Blog Marketing: 13 Proven Strategies To Promote And Market Your Business B…

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Do you struggle to attract readers to your blog? Are you looking for blog marketing and promotion ideas that will bring more of your ideal customers to your business blog? Most bloggers struggle at some point to bring in new readers, and then turn readers into subscribers. Over the years, I’ve written a number of posts about promoting your blog. However, every few months a new tool or platform arrives on the scene that can have a huge impact on how you market your blog. Pinterest, anyone? In addition, some of the tactics I promoted in the past have become less important or even irrelevant, like blog directories or pinging news aggregation sites. In this article you’ll find 13 proven strategies for increasing your blog’s visibility and attracting more qualified traffic TODAY!

Transcript of Blog Marketing: 13 Proven Strategies To Promote And Market Your Business B…

BLOG MARKETING13 Proven Strategies to Promote & Market Your Business Blog

Create Keyword-Rich Blog Posts

Most of your new blog readers and subscribers are going to come througha search, so it’s important to have at least a working understanding of SEO.

Write Guest Blog Posts At Other Blogs

Guest blogging creates new inbound links to your site andintroduces you to a new audience.

Offer An Email Subscription

Tease your content in the email, sending subscribers back to your blogwhere they can share and comment.

Make Sharing Easy With Sharing Buttons

Like tip jars, sharing buttons reminds readers that you want them toshare your content with others.

Use Google+ To Improve Your SEO And Drive Traffic

The bottom line is that right now Google+ influences Google search results and that’s reason enough for you to use it.

Tweet (& Retweet) Your Posts

Once your post is up you’ll want to share the post with your Twitter followers.

Share Your Post On Facebook

Post your link directly into Facebook (rather than through an app like Hootsuite) for better reach & engagement.

Make Your Posts Pinnable

Pinterest can deliver lots of traffic to your site.Create one very pinnable image for maximum results.

Leverage LinkedIn For B2B Blogs

There are three main places to promote blog posts on LinkedIn: your personal updates, groups you belong to, and company pages.

Convert Posts Into Presentations For SlideShare

Whether you’re a one-person show or you have a team, it’s important to make your content go as far as possible. 

Submit It To AllTop

Leverage StumbleUpon To Generate Traffic Spikes

Establish Credibility With The Author Tag

The author tag makes your search result more eye-catching, and evidence suggests that it will improve your click-through rate.

Thanks! Questions?Rich Brooks



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