05_CHAPTER 4.doc

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Transcript of 05_CHAPTER 4.doc


Profile of the Respondents

4.1 Distributions of the Respondents by their gender Gender classification is of paramount importance as women are participating on all aspects of profession is line with men and hence this question is asked and the results are given below;Table:4.1 Gender wise classification

ParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage




Source: Primary Data

The table 4.1 shows that out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business, 72% of the respondents are male and 28% of the respondents are female unorganized retail business. The majority 72%of the respondents are male involved in unorganized retail business.

4.2 Distributions of the Respondents by their Age

Age is one of the most important factor for human living and age also serves as a yard stick to participate or discontinue any occupation or profession ,thus the question relating to the age of the unorganized retail business respondents are gathered and the results are given in the following table.Table:4.2 Age wise classification

ParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage

Below 20 age5537

21 to 30 age2718

31 to 60 age6845


Source: Primary Data The table 4.2 shows that, out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business, 45%of the respondents belong to the age group of 31to 60 years,37% of the respondents belong to the age group of below 20 years,18% of the respondents belong to the age group of 21 to30 years. It is clear from the table that majority of unorganized retail business belong to the age group of 31 to 60 years.

4.3 Distributions of the Respondents by their Education Status

Education is one of the most important factors that influence the society to a larger extent and so the professions and hence and attempt is made to analyze the level of education of respondents.Table 4.3 Education wise classification

ParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage

No formal education2517

Primary school149


Diploma level or Degree2819

Post graduate level1510



Source: Primary Data

The table 4.3 shows that ,out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business ,39% of the respondents studied SSLC/HSC ,19% of the respondents studied Diploma level or Degree,17%of the respondents studied no formal education,10% of the respondents studied post graduate level,9% of the respondents studied primary school level and 6% of the respondents studied scholars. The majority 39 per cent of the total respondents studied SSLC/HSC.

4.4 Distributions of the Respondents by their Nativity

People all over the world have been divided into three distinct groups by the marked line of difference as urban, semi-urban and a rural living .Thus the question relating to the area of living of the unorganized retail business are gathered and given in the following table.Table4.4 Area of livingParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage





Source: Primary Data

The table 4.4 shows that, out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business ,55% of the respondents are living in urban area,27% of the respondents living in semi-urban area,18% of the respondents are living in rural area. The majority55% of the respondents are living in urban area.4.5 Distributions of the Respondents by their Marital Status The social set up in India makes a basis for the analysis of the marital status of the retailer .Thus the question relating to the marital status of the retailer is gathered and the results are given in the following table.Table 4.5 Marital status

ParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage





Source: Primary Data

The table 4.5 views that, the marital status of the 150 respondents of the unorganized retail business, 82 per cent are married,14 per cent of the respondents are unmarried and 4 per cent of the respondents widow. The majority of the 82 percent of the respondent for the married.

4.6 Distributions of the Respondents by their Family Type Nature of family is plays a vital role in increasing the unorganized retail business .Thus the question relating to the nature of family of the collected the information.Table4.6 Nature of family

ParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage




Source: Primary Data

The table 4.6 shows that, out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business.55 per cent of the respondents belong to nuclear family and 45 per cent of the respondents joint family. The majority of the 55 per cent of the respondents nuclear family.

4.7Distributions of the Respondents by their Family monthly incomeTable 4.7 monthly incomes

ParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage

Below Rs.5,0001812

Rs.5,000 to Rs.10,0002515

Rs.10,000 to Rs.25,0006740

Rs.25,000 to Rs.50,0005429

Above Rs.50,0001604


Source: Primary Data

The table 4.7 shows that, out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business ,40 per cent of the respondents are earning Rs.10,000 to Rs.25,000 per month,29 per cent of the respondents are earning Rs.25,000 to Rs.50,000 per month,15 per cent of the respondents are earning Rs.5,000 to Rs.10,000 per month,12 per cent of the respondents are earning below Rs.5,000 per month,4 percent respondents are earning above Rs.50,000 per month. The majority of the unorganized retail business is earning Rs.10,000 to Rs.25,000 per month.

4.8 Distributions of the Respondents by their Family Number of depends

Number of depends are of vital importance for the study because ,it has impact over the economic aspect of unorganized retail business . Therefore this question relating to the family members depending on the unorganized retail business are gathered and the results are substituted in the following table .Table 4.8 Number of depends

ParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage

Below 3 members6040

3 to5 members4027

5 to 8 members3523

Above8 members1510


Source: Primary Data

The table 4.8 illustrates the number of depends .In case of 150 respondents unorganized retail business , 40 per cent are having family below 3 members ,27 per cent are having 3-5 family members,23 per cent are having 5-8 family members and 10 per cent are having above 8 family members,The majority of the family members unorganized retail business 40 percent of the below 3 members.

4.9 Distributions of the Respondents by their Nature of organizationTable 4.9 Nature of organization

ParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage

Joint stock company6845


Sole proprietorship2718


Source: Primary Data

The table 4.9 shows that ,out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business,45 percent of the respondents are unorganized retail business in joint stock company,37 per cent of the respondents are partnership and 18 per cent of the respondents are sole proprietorship .The majority 45%of the respondents are unorganized retail business in joint stock company.

Table 4.10 Distributions of the Respondents by their Number of person employed from out side.ParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage


Only one6946

2to3 persons4027

3to5 persons085

Above 5 persons064


Source: Primary Data

The table 4.10 shows that ,out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business, 46 per cent of the respondents are employed from out side,27 per cent of the respondents are working from out side ,18 per cent of the respondents working from outside the organization,5 per cent respondents and 4 per cent of the respondents working from the outside. The majority of the unorganized retail business 46 percent of the respondents working from outside.

Table 4.11 Distributions of the Respondents Experience filed of the unorganized retail business.ParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage

1 to 4 years2013

4 to 6 years2517

6 to 10 years3020

10 to 15 years3523

Above 15 years4027


Source: primary Data

The table 4.11 shows that out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business,27 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business more than 15 years,23 per cent of the respondents are un organized retail business 10 to 15 years,20 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business 6 to 10 years,17 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business 4 to 6 years,13 percent of the respondents are unorganized retail business 1 to 4 years. The majority 27 % of the unorganized retail business more than 15 years experience.

Table 4.12 Distributions of the Respondents by their Working hoursParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage

Less than 6 hours2819

6 to 12 hours8154

12 to 15 hours2920

More than 15 hours127


Source: primary Data

The table 4.12 shows that out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business,54 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business working hour more than 15 hours,20 per cent of the respondents are un organized retail business working hour12 to 15 hours,19 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business working hour less than 6 hours ,7 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business 4 to 6 years,13 percent of the respondents are unorganized retail business working more than 15 hours. The majority 54 % of the unorganized retail business more than 6 to 12 hours working for the respondents.

Table 4.13 Distributions of the Respondents by their unorganized retail business you ownParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage


Healthcare and Parts books1410

Fruits and vegetables2013

Beverages and footwear shops085


Electronic goods107



Source: primary Data

The table 4.13 shows that out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business,42 per cent of the respondents are grocery,15 per cent of the respondents are cosmetics,13 per cent of the respondents are fruits and vegetables,10 per cent of the respondents are healthcare and parts books,8 per cent of the respondents are textiles,7 per cent of the respondents are electronic goods and 5 per cent of the respondents beverages and foot wear shops. The majority of the unorganized retail business 42 per cent of the respondents grocery.

Table 4.14 Distributions of the Respondents by their Initial investmentsParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage

Below Rs.10,0004228

Rs.10,000 to Rs.20,0005637

Rs,20,000 Rs.30,0002617

Rs.30,000 to Rs.40,0001611

Above Rs.40,000107


Source: primary Data

The table 4.14 shows that out of 150 respondent of unorganized retail business, 37 per cent of the respondents are initial investment Rs.10,000 to Rs 20,000, 28 per cent of the respondents are initial investment below Rs.10,000,17 per cent of the respondents are initial investment Rs.20,000 toRs.30,000 , 11 per cent of the respondents are initial investment Rs.30,000 to Rs.40,000 and 7 per cent of the respondents initial investment above Rs.40,000.The majority of the 37 per cent of the respondents unorganized retail business initial investment Rs.10,000 to Rs.20,000.

Table 4.15 Distributions of the Respondents by their Source of investmentParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage

Own capital5637



Source: primary Data

The table 4.15 shows that out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business,63 per cent of the respondents are sources borrowed fund,37 per cent of the respondents are sources own capital. The majority of the unorganized retail business are sources of fund to borrowed capital.

Table 4.16 Distributions of the Respondents by their Sources of borrowing fundParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage



Commercial banks5235

Co-operative banks4933

Financial institutions2013

Money lenders1611


Source: primary Data

The table 4.16 shows that out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business borrowed fund 35 percent of the respondents are borrowed from commercial banks, and co-operative banks 33 per cent,13 per cent respondents are borrowed funds from financial institutions, 11 per cent of the respondents are borrowed fund from money lenders ,5 per cent of the respondents are borrowed funds from relatives, 3 per cent of the respondents are borrowed funds from friends. The majority of the 35 per cent respondents unorganized retail business borrowed from commercial banks because this type of institutions immediate payable at loan.

Table 4.17 Distributions of the Respondents by their Size of the storeParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage

Less than 200 sqft4228

200 sqft to 500 sqft5436

500 sqft to 1000 sqft2416

Above 1000 sqft3020


Source: primary Data

The table 4.17 shows that out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business , 36 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business size of the store 200 to 500 sqft, 28 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business size of the store less than 200 sqft, 20 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business size of the store above 1000 sqft and 16 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business size of the store 500 to 1000 sqft.The majority 36 per cent of the respondents were the store lay out size 200 to 500 sqft.

Table 4.18 Distributions of the Respondents by their size of the godown areaParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage

Less than 100 sqft4832

100 to 200 sqft3926

200 to 300 sqft5839

Above 500 sqft053


Source: primary Data

The table 4.16 shows that out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business,39 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business size of the godown area 200 to 300 sqft, 32 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business size of the godown area less than 100 sqft, 26 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business size of the godown area 100 to 200 sqft and 3 per cent of the respondents re unorganized retail business size of the godown area above 500 sqft.The majority 39 per cent of the respondents were the lay out of godown area 200 to 300 sqft of the unorganized retail business.

Table 4.19 Distributions of the Respondents by their generally visit your shop ever dayParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage

Below 50 members3221

50 to 100 members6041

100 to 150 members3020

150 to 300 members2013

Above 300 members085


Source: primary Data

The table 4.19 shows that out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business,41 per cent of the respondents visited for the shop an purchases, 21 percent of the respondents below 50 members visited your shop every day, 20 per cent of the respondents every day shop to purchases, 13 per cent of the respondents visited the shop and 5 per cent of the respondents visited to shop above 300 members. The majority 41% of the respondents visited to the unorganized retail business to the shop.

Table 4.20 Distributions of the Respondents by their Scope for business

ParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage

Family support8255

Security of job3020

Financial security2215

Business expansion1610


Source: primary Data

The table 4.20 shows that out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business, 55 per cent of the respondents are family support of the business, 20 per cent of the respondents are security of job, 15 per cent of the respondents are financial security, 10 per cent of the respondents are business expansion. The majority 55 per cent of the respondents unorganized retail business to the family support.

Table 4.21 Distributions of the Respondents by their Monthly Turn over unorganized retail business

ParticularsNumber of RespondentsPercentage

Less than Rs. 6,0002215

Rs. 6,000 to Rs.7,0001510

Rs.7,000 to Rs.8,0002919

Rs.8,000 to Rs. 9,0003523

Above Rs.9,0004933


Source: primary Data

The table 4.20 shows that out of 150 respondents of unorganized retail business, 33 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business monthly turnover above 9,000, 23 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business monthly turnover Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 9,000, 19 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business monthly turnover Rs.7,000 to Rs.8,000, 10 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business monthly turnover Rs.6,000 to Rs. 7,000 and 15 per cent of the respondents are unorganized retail business monthly turnover less than Rs.6,000. The majority of the unorganized retail business monthly turnover above Rs.9, 000 because of the retail business monthly turnover.

Table 4.22 Distributions of the Respondents by their Business strategy following of unorganized retailer. Unorganized retail business strategy plays a vital role in the development of an individual. To increase ones business strategy few sources are behind them. The following table 4.22 describes the sources of business to do income generating activities. The sources of business strategy are ranked by garret mean score.

Business strategy following of unorganized retailerBusiness strategyRanking And Number of Respondents


Quality of product2215192222171914150

reduce the price level69252135112221150

customer relationship212073510122520150

infrastructure facilities191523157362114150

offer and gifts182021233112916150

variety choice of quality299211511221924150

door delivery103923109212018150

clean shop252311925191523150

Source: Primary Data

Business strategy following of unorganized retailer



1Quality of product41.835IV

2reduce the price level44.255III

3customer relationship35.78VIII

4infrastructure facilities63.93I

5offer and gifts40.025V

6variety choice of quality39.765VI

7door delivery 49.965II

8clean shop38.485VII

Source: Primary Data The garret mean score 63.93 for infrastructure facilities ranked first. The garret mean score 49.965 for door delivery ranked second. The garret mean score 44.255 for reduce the price level ranked third. The garret mean score 41.835 for quality of product ranked fourth. The garret mean score 40.025 for offer and gifts ranked fifth. The garret mean score39.765 for variety choice of quality ranked sixth. The garret mean score 38.485 for clean shop ranked seventh. The garret mean score 35.78 for customer relationship ranked eighth.


Table 4.23 Nativity and government policies for the awareness. The born and brought up situation of the human will influence the character and attitude of the same man. This table tries to explore whether the nativity play any role in the awareness of the Government policies.

H0: There is no significant different between the awareness of government policies and the nativity of the unorganized retailers.


Sum of SquaresDfMean SquareFSig.

providing suitable accommodationBetween Groups134.112267.05637.250