Download - Wolfram von eschenbach präsentation biografie

  • 1. Wolfram von EschenbachBiography

2. Wolfram von Eschenbach - Biography

  • Famous German-speaking poet in the Middle-Ages

3. Lived probably from 1160/80 until 1220 4. Epic works -> great importance 5. Wolfram von Eschenbach Biography Life

  • He came from the town Wolframs-Eschenbach near Ansbach in Bavaria

6. He was working at some courts (Lord of Wertheim, Lords of Drren) 7. Castle Wildenberg in Odenwald -> Parzival (most famous work) 8. Wolfram von Eschenbach Biography Education

  • He used technical terms -> knowledge of Latin, French and literature

9. Wolfram von Eschenbach Biography Effect of his works

  • Large after-effect in the late Middle-Ages

10. Modification by Albrecht von Scharfenberg to a detailed novel 11. Richard Wagner: main source for his opera Parsifal