A quick and easy way to close more sales using Linkedin

Post on 25-May-2015

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A 10-point tip for closing more sales by using the power of Linkedin recommendations. Recommendations from your existing customers are a great way to give new prospects social proof that your products and services really are as good as you say they are. By regularly asking for more Linkedin recommendations and turning these into hard- and soft-copy sales documents, you quickly create a powerful and highly persuasive sales documents that will help close more deals. If you'd like help getting more leads from Linkedin in 3 easy steps, contact Tom Mallens on +44 (0)1926 678 920, +44 (0)7917 005 938, tom@tommallens.com, @TomMallens or tomallens.com.

Transcript of A quick and easy way to close more sales using Linkedin

A  quick  and  easy  way  to  close  more  sales  using  Linkedin  .  .  .  

     Always  ask  for  Linkedin  recommendations  from  your  customers.  It’s  a  great  opportunity  to  strengthen  your  relationship  and  deliver  great  service.  

 3.  Ask them to comment on precise aspects of your product or service.

And make sure these aspects correspond to the benefits you want to highlight in your marketing.

   For example: Was the ‘Supa-Turbo’ function useful? What were the main benefits you experienced? Was it easy to use, and if so, why?  

7.  Upload  it  to  your  Linkedin  profile  and  social  sharing  sites  like  Slideshare  for  an  extra  SEO  boost.      

8.  You’ll  end  up  with  a  1-­‐,  2-­‐  or  3-­‐page  document  full  of  customers  saying  how  great  your  products  or  services  are.  It’s  a  great  way  to  persuade  prospects  –  especially  if  they’re  cautious.  It  (might)  look  a  little  like  this  .  .  .    

9.  Print  copies  to  take  to  your  next  sales  meeting.  It’s  a  highly  persuasive  document  to  share  in  hard  and  soft  copy  format.      

And  if  anyone  says  they’re  not  quite  convinced,  

just  remind  them  they  can  jump  on  Linkedin,  and  ask  the  people  for  themselves!    


2. 4.  

5. 6.  

10.  Helping  you  get  more  leads  from  Linkedin  in  3  easy  steps  

W:  tommallens.com   E:  tom@tommallens.com  T:  01926  678  920                      M:  07917  005  938                      @TomMallens  

Don’t  just  ask  if  they  can  recommend  you.    It’s  too  vague.  Be  specific!    

Copy  and  paste  your  recommendations  into  a  Word  document.  Add  some  design  skills  and  save  it  as  a  PDF.