14.3 OCEAN’S RESOURCES 14.4 OCEAN LIFE Hydrosphere.

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 14.3 OCEAN’S RESOURCES 14.4 OCEAN LIFE Hydrosphere.



Learning Targets

1. Describe the seafloor2. List the living and non-living

resources that people use from the seafloor

3. Describe the different types of ocean organisms

4. Describe the interactions among different ocean organisms


1. No light2. High pressure3. Low temperature4. Mapped using SONAR

a) Sound Navigation and Ranging

Ocean Topography

1. Trenchesa) Caused by subductionb) 10,000+ meters

2. Mid-ocean ridgea) Caused by divergent boundariesb) 80,000 km longc) 1,000-3,000 meters tall

3. Abyssal plaina) 40% of seafloorb) Smooth, flat areas

Ocean Resources

Living Resources:

1. Bottom trawling – method of fishing, towing weighted net on seafloor

2. Seafooda) Primary food for millions of people

Ocean Resources

Non-living Resources:

1. Oil and gasa) Likely holds most of earth’s fossil fuels

2. Mineral nodulesa) Spherical mineral deposits on the

ocean bottom

Ocean Life

1. Diverse food chain2. Includes marine and terrestrial



1. Microscopic2. Drifting = Greek word for

“wanderer”3. Basis for the entire food chain4. Phytoplankton

a) Photosynthesizing microorganisms

5. Zooplanktona) Eggs, microorganisms, juvenile

animals, jellyfish

Plants and Algae

1. Vary in sizea) Microscopic to many meters long

2. Produce most of the atmospheric oxygen

3. Photosynthesize Photic zone


1. Animals without a backbone

2. Crabs, lobsters, snails, sponges, squid, octopi, starfish, many more

3. Live in all parts of the ocean


1. Vertebrates

2. Breathe oxygen

3. Includes sharks and eelsa) Not whales and dolphins


1. Breathe air

2. Crocodiles, water snakes, turtles, marine iguanas

3. Many have terrestrial portions of their lifecycle


1. May swim and/or fly

2. Penguins, gulls, kestrels, pelicans

3. May migrate thousands of miles

Marine Mammals

1. Warm-blooded, milk producing2. Very similar to humans3. Evolved from land animals4. Cetaceans (whales),

sirenians(manatee), pinnepeds(seals), mustelids(otters), polar bears