Download - With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Page 1: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

with acknowledgements to

Travels in (C-S-R) space:

adventures with cellular automata

Ric Colasanti (Corvallis)Andrew Askew (Sheffield)

Presentation ready

Page 2: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

CA in a community of virtual plants

Contrasting tones represent patches of resource depletion

Page 3: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

This is a single propagule of a virtual plant

It is about to grow in a resource-rich above- and

below-ground environment

Page 4: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 5: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 6: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 7: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 8: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 9: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 10: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 11: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 12: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 13: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 14: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 15: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 16: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 17: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 18: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 19: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 20: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 21: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 22: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

The plant has produced abundant growth above- and below-ground

and zones of resource depletion have appeared

Page 23: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Above-ground binary tree base module

Below-ground binary tree base module

Above-ground array

Below-ground array

Above-ground binary tree ( = shoot system)

Below-ground binary tree ( = root system)

A branching module

An end module

Each plant is built-up like this

This is only a diagram, not a painting !

Page 24: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Water and nutrients from below-ground

The branching modules (parent or offspring) can pass resources to any adjoining modules

The end-modules capture resources:

Light and carbon dioxide from above-ground

In this way whole plants can grow

Page 25: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

The virtual plants interact with their environment (and with their neighbours) just like real ones do

They possess most of the properties of real individuals and populations

For example …

Page 26: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

S-shaped growth curves Partitioning between root and shoot

Functional equilibria

Foraging towards resources

Self-thinning in crowded populations








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140Time (iterations)



s (m


es p

er p



Light 1 Nutrient 6 Light 2 Nutrient 6

Light 1 Nutrient 8 Light 2 Nutrient 8






0 5 10 15 20Units of nutrient per cell

1 Light unit

2 Light units

Root/shoot allometric coefficient






1 10 100

Planting density


mass (







Slope -2/1



Allometric coefficient

Below-ground resource

Individual sizeSelf-thinning line

Population density

Page 27: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

All of these plants have the same specification (modular rulebase)

And this specification can easily be changed if we want the plants to behave differently…

For example, we can recreate J P Grime’s system of C-S-R plant functional types

But what is that exactly?

Page 28: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

‘ The external factors which limit the amount of living and dead plant material present in any habitat may be classified into two categories ’

Opening sentence from J P Grime’s 1979 book Plant Strategies and Vegetation Processes

Page 29: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Category 1: Stress

Phenomena which restrict plant production

e.g. shortages of light, water, mineral nutrients, or non-optimal temperature

Page 30: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Category 2: Disturbance

Phenomena which destroy plant production

e.g. herbivory, pathogenicity, trampling, mowing, ploughing, wind damage, frosting, droughting, soil erosion, burning

Page 31: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Habitats may experience stress and disturbance to any degree and in any combination



Page 32: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Low or moderate combinations of stress and disturbance can support vegetation …


Disturbance… but extreme combinations of stress and disturbance cannot

Page 33: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

There are other ways of describing stress and disturbance



Habitat duration

Habitat productivity (= resource level)

Page 34: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

In the domain where vegetation is possible …



… plant life has evolved different strategies for dealing with the different combinations

Competitor where both S and D are low

Stress-tolerator where S is high but D is low

Ruderal where S is low but D is high




Page 35: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.



RSo this is ‘C-S-R space’ …

… and these are the ‘habitats’ where no plant life occurs at all

Page 36: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.




To navigate in C-S-R space we bend the universe a little …

Page 37: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.




Page 38: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.




Page 39: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.




Page 40: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.




Page 41: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.




Page 42: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.




Page 43: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.



Page 44: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.




Page 45: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.




Page 46: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.



Page 47: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.



Page 48: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.



Page 49: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.




… and recognize an intermediate type

Page 50: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.





… with further intermediates here

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… and yet more intermediates here

Page 52: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

So, how does all this relate to real vegetation?

The high dimensionality of real plant life is reduced to plant functional types

“ There are many more actors on the stage than roles that can be played ”

Page 53: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

And what does that mean, exactly?

Functional types provide a continuous view of vegetation when relative abundances, and even identities, of constituent species are in flux

Tools that allocate C-S-R type to species, and C-S-R position to whole communities, can link separate vegetation into one conceptual framework

Then effects of environment or management on biodiversity, vulnerability and stability can be evaluated on a common basis

Page 54: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

We can recreate C-S-R plant functional types within the self-assembling model …

… if we change the rulebases controlling morphology, physiology and reproductive behaviour …

Page 55: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Combinations of plant attributes for seven C-S-R functional types ————————————————————————————— Functional Module Module Propensity to type size longevity flowering ————————————————————————————— C High Low Low S Low High Low R Low Low High SC Medium Medium Low SR Low Medium Medium CR Medium Low Medium CSR Medium Medium Medium —————————————————————————————

Page 56: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

With three levels possible in each of three traits, 27 simple functional types could be constructed

However, we model only 7 types; the other 20 would include Darwinian Demons that do not respect evolutionary tradeoffs

Page 57: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Let’s see some competition between different types of plant

Initially we will use only two types …

Page 58: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Small size, rapid growth and fast reproduction

Medium size, moderately fast in growth and reproduction

Page 59: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 60: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 61: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 62: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 63: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 64: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 65: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 66: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

(Red enters its 2nd generation)

Page 67: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 68: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 69: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 70: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 71: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 72: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 73: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 74: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 75: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 76: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 77: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

White has won !

Page 78: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Now let’s see if white always wins

This time, the opposition is rather different …

Page 79: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Medium size, moderately fast in growth and reproduction

Large size, very fast growing, slow reproduction

Page 80: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 81: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 82: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 83: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 84: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 85: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 86: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 87: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 88: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 89: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 90: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 91: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 92: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 93: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 94: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 95: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 96: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 97: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 98: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 99: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 100: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 101: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 102: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

The huge blue type has out-competed both of the white plants, both above- and below-ground

And the simulation has run out of space …

Page 103: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 104: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

So competition can be demonstrated realistically …

… but most real communities involve more than two types of plant

Page 105: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

We need seven functional types to cover the entire range of variation shown by herbaceous plant life

To a first approximation, these seven types can simulate complex community processes very realistically

Page 106: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

For example, an equal mixture of all seven types can be grown together …

… in an environment which has high levels of resource, both above- and below-ground

Page 107: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 108: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 109: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 110: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 111: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 112: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 113: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 114: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 115: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 116: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 117: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 118: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 119: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 120: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 121: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 122: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 123: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 124: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 125: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 126: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 127: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

The blue type has eliminated almost everything except white and green types

And the simulation has almost run out of space again …

Page 128: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 129: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Now let’s grow the equal mixture of all seven types again …

… but this time the environment has low levels of mineral nutrient resource

(as indicated by the many grey cells)

Page 130: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 131: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 132: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 133: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 134: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 135: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 136: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 137: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 138: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 139: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 140: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 141: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 142: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

(a gap has appeared here)

Page 143: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 144: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

(red tries to colonize)

Page 145: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 146: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 147: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 148: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 149: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

(but is unsuccessful)

Page 150: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 151: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 152: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

White, green and yellow finally predominate …

… blue is nowhere to be seen …

… and total biomass is much reduced

Page 153: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.
Page 154: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Environmental gradients can be simulated by increasing resource levels in steps

Whittaker-type niches then appear for contrasting plant types within these gradients

Page 155: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.







0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Resource (= 1/stress)

% B



in m







Page 156: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Let’s grow the equal mixture of all seven types again …

… but this time under an environmental gradient of increasing mineral nutrient resource

Page 157: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Resources (= 1/stress)


ber o

f pla

nt ty




g (m

ax 7


Greatest biodiversity is at intermediate stress

Page 158: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Remember that environmental disturbance was defined as ‘removal of biomass after it has been created’

Trampling is therefore a disturbance

It can be simulated by removing shoot material from certain sizes of patch at certain intervals of time and in a certain number of places

Page 159: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

So we grow the equal mixture of all seven types again …

… under an environmental gradient of increasing ‘trampling’ disturbance

Page 160: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Probability of disturbance



of p



s su





Greatest biodiversity is at intermediate disturbance …

… but the final number of types is


Page 161: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

Environmental stress and disturbance can, of course, be applied together …

… and this can be done in all forms and combinations

Page 162: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

So, again we grow the equal mixture of all seven types …

… but in all factorial combinations of seven levels of stress and seven levels of disturbance

Page 163: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

R 2 = 0.534







0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000

Total biomass (productivity)


ber o

f pla

nt ty




g (m

ax 7


Greatest biodiversity is at intermediate productivity

Page 164: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

The biomass-driven ‘humpbacked’ relationship is one of the highest-level properties that real plant communities possess

Yet it emerges from the model solely because of the resource-capturing activity of modules in the self-assembling plants

Page 165: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

R 2 = 0.534







0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000

Total biomass (productivity)


ber o

f pla

nt ty




g (m

ax 7


Page 166: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

These are all real experiments with virtual plants

… and the plant, population and community processes all emerge from the one modular rulebase

We can now ‘plant’ whole communities of any kind and subject them to different environments or management regimes

Then we can look at topics such as biodiversity, vulnerability, resistance, resilience, stability, habitat / community heterogeneity, etc, etc.

Page 167: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

And as the modular rulebase is simply a string of numbers2 3 1 4 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 3

which controls how big, how much, how long, how often …

2 3 1 4 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 3

2 3 1 4 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3

2 3 1 4 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 3

(seems familiar?)

… we can modify this virtual genome wherever we like

either accurately

or inaccurately

and then follow the downstream consequences of GM

Page 168: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.

In real experiments with virtual plants …

One overnight run on one PC

Approx. 100 person-years of growth experiments

(not including the transgenic work!)

Any takers?

Page 169: With acknowledgements to Titles Travels in (C-S-R) space: adventures with cellular automata Ric Colasanti ( Corvallis ) Andrew Askew ( Sheffield ) Presentation.