Case Study Power Point

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Case Study Power Point

  • 1. Jezec
    The inner workings of a genius

2. Facts about Jezec
5 years old
Mom told me he was reading at an average 1st grade level
3. Attiude & Interest Survey
Loves to read!
Reads a lot.
Hates to write!
Read me his favorite book with no errors that book was a level J book.
Did 100 word test
Started him at level F
4. Initial Student Assessment
Knows letters
Knows frequency words
Knows print concepts
5. Initial Student Assessment
Writing Vocabulary and Dictation
6. Writing Strategies Needed:
Self-monitor print concepts
Cross check cue systems
Reread to self-correct and confirm writing
Solve new words using these means
Fluency writing words automatic not letter by letter and chunking.
7. Initial Student Assessment
Running Records
Went from level F to level P.
Displayed some use of reading strategies already
Very fluent
Rereads to confirm
Relies on visual
8. Example of Reading Strategies Used:
9. Reading Strategies Needed
Cross check visual with M and S
Self-monitor by self-correcting and rereading to self-correct.
Visual Search
10. Lessons: Interconnect Writing & Reading
Print Concepts
11. Lessons: Reading Strategies
Cross checking with MSV instead of just V.
Rereading to self-correct.
Self-monitoring comprehension.
12. Example of use of Reading Strategies
13. Example of use of Reading Strategies
14. Example of use of Reading Strategies
15. Lessons: Writing Strategies
Fluency in writing 3 things
16. Lessons: Writing Strategies
Word Work use letter boxes to help with chunking and onsets/rimes
17. Lessons: Writing Strategies
Journal Writing Self-monitoring print concepts, self-corrects, reread to confirm/self-correct, and cross checks MSV
18. Final Assessment: Writing
Uses all of the writing strategies
19. Final Assessment: Reading
Uses all of the reading strategies
20. Final Thoughts
Taught and Jezec learned the reading and writing strategies
Would focus on consistently using the writing strategies and continue to connect writing with reading