4th Eastern Africa Oil, Gas & Energy

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The 4th Eastern Africa Oil, Gas & Energy Conference 2013 gives new insight in the opportunities, acreage, key players and corporate and government strategies in this region. The Conference is hosted annually by Global Pacific & Partners and will be held from June 18th to 20th in the InterContinental Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya, including the pre-Conference 4th Eastern Africa Strategy Briefing by Dr Duncan Clarke, Africa’s foremost strategist in the upstream. The meeting highlights presentations of CEO’s, government officials, Ministers and key executives from within leading corporate and state oil companies.

Transcript of 4th Eastern Africa Oil, Gas & Energy

18th - 20th June 2013InterContinental Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya

“Eastern Africa’s

Renaissance Reshapes

Oil & Gas Landscape”


4th Eastern africa: Strategy briefing 18th June 2013

4th Eastern africa oil, gas & Energy Conference 19th - 20th June 2013

51st petroafricanus Dinner 19th June 2013

Separately Bookable

Supported By

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Delegate Bag Sponsor

BBQ Sponsor

Delegate Pen Sponsor

Exclusive InternationalBroadcast Partner

Luncheon SponsorPetroAfricanus Dinner Sponsor

Venue SponsorBronze SponsorGold Sponsor Silver Sponsor

Program Updates: www.petro21.comLatin Representative: Eliana Cardoso

eliana@glopac-partners.com - Mob. +55 21 9172 6226

11th Oil and Gas Bid Round in Brazil 14th -15th May 2013ANP, the Brazilian National Hydrocarbons Agency, has published a calendar for the Bid Rounds that contemplates a March 26, 2013 deadline for submitting the required documents for an expression of interest, May 14-15 for submitting a bid, and August 2013 for execution of the awarded concession contracts. 2013 is shaping up to be an active year for upstream Bid Rounds in Brazil. A Bid Round for non-conventional oil & gas is expected for later this year, as well as an additional Bid Round under the new production sharing contracts for the pre-salt layer.

18th - 20th June 2013 Confirmed Speakers

Eddy belleChief Executive Officer PetroSeychelles

lindsay ElliottExploration new Ventures Beach Energy

Hudson andambiSenior Principal Superintending Geologist ministry of Energy, Kenya

rob timsmanaging Director Standard Chartered Bank

Serge matescoVice President, Eastern Africa Total

peter WakelingChief Executive Officer Bahari Resources

Conrad thorpeChief Executive Officer Salama fikira

alec robinsonPresident & CEO, Director Tembo Petroleum

Joseph pili-pili maweziSecretary General of Hydrocarbons ministere des Hydrocarbures, Kinshasa

Elly KaruhangaPresident Chamber of mines & Petroleum, Uganda

Ernest rubondoCommissioner Petroleum Exploration & Production Department

Dr lalaoharijaona rasoambolanoroDeputy General manager OmniS, madagascar

James phillipsVice President Business Development Africa Oil Corp

Hassan Hassanmanaging Director, Operations Simba Energy

Dr abdullahi HaiderSenior Adviser, ministry of Water, Energy, Petroleum & mineral Resources, federal Republic of Somalia

Dr Ketsela tadesseDirector, Petroleum licensing & Administration Directorate ministry of mines, Ethiopia

galib ViraniAssociate Director Afren plc, london

Duncan ClarkeChairman & CEO Global Pacific & Partners

paul burdenTeam leader Kenya, Ethiopia Team Tullow Oil

Dan FoleyExploration manager, Sub-Saharan Africa Apache Corporation

Nick CooperChief Executive Officer Ophir Energy

martin trachselChief Executive Officer South Atlantic Petroleum

robin VelaChief Executive Officer SacOil Holdings

mike regoExploration Director Aminex Plc

Jeff Waterousindependent Advisor Bahrain

rob CrossleyChief Geologist Robertson (a CGG Company)

alexander Van SchieDirector & Head Corporate finance East Africa Deloitte Consulting

mary Kimotho m’mukindiaEastern Africa Representative Global Pacific & Partners

babette van gesselDeputy Chief Executive Global Pacific & Partners

tom FletcherExploration manager, East Africa Anadarko

Dr peter thuoTechnical Consultant ERHC Energy, nairobi

HoN. mohadji FouadVice President l`Union des Comoros

tewodros ashenafiChairman & Chief Executive Officer SouthWest Energy (HK) lTD

bernard bizimanaHead of Geophysics Section, Department of Geology ministry of Energy & mines, Burundi

peter Clutterbuckmanaging Director Global Energy Consultants

Dr Kase lawalChairman & CEO CAmAC Energy

george WachiraDirector Petroleum focus Consultants, nairobi

Program Updateswww.petro21.com

Cocktail Reception - Time: 17:00


African Institute of Petroleum

4th Eastern Africa: Strategy Briefing: tuesday 18th June 2013

Separately Bookable

Presentations are by Dr Duncan Clarke (Chairman & CEO, Global Pacific & Partners), a leading advisor, thinker, writer and strategist on Africa, and author of Africa’s Future: Darkness to Destiny (Profile Books, london, 2012) and the widely-acclaimed Crude Continent: The Struggle for Africa’s Oil Prize (Profile 2010), the first and only Africa-wide oil-gas historiography (and TV film-Documentary by CnBC-Africa). Other books include The Battle For Barrels (Profile, 2007) and Empires Of Oil (Profile 2007).

Participants benefit from unique knowledge and Delegates receive online access via www.petro21.com to all Presentations.

Right of Admission Reserved, by Global Pacific & Partners. | No Press. D U N C A N C L A R K E

How the past is shaping Africa’s economic evolution

Darkness to Destiny


Composite to show position of gold foil on front and spine.Gold foil is set to overprint.

“Richly detailed … indispensable for anyone interested in global trends in the 21st century.”

Ian Morris, author of Why the West Rules – For Now

registration & Coffee

08:45 minnows-Independents: Eastern Africa

New Companies, Deals, acreage, partners africa’s Juniors: Foreign minnows Independents In-Situ: over 50 Companies Companies: “born In East africa” Worldwide Companies: From Six Continents

Companies inter alia: afar, afex, afren, africa oil, avana ansan, beach, Cove, Dubai, Essar, H-oil, Jarch masefield, midroc, orca, pancontinental, range, rak ophir, Surestream, Sohio, titan, Vanoil, Videocon Dominion, Wessex, Zafer, Candax, oyster, lion, bgp, petrodel, beach, Cairn, WHl - plus many more

large & Small: producers, oil/gas Explorers, Entry Strategies, portfolio, Success acreage, Disposals, New Ventures

relationships: locals & governments, mergers, partnerships, JV

Who’s Who: linkages, relationships

10:45 morning break

11:15 Eastern Africa: Super-Indies-majors Investments, Transactions, Competition

ENI, repsol - Strategies & aims

Super Independents In East african oil/gas anadarko, bg, Sasol-SpI, tullow, apache mitsui, Videocon, other large Companies Super-majors: upgraded portfolio Exxonmobil, bp, Shell, Chevron, total

Corporate profiles, Strategies, Core assets New Ventures, Exploration portfolio oil Deals, gas Discoveries, lNg potential partnerships, Entries-Exits, Focus, Success Directions, Strategy, Investments

13:15 light luncheon

14:15 Governments, National Oil Companies Agencies, Foreign State Oil Players

government Strategy & ministries: policies Kenya, uganda, tanzania, burundi, rwanda madagascar, Seychelles, Comoros, moçambique Somaliland, puntland, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Zanzibar, mogadishu

Eastern african National oil Companies NoCK, tpDC, Songas, Natoil, omnis, petroSeychelles Sudapet, Nilepet, ENH, INp, moI, Energy Entities

Foreign State oil Companies Chinese, Indian, East-Southeast asian russian, latin, middle Eastern petronas, pttEp, petrovietnam, pertamina pttEp, CNpC-petroChina, Sinopec, CNooC & oNgC- Videsh, petrobras, Statoil

Corporate Scramble & Eastern africa’s Future great power Strategy: Competition

Corporate/State Companies: Challenges

17:00 Close of briefing

Publications and Online Media

G S N Gulf States Newsletter



4th 4th Eastern Africa Oil, Gas & Energy Conference 19th - 20th June 2013

“The exploration frontiers of Eastern Africa are enormous both onshore and offshore, including Exclusive Economic Zones and deepwater opportunities and ultra-deep plays. The 15 states in this region are diverse in scale, terms, ventures and in regard to exploration cycles and discoveries, while more and more companies have entered the open acreage and more blocks have been leased than ever before with more drilling commitments concluded. Equally foreign state companies have come to Eastern Africa (like CnOOC, PTTEP) and the Super-majors have shown renewed interest not only in the primary acreage market but also in the secondary transactions markets for corporate acquisition and farm-ins. The impact of this resurgence is rebalancing the Africa oil industry landscape – once primarily with a dominant north/ West African focus – into a wider Continental oil and gas/lnG game, with potentially global consequences.

• Over 300 Senior executives attend annually• from over 30 Countries including: Kenya, Uganda, moçambique, United Kingdom, Australia, Ethiopia, South Africa, United States of America, nigeria,

United Arab Emirates, madagascar, france, Germany, Tanzania, india, Spain, China, netherlands, Egypt, Hong Kong, Russia, ireland, norway, Switzerland, Bahrain, Kuwait, l’Union des Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Poland, Sudan, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, indonesia, Saudi Arabia

• 30+ Speakers• 20+ Exhibition Booths• Reception, Dinner, luncheon BBQ, Social functions & networking

Wednesday 19th June 2013

08:00 Registration & Coffee

09:00 Chairman’s Opening Remarks

Dr Duncan Clarke, Chairman & CEo, global pacific & partners

guESt prESENtatIoN: KENya’S oIl & gaS Hudson andambi, Senior principal Superintending geologist, ministry of Energy, Kenya

09:30 Session 1: Key Companies In Eastern Africa’s Upstream

total: portFolIo & groWtH IN EaStErN aFrICaSerge matesco, Vice president, Eastern africa, total, paris

tulloW oIl: portFolIo & ExploratIoN SuCCESS IN EaSt aFrICagalib Virani, associate Director, afren plc, london

aFrEN: groWtH & EaStErN aFrICagalib Virani, associate Director, afren plc, london

aFrICa oIl Corp: KEy playEr IN EaStErN aFrICa’S rIFt baSINSJames phillips, Vice president business Development, africa oil Corp, addis ababa

opHIr ENErgy: largE EaStErN aFrICa portFolIoNick Cooper, Chief Executive officer, ophir Energy, london

Moderator: Dr Duncan Clarke

11:30 Coffee Break & Networking

12:00 Session 2: Governments: Acreage, Opportunities & New Frontiers

ugaNDa: rEgIoNal oIl play Ernest rubondo, Commissioner, petroleum Exploration & production Department, Kampala

CamaC ENErgy: ENtry INto KENya: FroNtIEr EaStErN aFrICa ExploratIoNDr Kase lawal, Chairman & CEo, CamaC Energy, Houston

omNIS: HyDroCarboN potENtIal & ExploratIoN bloCKSDr lalaoharijaona rasoambolanoro, Deputy general manager, omNIS, antananarivo

DrC: tHE trIplE tECtoNIC DEprESSIoN oF tHE WESt CoNgolIaN Joseph pili-pili mawezi, Secretary general of Hydrocarbons, ministere des Hydrocarbures, Kinshasa

rESourCE NatIoNalISm IN EaStErN aFrICaDr Duncan Clarke, Chairman & CEo, global pacific & partners

Moderator: Babette van Gessel, Deputy Chief Executive, Global Pacific & Partners

• 4th Ann

ual E

atern Africa Oil, Gas & Energy •

Global Pacific & Par



4 thAnnualEasternAfrica


19 - 20 June 2013, InterContinental Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya

Copyright © Global Pacific & Partners

13:20 Luncheon

14:20 Session 3: Eastern Africa Investments, Refineries & Infrastructure

ugaNDa’S pEtrolEum & FuturEElly Karuhanga, president, Chamber of mines & petroleum, uganda

aNaDarKo: ExploratIoN & DEVElopmENt IN KENya & moçambIquEtom Fletcher, Exploration manager, East africa, anadarko

StaNDarD CHartErED: EaStErN aFrICa’S INVEStmENt laNDSCapE For INDEpENDENtSrob tims, managing Director, Standard Chartered bank, london

DEloIttE: EquIty & INVEStmENt laNDSCapE IN EaStErN aFrICaalexander Van Schie, Director & Head Corporate Finance East africa, Deloitte Consulting

Salama FIKIra: rEgIoNal SECurIty tHrEatS aND rISKS IN tHE oIl & gaS INDuStryConrad thorpe, Chief Executive officer, Salama Fikira, Nairobi

rEFINEry optIoNS IN EaStErN aFrICa & rEgIoNal CHallENgESgeorge Wachira, Director, petroleum Focus Consultants, Nairobi

EaStErN aFrICa’S INVEStmENt laNDSCapEJeff Waterous, Independent advisor, bahrain

Moderator: Mary Kimotho M’Mukindia, Eastern Africa Representative, Global Pacific & Partners

16:20 Afternoon Break & Networking

16:50 Session 4: Independent Players In Eastern Africa

ErHC: NortHWESt KENya Dr peter thuo, technical Consultant, ErHC Energy, Nairobi

SoutHWESt ENErgy: EtHIopIaN aCrEagE & ExploratIoNtewodros ashenafi, Chairman & Chief Executive officer, SouthWest Energy (HK) ltD, addis ababa

SapEtro: EaSt aFrICaN ENtrymartin trachsel, Chief Executive officer, South atlantic petroleum ltd, lagos

amINEx: taNZaNIaN aSSEtS & DISCoVErIESmike rego, Exploration Director, aminex plc, london

INDEpENDENt opEratorS IN EaStErN aFrICapeter Clutterbuck, managing Director, global Energy Consultants, london

Moderator: Dr Peter Thuo, Technical Consultant, ERHC Energy, Nairobi

18:30 Close of Day

18:30 Networking Reception

19:30 51st

petroafricanus patron 2013:

Copyright © Global Pacific & Partners


19 - 20 June 2013, InterContinental Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya

BBQ / Braai & NetworkingThe Carnivore Restaurant - Time: 14:30

Sponsored By

Thursday 20th June 2013

08:00 Coffee & Networking

09:00 Chairman’s Opening Remarks

09:10 Session 5: Players In Eastern Africa’s Hydrocarbons

SImba ENErgy: FroNtIEr ExploratIoN IN EaStErN aFrICaHassan Hassan, managing Director, operations, Simba Energy, Vancouver

apaCHE Corp: KENyaN opportuNItyDan Foley, Exploration manager, Sub-Saharan africa, apache Corporation, Houston

bEaCH: laKE taNgaNyIKa SoutH proSpECtIVElylindsay Elliott, Exploration New Ventures, beach Energy, adelaide

baHarI: grEENFIElD opportuNItIES IN EaStErN aFrICa’S FroNtIErS peter Wakeling, president, bahari resources, Nairobi

tEmbo pEtrolEum: buIlDINg oN EaStErN aFrICa ExpErIENCEalec robinson, president & CEo, Director, tembo petroleum, london

SaCoIl: opportuNIty IN EaStErN aFrICa & DrCrobin Vela, Chief Executive officer, Sacoil Holdings, Johannesburg

Moderator: Andrew Windham, Windham & Associates and Patron 2013, African Institute of Petroleum

11:10 Coffee Break & Networking

11:40 Session 6: Discovering New Oil Frontiers

ComoroS: EaStErN aFrICaN opportuNItyHoN. mohadji Fouad, Vice president, l`union des Comoros

uNDErExplorED playS oF EaStErN aFrICarob Crossley, Chief geologist, robertson (a Cgg Company)

EtHIopIa: aCrEagE, aWarDS & ExploratIoN potENtIalDr Ketsela tadesse, Director, petroleum licensing and administration Directorate, ministry of mines, Ethiopia

SomalIa: SomalIa’S HyDroCarboN potENtIalDr abdullahi Haider, Senior adviser, ministry of Water, Energy, petroleum & mineral resources, Federal republic of Somalia

pEtroSEyCHEllES: SEyCHEllES opEN aCrEagEEddy belle, Chief Executive officer, petroSeychelles, mahe

buruNDI: tHE FuturE oF ENErgy Supply & DEmaNDbernard bizimana, geophysicist, Head of geophysics Section, Department of geology, ministry of Energy & mines, burundi

Moderator: Peter Wakeling, President, Bahari Resources Limited

13:40 Close of Conference

• 4th Ann

ual E

atern Africa Oil, Gas & Energy •

Global Pacific & Par



4 thAnnualEasternAfrica

Copyright © Global Pacific & Partners

Sponsor/Exhibition OpportunitiesJoin our worldclass sponsors to showcase your company to senior level

oil, gas and energy executives at the 4th Eastern Africa Oil, Gas & Energy Conference 2013.sonika@glopac-partners.com
















































4th Eastern Africa Oil, Gas & Energy 2013Plenary Room














0 S6S5





Display Tables:Africa Oil Corp










• 4th Ann

ual E

atern Africa Oil, Gas & Energy •

Global Pacific & Par



4 thAnnualEasternAfrica

package options Fee US Dollars Tick

4th Eastern Africa: Strategy Briefing $ 1,950

4th Eastern Africa Oil, Gas & Energy Conference $ 1,950

Combined Events

Delegate Fee For both Events $ 3,450

51st PetroAfricanus Dinner (included in fee) N/A

registration Form


TO REGiSTER COmPlETE AnD fAx TO: + 31 70 324 1741 or Register and pay online: www.petro21.comConference Fee Includes access to presentations via our website, refreshments, luncheons,and Networking receptions per Event. registration Fees do not include travel & accommodation.



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E-mail/Tel*Vat: South african & European Companies should provide a Vat number as per new European & South african regulations

Hotel Booking Form

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PROGRAm UPDATESAll Changes to Speakers, Sessions, Times are notified on www.petro21.com leading up to the Event and Attendees are advised to check the website for all updates.DATA PROTECTIONWe respect your privacy and personal information is protected within our Company. However, information provided by you on this form (excluding payment details) may at times be made available to clients/associated partners for marketing purposes. To restrict please contact us: jodee@glopac-partners.com

RIGHT OF ADmISSION RESERVED BY GLOBAL PACIFIC & PARTNERSPress must be accredited PRIOR TO EVENT & will not be allowed entry on site without Pre-Registration

Dress CodeBusiness or traditional attire is acceptable throughout the event and scheduled functions.

VisasPlease contact your nearest Embassy for a VISA, as these are issued at discretion of the relevant Authorities. It is possible to obtain a Visa on arrival at the Airport but please check status prior travel. Health certificates may be required prior to entry including Yellow Fever Certificate - please check with your nearest Embassy or Travel Agent. Please allow for 3-6 weeks for Visas. A letter for Visa purposes will be issued by Global Pacific & Partners only on completed registration form, and receipt of payment for the event. For Visa letters please contact sonika@glopac-partners.com

IndemnityWhere matters beyond the reasonable control of Global Pacific & Partners (The Company) impair or prevent The Company from being able to perform its obligations or deliver a service at or in relation to this Event such as power shortages, natural disasters, WHO warnings, war, terrorism, strikes or Acts of God, The Client shall release The Company from any liability or loss incidental or consequential to this event including costs arising from cancellation, postponement or delay.



interContinental HotelCity Hall Way nairobi, 00200, KenyaPhone: +254 20 3200000www.intercontinental.com

PAymEnT mETHODPRE-REGISTRATION10% DISCOUNTPRIOR 31 APRIL 2013❑ Cheque: i enclose a cheque made payable to Global Pacific & Partners. Please send Cheques to Denneweg 124, 2514 Cl The Hague, The netherlands

❑ Bank Transfer Account: Global Pacific & Partners Bank: HSBC midlands Branch 28 Borough Heighstreet Southwark, london, SE11yB, United Kingdom Account Nr: 81418130 IBAN: GB60miDl40062181418130 BIC/SWIFT: miDlGB2107

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Booking Conditions & Contract TermsYour booking is invoiced on registration by confirmation, with payment in full prior to any Conference and/or Strategy Briefing or separately bookable Dinner event, in order to affirm your position, entry and/or participation. In the case of any time-specific or other Discounts provided, the full sum of total fee/s will become automatically due, and re-invoiced, if the period indicated for final payment is exceeded and monies due have not been received. Following the date of closure of all event/s, in the case of any outstanding fee/s unpaid, an automatic charge of an extra 10% will apply, and if still unpaid later than 30 days thereafter, another 10% charge will be due and levied.

Cancellation Policy & ReplacementsYour registration holds contractual obligation for payment/s due. However, any cancellation (in writing only) made 14 days prior to start of event will be refunded. Thereafter, refunds will not apply but delegates will receive online access to relevant Conference Presentations. Replacements are welcome. On Receipt of registration form, delegates will be liable for full payment due under this contract unless cancellation has been made and duly acknowledged.

1st Floor, regent place22 Cradock avenuerosebank, 2196Johannesburg, South africat: +27 11 880 7052f: +27 11 880 1798

Denneweg 1242514 Clthe Hague, the Netherlandst: +31 70 324 6154f: +31 70 324 1741

management: Babette van Gessel: babette@glopac-partners.commarketing & Registration: tanya@glopac-partners.com, jodee@glopac-partners.com

Program/Sponsor/Exhibition: Sonika Greyvenstein: sonika@glopac-partners.com

mary Kimotho m’mukindia mmukindia@yahoo.com

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