0009 Virus 2.Pptx

Post on 08-Aug-2018

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    2004 MyDoom spreads through emails and file-sharing software fasterthan any previous virus or worm.

    Allows hackers to access the hard drive of the infected computer.

    An estimated one million computers running Windows are

    affected by the fast-spreading Sasser computer worm. The worm does not cause irreparable harm to computers or data,

    but it does slow computers and cause some to quit or reboot withoutexplanation.

    2006 Discovery of the first-ever malware trojan horse for Mac OS X

    2008 Torpig is a Trojan horse which affects Windows, turning off anti-

    virus applications.

    It allows others to access the computer, modifies data, stealsconfidential information and installs malware on the victim's

    computer. 2009

    Conficker infects anywhere from 9 to 15 million Microsoft serversystems.

    French air force, Royal Navy warships and submarines,

    Sheffield Hospital network, UK Ministry of Defence, GermanBundeswehr and Norwegian Police were all affected.

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    Total Number of Viruses by yearJanuary 1985 1

    January 1985 1

    January 1987 3

    January 1989 6

    January 1990 142

    January 1991 357

    January 1992 1,161

    January 1993 2,482

    January 1994 3,687

    January 1995 5,626January 1996 7,764

    January 1997 11,037

    January 1998 16,726

    January 1999 40,850

    January 2000 44,000January 2001 48,000

    January 2002 55,000

    January 2003 62,000

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    Another virus that fired up the media was Melissa, a Word macrovirus.

    When people received the host Word document via email andopened it, the virus sent a copy of itself to the first 50 people in the

    victim's address book. Named after a topless dancer in Florida, the Melissa virus crashed

    the email servers of corporations and governments in differentspots around the world.

    The Computer Emergency Response Team, set up after RobertMorris mucked up the Internet with his worm in 1988, estimated thatthe virus hit 100,000 computers in its first weekend.

    David L. Smith posted the infected file to an alt.sex usenet groupusing a stolen AOL account. Initially he entered a plea ofinnocence, but after being confronted with a maximum sentence of40 years in prison, he eventually pled guilty and received a much-reduced sentence.

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    Love You, Love Bug

    By almost any measure, the so-called Love Bug was the mostdamaging and costly virus ever. I don't know who comes upwith these whack figures, but according to Reuters the bugcost the world $15 billion in lost productivity.

    The Love Bug spread far faster than Melissa. Unlike Melissa,it would mail itself to everyone in your Outlook address book-- most of whom would probably be delighted to read abouthow you love them -- not just the first fifty. Moreover, it wouldgobble up certain media files stored on your hard drive.

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    Did you know?

    One German newspapertragically lost 2,000pictures from its archive.

    The perpetrator turned outto be a 23-year-old Filipinocomputer science studentwho more or lessplagiarized all of his code.

    The lack of laws in thePhilippines covering

    computer crimes, he prettymuch got away with hiscrime.

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