Breakfast with a flower

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Crash course on creativity assignment - story telling for a not getting enough sleep problem. Breakfast problem resolved with a flower!

Transcript of Breakfast with a flower

Breakfast for spouse (not getting enough sleep)

#3 - Story for the selected solution

Team of the Heart of Europe - Lukáš, Michal, Marek

Let me tell you a story...My wife really appreciates if I wake up earlier and prepare a breakfast - prepare fresh food in the morning including preparing a tea and nice arrangement of everything on a table.

I didn’t mind doing that, but since I woke up earlier, I was very sleepy during the day.

I tried waking up a bit later and preparing a simple breakfast, but it didn’t work so well.

My wife didn’t say anything, but she wasn’t really happy.

But preparing anything more meant that I would have to wake up earlier again...

But then... I got it!

Even very simple breakfast was really appreciated when serving with a


Yes, my wife likes flowers a lot. Now I can sleep much longer and my wife is very happy when getting a breakfast that she really likes!