Beth quartel email marketing samples.pptx

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Beth quartel email marketing samples.pptx


I inherited an email marketing program that was reactive and disjointed. Over several years, I devoted a lot of time to rebuilding the firm’s overall e-marketing strategy. !I worked with a web consultant and vendor to develop a template for efficiency and brand consistency. I reorganized the 12,000+ database into distinct segments to target groups effectively. ! I then trained and managed three people on how to build these HTML emails. I wrote a complete how-to guide that included technical tips, sample subject lines and database protocol plus other information to ensure the program’s success within the firm’s overarching marketing strategy. ! I analyzed every email’s performance metrics and continuously communicated the results to sales and management. I created a tracking report and identified best practices which I reviewed with the email team. These email blasts quickly became a sought-after tactic when I left and remains so today. Email marketing management is just one initiative that exemplifies my ability to combine strategic planning, creative, technology and analytics to develop and execute comprehensive, successful campaigns. | 908.872.3954 |

Beth Quartel

EXAMPLE NEW DEVELOPMENT EMAIL: THE RESIDENCES AT W BOSTON The sales and marketing launch for this new luxury residential development coincided with the start of the financial crisis in 2008. Due to market concerns and an already tight marketing budget, I recognized the need to keep the W Boston email program in-house rather than commission the design agency to save money. In effect, I designed this template and wrote most of the content in this example email and others. All W-branded pieces must be approved by Starwood Hotel’s discerning Marketing Department from a layout, copy and legal standpoint. They approved this template as it met their stringent brand standards. I hired a developer to code this initial template. With subsequent emails, I delved into the HTML code and updated all copy and images as needed. 2011 Average W Boston Email Blast Metrics:

•! 25% Open Rate

•! 15% Click Thru Rate | 908.872.3954 |

Beth Quartel

EXAMPLE NEW DEVELOPMENT EMAIL: THE LOFTS AT ATLANTIC WHARF I implemented the email marketing strategy for the developer-client’s new rental property including: •! Emphasized need for branded template for consistency

and efficiency. Upon approval, I coordinated with client’s design agency then my vendor to set up account within content management platform

•! Set up database with clearly defined segments for

targeted messaging (example at left was an introduction sent to the Downtown Boston rental brokers)

•! Wrote auto-response email series depending upon prospect interaction (call, walk-in or web site inquiry)

•! Email performance metrics for example email: •! 30% Open Rate

•! 65% Click Thru Rate | 908.872.3954 |

Beth Quartel

EXAMPLE NEW DEVELOPMENT EMAIL: THE RESIDENCES AT BATTERY WHARF I worked with the design agency on the creation of this development’s entire collateral package including this email template. Before each project was assigned to the design agency, I organized all content concisely and communicated the direction clearly to save time and money. In this example, I supplied the body copy, images and logo to the agency to set and code for deployment. This email and all others had to be approved by the developer-client, sales team and any cooperative partners, in this case – exhale® spa. I directed all aspects of every new developments’ email strategy from a creative and technical standpoint including writing the subject lines, selecting customer segments and determining send out timing and frequency. 2011 Average Battery Wharf Email Blast Metrics:

•! 19% Open Rate

•! 17% Click Thru Rate | 908.872.3954 |

Beth Quartel


This HTML template became the superior email product in a competitive marketplace. The header and footer coordinated with firm’s existing weekly print ad template for consistency. I worked with vendors on the layout, tests and any compatibility issues. It was purposely programmed so that all user activity would be tracked to identify habits from either clicking on any image or link or by sharing through social media. Since the 12,000+ prospect and broker database was highly segmented, emails were sent to target groups based on location, price point and in some cases, aesthetics, to reach the most relevant broker or buyer profiles. I trained three people to create these branded emails using the new content management tools and supplied them with a comprehensive how-to guide which included technical tips, sample subject lines and database management protocol. 2011 General Brokerage Average Email Blast Metrics:

•! 21% Open Rate•! 23% Click Thru Rate | 908.872.3954 |

Beth Quartel

INTRODUCTION OF EMAIL PROCESS/STRATEGY Once the general brokerage template was finalized, it was necessary to educate the sales force on the benefits of this new marketing tool, its functionality and the firm’s objectives (left). This formal email program became a popular tactic which not only promoted listings but, brokers touted to prospective sellers and staff leveraged when recruiting new agents.

PERFORMANCE TRACKING & REPORTING After any email was sent, I analyzed the statistics for trends which I shared with the email marketing team, management and sales (below). This report became the foundation for all future email marketing efforts and allowed me to institute best practices. | 908.872.3954 |

Beth Quartel