A Social Web, A Social World

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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A talk to parents at St Paul's about social software. (Some of these slides have been rendered less than clear in the process of uploading and converting them to Slideshare. If you download the slideshow, everything returns to its original PowerPoint glory.)

Transcript of A Social Web, A Social World

A Social Web, A Social World


a social web

TB-L’s original vision

The original thing I wanted to do was to make

it a collaborative medium, a place where we (could) all meet and read and write.


1985: Born — Internet 2 years old; Nintendo release 'Super Mario Brothers'

1990: Start primary school — WWW being conceived

1992: 7 years old — first SMS message sent

1995: Amazon, eBay founded

1996: Heading towards secondary school — Hotmail launched;

pay-as-you-go mobile tariffs; instant messaging

1998: Teenage years — Google founded

1999: Studying for GCSEs — Napster; Blogger

2001: Wikipedia; iPod

2002: Studying for A Levels — social-networking services appear

2003: University — Skype

2005: Graduation approaches — YouTube

John Naughton: http://oscal.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/lecture-text.pdfSee also: http://www.preoccupations.org/2007/05/making_the_poin.html

There’s much more to social software than

Facebook …





Slide courtesy of Bradley Horowitz, Yahoo! (http://tinyurl.com/3cjgpp; pdf)

Slide courtesy of Bradley Horowitz, Yahoo! (http://tinyurl.com/3cjgpp; pdf)


www.slideshare.net/jyri/microblogging-tiny-social-objects-on-the-future-of-participatory-media, Jyri Engeström, 2007.

The Internet as a technology teaches

us one value more deeply than any

other: the joy of being connected.

David Weinberger


Evidence is mounting that younger people don’t

think of the Internet as a collection of content that

other people produce for them to consume ...

[they] think about it as a dynamic, emergent &

peer-produced repository to which they’re eager to

contribute …

Andrew McAfee (June, 2007)



the social web and education


… and you can do much of this in Facebook

… how intrinsic the use of Facebook is today among

younger scholars - grad students & junior faculty - in

their scholarship & teaching. Facebook, for now, is often

the place where they work, collaborate, share & plan …

O'Reilly Radar: Working in Facebook (2007)




Thomas Vander Wal’s slide, from a talk given at St Paul’s: www.slideshare.net/vanderwal/going-social

Thomas Vander Wal’s slide, from a talk given at St Paul’s: www.slideshare.net/vanderwal/going-social

Algis Leveckis, co-CEO of QuestG:

A generation of people is coming to the office and

saying, ‘You expect me to use this?’

(from the FT article cited by Thomas Vander Wal, available online at http://tinyurl.com/2nefeh)



the 4ths

Autumn Term

• ICT at school, home ... mobile

• Internet & web: key figures and events

• Reading the social web: browsers, RSS and search

• Communicating & collaborating, on- and off-line I: Office(s);

webmail, IM, chat, VoIP

Spring Term

• Communicating & collaborating, on- and off-line II:

blogs & wikis

video- and photo-sharing

social bookmarking and tagging


Summer Term

• Responsibility and Identity

Wikipedia (critical reading, responsible writing)

Social software (privacy, safety, digital identity)

• The Law:

copyright (links, permissions, problems);

music (file-sharing, DRM);

defamation and abuse (rights and responsibilities)

• Games

• Virtual Worlds

assemblies & elsewhere …an open office




Invisible audience



Mediated spaces

Mediated publics are here to stay; yet they are complicating many aspects of daily life. The role of

an educator is not to condemn or dismiss youth practices, but to help youth understand how their

practices fit into a broader societal context. These are exciting times; embracing societal change and

influencing the norms can only help everyone involved.

danah boyd: http://tinyurl.com/2zad37

from http://meish.org/2007/08/16/facebook-and-the-perils-of-prodigious-sociability/


the “nothing to hide” argument stems

from a faulty premise

that privacy is about hiding a wrong

We can't solve every potential privacy issue on the web

or in real life. But we can and do use technology to

empower people to make their own choices about the

availability of their information.

Chris Kelly, Chief Privacy Officer, Facebook


“BBC Two’s Newsnight commissioned an artist to paint this version of a photo showing Conservative leader David Cameron (back row, second left) while a member of the Bullingdon Club, an elite Oxford dining group. The photo can no longer be published.” BBC News

The Daily Telegraph has the original, online, here.



going forward


More than most, educators are well positioned to directly engage youth about their networked practices. They can posit moral conundrums, show how mediated publics differ from unmediated ones, invite youth to consider the potential consequences of their actions, and otherwise educate through conversation instead of the assertion of power. …

Internet safety is on the tip of most educators’ tongues, but much of what needs to be discussed goes beyond safety. It is about setting norms and considering how different actions will be interpreted. It’s important to approach this conversation with an open mind and without condescension because, often, there are no right or wrong answers.

danah boyd


• Create a public identity

• Expect unexpected audiences

• Write comments as if you were writing on your own


• Treat video and audio just like text

