Blooms4 learning

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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some web sites that provide interactive tools to allow application of Blooms taxonomy (2001) to different areas of course design

Transcript of Blooms4 learning

BLOOM’SApplying Bloom’s Taxonomy

Remember• Recognize

• Locate knowledge in long term memory

• Recall• Retrieve relevant knowledge from long term memory

Understand• Interpret

• Change from one form of representation to another

• Classify• Determine that something belongs to a category

• Summarize• Abstract a general theme or major point

• Explain• Construct a cause and effect model of a system

Apply• Execute

• Apply a procedure to a familiar task

• Implement• Apply a procedure to an unfamiliar task

Analyze• Differentiate

• Distinguish relevant from irrelevant parts

• Organize• Determine how elements fit or function within a structure

• Attribute• Determine a point of view, bias, intent

Evaluate• Check

• Detect inconsistencies within a process or product

• Critique• Detect inconsistencies between a product and external criteria

Create• Generate

• Come up with alternative hypotheses based on criteria

• Plan• Devise a procedure for accomplishing a task

• Produce• Invent a product

2001 Bloom’s Taxonomy2001 Bloom’s Taxonomy

Andrew Church’s Educational Origami site