A Few Other Oilseed Crops Oilseed Flax. Camelina zSpring and winter types, small plant zLimited...

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Transcript of A Few Other Oilseed Crops Oilseed Flax. Camelina zSpring and winter types, small plant zLimited...

A Few Other Oilseed Crops



Spring and winter types, small plantLimited contracting in Ft.

Stockton/Pecos areaBiodiesel plant in Gaines Co. asking

questions about growingStatewide testing of initial fall

2007/early spring seedings in 2008 did not do well


Industrial crop, the oil of which can substitute for some castor applications

Most likely fall seeded, adapted to arid environment

Efforts to contract, produce, process have not gotten off the ground

Some test plantings near Plainview, but most in Pecos area

Sesame in the Texas Plains

Calvin Trostle & James GricharTexas AgriLife Extension & ResearchLubbock & BeevilleCT (806) 746-6101, JG (361) 293-6326ctrostle@ag.tamu.edu &



SESACO--Texas processor based in Paris, TX, research program based at San Antonio & Uvalde

Current 25,000-40,000 A production primarily is scattered, but about half or more in Concho River Valley on toward San Antonio area

Sesame Contracts

For 2009, $30/cwt ($32/cwt in 2008)Several premiums available--and

achievable--for good qualityDiscounts occasionally if quality

targets not met

Sesame, the Plant

Physiological maturity, 100-110 days after planting, dries down in 140-150 days to harvest; increased heat units accelerate maturity

Drought tolerant, heat tolerant, may respond less to rain & irrigation compared to other crops High Plains test show that with an extra 6” or

rain, yields didn’t change a great deal (increase ~20%)

Sesame in General

Not for your weedy ground--two labeled herbicides

Shatter-resistant varieties developed by Sesaco for combine harvest

Very drought tolerant and insect resistant


High/Rolling Plains

Planted mostly in mid-May to July 1, often after failed cotton

Minimal input cropAll kinds of planting conditions for

stubble, seeding equipment“The hardest thing about growing

sesame is getting it planted right.”

Recent Plains Production

2001-2007 Crosby Co.--1100 lbs./A with 3 gpm; 800

lbs./A with 1.8 gpm Parmer Co.--yields low, hit with cool

nights in 40s F near September 20 Dawson Co.—yields in range of 400-600

lbs./A on dryland Terry Co.--ongoing organic sesame



Plains Production Tips

Plowing too deep dries out the field and can result in mediocre stands

Need firm seed bed for this small seedSlow growth in first 6 weeks or so, grass

problems treated with Select MaxThin fields often look like candidates for

plowing, but stands when left in place especially if uniform, often surprise


Plains Production Concerns

Sesame at any time is susceptible to glyphosate drift, also Ignite, etc.

Any combine works wellPickup reels often used, but bat reels

might be better All-crop headers can work, too

Plains Production 2009

Sesaco interest is in full-season crop Seeking full yield potential with longer season

Rotation benefits, no cotton root rot effects, no hog damage; deer pass through?

Input costs will remain minimal compared to other crops

Sesame is not for your weedy ground!

Sesame, the Plant

Broadleaf summer crop, self-defoliating at maturity

Can reach 6’ tall with some irrigationFlowers about 35-45 days—slow growing

and not competitive with weeds at this point—after planting

Flowering ceases about 75-85 days after planting

Average daily planting temperature, 70 F Warmer than just about any other crop

The Vulnerable Stage


Slow down!!! to achieve better stands, more uniform seed depth.

Seed is very small, has less push than cotton, hence problems with crust That is why seeding rates are higher than

is actually needed to grow the cropConsult Sesaco for variety


Early planted sesame normally gives the best yields

If planting after wheat, watch out for wheat herbicide residual (Amber, Glean, Ally, Finesse, Assert)

For rotation, if cotton is not on the label for rotation in 9-12 months, then don’t try sesame

Seeding Rates

2.5 to 4.5 lbs./A, target 3 lbs./A Over 30 seeds per foot

Seeding rates will drop by 1/4 to 1/3 when drilling or planting into good soil conditions

Sesame adjusts to the population if initially too thin or too thick

Little difference in yield across 3-8 plants per foot

What Sesame Must Do

The plant stops floweringMature without capsule openingShed leavesDry down as quickly as possibleHold seed even in adverse weatherRelease seed in combine easily


Very drought tolerant Among most drought tolerant crops in

Texas High Plains (others would be hybrid pearl millet, guar, safflower)

Limited irrigation is good; 4-6 inches offers good return on WUE

Rule of thumb: uses 1/2 the water of cotton, 1/3 of sorghum

Because input costs can be quite minimal, net return is often favorable compared to other crops

Weeds (Grichar Thoughts)

See Sesaco guide, p. 8 on rotation/residual, p. 13 on potential options now & future

Roundup RT3 applied as PPI, PRESelect Max for POST grass controlCaparol is a special problem for sesamePotential future herbicides

Dual Magnum (s-metolochlor) Direx (diuron) Lorox (linuron)

Funding provided by

This event also made possible, in part, by generous support from the City of Plainview Convention & Visitors Bureau.