Alfresco Customer eBook

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  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    customers do great work.
  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    PhenoPath,United States, Health Care

    Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group,United States, Business ServicesOndeo Industrial Services,France, Business ServicesNew York Philharmonic,United States, NonprofitUniversity for the Creative Arts,UK, Education

    NASA,United States, GovernmentTimoCom,Germany, Transportation

    The French National Gendarmerie,France, GovernmentEdmonton Public Schools,Canada, Education

    Harvard Business Publishing,United States, MediaThe Church Pension Group, United States, Financial ServicesGrupo EULEN, Spain, Business Services

    Alfresco is a platform that helps people doand share great work. We believe greatwork is fueled by great contentcontentthat matters to you, your business and theworld. We power and protect some of theworlds most valuable content and we makeit available and actionable to you and yourpeers no matter where you are in the world.
  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    While all the case studies highlightdifferent challenges, our customers havemany things in common such as majorcost savings, data centralization andconsolidation, more effective businessprocesses and a faster time to market

    with their own customers and businesspartners. Learn how our customersare using Alfrescos powerful, secure,scalable and world-class solutions to dogreat work in mission-critical enterpriseenvironments.

    Leading case studies on the worldsbest open source content platform.In 2005, Alfresco disrupted the enterprise content management (ECM) market with

    a next-generation, open source platform for managing content. Today Alfresco hasseven million users in 180 countries and manages 4 billion documents.

    In this book, we highlight how twelve customers from around the world are

    using Alfresco to:





  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    PhenoPath Laboratoriesprovides screening, diagnostic,

    and prognostic testingservices to hospitals, physicianoffices, surgery centers,biopharmaceutical companiesand research institutionsthroughout the United States.

    PhenoPath adheres to many compliance regulations from the FDAand multiple other organizations. Every pathology sample requires

    many records and checkpoints to ensure compliance. Previously

    PhenoPaths process was manual and paper-driven with the use of

    a clipboard. Alfrescos solutions have enabled PhenoPath to

    streamline their entire practice to ensure better accuracy, and they

    can do it all on an iPad. Their on-time completion rates of standard

    operating procedure documentation went from two percent to

    60 percent within weeks of implementation and 98 percent after

    six months.

    With Alfresco we have gone from a paper-based process

    to a completely automated and mobile process thatmakes performing standard operating proceduresassessments painless. Alfresco offers us a platform thatis scalable and can grow to fit our ongoing document

    management needs.

    Scott WirthDirector of Programming and Technology Services

    PhenoPath Laboratories

  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    Alfresco provides us witha flexible and scalable

    repository for our documentsand allows us to incorporatedetailed metadata andsecurity permissions. Userscan easily search and find the

    documents they need andwe can set controls to ensurethat the appropriate contentis visible to individual users.

    Tim K. Johnson, Team Lead

    Information Technology Development

    Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group

    Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group hasover 1,300 hotels in 80 countries.In the hotel business, its crucial for employees to be able to

    access hotel procedures, corporate policies and other important

    documents wherever and whenever.

    Over time, Carlson Rezidor Hotel Groups

    homegrown document management

    solution became inefficient which made

    accessing and working with this important

    content challenging. With Alfresco in

    place, their 15,000 users now experience

    improved document search, robust

    security, the ability to add metadata

    to documents, enhanced

    publishing capabilities

    and document lifecycle

    managementall which

    were must haves for their

    global operations.


  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    Ondeo Industrial Services (IS)

    offers innovative solutions thataddress the needs of the industrialmanagement of water resources,treatment of raw water and thesupply of processed water fromthe wastewater treatment centers.

    Throughout France, Italy, the UK, Spain and the Benelux countries, thereare expert teams in 65 mining sites working on various water services,

    including equipment monitoring and water testing and treatment. Ondeo

    IS leveraged the Alfresco platform for a secure, scalable and streamlined

    document management system to effectively manage the vast amount of

    critical documents accessible by their 400 employees.

    In terms of storage space, Alfresco enables us toconfine the disk space required and thereby limit our

    purchases of this kind of hardware. Furthermore, weconsider it an advantage that the Alfresco solutionis open source, even though we did not specify thatrequirement. This has turned out to be a real asset.The fact that we have not retained a proprietary

    system means that we have been able

    to introduce a solution which meetsthe specific needs of our businessto perfection.

    Daryoush Mikaili

    Head of Information Systems

    Ondeo IS

  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    The New York Philharmonic is the oldestsymphony orchestra in the United Statesand the third oldest in the world.

    The New York Philharmonic Archives is one of the oldest

    and most important orchestral research collections in the

    world. It traces the entire history of the Philharmonic and

    its more than 15,000 performances around the world

    and is an important record of cultural history in New York

    City and beyond. In 2009, the New York Philharmonic

    received a $2.4 million grant to digitize 1.3 million pages

    of material from its archives, making them available to

    scholars, musicians, students, and the general public over

    the Internet. The Philharmonic is one of the first institutional

    repositories to embark on a digitization project of this size

    and scope and in order to complete the project, they

    chose Alfresco to serve as the content platform in part for

    its highly scalable document management system that

    could handle heavy daily use while continuously

    streaming large volumes of data. Alfrescos cost-

    effective solutions can handle large files and has

    strong digital asset management capabilities.

    Eventually the New York Philharmonics repository

    will hold 10 million nodes comprising of 5TB

    of data.

    Alfresco will be thesingle repository tobring together past,present and futurecontent.

    Mitch Brodsky

    Digital Archives Project Manager

    New York Philharmonic

  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    The University for theCreative Arts (UCA) is acreative arts university based

    in the UK that has studentsfrom 76 countries enrolled inand participating in over 80courses in the art, design,media architecture andcommunication fields.With staff spread over five campuses, the university needed

    a document management system that was accessible

    across many platforms and devices, including iPhones and

    iPads. UCA was able to implement Alfresco and create their

    own content management system allowing staff to work

    more collaboratively and remotely.

    With the launch of the our new documentmanagement system UCA staff can finally worktogether no matter where they are and no matterwhat device they use. We can now easily share

    ideas and collaborate. It was like going from ridinga bicycle to driving a Ferrari.

    Hilary Sellars

    Head of IT Services

    University for the Creative Arts

  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    With Alfresco, we have been

    able to provide users with team

    collaboration capabilities in a

    secure and modern environment

    and still have access to the

    core code. We are looking

    forward to adding more socialcollaboration features that will

    allow researchers to more easily

    share ideas and test results.David Cordner

    IT Architect

    Research Directorate

    NASAs Langley Research Center is

    the oldest NASA field center providing

    aeronautical, aeroacoustic, and structural

    testing and research services for NASAdepartments, the Department of Defense

    and commercial clients.Conducting hundreds of tests each year to improve aircraft and spacecraft

    safety, performance and efficiency; NASAs internal collaboration portal

    for critical document sharing had become outdated after 10 years in use

    and could no longer support NASAs strict security guidelines. Because of

    its open source and subscription model, flexibility and extendibility, NASA

    turned to Alfresco to manage over 800 team sites and 3,000 users. Using

    Alfresco, NASA was able to build a new team collaboration system with asimilar look and feel of their original internal solution but with the

    secure and modern architecture they required.

  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    TimoCom Soft- und HardwareGmbH is a German-based,fast-growing service providerto the freight industry, providingsupport to the Europeantransport industry.

    TimoCom needed a highly scalable and flexible document

    management system to support its over six million documents and

    one that would integrate easily with its financial, business processes

    and CRM systems. The flexibility of Alfrescos open source model

    combined with the subscription based pricing were two key factors

    in TimoComs choice to standardize on Alfresco. Their over 150

    users are leveraging robust search capabilities along with optimized

    and automated processes that are now in place with Alfresco.

    We were looking for an

    open, high-performance

    document management

    system with which we

    could securely manage

    and organize several

    million documents quickly

    and easily. We found the solution in

    Alfresco, thanks to the uncomplicated

    licensing model and the flexible

    interfaces. Alfresco fits perfectly into our

    existing infrastructure.

    Marco Haack

    Director of IT Infrastructure & Services


  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    STIG, the French National Gendarmerie dataprocessing center, consists of 170 members,mainly police officers who specialize in IT.

    STIG provides a crucial IT system that is operational 24x7.

    In order to perform effectively, STIG must store and be able

    to access valuable documents that contain and index all

    types of information, including hardware and software

    and administrative and technical architecture documents.

    STIG needed a centralized and cost-effective document

    management system that would increase its efficiency and

    integrate easily with existing technologies. Alfrescos ability

    to provide metadata on each individual document enabled

    STIG to quickly search documents and was key to their user

    adoption. Additionally, Alfresco played an essential role in

    STIG achieving its ISO 2000 certification.

    Alfrescos solutions integrateseamlessly into the quality

    process we had initiated. Withits highly flexible architecture,the solution was based on openstandards that guaranteedexceptionally flexible deployment.

    As simple as using a sharedvolume, the solution also offereda highly competitive price.

    Mr. Hubert Labb

    Quality Manager and Deputy Head of Department


  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    Edmonton Public Schools (EPS)

    is the second largest school

    district in Canadas Alberta

    Province providing schooling to

    over 80,000 students and

    managing 200 schools.

    A 2006 audit discovered that the district was only 60 percent

    compliant with regards to the required documentation for special

    needs students. Additionally, the district was missing individual

    assessments for 40 percent of special needs students because

    the documents were either not available or lost when the student

    transferred between districts. Alfrescos low-cost, centralized

    repository, which now manages over 1.6 million documents for

    EPS, established one consistent student records system accessible

    by multiple users and helped EPS improve compliance with

    provincial regulations.

    Alfresco provides us with a platform

    for retaining and managing our most

    critical documentsstudent records.

    Each year we continue to expand our

    Alfresco implementation to streamline

    processes saving the district money

    and time and allowing teachers to

    focus on their students.Lea Beeken, Supervisor

    District Records and FOIP Management

    Edmonton Public Schools

  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    The implementation ofAlfrescos web contentservices enables us topublish new contentquickly, push ownershipand responsibility out

    to each publishing unit,and provide total sitecontrol with minimal ITinvolvement.

    Martha Stephenson

    Senior Project Manager

    Harvard Business Publishing

    Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) is a subsidiaryof Harvard University and its web sites includeHarvard Business Review (, HigherEducation (, and HBPs

    eCommerce site ( faced a number of challenges related to its digital publishing enterprise,

    including managing its aging, unstable and disparate legacy systems that were

    used to run its web sites. HBP selected and deployed Alfrescos web content

    services to unify all web content under one robust and scalable platform, to

    enable anytime/anywhere web publishing, and eliminate IT bottlenecks by shifting

    publishing control from technical support teams to individual business end-users.


  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    The Church Pension Group (CPG)

    provides comprehensive retirement,

    health, life insurance, disability

    coverage, and other benefits to its

    clergy and lay employees of the

    Protestant Episcopal Church.

    With over nine billion dollars in assets, CPG was generating more

    documents each year and needed a scalable and secure document

    management system. With Alfresco, CPG has been able to expand

    its document management footprint and offer users new collaborative

    features. Using Alfresco, CPG built a collaborative portal for employees to

    share and work on projects together. The portal is instrumental in helping

    the customer service team collaborate to address customer questions

    and issues more quickly.

    Having a content platform that is secure, flexible and

    can integrate with our other systems is essential toour business. Alfresco provides us with a modern

    architecture for managing all our content and can easilyadapt to business and regulatory changes.

    Hugo Martinez, Director

    Content Solutions

    Church Pension Group

  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook


    Alfresco was a clear choice

    for us, primarily because ofits functionality and price.

    As a service provider, all ofour business processesgenerate a large quantityof documents. We intend

    for Alfresco to become theplatform that houses all of thisdocumentation,

    Diana Ruiz Hidalgo

    IT Department

    Grupo EULEN

    Grupo EULEN provides a variety of servicesto businesses throughout Spain, Portugal andLatin America that include office and buildingcleaning, private security services and general

    logistics services.With over 82,000 employees, the majority of Groupo EULENS

    document management is needed for personnel management. Before

    Alfresco, the company had a specific file for each employee, which

    contained 30-50 documents were also renewed each

    year. Additionally, on an average the company

    generates 150,000 customer contracts per year,

    each with 712 different supporting documents.

    Alfrescos secure, flexible and centralized solutions

    allowed Grupo EULEN to meet its document

    management objectives which includedestablishing a corporate platform,

    going paperless, implementing

    effective search capabilities

    and enabling employees all

    over the world to access

    important and timely



  • 7/27/2019 Alfresco Customer eBook

    16/16o reat work

    About AlfrescoAlfresco is how great businesses

    share, organize and protect their

    content. Nearly 7 million people in

    over 180 countries use Alfresco

    Enterprise, Cloud, Mobile and

    Community to manage over 3

    billion pieces of content worldwide.

    Whether on the go or in the office,

    Alfresco empowers todays teams

    to do great work. Founded in

    2005, Alfresco is headquartered in

    London with US headquarters in

    Atlanta. For more information about

    Alfresco please visit

    Global Headquarters

    +44 (0)1628 876 500Alfresco Software, Ltd.The PlaceBridge AveMaidenheadSL6 1AFUnited Kingdom

    Americas Headquarters

    +1-888-317-3395Alfresco Software, Inc.Ste 7202839 Paces Ferry Rd SE

    Atlanta, GA 30339United States

    Asia-Pacific Headquarters

    +61 2 8875 7835Alfresco Software, Ltd.Level 9

    Avaya House123 Epping RdNorth Ryde New South Wales 2113


    To start doing great work with Alfresco

    contact us today