By Ernesto Franco, Sarah Liang, Jaron Ngo. Healthy Fertilizer Superior for your crops. This makes...

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Transcript of By Ernesto Franco, Sarah Liang, Jaron Ngo. Healthy Fertilizer Superior for your crops. This makes...

South Carolina

By Ernesto Franco, Sarah Liang, Jaron Ngo

Healthy FertilizerSuperior for your crops. This makes your

crops grow 10x larger and more amazing. This will be enough food for you and all your workers to be healthy and strong and ready for work. The healthy crops smell amazing from our fertilizer. The fertilizer is excellent because we put in organic items like worms and flowers which makes the fertilizer smell amazing.

Colony History The colony was founded in 1663 by Eight nobles with a

Royal Charter from Charles II. The eight nobles set up a colony in South Carolina to protect England’s land.

There were internal problems in the colony and formed North and South Carolina in 1729. This means that the colony had different opinions and split apart.

South Carolina was one of the wealthiest colonies. South Carolina was wealthy because of all the products sold.

In 1776, South Carolina joined up with the 12 of the 13 colonies in rebellion against Great Britain. The 12 of the 13 colonies wanted their own independent country.

People in South Carolina• The greater number of people in South

Carolina were English, German, French, Dutch, Scottish, Welsh, Irish , American Indians and Jewish settlers.

• Around 1790 an estimated amount of people that lived in South Carolina was 249,073.

• Normal professions in South Carolina were needle workers, sliver smiths, and glass makers.

• Some very popular hobbies in South Carolina was playing music and dancing.

Climate/GeographySouth Carolina has excellent farmland, rich soil and

plenty of harbors. South Carolina has very mild and short winters and

long and hot summers.South Carolina has warm and damp climate which

means growing crops is easy.Three- fifths of South Carolina was covered in forest

and had chains of rivers down parallel to the Atlantic Coast.

Economy Had a few large plantations that had shops, farms,

and dairy which made the plantations self-sufficient.

Grew rice, tobacco, sugar, cotton, and indigo. Indigo and rice made South Carolina one of the wealthiest colonies

Had a giant population of slaves and slaves became the primary source of labor.

ReligionReligious freedom was offered to the settlers.

The workers can freely worship their gods in South Carolina.

With all the religious diversity in South Carolina there were many churches to help worship gods for different religions.

The three leading religions were Anglicans, Nonconformists from the Church of England, and French Huguenots

Politics/Government South Carolina elected their own legislature, all

democratic, had a governor, governor's court, and a court system. The people of the colony were allowed to vote for their legislature and governor.

The system of South Carolina’s government is Royal. Means that they were ruled directly by the English monarchy.

Native American Relationship Europeans had a great relationship with the natives. They

would trade weapons, furs, knives, and other goods. Around 1715, the relationship became much worse when the

Europeans started to treat the natives unfairly and the Europeans started to move in native’s territory.

Had The Yaemassee War which was the Europeans versus the Yaemassee tribe because problems of territory but the war ended with a truce.

Huge amount of Natives died from diseases after the Europeans arrival because the Natives didn’t have immunity to Europeans diseases.

ConclusionSouth Carolina is the ideal place for the Widget

Company to relocate to sell our land. South Carolina has excellent farmland and rich soil with warm and damp climates ready for you to grow your healthy crops to feed your workers. From the pine forests lumber and naval supplies obtained, and with a great deal of phosphate rock dug in the southern tide water region, creates a supply of fertilizer for export. South Carolina was one of the wealthiest colonies from all the products sold.

Bibliography "Native American Relations & Puritan Settlers." Native American

Relations & Puritan Settlers. Web. 1 Oct. 2014. <>.

"South Carolina." South Carolina. Pearson Education, 1 Oct. 2013. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. <>.

Alchin, Linda. "South Carolina Colony." South Carolina Colony. Siteseen Ltd., 1 July 2014. Web. 1 Oct. 2014. <>.

Michael Wills, Kenneth W. "Geography of the Southern Colonies in the 1600s." Geography of the Southern Colonies in the 1600s. Kenneth W. Michael Wills, EHow Contributor. Web. 1 Jan. 2014. <>.

Kelly, Martin. "South Carolina Colony." South Carolina Colony. Web. 1 Oct. 2014. <>.

"Southern Colonies." Southern Colonies. Siteseen Ltd. Web. 20 Oct. 2014. <>.

Bibliography "Meeting Natives." SC Digital Academy, 1 Jan. 2008. Web. 21

Oct. 2014. <>.

Gunderson, Mary, and Professer Shiroya. "Life in Colonial South Carolina." Life in Colonial South Carolina. 8 Apr. 2005. Web. 17 Oct. 2014. <>

. Chavez III, Frank B. "Facts of the Colony of South Carolina." EHow. Demand Media, 1 Jan. 2013. Web. 17 Oct. 2014. <>

"Religion in the Carolinas during the Colonial Period." Religion in the Carolinas during the Colonial Period. Ed. Samuel S. Hill and Charles H Lippy., 1 Jan. 2009. Web. 21 Oct. 2014. <>.

Alchin, Linda. "South Carolina Colony." South Carolina Colony. Land of the Brave, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 16 Oct. 2014. <>. ( Economy)

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FlairSouth Carolina will stay loyal if you use our soil. We will treat you like royals when you fertilize the boiled soil. Fertilizing your soil will be your favorite hoil. We can spoil you with our healthy crops with our soil.

You will like our compost the most, If you don’t buy it you are toast,Our compost we roast,Your crops you will boast.

Our fertilizer will smell like our healthy crops we growWith this smell we will make lots of dough