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1. Eating Healthy 2. MENU  Tips  What NOT to eat  Delicious recipes  Healthy snacks What the experts think  Schedule 3. Tips -Simplify. Instead of being…

Healthy Eating Healthy Eating 5th Grade Health HE3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Essential Understanding: 5HE3 Healthful nutrition and physical activity contribute to growth…

1. Secondary School Project 3.notebook March 25, 2009 Food and Digestion A healthy diet contains a balance of foodstuffs Feb 20­7:21 PM...

1. Healthy EatingLots of ideas, what is right for me? 2. Australia 3. Australia 4. United States of America 5. United States of America 6. 7. China 8. Switzerland 9. Switzerland…

1. Discover More Food Secrets 2. 10 Name Brand Nightmares 3. Marie Callender’s Chicken Pot Pie Artery CrustMarie Callender’s ChickenPot Pie has “only” 520 calories,…

1.THE FOOD PYRAMID2.   3. EAT A VARIED DIET VARIETYThe six color bands represent the five food groups, plus oils. Foods from all groups are needed daily. Grains Vegetables…

1.HEALTHY EATINGHEALTHY EATING2. FOOD Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential…

1.HEALTHYEATING M. Yıldız ÖZTÜRK Lokman SUNGURDuygu BALCI Dritan GASHI Tuğba YUMUŞAK2. 3. OUTLINE What is a healthy diet? 2. How do we stay healthy? 3. What are the…

1.Unit 3: Healthy EatingPresenter: Stephen Tabb2. Session outline• What is healthy eating?• The benefits of healthy eating• The Food Pyramid 3. What is healthy eating?•…

1.Healthy Eating 2. Healthy Foods A good diet is essential for overall good health. 3. Why Eat Healthily? Reduce your risk of illnesses like Heart disease, Cancer Diabetes.…

Healthy Eating List your 5 most favourite foods: â¦â¦.now share with your groupâ¦.. 1. What factors influenced your choices? 2. How many of your choices are associated…

Healthy Eating Food for Life Mgr. Zuzana Rusková Vocabulary Apple Cheese Sugar Milk Meat Rice Eggs Water Peas Ham Omellete Fish Jablko Syr Cukor Mlieko Mäso Ryža Vajcia…

PowerPoint Presentation Healthy Eating This is a food wheel, showing protien, dairy, starchy foods, vegetables and fruit, etc. It shows you what you need to have in your…

Healthy eating Healthy eating Our bodies need food to give us energy. Do you know how much of each kind of food we need every day? We need…  a lot of rice/noodles/bread…

Healthy Eating Healthy Eating Why Eat Healthy? Leading causes of death in America include: Heart disease Cancer Lower respiratory disease Stroke Accidents Alzheimerâs disease…

HEALTHY EATING Presented By Dr Frank Ekhalufoh OVERVIEW Our hygiene reflects in the quality of our food, home and environment in general. Like the common saying goes, âwe…

Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Have you ever thought about the food that you are eating? A nutritionist needs your help. They have noticed that the…

Healthy Eating 2009 Preventing Strokes One at a Time Managing Stroke Risk Factors Upon completion, participants will be able to: Counsel patients about a healthy balanced…

Healthy eating To stay healthy we need to eat a balance and variety of foods. The eatwell plate We need to eat a balance and variety of foods from these groups. Bread, rice,…

PowerPoint Presentation Healthy Eating By: Gage { Eat healthy food! Broccoli has a lot of vitamins in it. Eat grains every day, and you should make them whole grains. Grains…