CAIS Boarding Schools │ BRAND V: 1.0 October 13, 2011.

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Transcript of CAIS Boarding Schools │ BRAND V: 1.0 October 13, 2011.

CAIS Boarding Schools │ BRAND

V: 1.0

October 13, 2011

Presentation Outline

• Target Markets

• CAIS Boarding Brand Positioning Statement

• Market Research

• CAIS Boarding Website: Usability Assessment, Key Messages & Success Metrics

• Brand Evolution

• The Future of CAIS Boarding Brand

• Reveal of CAIS Boarding Website

Target Markets


Domestic StudentsEncourage potential Canadian students aged 11-17 to ask their parents to send them to a CAIS Boarding school

Domestic ParentsEncourage Canadian parents in the $200K+ income bracket to consider a CAIS Boarding school for their school aged child

International StudentsEducate potential International students aged 11-17 to ask their parents to send them to Canada to attend a CAIS Boarding school

International ParentsEducate International parents who are considering boarding school for their child to think of Canada and CAIS Boarding schools as their #1 choice

Brand Positioning Statement

CAIS Boarding Schools - Experience More

CAIS Boarding Education Benefits:• A world class university preparation education

• A 24/7 learning environment for students to thrive in

• Independent, well balanced, self reliant students

• Strong global networks of friendships and professional contacts

Market Research

• We are waiting for the market research results to help guide the decisions on:

• How do we need to adjust the messaging on the website and other communications materials?

• How we will allocate money for future spending on marketing?

Creative Concepts

CAIS Boarding Website

CAIS Boarding Website Objectives

• Create a site that is focused on the end-user experience

• Answer “Why Canada?”

• Build a ‘scalable’ solution for further enhancement

• Integrate web analytics / tracking tool

Usability Assessment of Peer Websites

Usability Assessment of Peer Websites

Usability Assessment of Peer Websites

Creative Concepts

CAIS Boarding Website Reveal

CAIS Boarding Website

• CAIS Boarding (• Clean design

• User centric

• High impact visuals, representation of member schools

• Straightforward primary navigation, highlighting key messages for each target audience (e.g. “For Students”, “For Parents”, “Destination Canada”)

• Prominent call to actions

• Short copy

• Main tools are persistent, easily found; school search is versatile and easy to use

• CMS system

CAIS Boarding Website

Website Success Metrics & Future Growth• Traffic (Google Analytics integration)• Impressions, unique visits and traffic sources to the site

(home page and sub page specific)

• Unique visits to member school’s websites from CAIS Boarding website

• Number of requests• Number of requests for information

• Number of users of Just Ask form

• Number of clicks to CAIS Boarding Schools’ social media sites

• Equal representation of all schools, visual & content

• What’s next?

Creative Concepts

CAIS Boarding Brand Evolution

CAIS Boarding Brand Concept

• Position CAIS Boarding Schools as the provider of choice for boarding education

• Communicate a clear benefit statement to all target audiences

• Create market impact to foster awareness and comprehension

Creative Concepts

CAIS Boarding Brand

Creative Concepts

CAIS Boarding Package – Folder & Card Web Key

Creative Concepts

CAIS Boarding Package – Folder & Card Web Key

CAIS Boarding Social Media Strategy

CAIS Boarding


The Future of CAIS Boarding Brand

Success Factors • Continue to build the comprehension and relevance

of the CAIS brand in media (online & print, Canadian & International)

• Ensure message simplicity & clarity

• Focus marketing and communications resources on target audiences with a campaign “blitz” approach

• Leverage existing goodwill and assets including database to deliver a focused message

The Future of CAIS Boarding Brand

Steering Committee & Management Team to determine future


Creative Concepts

Thank you