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synchronization, execution

and visualization across

your operations


workflow to design,

implement and deploy

faster and easier

• Increaseoperator

efficiency and productivity

with powerfully intuitive

visualization tools

• Preserveengineering

efforts through re-use and


• Improvedecision-making

and maximize profitability

Business Value

Foxboro Control Software

enables InFusion Enterprise

Control for I/A Series

System users with superior

collaboration, execution and

visibility across your entire

enterprise. This means lowest

total cost of ownership for

your operations and superior

flexibility, adaptability and

responsiveness – straight to

your organization’s bottom-

line performance.

The next evolution of the Foxboro® I/A Series® System has arrived. Foxboro Control Software is designed to significantly reduce and simplify your engineering efforts. This powerful toolset provides cutting-edge graphical advantages in a constant environment that greatly enhances your overall experience and begins your journey to business optimization and maximum profitability by enabling superior collaboration, execution and visibility across your entire enterprise.

FOXBOROCONTROLSOFTWARE3.0OFFERS:•Foxboro Control Software Configuration Tools for highly intuitive graphical design

and integrated engineering •Foxboro Control Software I/A Series InTouch® Application for tremendous

visualization optimization and operational best practices•Interoperability with ArchestrA® System Platform for seamless integration and

standardization of all operations data, significantly reducing cost and efforts•Powerfully productive capabilities of advanced software applications — like SQL-

based Historian and Client for real-time historical data storage and time-based retrieval for dramatically increased operational efficiency

Foxboro Control Software 3.0High-performing, productivity-enhancing visualization and engineering tools for the Foxboro I/A Series System.


Optimize Engineering WorkflowEnhance engineering productivity and reduce efforts with Foxboro Control Software Configuration Tools. Simplified toolsets, common human interfacing and standardized template-based objects for building and maintaining I/A Series System control strategies and configurations can be easily deployed and reused across multi-site operations. Based upon a standardized function set, configuration of the I/A Series System now becomes a matter of assembling application objects in a fashion similar to constructing a process flow diagram. By shifting the emphasis away from programming and toward assembling strategies, you can now spend more time devising better, safer control strategies.

Design, Implement, and Deploy Faster and EasierFoxboro Control Software Configuration Tools not only reduce mundane programming tasks, they make it easier and far less risky to implement application changes—ensuring global consistency and best practices. The cost of project implementation is greatly reduced making your life easier and more productive.

Maximize Cost-Savings and Plant Uptime The Foxboro Field Device Manager (FDM) is a software application within Foxboro Configuration Tools that offers complete support and management of intelligent devices from any vendor utilizing any fieldbus protocol. Foxboro FDM provides superior device management, greatly reducing the probability that an unexpected device failure will cause plant downtime. This predictive device maintenance approach allows you to locate problems early, before they become severe and grants the time to plan corrective actions without downtime. FDM offer simplified configuration, commissioning and maintenance to optimize your field devices. With Foxboro ‘Anybus’ interoperability, you maintain your preferences because the I/A Series System adapts to you.

Foxboro Control Software 3.0Configuration Tools:

•Graphicalconstruction,deploymentofI/ASeriesSystemcontrol strategies

•Enhanced change management of sequence code and block connections

•Advanced troubleshooting techniques

•Bulk Engineering for reduction in effort and human error

•Collaboration workflow

•Automated install procedure

•SQL views, high performance querying and reporting of all control configurations

•Maximizecost-savingsandplant uptime with superior asset management capabilities

POWERFULLY INTUITIVE VISUALIZATION TOOLSFoxboro Control Software InTouch Application combines the world’s leading HMI software with cutting-edge graphical advances enabling you to quickly and easily be more productive and effective.

Maximize Productivity and Optimize User Effectiveness The Foxboro Control Software InTouch Application includes easy-to-use, object-oriented programmable graphics and tightly integrated communication connectivity to the I/A Series Mesh Control network. This open and extensible HMI enables flexibility in custom application design with connectivity to the broadest set of control and automation devices in the industry, resulting in well designed, standards-driven systems that maximize productivity, optimize user effectiveness, increase quality and lower costs.

Easy-To-Use Wizards and TemplatesThe Foxboro Control Software InTouch Application is SmartSymbol enabled, offering considerable savings by reducing application engineering, testing and deployment time and enabling the creation of reusable templates from graphics. SmartSymbol graphics enable rapid propagation of changes throughout the application and even across multiple networked PC workstations. This makes changing, upgrading and modifying very fast and simple.

Unequaled Device Integration and ConnectivityThe Foxboro Control Software InTouch Application can connect to virtually any device using hundreds of available I/O and OPC servers that are designed to connect to control systems and devices.

Avoid Costly Downtime and Enable Faster Responses in Critical SituationsThe Foxboro Control Software InTouch Application includes advanced alarming, built-in real time and historical capabilities that offer several analysis tools and views into alarms and provides the information needed to proactively correct situations and to analyze events before, during and after an alarm situation. The Foxboro Control Software InTouch Application enables you to determine the nature of an alarm, its location and options for supporting fast analysis of alarm conditions coupled with immediate response capabilities.

Foxboro Control Software 3.0InTouch Application:

•Graphicsandintelligentsymbols that visually bring your facility to life

•Intuitive, easy to navigate display hierarchy

•Sophisticated scripting toextendandcustomizeapplications for your specific needs

•I/ASeriescontrolblockfaceplate overlays

•Role-based security options

•Real-time distributed Alarming with historical views for analysis

•Extensiblelibraryofover500pre-designed ‘intelligent’ and customizablegraphicandobject symbols


Superior Collaboration of Plant-Wide Products, Processes and People Foxboro Control Software 3.0 integrates the Foxboro I/A Series System with ArchestrA System Platform and the powerfully productive capabilities of advanced applications to provide an open environment for unmatched collaboration of plant-wide processes, people and products. Unlock Hidden Potential to Gain Significant Competitive AdvantageArchestrA System Platform provides a unified environment that integrates information from multiple disparate sources and provides a common infrastructure and set of services. A significant competitive advantage is gained with the ability to design, build, deploy, maintain and standardize applications with the lowest total cost of ownership.

This architectural approach facilitates the easy extension and expansion of existing systems to stay competitive and increase manufacturing agility. In addition, users can quickly create applications that conform to company standards yet are versatile enough to be strategically deployed throughout an organization via the best-suited devices for increasing productivity and efficiency.

Accelerate Decision-Making for Maximum ProfitabilityWithin ArchestrA System Platform is a high-performance process historian with production history archiving, efficient data compression and auto-configuration of historical archiving that eliminates duplicate effort and an industrial web information server that dramatically simplifies the organization and delivery of operations information for use across all functions in your organization.

ArchestrA System Platform Enables:•Elimination of automation islands through integration of

all devices, systems, databases and software applications within manufacturing and infrastructure environments

•Synchronization of production and industrial operations with business objectives for sustained profitability

•Standardization of operating practices and techniques across the organization

•Flexibility to easily change plant-wide applications, control programs and workflow to quickly respond to any business issue

As a component of the holistic InFusion™ Enterprise Control System family of offerings, this product is designed to provide specific functionality, while being easily combined, integrated and managed along with other InFusion Components. All InFusion Enterprise Control System components communicate with the open, industry standards-based ArchestrA® System Platform software, which easily and affordably unites process and production control with business operations control. InFusion can help save significant time, effort and money by improving the abilitytoviewandsynchronizeinformation from multiple systems and applications; improving collaboration,workflowexecutionand operations management.

SYNCHRONIZE PRODUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS WITH BUSINESS OBJECTIVES FOR SUSTAINED PROFITABILITYThe Wonderware® Historian is a high-performance real-time database for historical information. It combines the power and flexibility of a relational database with the speed and compression of a true process historian, integrating the office with the factory floor or any industrial operation. Our historian combines the power and flexibility of Microsoft® SQL Server software with the high speed acquisition and efficient data compression characteristics of a real-time system.

With the added power and versatility of Wonderware Historian Clients you can accelerate your decision-making process and provide access to the right information when a problem is identified, or an opportunity uncovered. The Wonderware Historian Client is a fully featured suite of applications that maximizes the value of the data in the Historian. Historian Clients are integrated with Microsoft Office components to deliver data-trend and numerical data analysis using Microsoft Excel, comprehensive data reporting using Microsoft Word, and the capability to publish real-time and historical plant information to the web or company intranet site using Wonderware Information Server.

The Information Server offers an easy solution for aggregating and presenting plant production and performance data over the web or company intranet. Plant personnel, with a minimum of training, can install, configure and implement a highly effective plant information web site without the need for custom web programming. The Wonderware Information Server delivers industrial information content, including process graphics, trends, and reports to clients using standard Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers. It acts as a unified web server source for all System Platform, Historian, Intelligence, Batch and MES online client and reporting capabilities. Using Information Server, large amounts of process data can be aggregated into highly informative production reports tailored to the information needs of plant personnel. Content from the Information Server can be incorporated into other web portals, making existing corporate IT portals more informative and valuable.

Advanced Software Applications Feature:

•SQL-based Historian with substantial productivity and analysis capabilities and high-performance data storage files, enabling open access to information.

•Historian Client enabling detailed analysis and reports using Microsoft Office components

•Single Web solution for presenting operations and performance management information over the Web or company intranet.

•Integration with ArchestrA Workflow to drive workforce collaboration based on accurate, real-time information to solve process issues faster and discover hidden opportunities

Invensys, the Invensys logo, ArchestrA, Avantis, Eurotherm, Foxboro, IMServ, InFusion, SimSci-Esscor, Skelta, Triconex, and Wonderware are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries or affiliates. All other brands and product names may be the trademarks or service marks of their representative owners.

© 2011 Invensys Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, broadcasting, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Invensys Systems, Inc.


ALOWCOST,LOWRISKAPPROACHTOGETYOUHERESystem modernizations can often be high cost, high risk projects with significant impact to production – not with us. The Foxboro Plug-in migration solution is the only solution specifically designed to avoid those penalties. We manufacture our I/O modules as form-fit replacements for your original I/O equipment. We reuse your existing termination assemblies, cabinets, power supplies and I/O racks. Add new controllers and workstations, and you have a 100% new, fully warranted I/A Series System. All end of life issues are addressed – down to the I/O – so users don’t have to worry about costly and disruptive additional phases looming in the future.

Minimum Risk, Cost and Impact to Your ProcessThe Invensys legacy system migration solution minimizes the cost, risk and process downtime of a full system replacement. The Invensys Migration Centers of Excellence have over a decade of experience and have successfully migrated legacy systems from all over the world and from all different industries. Graphics, database conversion and testing are performed by our experienced team of specialized engineers and delivery teams. Tools have been developed to reduce manual engineering efforts and our team of experts collaborate closely with you to improve aspects where needed and ensure complete satisfaction and accuracy during the conversion process.

Protected Investment with the Continuously Current Foxboro I/A Series SystemOnce migrated, you have support for the lifetime of your operations thanks to our Continuously Current philosophy that ensures your system is protected and evolves with your needs. We have helped hundreds of clients successfully migrate their legacy systems to a 100% new, highly reliable, secure and modern Foxboro I/A Series System.

Rel. 07/11 PN FX-0191

Foxboro Plug-In Migration Solutions For:


•Siemens Moore APACS•Westinghouse WDPF•FoxboroSpectrum•FoxboroSpec200

The result? A100%new,high-performingFoxboroI/ASeriesSystem with minimum cost, risk, and impact to your process.