
Post on 10-Dec-2014

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this presentation describes different views, theories and concepts on adulthood.

Transcript of Adulthood


Adekunle/ Anne/ Henna/ Monicah/ Sudip


• Group of people between age group 18 – 60. Young Adulthood: 18 – 39 Middle Adulthood: 40 – 60• Physical development and Psychological

development• Objectivity, Maturity, Responsibility,



• Africa & Asia: Responsibility that also includes family.

• Europe: Freedom & Independence

Developmental Crisis in AdulthoodErikson’s Theory

• Sigmund Freud behind the theory (1949)

• Erikson’s (1902-1994) eight stages of development 1. first year 2. second & third years 3. fourth & fifth years 4. six to 11 5. adolescence 6. young adulthood 7. middle adulthood 8. late adulthood

• Adulthood: Physical growth is complete Psychological development: emotional, personality & identity development Dreams, challenges, achievements & failures

Developmental Crisis in AdulthoodErikson’s Theory

• Young Adulthood Intimacy vS Isolation

• Middle Adulthood Accomplishment vS Failures

Levinson’s Transitional Phases in Adulthood (1978)

(Late adulthood)

LATE ADULT TRANSITION Culmination of middle adulthood AGE 50 TRANSITION Entering middle adulthood MID-LIFE TRANSITION Settling down AGE 30 TRANSITION Entering the adult world EARLY ADULT TRANSITION (Childhood and adolescence)

Levinson’s Transitional Phases in Adulthood(1978)

• Process of passing from one stage to another with transition phases

• Adaptation & Planning for change in transition phases

• Correlation of past life to present & present to future

• Establishing firm foundations for the next phase

Developmental Tasks during AdulthoodHavighurst’s Theory (1972)

• Robert Havighurst divided the whole life course into stages with the additional concept of development (developmental tasks)

• These are the tasks that occur during life and need to be successfully achieved to move on to succeed in completing further tasks.

• Failure in the tasks will lead to unhappiness, disapproval by society and problems with later tasks.

Developmental Tasks during AdulthoodHavighurst’s Theory (1972)

• Early Adulthood: # Intimate relationship & family # Managing a home (responsibility) # Occupation & employment # Civic responsibility # Socializing

• Middle Adulthood: # More civic & social responsibility # Assisting teenage children become responsible & happy adults # Being satisfied with occupation or employment # Developing adult leisure time activities # Accepting & adjusting to the physiological changes of middle age # Adjusting to ageing parents.

Criticism of Theories • Don’t incorporate difference & diversity. It’s

culturally specific and has western influences.

• Gender biased; it is made from male perspective.

• Fixed & deterministic. They’re not so practical. The research were done in mid 19th centuries. Things have dramatically changed in today’s societies.

• Reinforcing socially constructed expectations.