Download - Yorkshire Radio Abbreviated Financial Statement Year Ended 30 June 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Yorkshire Radio Abbreviated Financial Statement Year Ended 30 June 2011



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    Company registration no. 02936757

    Yorkshire Radio Limited

    Abbreviated Financial StatementsYear ended 30 June 2011


  • 8/2/2019 Yorkshire Radio Abbreviated Financial Statement Year Ended 30 June 2011


    Yorkshire Radio Limited

    INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT TO YORKSHIRE RADIO LIMITED UNDERSECTION 449 OF THE COMPANIES ACT 2006We have examined the abbreviated accounts set out on pages 2 to 4 together with the financial statements ofYorkshtreRadio LImited for the year ended 30 June 2011 prepared under section 396 of the Companies Act 2006Respectrve responsibilities of directors and auditorsThe directors are responsible for preparing the abbreviated accounts m accordance With secnon 444 of the CompaniesAct 2006 It IS our responsibility to form an independent opuuon as to whether the company IS entitled to dehverabbreviated accounts to the Registrar of Companies and whether the abbreviated accounts have been properly preparedm accordance with the regulations made under that section and to report our opmion to youThis report, mcludmg the opuuon, has been prepared for and only for the company for the purpose of section 449 ofthe Companies Act 2006 and for no other purpose To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not, 10 givmg thisopinron, accept or assume responsibihty for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report IS shown ormto whose hands It may come save where expressly agreed by our pnor consent 10wnung.Basis of opimonWe conducted our work In accordance with Bulletm 2008/4 Issued by the Auditmg Practices Board In accordancewith that Bulletin we have earned out the procedures we consider necessary to confirm, by reference to the financialstatements, that the company IS entitled to dehver abbreviated accounts and that the abbreviated accounts are properlypreparedOpimonIn our opuuon the company IS entitled to dehver abbreviated accounts prepared tn accordance with section 444(3) ofthe Companies Act 2006, and the abbreviated accounts have been properly prepared Inaccordance With the regulationsmade under that section

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    Andrew Allchm (Senior Statutory Auditor)For and on behalf of BAKER TILLY UK AUDIT LLP, Statutory AuditorChartered Accountants2 Whitehall QuayLeedsLS14HG2 Apnl2012



  • 8/2/2019 Yorkshire Radio Abbreviated Financial Statement Year Ended 30 June 2011


    Yorkshire Radio LimitedBALANCE SHEET30 June 2011 Company registration no 02936757

    Net current habihties

    2011 2010Note

    2 247,222 297,222116,030 132,774

    2 2363,254 429,998

    229,461 70,1152,917 478

    232,378 70.,593(2,152,870) (1,971,484 )(1,920,492) (1,900,891 )(1,557,238) (1,470,893)

    Fixed assetsIntangible assetsTangible assetsInvestments

    Current assetsDebtorsCash In hand

    Creditors amounts falling due-wlttlln one year

    Total assets less current liabil it iesCreditors amounts falhng due after more than oneyearNet liabilities (1-.557,238) (1,470,893)

    Capital and reservesCalled up share capitalProfit and loss account

    3 3,000(1,560,238)


    Equity shareholders' defiCit (1,557,238) (1,470,893)These abbreviated financial statements have been prepared Inaccordance WIththe provrsions appltcable to compamessubject to the small compames regime-The abbreviated statements on pages 2 to 4 were approved by the board of directors and authonsed for ISsueon 2nd Apnl2012 and are signed on ItSbehalf by

    SA HarveyDirector


  • 8/2/2019 Yorkshire Radio Abbreviated Financial Statement Year Ended 30 June 2011


    Yorkshire Radio LimitedNOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS1 Principal accountmg policiesThe financral statements are prepared In accordance with applicable United Kingdom accounting standards Theprmopal accounting pohcies adopted by the directors are set out belowBasis of preparationThe company IScontrolled by Leeds City Holdmqs Limited, which has confirmed that It Will provide sufficient support toensure that the company will have sufficient resources to meet debts as they fall due dunng the next year As a result.the directors consider that It ISappropnate to prepare the accounts on the gOing concern baSISBaSIS of accountmgThe financrat statements are prepared In accordance Withthe histoncal cost conventionThe accounts present Information about the company as an mdividual undertaking and not about Its group. as thecompany has taken advantage of the exemption provided by section 400 of the Companies Act 2006 not to prepareconsolidated financial statements as It and ItS Subsidiary undertaking are Included In the consolidated financialstatements of Its parent, Leeds City Holdings Limited, a company Incorporated InEngland and WalesTurnoverTurnover represents all Income arising from the ordinary acnvmes of the company excluding value added taxIntangible fixed assetsIn line With FRS 10 Accounting for Goodwill and Intangible Assets, the costs associated With the carnage agreementare capitalised as mtanqible fixed assets and amortised, In equal annual Instalments, over the penod of the contractwhich expires In2016Tangible fixed assetsDepreciatron IScalculated to wnte off the cost of tangible fixed assets, less their estimated residual values, on a straighthne baSISover the expected useful econorruc hfe of the asset concerned, as followsFixtures and fittingsAlterations and Improvements 5 - 10 years10 yearsFixed asset InvestmentsFixed asset Investments are stated at cost In the company balance sheetDeferred taxationDeferred tax ISprovided In full on timing differences which result In an obligation at the balance sheet date to pay moretax, or a right to pay less tax, at a future date, at rates expected to apply when they crystallise based on current taxrates and law Timing differences anse from the inclusion of Items of Income and expenditure In tax computations Inperiods dIfferent from those In which they are Included In financial statements Deferred tax IS not provided on timingdifferences ansmq from the revaluation of fixed assets where there ISno commitment to sell the asset, or on unremittedearnings of subsidianes and associates where there ISno commitment to remit these earnings Deferred tax assets arerecognised to the extent that It IS regarded as more hkely than not that they Will be recovered Deferred tax assets andhabilmes are not discountedPension costsThe company operates a defined contnbunon scheme The amount charged to the profit and loss account In respect ofpension costs and other post retirement benefits IS the contnbutions payable In the penod DIfferences betweencontnbutrons payable In the year and contnbunons actually pard are shown as either accruals or prepayments In thebalance sheet


  • 8/2/2019 Yorkshire Radio Abbreviated Financial Statement Year Ended 30 June 2011


    ,Yorkshire Radio LimitedNOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS2 Fixed assets

    Intangible Tangible Investmentsassets assets Total

    Cost or valuationAt 1July 2010 500,000 208,847 2 708,849Additions 6,511 6,511At 30 June-2011 500,000 215,358 2 715,360DepreciationAt 1July 2010 202,778 76,073 278,851Charge for the year 50,000 23,255 73,255At 30 June 11 252,778 99,328 352,106

    Net book valueAt 30 June 2011 247,222 116,030 2 363,254At 30 June 2010 297,222 132,774 2 429,998

    3 Called up share capital2011 2010

    Allotted, ISSUed and fully pald;:3,000Ordinaryshams-of1 each 3,000 3,000

    4 Ultimate controlling partyThe directors considerthat the ultimate controlling party is FSF Limited, a company registered InNevisLeeds City Holdings Limited IS the Immediate parent, and IS the smallest and largest group for which consolidatedaccounts IncludingYorkshire Radio Limitedare prepared
