A team and their contracts with partners in the stream

Post on 24-Jan-2015

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What this session is about: One very important property in Kanban is called "make process policies explicit". This includes well defined interfaces to upstream as well as downstream partners. Kanban tries to define these interfaces on a very abstract level, because Kanban is a change managent approach that wants to integrate with several possible project management approaches without making assumptions about them. From software development, we know that it is good to describe the behavior of an interface as a form of contract between client and service, using example scenarios and assertions, deliberate discovery, behavior driven development, TDD, Design by Contract, whatever. Can this be done with process policies in Kanban, too? In this session, I'd like to discuss questions like these: * How does the business know which services the team can offer - especially if they know them only recently or if the team has just formed? * How does the team know what they have to offer? Are people conscious of their own skills and are they determined to offer them to partners? * It is possible to quantify the services mentioned in the contract? Which metrics are useful and which will only lead to confusion? What the session is like and what you can take away: In a short presentation, I will challenge the usual expectations on a team, as described in literature or on the Net. I also ask whether teams typically agree to think about their interfaces. My proposition is that thinking in terms of contracts can help to improve a team's services over an extended period of time. Both business and team can earn value from this: * Business knows what to expect so that they can develop trust in the team. * Team gets a clear understanding which services they want to offer. They can become proud of their skills and can thrive to improve their services further. * Team becomes aware that they are not alone but that they depend on further contracts (e.g. with domain experts or operations personnel). * Team and their partners can learn to understand themselves as a system where everyone shares responsibility for success.

Transcript of A team and their contracts with partners in the stream

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Web: http://www.mbohlen.deEmail: mbohlen@mbohlen.deTwitter: @mbohlendePhone: +49 170 772 8545


A team and their contracts with partners in the stream

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Matthias Bohlen : Coach for effective product development

Valuable product for the customer

Highly motivated teams

Low employee turnover

Stress relief for executives in development

Create meaning out of your efforts

Fun & Flow @ work


"Matthias is a team and management whisperer. The team here is one of the most enjoyable working environments I ever had."

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Who am I?

3Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Matthias Bohlen

4Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Coach and trainer for effective product


5Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen


I founded an open source project there in 2002...

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen


now, I livein this system

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen


my home planet inside the system...

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

That one...

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

9Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Not far from here, actually!

10Meckenheim, Germany

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen



Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Co-Founder ofLimited WIP Society


Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

12Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen


Team and management whisperer...

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Amazed reviewerof these fantastic


1993 2009

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Author of articles and books...

15Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Violin player...

16Photo by Steve Snodgrass

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Enjoying good hotels ...

17Photo by CannesWayOfLife

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Why am I telling youall this stuff?

18Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen



Interacting teams


How do we want to work?

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Two possibilities

Work like a free market

Work based on trust

20Photo by Bran SoremDienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen



Trustor settings

Trustor Trustee

I trust you Thank you!






Unknown butdesired future

Trustee settings



Control ON


Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Trust in action


Traffic in south Vietnam

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Trust reduces social complexity


Without trust, you need to evaluate all possible futures and select one

With trust, you can select immediately with little evaluation

Trust allows for actions that would otherwise be considered too complex

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen


Contract Law

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen


§1 Agreement§2 Behaviour of party A§3 Behaviour of party B§4 Performance§5 Benefits§6 Failure§7 Miscellaneous


Behaviour is the

keyword here!

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

How does trust emerge?

Trustor can develop trust betterif he understands trustee's behaviour

Trustee can explain behaviour using scenarios ("what if")

26Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen


Example: connected teams

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Let's focus on one of them ("we")


Upstream interface

Downstream interface

Which behaviour do we offer here?

Which behaviour can we expect there?

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Explaining scenarios

Using the language of BDD can help:

GIVEN <certain situation>

WHEN <interesting event>

THEN <predicted behaviour>

29Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

More philosophically...

GIVEN <result of the past>

WHEN <event in the present>

THEN <action that leads into future>

30Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Dev team examples

GIVEN team has non-empty input queue

WHEN team member pulls item into progress

THEN item.cycleTime starts

GIVEN a work item in progress

WHEN team pulls item to done state

THEN item.cycleTime stops31

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Refill feature queue (w/ overflow)

GIVEN dev team's input queue is full

AND queue length is limited to 10

WHEN business would like to add a fixed delivery date item

THEN dev team suggests to get rid of an intangible class item in queue

AND business removes intangible class item from queue

AND business adds fixed delivery date item to queue

32Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Predict duration of new project

GIVEN sales works on a new prospect

AND prospect wants to know date

WHEN sales asks dev team: "how long?"

THEN dev team looks at desired features

AND dev team looks at historical cycle time data

AND dev team responds to sales: "regarding current WIP, those features may take <n> months"

33Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Accept express work (critical)

GIVEN sales works on a new prospect

AND sales wants to push work

WHEN sales asks dev team: "work more"

THEN dev team looks at desired features, WIP and cycle time data

AND dev team responds to sales: "this new WIP will delay all projectsby 20%. Do you want that to happen?"

34Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Scenarios supported by biz team


Find new market for our company

Make prospects find our company

Develop trust with prospect

Turn prospect into customer

Define business goal

Write feature to accomplish goal

Accept feature and give feedback

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Scenarios supported by dev team


Forecast duration for new projectRefill feature queue

Deliver software and get feedback

Report about progressFix bug

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Scenarios supported by ops team


Create new test environment

Restore yesterday's backup

Get new workstation

Help with application deployment

Monitor application and alert dev team when necessary

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Why all these scenarios?

Become conscious of your own skills

Make your behaviour understandable

Allow other people to trust you

Scenarios help to explainwhat


how much / how long / how €€€

38Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

How you can use scenarios

Show existing intention, skill, or behaviour:"look, we do it like this!"

Show what does/did not work:"gosh, look what happened!"

Show desired (future) behaviour:"this is what I'd like to happen!"

Show fear of failing behaviour:"this is what I fear will happen!"

39Photo by Doc SearlsDienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Caveat emptor!Where is your psychic energy when you produce or understand scenarios?

Different locus of attention will yield dramatically different scenarios!

40Photo by Juliana Coutinho

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Point of attention thinking mode energy level

I in me downloading low

I in it seeing medium

I in you sensing high

I in now presencing very high

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Where is your attention?

41Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Point of attention Scenario writer's attitude

I in me"This is the way to react

in that situation."

I in it"This is the process to deal

with such situations."

I in you"Let's find out why/how we

co-create this situation."

I in now"Let's look which true purpose wants

to emerge through our system."

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

From where do you write?

42Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Point of attention active sense

greatest impediment

I in me none none

I in it open mind judgement

I in you open heart cynism

I in now open will fear

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Perception levels

43Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen


A says something

B absorbs or discards, says nothing

B confirms his existing beliefs

"...still, a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest..."

(Simon & Garfunkel)

44Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen


A says something

B absorbs and...

B watches for difference from own experience

A and B exchange information about those differences

A and B learn scientifically45

Photo by Marc John

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

Empathic dialogueB hears what A says

B puts himself into A's shoes

B tries to understand A from there

A and B forget about their plan

A and B use their hearts to learn

A and B are not the same any more


Photo by Kathleen Conklin

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen


A and B talk about an emergent future

They forget about their selves

They open an inner space of silence

They connect to the who we could be

The emerging future begins to enter this space of silence

Time is warped: then becomes now

47Photo by mrhayataDienstag, 4. Oktober 11

Coach/trainer for effective product developmentMatthias Bohlen

I can help you with this!

Matthias Bohlen

Coach for effective product development

Email: mbohlen@mbohlen.de

Web: http://www.mbohlen.de/

Twitter: @mbohlende

Phone: +49 170 772 8545

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 11