These luminaires are entirely made from extruded aluminum. By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp.Colours: white or grey.Applications: high ceiling buildings, commercial areas, retail centers, shops, open and public spaces, meeting rooms and offices.


34901 Set elemente pentru suspensie [i alimentare electric` (1,5m) / Set of elements for suspension and electrical connection (1.5m)

34902 Set elemente pentru suspensie simpl` (1,5m) / Set of elements for simple suspension (1.5m)



G13 – 36W, 58W


Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

34000 1x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 190x1283x92 6.234001 1x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 190x1583x92 7.734008 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 314x1283x92 8.534009 2x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 314x1583x92 10.5


34004 1x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 190x1283x92 6.634005 1x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 190x1583x92 8.134012 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 314x1283x92 8.934013 2x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 314x1583x92 10.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

34002 1x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 190x1283x92 5.834003 1x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 190x1583x92 734010 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 314x1283x92 7.634011 2x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 314x1583x92 8.4

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

34006 1x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 190x1283x92 5.834007 1x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 190x1583x92 734014 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 314x1283x92 7.634015 2x58W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 314x1583x92 8.4

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sisteme optice cu iluminat direct ce utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare T8; DKE – Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°.

Light Sources and LouversDirect louvers that use T8 linear fluorescent lamps;DKE – Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium.




Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Violet, concepute ca o alternativ` modern` surselor clasice de iluminat, sunt caracterizate prin parametri ridicaţi de funcţionalitate, randament, eficienţ` luminoas` şi durat` de exploatare, pentru a satisface exigenţele aplicaţiilor de iluminat general civil şi comercial. Produsele seriei Violet asigur` un iluminat de tip direct, printr-o proporţie mare de flux luminos dirijat în emisfera inferioară şi o proporţie mică de flux emis în emisfera superioară. Aceast` modalitate de iluminat este cea mai eficient` din punct de vedere energetic, deoarece fluxul luminos este orientat cu preponderenţ` \n direcţia planului util şi îmbun`t`]e[te condi]iile vizuale şi ambientale.

Forma şi design-ul minimalist asigur` o mare versatilitate acestei serii de produse şi faciliteaz` adaptarea montajului atât prin suspendare de plafon, cât şi prin fixare aparent` de perete sau plafon.

The Violet Series luminaires, especially designed as a modern alternative to the classic lighting fixtures, are characterized through high parameters of functionality, capacity and lighting efficiency, longer lifetime, in order to satisfy any demands of civil and commercial lighting. The Violet luminaires ensure a direct lingting with a high luminous flux directed towards the inferior hemisphere and a lower one in the superior hemisphere. This kind of lighting has the best energy efficiency due to the luminous flux directed into the action plan and improves the visual and ambiental conditions.

The minimalist shape and design ensure a higher versatility to these products and makes easier the installation adjustment, ceiling suspension and ceiling or wall flush mounting.

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice; • prelungirea perioadei de exploatare prin dotarea cu tuburi fluorescente liniare T8;• performanţe ridicate prin dotarea cu dispersor acrilic prismatic, turnat dintr-o bucat`, cu garnitur` de etan[are.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires, by using linear T8 fluorescent lamps;• high performances using prismatic acrylic diffuser, one piece moulded, with air and dust-proof gasket.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsCorpurile de iluminat ale acestei serii sunt fabricate din tabl`. Prin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic şi unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge şi datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor).Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare alb`. Zone de utilizare: centre de conferinţ` şi s`li de birouri, unit`ţi de \nv`ţ`mânt, centre şi cabinete medicale.

These luminaires are totally made from steel-sheet. By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation.

The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp. Colours: white.Applications: conference centers and offices, educational units, health centers.



G13– 18W, 36W, 58W

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (18W, 36W, 58W – T8);Sistemul optic este fabricat din metacrilat prismatic.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct louver uses T8 linear fluorescent sources (18W, 36W, 58W – T8);The louver is made from prismatic metacrylate.

122 123

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

35000 1x18W G13 - 44 ELECTROMAGNETIC 110x670x70 1.535001 1x36W G13 - 44 ELECTROMAGNETIC 110x1270x70 2.135002 1x58W G13 - 44 ELECTROMAGNETIC 110x1582x70 3.135003 2x18W G13 - 44 ELECTROMAGNETIC 195x670x70 1.635004 2x36W G13 - 44 ELECTROMAGNETIC 195x1270x70 3.135005 2x58W G13 - 44 ELECTROMAGNETIC 195x1582x70 5.1


35012 1x18W G13 - 44 ELECTROMAGNETIC 110x670x70 1.935013 1x36W G13 - 44 ELECTROMAGNETIC 110x1270x70 2.535014 1x58W G13 - 44 ELECTROMAGNETIC 110x1582x70 3.535015 2x18W G13 - 44 ELECTROMAGNETIC 195x670x70 235016 2x36W G13 - 44 ELECTROMAGNETIC 195x1270x70 3.535017 2x58W G13 - 44 ELECTROMAGNETIC 195x1582x70 5.5

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

35006 1x18W G13 - 44 ELECTRONIC 110x670x70 1.1 35007 1x36W G13 - 44 ELECTRONIC 110x1270x70 1.735008 1x58W G13 - 44 ELECTRONIC 110x1582x70 1.235009 2x18W G13 - 44 ELECTRONIC 195x670x70 2.735010 2x36W G13 - 44 ELECTRONIC 195x1270x70 2.735011 2x58W G13 - 44 ELECTRONIC 195x1582x70 4.7

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

35018 1x18W G13 - 44 DIMMABLE 110x670x70 1.1 35019 1x36W G13 - 44 DIMMABLE 110x1270x70 1.735020 1x58W G13 - 44 DIMMABLE 110x1582x70 1.235021 2x18W G13 - 44 DIMMABLE 195x670x70 2.735022 2x36W G13 - 44 DIMMABLE 195x1270x70 2.735023 2x58W G13 - 44 DIMMABLE 195x1582x70 4.7




Corpurile de iluminat din seria Blue, etan[ate \mpotriva p`trunderii prafului [i a jeturilor directe de ap` (IP65), asigur` performan]` funcţional`, consumul sc`zut [i confortul ridicat \n cazul aplicaţiilor de iluminat pentru medii speciale de interior [i exterior. Produsele seriei Blue asigur` un iluminat de tip direct, printr-o proporţie mare de flux luminos dirijat în emisfera inferioară şi o proporţie mică de flux emis în emisfera superioară. Aceast` modalitate de iluminat este cea mai eficient` din punct de vedere energetic, deoarece fluxul luminos este orientat cu preponderenţ` \n direcţia planului util.Forma simplificat` [i accesoriile reglabile de fixare, faciliteaz` montajul atât prin suspendare de plafon, cât [i prin fixare aparent` de perete sau plafon. Mentenanţa este redus`, scazând astfel costul total de exploatare.

The Blue Series luminaires, sealed against dust and water jet penetration (IP65), ensure functional performance, low consumption and high comfort in case of special lighting applications for interior and exterior environments. The Blue luminaires ensure a direct lighting with a high luminous flux directed towards the inferior hemisphere and a lower one in the superior hemisphere. This kind of lighting has the best energy efficiency due to luminous flux directed into the action plan.

Minimalist shape and adjustable fixing accessories facilitate the montage both by suspension from the ceiling, as well as by flush mounting from ceiling or wall. Therefore the maintenance is reduced, decreasing the total operating cost.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsCorpurile de iluminat ale acestei serii, fabricate din ABS, sunt dotate cu garnitur` continu` pentru protecţia aparatului conform IP65. Prin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic [i unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge [i datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor).Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare gri deschis. Zone de utilizare: • la interior: ambiente cu \nalţimi mici [i medii, cl`diri industriale, depozite, fabrici [i spa]ii cu mult praf sau umezeal`;

• la exterior: zone care nu sunt expuse intemperiilor atmosferice puternice (parc`ri, sp`l`torii auto, sta]ii de metrou).

The luminaires from these series, manufactured entirely from ABS aluminum, are provided with sealed gasket to protect the equipment, according to the IP65. By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp. Colours: light grey.Applications: • interior: spaces with small and medium heights, industrial halls, storage areas, production facilities with dust and humidity;

• exterior: exterior areas not exposed to severe weather conditions (car parkings, subway stations, auto-service).



Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea numai cu balasturi electronice; • prelungirea perioadei de exploatare prin dotarea cu tuburi fluorescente liniare T8;• performanţe ridicate prin dotarea cu dispersor din metacrilat transparent, cu suprafaţa extern` neted`.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires, by using linear T8 fluorescent lamps;• increasing performances, by using transparent metacrilate dispenser with smooth external surfaces.

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare T8 (18W, 36W, 58W – T8);Sistemul optic este fabricat din metacrilat.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct louver uses T8 linear fluorescent sources (18W, 36W, 58W – T8);The louver is made from metacrylate.


36902 Set elemente pentru suspensie (100 cm) / Set of elements for suspension (100 cm)


126 127

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

36000 1x18W G13 - 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 70x650x90 1.236001 1x36W G13 - 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 70x1260x90 1.536002 1x58W G13 - 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 70x1560x90 3.236003 2x18W G13 - 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 115x650x90 1.536004 2x36W G13 - 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 115x1260x90 336005 2x58W G13 - 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 115x1560x90 3.8


36012 1x18W G13 - 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 70x650x90 1.636013 1x36W G13 - 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 70x1260x90 1.936014 1x58W G13 - 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 70x1560x90 3.636015 2x18W G13 - 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 115x650x90 1.936016 2x36W G13 - 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 115x1260x90 3.436017 2x58W G13 - 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 115x1560x90 4.2

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

36006 1x18W G13 - 65 ELECTRONIC 70x650x90 0.836007 1x36W G13 - 65 ELECTRONIC 70x1260x90 1.136008 1x58W G13 - 65 ELECTRONIC 70x1560x90 2.536009 2x18W G13 - 65 ELECTRONIC 115x650x90 1.136010 2x36W G13 - 65 ELECTRONIC 115x1260x90 2.136011 2x58W G13 - 65 ELECTRONIC 115x1560x90 2.5

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

36018 1x18W G13 - 65 DIMMABLE 70x650x90 0.836019 1x36W G13 - 65 DIMMABLE 70x1260x90 1.136020 1x58W G13 - 65 DIMMABLE 70x1560x90 2.536021 2x18W G13 - 65 DIMMABLE 115x650x90 1.136022 2x36W G13 - 65 DIMMABLE 115x1260x90 2.136023 2x58W G13 - 65 DIMMABLE 115x1560x90 2.5




Corpurile de iluminat din seria Purple, caracterizate prin parametri ridicaţi de protecţie \mpotriva p`trunderii prafului [i apei (IP55), asigur` performan]` funcţional`, consumul sc`zut [i confortul ridicat \n cazul aplicaţiilor de iluminat pentru medii speciale de interior. Produsele seriei Purple asigur` un iluminat de tip direct, printr-o proporţie mare de flux luminos dirijat în emisfera inferioară şi o proporţie mică de flux emis în emisfera superioară. Aceast` modalitate de iluminat este cea mai eficient` din punct de vedere energetic, deoarece fluxul luminos este orientat cu preponderenţ` \n direcţia planului util [i îmbun`t`]e[te condi]iile vizuale [i ambientale.Fabricarea integrală din tablă de oţel vopsit`, precum [i forma simplificat` a aparatelor ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar montajul aparent, potrivit oricarui tip de plafon sau perete, diminuează timpul de fixare, reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare.

The Purple Series luminaires, characterized by high protection against dust and water penetration (IP55), ensure a high functional performance, low consumption and high comfort for special interior lighting. The Purple luminaires ensure a direct lighting with a high luminous flux directed towards the inferior hemisphere and a lower one in the superior hemisphere. This kind of lighting is the most efficient in terms of energy, due to luminous flux directed into the action plan and improves the visual and ambiental conditions.

Manufactured entirely from painted steel-sheet, it provides benefits in terms of the installation, maintenance, removal.The flush mounting, suitable for any type of ceiling, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (acces-sories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic [i unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge [i datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor).Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare gri deschis. Zone de utilizare: spa]ii de interior cu parametri de mediu deosebiţi: restaurate, hoteluri, buc`t`rii, cantine, s`li de preparare a hranei, camere de baie, centre de \nfrumuse]are [i tratament corporal, Spa-uri.

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp.Colours: light grey.Applications: interior spaces with special parameters demands, such as: restaurants, hotels, kitchens, bathrooms, beauty saloons, SPA and body treatment centers.



G13 – 18W, 36W, 58W

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice;• m`rirea rezistenţei la radiaţii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• prelungirea perioadei de exploatare prin dotarea cu tuburi fluorescente liniare T8;• versatilitatea gamei, prin folosirea diverselor sisteme optice (metacrilat multilenticular sau opal) cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires, by using linear T8 fluorescent lamps;• versatility of the series, due to the use of various louvers (multilenticular or opal metacrylate) with extruded aluminium frame.

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (18W, 36W, 58W – T8);Sistemul optic este fabricat din metacrilat multilenticular (LT5) sau opal (LT5O) cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat, IP55.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct louver uses T8 linear fluorescent sources (18W, 36W, 58W – T8);The louver is made from multilenticular metacrylate (LT5) or opal (LT5O) with extruded aluminium frame, IP55.

130 131

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

37000 1x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.537001 1x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 5.837002 1x58W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 737003 2x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 3.837004 2x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 7.337005 2x58W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 9.537006 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 7.2


37014 1x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.9 37015 1x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 6.237016 1x58W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 7.437017 2x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 4.237018 2x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 7.737019 2x58W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 9.937020 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 7.6

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

37007 1x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 162x646x82 3.137008 1x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 162x1256x82 5.437009 1x58W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 162x1556x82 6.337010 2x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 286x646x82 3.437011 2x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 286x1256x82 6.437012 2x58W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x82 7.837013 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 603x646x82 6.3

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

37021 1x18W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 162x646x82 3.137022 1x36W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 162x1256x82 5.437023 1x58W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 162x1556x82 6.337024 2x18W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 286x646x82 3.437025 2x36W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 286x1256x82 6.437026 2x58W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 286x1556x82 7.837027 4x18W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 603x646x82 6.3

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

37028 1x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.537029 1x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 5.837030 1x58W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 737031 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 3.837032 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 7.337033 2x58W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 9.537034 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 7.2


37042 1x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x646x82 3.9 37043 1x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1256x82 6.237044 1x58W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 162x1556x82 7.437045 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x82 4.237046 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x82 7.737047 2x58W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x82 9.937048 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x82 7.6

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

37035 1x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 162x646x82 3.137036 1x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 162x1256x82 5.437037 1x58W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 162x1556x82 6.337038 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 286x646x82 3.437039 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 286x1256x82 6.437040 2x58W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x82 7.837041 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 603x646x82 6.3

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

37049 1x18W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 162x646x82 3.137050 1x36W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 162x1256x82 5.437051 1x58W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 162x1556x82 6.337052 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 286x646x82 3.437053 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 286x1256x82 6.437054 2x58W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 286x1556x82 7.837055 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 603x646x82 6.3


132 133


Corpurile de iluminat din seria Amaranth, etan[ate \mpotriva p`trunderii prafului şi a jeturilor directe de ap` (IP65), asigur` performan]a func]ional`, consumul sc`zut şi confortul ridicat \n cazul aplicaţiilor de iluminat pentru medii interioare speciale, de tip „camer` curat`“. Produsele seriei Amaranth asigur` un iluminat de tip direct, printr-o proporţie mare de flux luminos dirijat în emisfera inferioară şi o proporţie mică de flux emis în emisfera superioară. Aceast` modalitate de iluminat este cea mai eficient` din punct de vedere energetic, deoarece fluxul luminos este orientat cu preponderenţ` \n direcţia planului util.

Fabricarea integrală din tablă de oţel vopsit`, precum şi forma simplificat` a aparatelor, ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreţinere şi detaşare, iar montajul aparent, potrivit oricarui tip de plafon, diminuează timpul de fixare, reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) şi costul total de exploatare.

The Amaranth Series luminaires, sealed against dust and direct water jets penetration (IP65) ensure a functional performance, low consumption and high comfort for special "clean room lighting" interiors. These luminaires ensure a direct lighting with a high luminous flux directed towards the inferior hemisphere and a lower flux towards the superior one. This type of lighting has the best energy efficiency, due to the luminous flux directed mostly into the action plan.

Manufactured entirely from painted steel-sheet, it provides benefits in terms of the installation, maintenance, removal.The flush mounting, suitable for any type of ceiling, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (acces-sories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost.

Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical SpecificationsPrin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic [i unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de viaţ` a surselor se atinge [i datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor).Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatică: culoare alb sau gri. Zone de utilizare: aplica]ii de tip “camer` curat`” din domeniile: medical (spitale, clinici, laboratoare), alimentar (intreprinderi de procesare a c`rnii), comercial etc.

By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The 3 times extension of the lamps lifespan is reached also due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21.Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp. Colours: white or grey.Applications: "clean room" applications for medical units, food-industry facilities, commercial areas. It can be used in: hospitals, clinics, laboratories, meat industry etc.


G13 – 18W, 36W, 58W

Avantaje:• cre[terea eficienţei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice; • m`rirea rezistenţei la radiaţii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester;• prelungirea perioadei de exploatare prin dotarea cu tuburi fluorescente liniare T8;• versatilitatea gamei, prin folosirea diverselor sisteme optice (geam sablat tratat cu recuperator de flux sau geam transparent tratat cu dispersor dublu-parabolic dark-light) cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat.

Advantages:• increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts;• increasing resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders;• increasing lifetime of the luminaires, by using linear T8 fluorescent lamps;• versatility of the series, due to the use of various louvers (tempered satin glass with regenerator and double-parabolic dark-light tempered clear glass) with extruded aluminium frame.

Surse şi Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (18W, 36W, 58W – T8);LT6VSR - Geam sablat tratat cu recuperator de flux;LT6VTDK - Geam transparent tratat cu dispersor dublu-parabolic dark-light.

Light Sources and LouversThe direct light system uses T8 liner fluorescent sources;LT6VSR - Tempered satin glass with regenerator;LT6VTDK - Tempered clear glass with double parabolic dark-light dispenser.

134 135

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

38000 2x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x105 5 38001 2x36W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x105 8.538002 2x58W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x105 1138003 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x105 8.5


38008 2x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x105 5.438009 2x36W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x105 8.938010 2x58W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x105 11.438011 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x105 8.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

38004 2x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTRONIC 286x646x105 4.638005 2x36W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTRONIC 286x1256x105 7.638006 2x58W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x105 9.538007 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 ELECTRONIC 603x646x105 7.6

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

38012 2x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 DIMMABLE 286x646x105 4.638013 2x36W G13 LT6VTDK 65 DIMMABLE 286x1256x105 7.638014 2x58W G13 LT6VTDK 65 DIMMABLE 286x1556x105 9.538015 4x18W G13 LT6VTDK 65 DIMMABLE 603x646x105 7.6

Electromagnetic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

38016 2x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x105 5 38017 2x36W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x105 8.538018 2x58W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x105 1138019 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x105 8.5


38024 2x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x646x105 5.438025 2x36W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1256x105 8.938026 2x58W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 286x1556x105 11.438027 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTROMAGNETIC 603x646x105 8.9

Electronic warm-start Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

38020 2x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTRONIC 286x646x105 4.638021 2x36W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTRONIC 286x1256x105 7.638022 2x58W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTRONIC 286x1556x105 9.538023 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 ELECTRONIC 603x646x105 7.6

Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast LuminairesCODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ

38028 2x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 DIMMABLE 286x646x105 4.638029 2x36W G13 LT6VSR 65 DIMMABLE 286x1256x105 7.638030 2x58W G13 LT6VSR 65 DIMMABLE 286x1556x105 9.538031 4x18W G13 LT6VSR 65 DIMMABLE 603x646x105 7.6


136 137


Specular aluminum with striped transverse blade;Created for a more concentrated light flux distribution;Made from 99.85% good quality anodized and polished aluminum, with ruled-aluminum transverse blades, this louver is the cheapest solution in the market with a better quality product;The LA louver's efficiency is about 65%;Louver fixing: spring-release balancing opening with anti-fall devices for an easier maintenance.

Optic` lamelar` din aluminiu lucios cu lamele transversale striate;Creat pentru o distribuţie concentrat` a fluxului luminos;Fabricat din aluminiu de calitate superioar` (99,85%), anodizat [i lucios, cu lamele transversale striate din aluminiu, acest sistem optic este soluţia optim` calitate - preţ pe piaţa de profil;Eficienţa sistemului optic LA este de aproximativ 65%;Fixare sistem optic: dispozitive de susţinere [i cleme flexibile pentru facilitarea întreţinerii.

138 139

White painted aluminum;Created for a diffused light flux distribution;Made from good quality white-painted aluminum (99.85%), this louver is suitable for economical lighting applications;Recommended the use of this louver in highly reflecting environments (bright ceilings and walls);The LB louver's efficiency is about 63%;Louver fixing: by means of plastic dowel-devices (with safety system), with hinge balancing opening for an easier maintenance.

Optic` din aluminiu vopsit in alb;Creat pentru o distribuţie difuz` a fluxului luminos;Fabricat din aluminiu de calitate superioar` (99,85%), vopsit alb, acest sistem optic soluţioneaz` aplicaţiile care necesită iluminare difuză; Se recomandă utilizarea LB \n ambiente cu grad ridicat de reflexie (pereţi si tavane stralucitoare);Eficienţa sistemului optic LB este de aproximativ 63%;Fixare sistem optic: deschidere cu balamale (cu sistem de siguranţă) [i cleme flexibile din plastic pentru facilitarea întreţinerii.


[ l ](cd/1000 lm ) C0 - C18 00° 15°15°





90° 500400300200100

2x36 LA

[ l ](cd/1000 lm ) C0 - C18 00° 15°15°





90° 500400300200100

2x36 LB

Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular;For an excellent distribution subsidiary of luminous flux, in both directions, transverse and longitudinal, flow, with a slight effect diffusing near the edges due to satin finish aluminum 99.85%;DKE is suitable for optical applications in environments with video terminals having a luminance less than 200 cd/m2 above the angle 60° in all plans;The optical performance of DKE is approximately 66%;Fixing screen: snap, spring, opening the door with anti easier for maintenance.

Optic` din aluminiu lucios, dublu parabolic dark-light 60°;Creat pentru o distribuţie complementar` a fluxului luminos \n ambele planuri (transversal [i longitudinal) [i un efect u[or difuz la margini datorit` finisajului satinat [i calit`ţii superioare a aluminiului (99,85%);Se recomand` utilizarea DKE \n ambiente cu terminale video, ce au luminanţa mai mic` de 200 cd/m2 \n toate planurile cu unghi de peste 60°;Eficienţa sistemului optic DKE este de aproximativ 66%;Fixare sistem optic: cleme flexibile [i balamale de susţinere pentru facilitarea deschiderii [i întreţinerii.


Optical mirror 60°;Made from aluminum valuable quality 99.9% anodized finish brilliant for total control in both plans (transverse and longitudinal);This louver being three-dimensional and thus ensuring an excellent solution in control glare unreachable by conventional optics;The luminance is less than 200 cd/m2 above the angle of 60° on all floors;The optical performance of DKL16 is 72%;Fixing screen with spring hinge joint and to prevent device for easier maintenance.

Optică tri-dimensională dark-light 60°; Fabricat din aluminiu anodizat de calitate superioar` (99,85%), finisaj lucios pentru un control total \n ambele planuri (transversal [i longitudinal);Sistemul optic tri-dimensional DKL16 asigur` o excelent` soluţionare a iluminatului controlat, nedisponibil la opticile convenţionale;Luminanţa este mai mic` de 200 cd/m2 \n toate planurile cu unghi de peste 60°; Eficien]a sistemului optic DKL16 este de 72%;Fixare sistem optic: cleme flexibile [i dispozitive de susţinere pentru facilitarea deschiderii [i întreţinerii.



1x36 DKE[ l ] (cd/1000 lm) C0 - C18 0

0° 15°15°30°30°




[ l ] (cd/1000 lm) C0 - C18 00° 15°15°





Diffuser methacrylate multi-lenticular perimeter frame aluminum;Methacrylate diffuser, multi-lenticular for a controlled distribution of the light intensity;Its frame is made from extruded aluminum, whereas the silver-colored surface has an oxidized finishing;LT diffuser efficiency is about 57%;Diffuser fixing: through plastic bolts inserted in the frame itself. Hinge balancing opening for a simplified maintenance.

Optic` din metacrilat multi-lenticular [i ram` din aluminiu;Sistem optic din metacrilat multi-lenticular pentru o distribuţie controlat` a intensit`ţii luminoase;Ram` din aluminiu extrudat, cu finisaj argintiu mat;Eficienţa sistemului optic LT este de aproximativ 57%;Fixare sistem optic: balamale din plastic \n ram`, faciliteaz` deschiderea [i \ntreţinerea.

Diffuser in opal methacrylate perimeter frame aluminum;Smooth opal methacrylate diffuser;Its frame is made from extruded aluminum, whereas the silver-colored surface has an oxidized finishing;LTO diffuser efficiency is about 52%;Diffuser fixing: through plastic bolts inserted in the frame itself. Hinge balancing opening for a simplified maintenance.

Optic` din metacrilat opal [i ram` din aluminiu extrudat;Sistem optic din metacrilat opal neted;Ram` din aluminiu extrudat, cu finisaj argintiu mat;Eficienţa sistemului optic LTO este de aproximativ 52%;Fixare sistem optic: balamale din plastic \n ram`, faciliteaz` deschiderea [i \ntreţinerea.


142 143

4x18 LT-LT 5 4x18 LT-LT 5


144 145

Flat diffuser in methacrylate multi-lenticular perimeter frame in aluminum (IP55);Transparent methacrylate diffuser, multi-lenticular for a con- trolled distribution of the light intensity;Its frame is made from extruded aluminum, whereas the silver-colored surface has an oxidized finishing;Efficiency: about 57%.

Optic` din metacrilat multi-lenticular [i ram` din aluminiu, grad de protecţie IP55;Sistem optic din metacrilat transparent, multi-lenticular pentru o distribuţie controlat` a intensit`ţii luminoase;Ram` din aluminiu extrudat, cu finisaj argintiu mat;Eficienţa sistemului optic LT5 este de aproximativ 57%;

Flat diffuser in opal methacrylate perimeter frame in aluminum (IP55);Smooth opal methacrylate diffuser;Its frame is made from extruded aluminum, whereas the silver-colored surface has an oxidized finishing;Efficiency: about 52%.

Optic` din metacrilat opal [i ram` din aluminiu, grad de protecţie IP55;Dispersor din metacrilat opal, transparent [i neted;Ram` din aluminiu extrudat, cu finisaj argintiu mat;Eficienţa sistemului optic LT5O este de aproximativ 52%.

4x18 LT-LT 54x18 LT-LT 5

Tempered satin slab glass + regenerator (IP65);Slab diffusing glass satin tempered (thickness 4 mm);Its frame is made from extruded aluminum, whereas the silver-colored surface has an oxidized finishing;Efficiency: about 52%;Fixing louver: the frame is fixed on the lamp body with a special system of screws.

Optic` din sticl` sablat` + recuperator de flux, grad de protecţie IP65;Dispersor din sticl` sablat` satinat` (grosime 4 mm);Ram` din aluminiu extrudat, cu finisaj argintiu mat;Eficienţa sistemului optic LT6VSR este de aproximativ 52%;Fixare sistem optic: rama se fixeaz` pe corpul l`mpii cu un sistem special de [uruburi.

Tempered satin slab glass + regenerator (IP65);4 mm transparent tempered-glass diffuser;Its frame is made from extruded aluminum, whereas the silver-colored surface has an oxidized finishing;Efficiency: about 66%;Fixing louver: the frame is fixed on the lamp body with a special system of screws.

Optic` din sticl` sablat` + recuperator de flux, grad de protecţie IP65;Dispersor din sticl` sablat` transparent` (grosime 4 mm);Ram` din aluminiu extrudat, cu finisaj argintiu mat;Eficienţa sistemului optic LT6VTDK este de aproximativ 66%; Fixare sistem optic: rama se fixeaz` pe corpul l`mpii cu un sistem special de [uruburi.


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1x36 DK


• Corpuri de iluminat optime pentru medii cu temperaturi \ntre –5°C şi +25°C (temperatura maxim` temporar` +35°C).• Cablarea uzual` pentru corpurile de iluminat este de 230V –50Hz, iar l`mpile sunt amorsate cu un starter flash.• Starter: disponibil la cerere. Starter electronic de siguran]` pentru iluminare instantanee sau temperaturi joase de iluminare (temperatura minim` de func]ionare –15°C).• Balasturi electromagnetice: la l`mpile de 18W este doar un singur balast la lampile de 36W pentru doua l`mpi. Corpurile noastre de iluminat sunt compensate şi corecteaza factorul de putere HFP. • Corec]ia factorului de putere se face \ntotdeauna la un cos. j peste 0,9 paralel, cu condensatori echipaţi cu contactoare de descarcare şi rezistenţ` antiexplozie.• Produsele noastre sunt conforme normelor CEI 34-21, EN 60598-1, IEC 598-1.• Cablu: rezistent la \nc`lzire, PVC neflexibil, diametru 0,5mm2, secţiune 0,75mm2, 90°C HT.• Reglet`: cu trei poli, alimentare tip LNT, conectarea rapid` pentru fiecare pol este 2x2,5mm2.• La cerere putem oferi siguran]a 2A direct instalat` pe reglet`, pentru a limita orice scurtcircuit (doar la corpul de iluminat deteriorat) şi a men]ine funcţionale celelalte corpuri de iluminat.• Anti-zgomot: protecţia dispozitivului la \nalte frecvenţe radio, disponibil` la cerere pentru toate corpurile de iluminat.• Toate corpurile de iluminat sunt \n conformitate cu dispoziţiile EMC.• Aprindere dubl`: este posibil`, la cerere, la anumite l`mpi ale aceluia[i corp de iluminat, care garanteaz` un consum de energie mult mai redus şi o utilizare mult mai divers`.


• Fixtures suitable for environments with temperature between –5°C and +25°C (maximum temporary tempe-rature +35°C).• The usual wiring for fixtures is at 230V-50Hz, and the lamps are lighted by flash starter.• Starter: available on request. Security electronic starter for instantaneous or low temperature lighting (minimum operating temperature –15°C).• Electromechanical ballasts: in 18W double-lamp or multiple wiring there is only one ballast (36W for two lamps). Our lighting fixtures are cabled and HPF power factor corrected. • The power factor correction is always carried out in cos. j over 0.9 parallel, with capacitors equipped with discharge internal and explosion-proof resistance.• Our products are compliant standards: CEI 34-21, EN 60598-1, IEC 598-1.• Cable: heat-resistant, non-flexible PVC, 0.5 mm2 diameter, 0.75 mm2 section, 90°C HT.• Terminal block: for three-pole, LNT-type mains supply, connection capacity for each pole is 2x2.5 mm2.• On request we can provide 2A safety fuse directly installed on the terminal block to limit any short-circuit (only to the damaged fixture), and to maintain the other fixtures in service.• Anti-noise: protection device for high radio frequencies, available on request for all fixtures.• All fixtures are always in compliance with EMC dispositions.• Double-lighting: it is possible, on request, to partially light lamps of the same fixture, which would guarantee a much lower power consumption and a more versatile use.


CABLARE ELECTRONIC~ DIMABILĂ Corpurile de iluminat pot fi echipate cu balasturi electronice dimabile de \nalt` frecven]`, care asigur` toate avantajele mai sus menţionate pentru alimentarea electronic` cu energie, pe lâng` posibilitatea de a ajusta fluxul luminos \n func]ie de nevoile vizuale, [i de a asigura o economie de energie, datorit` folosirii controlate a intensit`ţii luminoase. Acest sistem este indicat pentru instalarea \n medii diferite, datorit` oportunit`ţii de conectare la fotocelule sau la sisteme de control automat.

DIMMABLE ELECTRONIC WIRINGThe luminaires can be equipped with high-frequency dimmable electronic ballasts, which provide all the above mentioned advantages of the electronic power supply, beside the possibility to adjust the light flux in relation to visual needs; it also allows power saving thanks to its controlled use of the light intensity.

This system which can also be connected to photocells or automatic control systems, is suitable for installation in various environments.

CABLARE SPECIAL~ La cerere, producem corpuri de iluminat cu diferite cablaje – privind voltajul sau frecven]a – sau corec]ia serial` a factorului de putere.

SPECIAL WIRING Upon request we can manufacture fixtures with different wiring – regarding voltage or frequency – or with serial power factor correction.

CABLARE ELECTRONIC~ Corpurile de iluminat pot fi echipate cu balasturi electronice de \nalt` frecven]`, care opereaz` \n medii cu temperatur` de la -5°C la +35°C (temperatura maxim` temporar` +45°C), prezint` urmatoarele beneficii:• economie de energie;• durat` de viaţ` a l`mpii m`rit`;• corec]ia factorului de putere f`r` condensator, cos. j facto-rul de putere peste 0,95;• iluminare instantanee \n absenţa unui starter;• func]ionare constant` şi stabil` f`r` efecte stroboscopice sau fliker la aprindere;• func]ionare f`r` zgomot;• mentenanţ` facil`.

EMERGENCY WIRING All fixtures in this catalog, can be equipped with high-frequency electronic ballasts, operating in environments with temperature ranging from -5°C to +35°C (max temporary temperature +45°C), and offer the following benefits:• energy saving;• longer lamp lifetime;• power factor correction without capacitor, cos. j power factor over 0.95;• istantaneous lighting in absence of starter;• constant and stable operating rate, without stroboscopic effects or fliker at ignition;• noiseless functioning;• easy maintenance.

CABLARE cu EFICIEN}~ RIDICAT~ • Realizat` cu acela[i circuit şi caracteristici precum cablarea standard, cu balast electromagnetic (aceea[i m`rime ca şi balastul standard).• Fiecare balast pierde numai 6W \n ambele versiuni de 18W şi 36W şi numai 8W \n versiunea 58W (aproximativ 30% consum faţ` de balastul standard).• Corpurile de iluminat sunt recomandate pentru ambiente cu o temperatur` de la -5°C pân` la +35°C (temperatura maxim` temporar` +45°C).

HIGH EFFICIENCY WIRING• Carried out with the same circuit and characteristics as the standard wiring, with low-loss electromechanical ballast (same size as standard ballasts).• Each ballast loses only 6W in both 18W and 36W versions, and only 8W in the 58W version (about 30% lower power consumption than standard ballast).• Fixtures are suitable for environments with temperature ranging from -5°C to +35°C (maximum temporary temperature +45°C).

CABLARE cu KIT de EMERGEN}~ • Kit de emergen]` pentru una sau mai multe l`mpi fluorescente.

EMERGENCY WIRING • Indipendent battery backup on one or more fluorescent lamps.

Installation and use instructions are provided with every lighting fixture.

Instruc]iunile pentru asamblarea şi instalarea corpurilor de iluminat sunt disponibile \n interiorul ambalajului fiec`rui aparat.

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Aparataj auxiliar

Aparatajul auxiliar necesar funcţionării adecvate a surselor de lumină este reprezentat de balast, igniter şi condensator. Balasturile trebuie să îndeplinească următoarele condiţii:

• să asigure stabilizarea descărcării;

• să introducă un procentaj redus de armonici;

• să fie echipat cu sisteme de atenuare a paraziţilor radio sau TV;

• să prezinte o funcţionare silenţioasă pe o perioadă cât mai lungă de timp.

Din punct de vedere funcţional, aceste echipamente trebuie să prezinte compatibilitate electrică, astfel încât funcţionarea surselor de lumină să se facă la parametrii nominali. Balastu-rile utilizate pot fi: electromagnetice şi electronice.

Balasturi ElectromagneticeBalasturile electromagnetice folosite tradiţional au un factor de putere mic şi un consum de energie relativ mare, fiind instalate la aproape toate sistemele de iluminare cu l`mpi fluorescente. Balasturile electromagnetice performante pot fi utilizate în vederea gestionării judicioase a energiei elec-trice. În cazul clădirilor existente, utilizarea unor balasturi electromagnetice uzate moral poate fi o sursă importantă de scădere a performanţei energetice a clădirii.

Prin Directiva 2000/55/EC, Comunitatea Europeana impune produc`torilor, vânz`torilor şi implicit instalatorilor, desig-nerilor şi utilizatorilor, restricţii normative de eficienţ` ener-getic` la balasturile l`mpilor fluorescente.

Federaţia European` a Produc`torilor de Corpuri de Ilumi-nat (CELMA) a creat 7 clase de eficienţ` pentru balasturile l`mpilor fluorescente, \ncepând de la cea mai ridicat` efici-enţ` (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C şi D) referitoare la alimentarea circuitului:

• Clasele A1, A2 şi A3 corespund balastului electronic pen-tru o func]ionare a l`mpilor fluorescente la aproximativ 36 Khz.

• Clasele B1 şi B2 corespund reactoarelor electromagnetice cu pierderi joase, din bobine de cupru de \nalt` calitate rula-te pe nuclee de aluminiu.

• Clasa C corespunde reactoarelor convenţionale pe care Directiva European` le-a retras de pe piaţ` din 20.11.2005.

• Clasa D, retras` de pe piaţ` din data 21.05.2002.

Auxiliary EquipmentsAuxiliary equipments needed for an adequate function of lighting sources is represented by ballast, igniter and capacitor. Ballasts must answer to the following conditions:

• to ensure discharge stabilization;

• to introduce a low level of harmonics;

• to be equipped with attenuation systems of radio or TV interference;

• to have a silent function for a long period of time.

From the functional point of view, these equipments must have electric compatibility for a nominal functionality of lighting sources. Used ballasts can be: electromagnetic and electronic.

Electromechanical BallastsElectromagnetical ballasts, traditionaly used, have a small power factor and a high energy consumption, being installed in almost every fluorescent lighting system. For the existing buildings, the use of electromagnetic ballasts, morally aged can be an important source of low energy performance of the building.

With 2000/55/EC Directive, European Community introdu-ced restrictions for producers, wholesalers, installers, designers and users, on matters regarding energy efficiency of fluorescent lamp’s ballasts.

Consequently, the European federation of Lighting Fixture Producers (CELMA), based on the circuit power supply, has created 7 classes of efficiency for fluorescent lamps ballasts, starting with the higher efficiency (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C and D):

• A1-A2-A3 classes correspond to the electronic ballasts that runs the fluorescent lamps at a rate of about 36 KHz.

• B1-B2 classes match electromechanical reactors with low losses, made from high quality copper coils rolled on laminate nucleus.

• C class corresponds to conventional reactors that the European Directive stopped from trading since 20.11.2005;

• D class stopped from trading since 21.05.2002.

Directivele Parlamentului European şi ale Consiliului Europei impun ca în perioada următoare să fie utilizate numai balasturi cu înaltă eficienţă pentru aprinderea l`mpilor fluorescente.

Pentru a evalua corespunzător performanţa energetică a unei clădiri trebuie să se analizeze şi să se evalueze consumul de energie electrică pentru iluminatul general şi iluminatul de siguranţă, atât în cazul clădirilor aflate în exploatare, precum şi în cazul celor nou construite. La crearea mediului luminos interior concură o serie de factori cantitativi şi calitativi, contribuind astfel la asigurarea funcţionalităţii şi esteticii încăperii. Analiza performanţei energetice a clădirii se poate face numai în condiţiile realizării unui mediu luminos care să răspundă cerinţelor minime de confort vizual şi estetic.

Proiectarea corespunzătoare a sistemelor de iluminat artificial, \n vederea asigurării confortului vizual prin respectarea factorilor cantitativi şi calitativi impuşi de normativul \n vigoare, precum şi a implementării unor soluţii performante din punct de vedere energetic, se fac luând în considerare următoarele aspecte:

• alegerea adecvată a echipamentelor electrice din punct de vedere funcţional, astfel încât instalaţia de iluminat să prezinte un grad ridicat al eficienţei energetice;

• alegerea adecvată a tipului de sistem de iluminat din punct de vedere al distribuţiei fluxului luminos în spaţiu;

• implementarea unor sisteme de iluminat mixte dac` este cazul;

• utilizarea metodelor de calcul precise pentru stabilirea soluţiei luminotehnice;

• utilizarea programelor de calcul specializate pentru o dimensionare corectă a soluţiilor de iluminat în vederea evitării supradimensionării sau subdimensionării sistemelor de iluminat artificial.

The directives of Europen Parliament and European Concil require, for the next period, only the use of high efficiency ballasts for fluorescent lamps.

To properly assess the energetic performance of a building, the energy consumption for general and emergency lighting must be analised and evaluated, both for new and exploitated buildings. To create the interior lighting there are some quantity and quality factors that give functionality and esthetic ambiance to the space. The analysis of energetic efficiency can be done only when the ligting ambient answers to minimum requests of visual and esthetic comfort.

The adequate design of artificial lighting systems, in order to ensure visual comfort by respecting quality and quantity factors required by the active normatives and to introduce performant energetic solutions, must be done considering the folowing aspects:

• the adequate selection of the electric equipments, from the functional point of view, in order to obtain a high energetic efficiency;

• adequate selection of lighting system regarding luminous flux distribution;

• introducing mixed lighting system if necessary;

• using precise computation methods to obtain the lighting solution;

• using specialized computation programs for a correct dimensioning of lighting solutions in order to avoid supra or under-dimension of artificial lighting systems.


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Balasturi Electronice Balasturile electronice permit un bun nivel al confortului de iluminat şi sunt fabricate conform Directivei Europene 2002/95/EC – RoHS, care se refer` la restricţionarea utiliz`-rii anumitor substanţe periculoase \n produsele electronice, puse pe piaţ` dup` 01 Iulie 2006.

Datorit` faptului ca balasturile electronice au un consum energetic redus, utilizarea acestora asigur`, \n comparaţie cu balasturile electromagnetice convenţionale, atât o economie cu pân` la 25% a consumului global de energie electrică, cât şi o serie de avantaje funcţionale:

• creşterea eficacităţii luminoase a lămpilor fluorescente;

• cre[terea fluxului luminos cu 10% prin func]ionarea l`mpi- lor fluorescente la frecvenţe \nalte;

• reducerea pierderilor de joas` tensiune (mai puţin de 10%);

• posibilitatea oscil`rii fluxului luminos în funcţie de necesi-tăţile utilizatorului;

• prelungirea duratei de funcţionare a surselor.

Utilizarea balastului electronic (de frecvenţă înaltă) în locul balastului electromagnetic reprezint` cea mai important` solu]ie de îmbunătăţire a nivelului de eficacitate al l`mpilor fluorescente!

Balasturile electronice dimabileSistemele electronice dimabile de reglare a fluxului luminos, integrate \n echiparea surselor de iluminat, confer` un set complex de avantaje la utilizare, cum ar fi:

• reducerea puterii luminoase iniţiale;

• economisirea consumului de energie;

• creearea unei atmosfere adecvate fiec`rei st`ri;

• cre[terea confortului vizual.

Durata de utilizare a surselor de iluminat alimentate cu ba-lasturi electronice este de 15 ori mai mare comparativ cu cea a surselor cu incandescenţ`. Sunt utilizate cu prepon-derenţ` în spa]ii cu necesar de iluminat pe perioade lungi de timp [i/sau în locurile în care schimbarea surselor este dificil`. Sistemele electronice dimabile \nregistreaz` o cerere crescut` pe piaţa de profil, datorit` parametrilor tehnici şi funcţionali deosebiţi, ce le caracterizeaz`.

Electronic BallastsThe electronic ballasts allow a high level of lighting comfort and are manufactured according to 2002/95/EC European Directive – RoHS, that introduce restrictions in the use of certain hazardous substances in electronic products placed on the market after 1st of July, 2006.

Due to the low energy consumption of electonic ballasts, their use ensures, compared to conventional electromechanical ballasts, an energy saving of 25% and some functional advantages:

• increasing luminous efficiency of fluorescent lamps;

• 10% higher luminous flux for fluorescent lamps functioning at high frquency;

• decrease of low power loss (less than10%);

• ability to adjust the brightness of the fluorescent light with the requests of the user;

• longer lifetime of the sources.Using the electronic ballast (high frequency) instead of electromechanical ballast represent the most important solution to improve the efficiency level of fluorescent lamps!

Dimmable Electronic BallastsDimmable electronic systems for the adjustment of luminous flux, available for lighting sources, give compex adjustments in use like:

• decrease of initial lighting power;

• energy saving;

• creating an adequate ambiance for any mood;

• increased visual comfort.

The exploitation period of the lighting sources supplied with electronic ballast is 15 times higher compared to incandescent sources. There are generally used in areas where along time lighting is needed or where changing the sources is difficile. Dimmable electronic systems have an increasingly high request on the market due to their special, technical and functional parameters.

Sistemele Analog 1-10V Dimabile Prin echiparea cu sistemele analog dimabile şi conectarea la tensiune continu`, sursele de iluminat devin imune la pertur-b`ri, iar nivelul de iluminare poate fi ajustabil manual, de la luminozitate minim` (1V) c`tre luminozitate maxim` (10V).

De asemenea, pot fi inseraţi \n sistem senzori crepusculari pentru men]inerea constant` a nivelului de iluminat \n func]ie de lumina natural` ce patrunde \n \ncapere. Astfel se obţine un nivel \nalt de confort vizual, datorit` faptului c` \n orice moment al zilei fluxul luminos este constant, precum şi o reducere substanţial` a consumului de energie electric`.

Atunci când se folosesc multi-senzori (senzori crepusculari echipaţi cu senzori de mi[care), economia de energie este mult mai mare datorit` faptului c` intensitatea l`mpilor este redus` cu pân` la 99% \n perioada \n care nu exist` mi[care \n spaţiul controlat de c`tre multi-senzor.

Sistemul Dali Digital DimabilEvoluţia tehnologic` a sistemului analog a dus la crearea sis-temului de control Dali Digital Dimabil (echipat cu inter-faţa digital`). Sistemul DALI: (Interfaţa Adresabil` Digital` de Iluminat) este capabil s` detecteze cantitatea de lumin` natural` prezent` \n aria de func]ionare şi s` regleze nivelul de iluminare setat, prin completare cu lumina artificial`. La sursele de iluminat echipate cu sistemele digitale DALI, utili-zatorii \[i pot programa nivelul optim de iluminare şi de con-fort vizual, iar modul atractiv de orientare a luminii asigur` unde luminoase de foarte bun` calitate, omogene şi clare.

Datorit` interfeţei prietenoase accesarea sistemului se poate face atât manual (prin tastare), cât şi de la distanţ` (prin tele-comand`). Prin utilizare se obţine reducerea consumului de energie electric` şi mic[orarea costurilor totale de exploa-tare. Acest sistem digital este folosit de cei mai importanţi producatori de balasturi electronice pentru a respecta un standard comun sistemelor dimabile digitale.

Analog Dimmable 1-10V SystemBy using analogue dimmable systems and connecting to continous voltage, the lighting sources become immune to perturbances and the lighting level can be manualy adjustable, from minimum brightness (1V) to maximum (10V). Also, the system can be connected with twilight detectors to mantain constant the lighting level. In this way, a high visual comfort is obtained because at any time of day, the luminous flux is constant as well as a substantial decrease of energy consumption. When more detectors are used (twilight detectors equiped with moving detectors), energy saving is higher due to the fact that the intensity of the lamps is reduced up to 99% when there is no activity into the multi-detector space.

Dali Digital Dimmable SystemTechnological evolution of analogue systems led to the control Dali Digital Dimmable system (equipped with addressable lighting interface) that can detect the quantity of natural light from the functioning area and to adjust the lighting level with artificial sources. For the sources of lighting equipped with DALI digital system, the users can program the best level of lighting and visual comfort, and the attractive guidance of the light ensures clear, homogeneous, high quality beams.

Due to the friendly interface the system can be programmed manually (by typing) as well as from distance (by remote control). Using it an energy saving is obtained and therefore a minimum total operating cost is obtained. This digital system is used by the leading manufacturers of electronic ballasts in order to meet a common standard of dimmable digital systems.


Un fenomen foarte important este şi reducerea tensiunii, care are ca efect reducerea curentului, iar curenţii mai mici înseamnă o cantitate redusă de căldură disipată, ceea ce îmbunătăţeşte considerabil durata de viaţă şi palierul de lu-minozitate al lămpilor fluorescente. În acest fel, reducerea luminozităţii datorată micşorării tensiunii de alimentare se compensează în timp, aşa cum se poate vedea pe schiţa de mai jos.

A very important phenomenon is also the reduction of voltage, that has as effect the energy reduction, and lower currents means a lower dissipate heat that impoves considerably the lifetime and light quality of fluorescent lamps. In this way, lower luminance owing to the reduced supply voltage is ballanced in time as in the picture below.

Evoluţia eficienţei iluminării Lighting Efficiency Evolution

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103, {oseaua de Centur` of Bucharest, Pope[ti Leordeni City, Ilfov County,Zip code: 077160, Romania, Europe.Phone: (004) 021.5296.292 (004) 021.5296.200Fax: (004) 021.5296.292; (004) 021.5296.201GPS: Long.: 26O10'48"E Lat.: 44O20'53"Ne-mail: office@almalux.rowebsite:


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