Download - Your body language shapes who you are

  1. 1. Your body language shapes who you are Amy CUDDY
  2. 2. Amy Cuddy Social Psychologist Amy Cuddys research on body language reveals that we can change other peoples perceptions and even our own body chemistry simply by changing body positions.
  3. 3. Funny Handshake
  4. 4. Body language is a very powerful tool. We had body language before we had speech, and apparently, 80% of what you understand in a conversation is read through the body, not the words. -Deborah Bull
  5. 5. Awkward Hug
  8. 8. POWERFUL
  10. 10. Powerless Person Begging
  11. 11. Difference of Power
  12. 12. Pose of Pride Winning Pose
  13. 13. Non-Verbal governs how we think and feel about ourselves
  14. 14. High Power Poses
  15. 15. Low Power Poses
  16. 16. An Experiment was carried out Saliva Swab Saliva Swab Low Power Pose High Power pose Gambling A person sat in a power pose for two minutes
  17. 17. 86% people Gambled 60% people Gambled Difference after 2 mins of Power Pose
  18. 18. Difference after 2 mins of Power Pose 20% increase 10% decrease
  19. 19. Difference after 2 mins of Power Pose 25% decrease 15% increase
  20. 20. High Power Pose Risk Tolerance 86% Testosterone Level 20% Cortisol Level 25% Low Power Pose Risk Tolerance 86% Testosterone Level 10% Cortisol Level 15% Experiment Results High testosterone Level Low Cortisol Level Best Results
  21. 21. Our body changes our mind Our mind changes our behavior Our behavior changes our outcomes
  22. 22. Usual Pose before Interview Low Power Pose
  23. 23. High Power Pose What Pose should be before Interview
  24. 24. Tiny tweaks Big Changes
  25. 25. Fake it till you become it
  26. 26. Two Minutes of Power Pose Any situation when you feel weak, stressed, or need a dose of power When? Increases testosterone (power hormone) Decreases cortisol (stress hormone) Why?
  27. 27. SUCCESS
  28. 28. Created by Archit Raj, IIT Delhi, during an internship by Prof. Sameer Mathur, IIM Lucknow.