Download - Wisconsin State Stevens Point j THE POINTER · Allen Center from a.u • slon ls 50 cenls and the total fundl ralHd will be amounccd at thls Ume . Also on Sunday the proprietors ot

Page 1: Wisconsin State Stevens Point j THE POINTER · Allen Center from a.u • slon ls 50 cenls and the total fundl ralHd will be amounccd at thls Ume . Also on Sunday the proprietors ot

Wisconsin State University

Stevens Point



8 PAGES - NO. 21

TWO Buildi.ngs Now Under Construction

The universi ty 1aluted 1tudent power T\lffday a ltemoon a t a;~brealdna ceremonies tor -a new $2.4 mllllon clauroom buUdlng.

Five c:ollea:Jans rqarded 111 outstandlna; aeholan llnd cam­pu, leaden were lnvllt'd to flex the ir muselel and tum the tint 1hovel1 full o l fro.l, laden ICIII al UO person, watched.

Tbf!y were Karen WIiborn, lre.shman, Hollandale, • nd 1en­lor Mary Dionne. GIY<'n Day. both representin& the h o me


lreahman Richard sauer, Btnd, repre"nlln.r the oom-· munlcat111e ~era dep.rt­ml'nt : a nd 1«1lor Wallace Thlel, Sheboyr1m, l't'ptt"nllng SIU• dent ~nate u Ji& ptt1ldCl'lt.

Mlp Dionne and Lombardo briefly ejtplalned how the new fo.c lllty wlll enhnnce opportunl• Ilea lor 11udenta.

The fiv1Mtory bUlldlng wlll b': Uled mainly by 1tudent1 anJ

facul ty in the depa. rtmtOta ol communicative disorders a n d home economics, a nd IICCQrd· Jng to Pre.sldent Lee. Oreyfia is belna; progro.mmed lor occu• pancyln the fa ll of 1911.

Located adjacent to a. lal"Ker c lusroom bulldlni.:: constructed In 1966. the new facility wlll tie 1lmllar tn appearnnce ex­cept square In de.sign. n ie•llna; bulldln11: It rectangular.

1llC Immel Con1truclloo O>. of f'ood du Lac, Is the a;enern\ contractor . Other !Irma .. -hlch submitted low bids Ja1 t month Include sedlet Plumblnr ant.I Heating of Butler. J .t· . Ahem Heatlna 11 nd Vtnll lallon OI. of t'ond du I.Ac and Staub Elec• Irle Of Wisconsin Rapids.

13caldes the irudent h::aden and the unh't'ralty prcaldent, other honorcd guetll 11 t the cer­emony were. membrrs of the building committee : Dr. Agnes J ones of home economics: Dr. Gerald Johnson of c:ommunlca• !Ive dl10rder1; and Raymond

Specht, campul planner . The muter of c,remonlet,

Richard Schneld!!r , chalrman of the faculty, Introduced two leg· ls laton : AIHmblyman Harvey Gff of Wltconsln Rapids, . who helped ret approval for th e 11 tructure throua;h his membrr· 1hlp on the powerful Sta te Dulldina: O>mmlulon, llnd .\1-umblyman Lawrence Day uf Eland (Mara thon County) ,

Whlle Ule progra m wu un­M rway, workmen ,tarted con-1trucUon ot IJIOther new bulkl­lng on campu1.

The 1190,000 1tructure wlll houle lhe new Centrex tele­phone 1y1tem to be ln1talled nut year. and the ofllces <>f aec:ur\ty and protection and d i­rector oI the phy1lcal plant.

The two story s tructure, UO by 40 le-et, will 'be of concrete block and brick veneer con­struction on the nor1h edge ot c"mpus. Ellis Stone O>mpany ol Si.event Point Is the 1ener9 I contractor.

STUDENTS BROKE the ground for the new Claasroom Building to be built &long:elde the "butllle." Students fro ~ left are: Karen Willborn , Mary Dionne, Jamea Lombardo, Dick Sauer, and Wally Thiel. (Dominowski Photo) ~

LSD Reflects Role YD' s Defy Draft In Vietnam

lly CAROL LOHRY In re1ardt ~o ~ new and PAUL ,IA,"T\ " S1udles procram, Dreyfus ,aid

President Dreyfus sakl In on rt,:~~ ~=yltin I-~~~~ 1nt<1nic""' Monday the l'Ole of culty m11cttinery. Mmlnblnl· Uu, UJU\'l'nity in reiards 10 th•1:)y, Dr't'yfu.l will put it Into ;)O!Jlh \' lt tnam w\11 be or Is lite new divis ion of Educatlorni l • t.'k' contrac ted a1ent lor the Ser,ices -and lnnovallvt' ~

~a"i':1a1S~~·!1~!':r?:. fur lntl-r- .:r~m::U. -u , tudcnt lm-o!Vemt-nt Drl'yfus 11ated, "'The USAJD 111 bl set up to have lhrtt 1tu-

ls the agency ol our slate d~ dents and three faculty a:uldlng :,al1m\'lll wh('reb)' ttw U.S. pro- h l In ~ program, Dreyfus llu· \ ~I,~ aid ol ,·11.rk>us ..Orts lo 1l'd ii would be a iood chance ~n) .kuxl of em t lll:\ng oallon. 10 1ry 1hi.. He 1111d It b W5t

.. Th,•)' do !his kind ot thing 10 try !his ..ort of thing oot tlm.1u~h groups whom !hey COll'- on a new program rather lhan !r;,ct to do II. someone who a tlxcd. old ont• which slmpl)' !t quahfil'd to do 11:· takt'S modlticaUon proceduru.

Thi.' unh·erslty's lnltlnl con· P11ul J anly u kcd !he Prnl· tr.1~1 is for about $200.000 which d('nl If he had any plllns to ,.,u b,,.• ust'd to pa)' txpcruea ('xpand 1he O\'(' r5eo.s prGKram kr any tacul ty wh<I wlU be , ' for sludent.J. Dreylu:s l"t'spood· ,...-111 Thirty 1,cr cent of any ed thf,1 he does want to (')(-crn,ult11 nts going to Vietnam pand the prorp1lm. He .. Id the "" •11 come lrom Stevem Point. tint .pl"O&l"am 10 En&land ls Th~ other 70 pl'r cent wtll c:ome highly succe,.sful. HI! nld It h1,m ~omc,,.,herc else in the Is doing what he thollght It l' :- . Dl'l'yftu ukl would do and that b. 10 broad-

0r('yfu$ "'5ald the contract t n the s tudenli experlen_ces and

~~~r dt~':'~op ~.~. '°i:i'~t\~ ::~:~~~ 10 be dozens o! " Ill bt• deiermlned a fter the Dreyfus said lt v.·llS his lnten-u,ru;ullan1, have done t he ir lion to look Into attllj; where "'Wk lie mentioned lhere could p!ans can be&in for propo1als b.· a poulblllt)' ot cu\5 in the 10 expand the program. He 18,Y. . i•l"">!{r~m. · his m ain interest In local ing

of1;~=~n ::ti~~ ~;c~::~! ~= !~~c:fi; ~.:ea;1i;

Drt~1u,; uld h(' would like to nlch, Germany; and Ban& ., 1-ut ~ln·u hen: on M lan s lud- Thailand. 1" ",th poHlblY a mo\·e to- Asktd what he ('xpe<:tC'd trocn ,..,rd a majcn- a nd-or minor in the Board ot Rci,t'n!S mtttlng lhe li('ld, He lia)'I It depends FrklO.)', Dl"cyf\15 uk! he hoped On wha\ ... e can build by way academic and business matte1' ul II langua&"e Pf'08'l'al'I\ a nd would &et covered. and the ,.hat the 11udents ore Interest• mtttln&' not be totally dom\na. l\J tn n'la tlnil to Alla. ~ by the Whltewo.ter aituation.

·Point Blank

~ Call . 341-1251

bt. 235


1lle Youn&" Democra\5, at thelr n'i\llarmeetlnf lu twtl'k, <'ndorsed lhe New Mobi ll:ulllon O>mmlnee·s planned elforl$ tor the ..-eeko1Mar. 161n a n\llU letter writing e11mpolgn to up­ae t !he procecdll\iS of dralt ofti­«1 throua;~the country,

lt w~ movtd and puK'd that a march be plnnned to oor local draft office on Mar .

"· Also al the meeting a. rso­

lutlon on the American lndlan waa introduced and Jlll!,sed. U La as follow. : "Whl"n:a, th e American Indian has been and still b repea tedly ilven 11roml-byourloca l.1t11te11nd national rovemmen\5, a n d Whereas !he a,·erage education­al level ot the American Indian b: only elJ,:hth grade, and 'When.-u the Ave.rage annual In· come of the American Indian

1a n~. wtitch II below w nat ional poverty lc,•el, and Whereas the Al'herlcan Indian IndtnrtJ, have many othet' p~ lems maklf\i: them one of our m05t neglecled minority V'OUP'·

1lleref0tt, bt 11 ruol\'\"d that ... e KO on record u condemn­Ing the local, 1la te and federal aovemments for their put and pre.sent lrtt1por11lblllly toward the original America/ii .

Be It turlher n.'SOlv«t thal we comme.nJ the cfforl.l: ol Pride, Up11,·ard Bound, and Eue-ln or our unh•eraity and urae them to continue their ril'lt' work. snd be It Curtner resoh·· ~ th111 the Student Senate as a repre!ll'ntath•e body of our 1tOOl'nll, fTCOln lze these prub, lem11 a)1d Uf1: l50me of 11 ,· man(')' for the Indian procrams on oor campus rather than 111- 1

locn1!ng JO much to the phy.\. cally-0r!Cl'l tated 1iroerarm."

Pride Work Heaps

WITHOUT THE FANFARE ot groundbreaking ceremonlet, construction got u'nder• way on a new $190,000 building at Stevem. Point State Univenlty to hotae a Centrex phone system and the offices ot security and protection and director of lhe physical planL From left are Nels Anderson ot Ellia Stone Co., Stevena Point; Hiram Krebs, director of the univenity phyalca.1 plant, and Charlea Sharp, Edgar, superi.ntendent for Ellia Stone. Meanwhile a groundbreaking program wu taking place on another part of campus for a new $2.4 million claa.aroom building.

U,e yov.., Ul~ty - be-Ip otb6f'I IM'lp tbemH,l \·M, , I he motto of the 1970 Prk1e Week. hu.s bce.n taken to heo.rt by many oraanl:uatlons on campus .

"1'5buint dlr~10r ot Housing:

~~:o~t"'~:· :~=: Senate Ratifies Constitution Referendum Set For Monday Realde~ Ha I I Preslden\5

Council in coaJunctlon w I t h ACE HOlb organlttd a 1t11r11e thot ... as held the evenlnr ot March 11. A .50 reimbursement on every meal skipped by atu.­dent.s In the retljlcnce halls went to PRIDE.

Many Individual rHk1ence hal\1 In' getung Into the Cund· r aLa lng act including Sc,hmeeo­kle.. Knutun, Pny-Slma ·~ sorlnr 11.a,·e aucdonl: Bur· roua;hs and Baldwin conb'lbut­lna: all pool table money which accumulates during this we,ek. Hyer Hall La contributing pro­flta made duric,g thell" food aale. held on March U 'Ille women ot Delzell are pultinl a little shJne Into everyone's lite by polilhlnr ahoea Monday throu&h Friday of this Week.

South (Anter Prof(ram Board haa c:ome up with a novel Idea. TMIJht at 6 :00 Pre11dcnt l)rey­ft». Dr. Stellsll"III, Mel Karg,

·Bloodmobile Cometh

The American Red er.. Port­a,e. o,,unty Bloodmobile will be vt1ltlnitheWSU·campua tor Its flnt three day vislL It wUI be here M arcia 17-18-19. Tuelda,y, WednH,day and Thunday ~, trom U:Ol).5:00 each day In the Wrla:ht Lounge ot the Unl~1'11Y Center.

The quota to be reached It 4SO plnta. 1Thll tnvol'lff a rel­aUvdy palnleu pro«U which takes about an hour) .

Tn.vellpe pl11ques wlll a,:aln be awarded to both the male and rema1e orv:anlution h4vlni " the hl&heal percentaa;e ol dona­tion.

Penniak>n 111119 are. no Ion&· erneet:118JYforthaR llorover wbooatt tt11denll ol Wlaconatn orDllacib.

brecht. dll't'<tor of Neale Hall : Wally Thiel. 1tudrnt body prff­ldcnt and other camp,IU per­llOl'IIIU tles were uucuont'd of f In the Grid. They have donated two houn of Sl'rvlce to the high­es t bidder to bf, servtd at hls convenience. All twm will 11:0 to PRIDE:

Members of Unh·enity Ouis­Uan MO\•etnent and Senate WIii be COllectin& money In the ~71lOWn dlstrJct of Ste­\'e,a Point this aflemoon ~ c,·enlni.::.

A.W.S. La pe.rt.ldpa~ In PRIDE WEEK by 1pc:worina a Penny.a-Minute Nlfht to be hek! !onla;tlL

Sunda~ Nlaht , the ~le ot PRIDE WEEK. the ~h<m Boccie Ba.nd will ilt r onn at Allen Center from a.u • slon ls 50 cenls and the tota l fundl ralHd will be amounccd at thls Ume. Also on Sunday. the proprietors ot the Pour Halli will donate: a nlcke.1 on every can ot bett IOkl.

The members of RHC are very p1eued with the enthus\. utlc r;Qponle they ha~ re­ceived from pardcli-,tlng or-· &an!zadonl but they appeal to every lndlvtdU&l -on carnpu, to make the drive 1UCCffllul he]~ Inc others to help themaelves.


By CAROL LOHRY On Monday, aludentl w I I I

rni,•e the opportwllty to , •ote on a new form of 1ludent r <W· emmcnl for Stevens Point.

Thia new Jtwemment. calle-d the Student Legislature. ol WSU. Stcll'l'Tll Point. has bce.n unanl· moos\)' accepted by the Stu­dent Senate which hal worked on It for ove.r three monthl.

The ler(slatl\•e bni{ch would eonslst ot two boustl, the Stu­dent Senate and the Student Auembly,

The St00!'11t ~ te w o u I d conslst ot foor acna10r1 from each of the five districts. which have bttn fonn~ . An execu­lh-e board ol president . vice pT"t'tlldent. treuurer, and acere­tary .. 'Ol,lld alto be lncludtd on the Senate.

The executive board would . take office In the 1prlnro! the previous ~ar and the Rnators wowd take office attes- e1ect1on lnthe fall.

The Senate would ha\•e the pov.-er to originate leflalaUon, approve allocl,Uon of 1tudmt actlvil)' fund.1, c;Je.tenn~ the

Schedule Of Events Today. March 12 ,.,) _____ De!ull Shoe Shine; Debot

\- Talent Manthon, g..u • I pm. Blue Room: A WS

. Pf:rmy·A·MJnute Nlte.

Friday, Man:h 13 -----· ~~:n~!!CM Matth. .

Sunday, March 15 ----·- Pour Haua wt1J donate 5c · tor every can ot befr

·sold. Dance. Allen Cen­ter, IHl p.m. Adm. ~ Bethlehem Bootle Band.

11udenl Insurance policy, a p. prove prnk!rntlal a ppoint• menll, and create necnu,ry eommlttee.s.

One votlni me/"ber from any recosniud s tudl!nt organlutlon wlll c:omprise the Studen1 M­"mbly. It's term .. 111 be from

!!:.,,~:~o ~e~f o~heu:•~~

The Allembly would orla;tnate lefislatlon, deal with matte" concemtna- community rela­tlona, create oommltu.-t'II. and rt'd)gnltt atudent organlutlont. Jls memben would be appo(nt­ed to sen •e on atudent.faculcy c;oiTimllltt1.

Lea;i.lation pusec1 by 1he Sen­a te would be pf't'St'nted to the Aucmbly. U the Aa:Sembly ~ feata It. It may be reviewed

Wm. Stafford Presents Works

by the Senate and the Aue.m. bly"a \'Ole may be overridden. ·

Lcflslatlon paued by the M­,embly woulcl be rev\ev.'ed by _ the Senate and could be , de· z : : As5::i~./nd ~

Po\O'en of the ' prcsldent are chalrlna the Senate, makln& a~ polntml'nta to a ll commltlff• e.s tabllshe<I by Senate and to other ora;anlzatlonl, carry the consU!udon, vote in cue ot a lie. and appolntln& a con-

"""''· The vlc,e...prcsldenc will chai r the Auembfy},appoint membrn ot cornmhttts of the Ailemb\)' and a ppoint Auembly membera 10 Joint commllttts.

The treuurer will chair the Way. and Means Committee, collect money due to Senate, forward all pir,y onlen, keep accounts and ma.lee monthly ~

"'"'· The controller will preskSe • over the ' nnance-Allocatk>n Committee. 11ubmit a budaet and worlc hi the oontrol~ol-

wtlllam Stalford. a well- n ee for 10 to 15 houri per week. known poet who won the No.- The Flnance-AlklcadoN Com-don,,l Book Aw1rd in 1967 · for mfttee wUJ handle all alloca-hl.- coillecllon of poetry; ·'1be dons ot student activity r~ Reacued Yean, •• will be reading The Way1 and Means • from hll own work at Wbconslo mlttee wouJd prepare the State Unlvenlt,y- Stevena Point get for the Senat• and contzol on Sunday, March ts. The read- this b!Jdaet. lng, whJch Is ICheduled lor T:JO, The Welfare O:lmmltt,e,e wU1 will be hrkl 1n the Wiaconsln deal wtth mallen relattn& to Room ot the university center. the welfare ol the atudenta. An

Stalford. who ,,.,... a llO award- =:"r1so :-: u:m'"lttee

:'uabo~~~~&! lnte.maJ Attaln would be in --.... received hi.I e .A. and M.A. • ehafa:e or elections and elee·

at the Unlvr:nlty of Kanaaa. and Uon rules. ha Ph. o . at the Unlvenlty of The Aslembly wou.lcl fD e e t , Iowa. He ls euzttnUy Proteuor wtthln fOW' days a.lU'r ew.ry or ·D'L&:llsh at 1..-u and Oark Senate "*'1nc In which bull· Collere., In Portland, Ottion. neu It referred to It.

Stafford haa written four Prwdent Wally Thiel .Uted ~ ot poetry and one book that the primary reason ror an ot pt'Olt . His latat collecdon A&sembl)' b to provide an OUI· ~ poetry, MUded "AJJerl.ancft;· let for Of'l&nlzatk)Q and tnttt-111 to be publlsbed thla year. (Sff SENATE pqe· 3)

' I

Page 2: Wisconsin State Stevens Point j THE POINTER · Allen Center from a.u • slon ls 50 cenls and the total fundl ralHd will be amounccd at thls Ume . Also on Sunday the proprietors ot

Poge 2 THI POI MTH March 12, 1970

" W hen grey hairs grow silent, then young heads grow venturous." - Job Throckmorton 1587 Letters To The Editor

Editor Olfers

Exp lanation week the POINTER d~voted lhe lower right quar­

ter .or page .even to an advertisement which offered legal a.sa1atance to any WSU coed who felt ahe had been "aexually uacd" by any aegment of the established Uni• n •raity population.

The ad wa.a placed ln the POINTER u a public eervlce a t the request of ae,·era.l students. The otrer wa.a since~ and s till atands.

Unfortunatel)'i the advert:laement wa.a quite s mblguoua and appeared to be either a joke or a reckless "yeUow " smear attack on the Unlveraity. Many of the people In· eluded in the general categories l~ted In the ad were deeply otrended by the ad'a content. The POI?\'TER apologiz.ea for any affront , however unintended, to any­one who read the ad \·ertiatment.

A n explanation of aome or the terms used In the ad ma)· be in order. The fourth paragraph or the ad atatn, in part . that "We are fully awa~ or a hiatory or otrcriaea which have dominated the au baurlace of thla Univenlty."

The term "fully aware" wa.a conatrued to mean that the authors of the ad were prepared to bring formal charges backed by substan tial proof. Thia is not the cue at preaenL

The term "a history or. otren&ee which have dominated the subsurface • . . " Implied that &exua1 misconduct ia ram1mnt among·the lea~ers or the Univeraity community. In fact. the statement is not founded on one shred of hard fac t and thua conatitutes the moat ir reaponsible line in the ad,·er~isement.

The ad went on to imply that coeda were being "coerced" into aexu al invoh•ementa. The intention or the coercion statement wa, only to point out that a public educator might find that, In some case,, he could take advantage of the Influence and prestige of his poaition. No implica­tion wa.a intended that any educator ever did or necea· sarily would abuse hla influence or position.

The POINTER served only a.a a contact point for the group who would help anyone .,.,.ho aought It. Thia was the reason that the POINTER'S name appeared at the bottom of the ad.

In any event, the POI?,,'TER, more apeciflcally, the editor asaumea any and all reaponaibllity for anything with the paper's name attached to it. The advertieement wa.a made In good faith and with all aincerity. It wu In­tended · as an otl'er of help, not a.a a lweeplng charge against the moral climate of the Unive.nity. •

Again, we are sorry for any inau1t or mleleading im· plicat.ions which may ha\·e stemmed from the adverlile­ment in question.

M. W. Domlnow&kl Ed.ltor-ln-Chle.f

Applaud Peace I

atu~ :~r:::y :~1:; :171 ~7u!:c~!~! :::::e i~r~~~ They are a. lecture on non-violence and a seminar on t he biology of war.

We applaud the facu1ty action on the matter. The pro­gram still needs approval by the Board of Rcgenta and . the Coordinating Council on Higher F.ducation. -Let ua hope they will appro\'e it, ao the couraee can begin next fall. ...

One of the unique features of the program la that the program will be directed by three atudenta and three faculty membe.ra. This la to be commended also.

The only probelm that we see with the peace studies program is why is it neceeaary ? We thought weU-rounded, liberal uni.veraity education waa all that wa.a neceeaa.ry to live ~acefu11y with one's brother.

Paul luty

Stop The Moon I Want To Get Off ~ar Edllor.

·1 ne m, ••• ,n prv1ram Jhould IX' 11011pcd or 111 lc 111 i:l'arcd down, ~ tha t finance, c11n be made 1v11llab~ U> curb !ht- crlll,111 tide ol walcr µollu llon.

One- of the 1rea1cs1 exam11'1e1 tor the nettt.tlty o l pollution conlrol la l.akl' £:rlc. TMrt ha,•c bel-n dud,, klllfod on tht' luke due to µollutlon . 11lC blrdJI lund O(I the ' lake and the olly wall' t d1"1troy1 their naturul pml«llou from wall't, and drown ing 11 !ht' l'nd l'ffUII . If the bird.I do IWlt drw.nU'K'n thepQllOOI In lhl' lllkl''lfwllldcslroy lhcm. In J une,, 19611. lhl' oil on 1ht' rln•r bqan to bum dlmaeln1 two btk!cet. Anothrr problem con· ccmln1 water Pollullon on the hike I.I thc unna tura l 111ln1 . 11lCrc ls n idtnCI' th11t In lhto PHI 50 )'U r$ Lake Eric h.lU Died 15.000 'Y'1a n1. The pollutlon In the pa1t50)'c>On hll1c11ull'(l lhclakc to be 11 ltcnd l'C'Ok>glc11 I· I)•. 11nd hu m 11d, !hi' 111 kt' l1o1 r older lhan Its )'ea rs .

Polluilon It 11li0 ca115 lng n n lm bll lancl'ln thl' biolpMre. :O.lun 1 .. a part ol the biosphere and 15 cre11lln1 a crlllca l pn>lilc> nl for the- w hole 1ptw.,rr. 11lC ,flcc UI o( pollution cnn be fll1111 10 tlw ,·ery compl<'X la.bric ol tht' 111,,.

sphere, and "''t! attm u, be doing virtually nothlrl1 about pc,lluUon.

The right.I ol au Amcrkana I f(' In jl'o1MU"dy, Do W'e II lfl. dlvlduall have the rlrht to clHn Wlll'r? 'Tti. Mlllouri RlWr runt red with the blood trom1laU1Ct.­ttr houlet, and the Ohio fUver ls nu11<0klnd trom slffl m m - ·a,c. UthlJtheAmetlt"alor our childrt>n ? WIii our children think that ,w1mm1nc in filth 11 the normal thlna: to do? Beach­ff llrl' clo1cd1'-1lh1l1ntof "Un-111fe to Swim" and " Health H Iil• anl ." Spo11 of beau1y •rr dU· lnl)'e-d by mat1 made aallrll'!tl and wr can no loncer enjoy •n· lm1ll in the.It <M'l'I natural hat>-11111. 11111 la America today but lt 11 not to0late 1och11n1e Amer­lc11 once a111!n Into ,L plau ,.,f beauty and pr'Olperlly.

11\e c:oatot ptnfflt rnoonlhoU 11 es llmatt'd ,t S':!4 bllllon. 11 ~ lll'r cent o f lhil money """re • 1JoN1t on pollullon contf'OI 1uch nJ watl't nnd ll'Wllle lrl'lllmotnl 1,l11nll. Amtrlca woukl Ml drw.•n in its °""'" 111th. WI' do not \O;"&nt 10 IX' kno,,n, U 11 111·

l ion of computers and r•diel· n111k,r1 who did not have Im' W ftff 10 clt'an up our 0..'11 hat>­ila t 111c Moon and Ma rs can wnlt bu! our "'·11 tc r clJUIOC.

l)F.SSIS FlllT8Qt U :

~Master Builder Reply Oc,ar Editor,

As • cut m<'mbt'r o l !he tt'­ttnt drnma dep.irlmt nl produc· tlon ol ni.e )lader Bulldc: r , I IOWld like lo like 1h11 oppor• tunlty 10 noply to a ll'Ut r con­cc>rnlnit produc1lon which appearffl in the Mar. 5 cdl· tlon Gt The Polaier.

I think It IJ a tribute to 1M overall 1ucc:eu and quality o f thl' UJO\O;,' tha t ,uc:h an crudl1c critic llJI Mr~ Ot't'rlng c O U l d compla in only ol such minor 11nd 1undry llaw• 11 a few llght

~ a chande\ll' r that

E 1tral&hl.

while perfection ls the Col l In 1uch l'fforis . OCC:11· skln,,lly &UCh minor llaw,; do 1lip through. In ddcnlt' ol the crrw. thoueh. I 1hould like to IIOlnl, out. and I think all wlll acrtt, that ,:eontng any lhlnl: 11ralKhl In Old Main theR daya

Is no mea n 1111k.

I wn~ confust'd 111 bout o n e ih ln1t . h<M t'\'l'r . In hb opening 1!11 ll'ml'nt , Mr. Oe'l'rlng ,1a1rd lhut the eontlre show .. m111ur. bm rd." and I para iT•Jlh or '° la lr r 1ak1 . 1bl' 11iow·, direction lacked ''cONIJlfflt0te1.'l'Tl ol). \•lou.1 lnte rprclallon." I scl\SI' IOml' conflict bt'lween lht'se t\O'Ct ,1a 1emcnl,.

N'ow If Mr. Drt'rlni: 1, famll• lur , u I am not . .. i 1h Ibacn'a llht' pal)-..'nlht 'JI !hcor"'9 on sell.abutt' In thl' theatl't' , he 1houkl fttf fl'ff 10 eolabora teo on 1hl'm.

lfth l.!< il nol lht'CUl', lcan only usumc> 1h11 Mr. O..>t-ring I~ 11110-. lni,: hi.I ~ rl!Onal h11bit, lo lnterft'tt wilh hi.I dram• c: rllk l• m . 110meth lni I would "''Ur"l hlm111:alnl1,11 the latter b 11 lrrady 1k>ppy l'nc>u1th.


.The Po~nter Wisconsin State University

The POU..'lLR Is published weiekly except holidays and exam ination periods. a l Ste\'ens Polnl, Wisconsin, by the students of W isconsin S11tl' Unh·er1lty. S ubscription prlce­! ·~,:;:~f'IIPoi;i'.'c:ulatlon 9,500. Sa'ond< lau ~t;ire paid

T t'~:ho~l~~~ ~fl£x:~ l= ·ted In the Unh·l'rslly Cenll' r.

t;DJTOHIAJ. BOARD Editor Emeritus - Paul Janty Editor - Mike Dominowski, 344.7735 As.sodate Edllor - Charlff Bl"Wikf'. 1205 Division, J.W-3614 News Editor - Carol Lohry, 210 Roat'h, Ext. 359 SpoMs Edl!or - Roy Neuenschwander, 123 Baldwin. Ext. 281 Future Editor-BIii Mell,ner . 9 17 2nd St .. 341..1409 Cop~

4:!1rr-Laurle Leatherbul")ll. 1901 Collegeo A\'I' .•

Ad\·~~1~~ Managt'r - Larry Shadkk, 341-0934. Bill Hummt'I,

ADV1SERS Mr. Dan t(oullhan, Information Servlct'S, Ext, 239 Mr. John. Anderson, lnlormatlon Sen1Cff, ExL 457

Pointer Advertising As Seen By: Our President

De..,. r..411or: tonn,1ion nKUA&ry to carry , oul 1M clH r obll&;a llor• ot my otno,.

More On M • Df-11 r Editor.

I "''OUld hke to m nk .. 1 c . mcnt on 11111 '°'t't'k 'J IAIJ~ 1 The 1'\llnlc>r tf'aarrtln1t 1tw .an d t' "'·hlch dr•"• a lh·nu,,n , " co-edJ "ho hllVI' bc-,,n i<''('J

ly tlk'd by the WSl: adm!n, 1r1 ton. racul1v, or dtopar1m,, hf'adt ·•

'1lle IO-C&lltd advertisement In !he Wt luuc o/. ni. r.a.&er

"'filch lmpllei that thlJ faculty and admlnlllntlon ls In JOfne way lnvoh'cd In or l(noret the a bule ol our coed. I.I a Vl'f)' vlcklul 11t11ck aaalnst II l ine l'l'OUp ol people who h.lve ,tv,n !Mir IIVH to lhe l u.k ol ed­ucatq lt\,e ~ ~ie ol thll ,tat•.

U you do not ln fact hl \'e tueh lnformalion , Wn YOU lltt 1 ull1y of a \·lolallon of blls lc jounu111Jtlc ethics and an ablue • ol our mo,t prN:lout trttdom ol the preh. Abult'I of l tt;e­doml will do more 10 reduce /Mm than any' dl~ct au aclu upon them.

n n t lot m t 1:1y I t.1,1 ~, think thJ I th lnr.1 like 11111 c ,. flOI ha pp"'n because th..•> (' llnd Undoubtedly 00. I.I IO• ! be lntc rttdn~ IQ krww.· "h~I 1n. dh·idu11 ur l'rutlP of 1ndhid,.,:, 11:iycd up l11tt c reatln1t I h 1, piece ot Pn>llfl 1C11nda

SN:ondly, J lhink II \O ;n t ,,~

c>r poor uml111 :wi !hi' p..1rt ·I TIie J'olat.o-r IO run thh ·" nounc('ment or " hBleHr ) want lo call it on ttw> If'\ r•• l)IIC C of a n ball,(' \Oohol(, tr·.• plllte ..... conCl'ml'd .. 11h t~ 1ubj,N:tma 11er1ha1"'111dtrrm, rela ted 10 the topic

Your 1tatement 11 a amur IPluhed by I broad brush \O'hlch IOucN'I ao many In tUth an unfair \O'ay. II you are rel.lly , tuUy aware ot a hilU>I')' ol ol· ft'IIICI 1plni1 our coed.I, or e\'ffl one offense. I will l'Xpttl you to P"»'ldc me with the In-

P)taN: do wha t )'OU can tlthtt to brine all facts out into the QPfn o r tlle to IUKSo 90rMMW the d1m111e )"OUr ad\'t'M~ n ienl hu caused to many nne and dedlcatN'I edUoCII IOl'I M"l'\' lnl thlJ, ..-.lvenhy,

LF.E 811 1:RMAH DRl!:\'Flll Pn,Udul

Our Faculty DMr Ed.Lior, •

'Jlll! Id on pl.II' HVl'n ot the March 5 tdldoti, "Attt,nllon all university co-cdl ... •· hu un­doubttdly been the ~ ot much readifl&-bctv.>ffn. thc-llnN nnd mull be IOOfl clarified by lhe person,: who placrd the ad.

li,J\O;, shall one lnlffpttt the ad? JJ It 11 n hont'st a tlt'mpt to rlt:hl a aerloUI wronc? u It II dellbentc 11tem pt to 1ean­dallu the faculty and lludcnts And to 1ubvt'rt any 1tudent-f11· cu ll )' rlPIIOtl which may t'Jdl t! b It merely I nal\'I' attempt a t wlttlc lJm?

It It ll hooett and Ill clalm1 <"an bc 1utata.nt111ed with fact . It b ce rtainly 1hl' ,:oncc>rn ot lht" faculty and nt't'd not be llmlted only to tht' 1tudcnll 11.1 ll u , umt'd In t~ 11d. 1bc f11 -cul1y St'C'kl to be lnformt'd and to uu It.I pov,·cr1 for lhl' mu­tua l bent'flt ot 11udmts and lt­lt'I!.

U It 11 lnll'nded 10 1Cand11• lltt, It hid 51U:CN.'drd , for It hu brought to the a lll'ntlon of 1tic reader lhe unmls tak:iblc lm-1lflco.1Jon that the 1!1u11tlon htte I~ 110 ,•!)(' that the 1tudmll alone mmt rile a11 lns1 an a bush'I' 11 nd lustlul f1eul1y.

U lt ls ln1endl'410 be a clC\'• e r u 1ire, It lmproptrly dllm­n~;,_'t both focut ly and 11.Udents Inasmuch n" It IIIUIJK'S tha t lhe re tx!Jits a f11culty domlna­ll'd by leltUII pef\'t"l'U 11nd I

, 1udcnt body "'ilh numbers of ~'<>-l'Wi wlllln&: to ,ubmJt 10 aex­u.11 coerslon.

1l'C faculty IJ acJaom unanl­mou1 on any luUt', and It II lndeoed difficult to 11)1':ak (Of°

• uch a helt'f'Ol'.t'MOWI Jl'OUP II lht' faculty 111 th!Ji lnlllluUon. l kM·l've r. on the miner ot )°OW'

11d , I fttl thli t I can and musl ..... Flnt. I do not ' know for a

f11t'I th11t 1.eriou, "'offclllU" ha \'I' Indeed "dom.lnak'd th(' 1,uh1tnl(:1ureo ot lhlJ un1,·erslty" 111thooeh 11lk!l,:ed otfenlff are idl'a l ma ter ial lot hcan,.y C\i­~c.•nd rumor. Offc>nte1 11rc tradltlonally and finally the con«>rn ot the J)l"ffldt'n1. bu1 lhc l11culfy dol'1 have the du ly to pollcc llst'lf.

II TIM, t'Vla&cr !Ji truly " fully awart"ofa h!Jiloryof otfenses," tilt' faculty m1111 alao be> made ··Nny awnre" with the docu-

rnen1N:1~nce, thc1ul>Pf'"• akin or 111•hkh mlsht .. ~II bt> cons~red conduct un~ln&: a facul ty member,

Sttond, It la conerivable lhat an unprofeulonal f1culty mt'm­btt ooo1d, In fact. use hlJ "pos­lllon" lO OOC'r"CC a 1:udent by usln&, for u•mple, a 1rade u a ~llrd provktln1 tha l he could fl.nd a studenl tor 111•hom auch a reward WOU id ~ a 1uf. l ld ,m11r111ine11ion ..

II 11 N1unlly conceiva ble Jhat " 11udent could corrce a la· cUlly member by uslnr, ror H• nm1>1e, 11 bri be- pf whale\·Cr kind. II he could rind a tacul ly mcmbeT fo r "'horn such a re-­\O ll rd "'OUld be a 1uttlc~nt IJ'rll • lilka llon. Deca111e the potent ia l d!X.'t; exJ11. t,o..·e1,·r,r. doe1 not sut»tanllate lhe claim that 1uch hu happened. nor dof.s ii dt-ny lht1 claim.

Third. It all)' 1itu11 llon o r con­duc t unbecoming a faculty me mber exllll. tht- l11cul1y l'X· pecll lhl' lll'etldenlto ta ke 1 1>­proprta 1l' act ion, and IUCh IC• lion \OlJllid be t'Xprcled to f]I thc conduct. I hn\'e no rraton lo btlle1.•e lh• t lhlJ IJ not !he eastt 111 1h11 u:nl\~n,lty.

lf ch11 Jaw b broken, the faculty expects the Dl11Tict At· . tomey "'OUld lllke approprlatc action and 1uch act ion woukl be controlled by ,1atutc. 1 hlivc no reaton to belie,•e that lh.11 lsnotthecueinthl1 com­munlty,

}' lnally, Ille- facul ty here (which Includes admlnl.svu ton: and ~nt chairmen) hu 11 tine hillory of con«l'll re­garding student "~!fore. Th e l1o1culty can and doN wield pow. er. Althou&;h !he ~rtt ot con­ct'rn and power m ay v a r y •monr lndMdualJ, and the pre­c~ nitture and IICCUTl t(' t"Va l~ atiorl or con«l'll may val')' 11mona- indMdullh, f I c U I ty

$mbers, as 100n u they ~ c f11cul1y mc>mbcn, usunw

dcmot'dtratc IUCh In \M norm11I per lormanc:c of their pt. In and OUI of lhe cla&I·• room. .

I mwu, t 'lrn, lt'Quc1t that ThPl'olAtermakcclearthepre, clJe puTp05t' ol ltl 11d to the md tha t •nY 1ltuadon "''hkh may exl1t may bt' rtmedie-d.

IUQlAJW 0. S0t.N£1DER hcwty Cb&ttmMI

Our Advisor In the. n,'t' yun, tha t I have

been advllor ti ne Pola&r:r I hlivere,c,rivt'dcon11dcrable' ct11I• clsm from admlnbtratora, tacuJ.. IY and lludcntl lbout the: c::,mi.

tent o f lhe -Jl'IP't. Thia la cx­J)l'Cle-d. Some felt the paper lOO' llvc>ral, othen thou&ht to too conscrvaUve. bul usually crltl­ellm wu on a 1pcc:lflc 1tory or a rticle.

J ha,'I' always tried to mo!llty the c:ompglners, anaw't'.t their quntklftl: and I UIUllly bttn able to ll'nd them away lt not satllUcd at leut bt:llevln& 1ha1 the atafra rJl()llvea wt'n! .....

The advertllement on po,e '1 In the k,\t,""Ct ria:ht comer leaves me dwnbtOtnded. I cannot un­dentand Y•hnt you Mn! tryina: to do. II 11 ls a ~tlmate ad. who IJ the ·advm.ilcrT If It IJ an attempt at a Joki', II ls In nauscatln1 wte. Its _Implied chfflff are the cheapest kind ot backbltlnc. U It ls an attempt

~wr.:-' ~:rv~~· r.~i.n~ WIii concludl- you 11re lmplyinc that admlnlainton. faculty and

Blues For Pride "The Bcthichem ~ Band'"

will play at the Alltn Center rrom 1:0> to 11:00 p.!11.. 0n Si­day, Adnuaabl will be- 50 centl.

"'Bethlehem Boosle Band" II • bluet band that bl laat lain, Inc p(lpWlrity and la deftnltdy Qr\ the move upwud,

dt'partmmt hcadl do what YOU a ppaf'ffltly bel le\•e Frank ttaUy did. u lt . b a scriout charat'. )'OU lhouJd btlnr lffill Cvidmct' )'OU have to the prop('r author­ities.

O.n )'OU lm artne YIN!t the , ~bile ttacUon to thll will beT \\Ith 900 P"Pttl mall('(! Olli what kind ot' a picture o/. Ollr university ,taff have )'Ou ptt,. .unted to the public.

A eonatanl cry ot crltkt ol a frtt pres. 10 me II advisor hu beffl, " YO;U lhou)d rHd copy before It~ to the prinlN"." I hli\-'e nevet bellcytd It WII my luncUon to do IIO. I have had fa ith in 1t\JdMt1 to ~r­•te • fl"ff coUcrl•te i,reaa.

You have brought that faith ... n.

I hope YOU have IIOme ex: planatlon.

HAN BOUI.DIA."i hWer.,Ad,.,..,.

Tickets Available Tickdl are •WI available far

the rttllal ton!cht by New Yorir oper. star, Veronica 'l')'lff.

lheThe.vt'!~m~~~ Will be at I p.m. In Main ~ Inc audJtortum, nebts a r • avallable In the aru and ~

!':nt.~· Without chars.e to


Some people> hrne u1d u, ,t l' \'l'n If ii had M tl'l<1t1<Jn I t'UfTffll C\"cnt, t>n cam1 •a. , w a1 no article to print m Tb. l'ol11Wr.

Next J "''ould llke to l'tt t tlw 5ub)tt1 mau er of lhe an. c~. In lhe llrst paracr1ph l lllll'mcnt ii m ac!(' 111 folt1>\\~ " A ,mall group of 1tudcnu ,u: \O Ofk lo 1kt~any 1uch t<N'd, In compll'l t' p , -11C"y," ilnd th,n 11 1 the bott1)ffl of the> 11.ll: l'I bold race t)' - Plcaw- C, n, !act TIIE PO :TER ,

I would I e to £I\,• 1"rr1~ 1d,.,lutoany~10oh.Jn1•) be apJ)t(Mlched on ,uch m111t•r, aa ,O,ere brou1h1 forih In l,N w~k'1 11 rt lc le. •

Up°" bf'lng IPSll"03t'h<-d ~ J

do not if) b 11 1m11l1 J,r,,ur, of , t!Jdcnts and )'OU do nnt Clfl· !le t T1w. l'ofo \f'r IO t1111 )>U

may ·'l)N'U ch:irg:ea in c1,,1 c:ourt ."

At thl1 poin t . your bu,ln.-« " 'Ith lht' Dill r\ct A11< ,rn.) and yoo 1hould 1ft' him .;1W\;1 any probit'm thnl tr.I.I dt•d •IJo

"'' In th,: th ird J);lr.;iiT.aph , ,{ rh~ a rt lc ll' a compl..,1e ly contro.diC"• IOI')' 11:1 1em r n1 11 m t1de " W,. 11ft' 11CM COOCl'm,r,tl " i lh IM) ima,:e of lht' Unlvtnlty or II• f'mploytt1:· Who I r!" ) OU Ii)• ln11; to kid . bNtlwr! ~-..,r ,:~· pre,·loua lhl't't' p,;ira ,raph• a1,

\Oo'l'il aa thl' bo ld fa cto !)pc> m the be~IM !ng, ll Is r :11h,•r 1ril· pUC'C! thll l IOlllN>Oe b quit,- c .rt•

c:cffll'd aboul tbe lmaitc> ur tha a rt ic le "'ould Jll"'ot r h,1\t ht.·n wrlllen .

The (llll-nln; p:arair-.iph .;. m~ u pa in11 I.Wack m11rk~ a ll o-.·eor lhe \\'SU a dminl11r ... !o rs, faculty and d.-1.a rt m,·nl

::'ll)'~~ ~0:1'~~~-Ja~::: ( COf'r«'d Into • Af')tUI I nf't h ll ) .. l,J • re11 \ winner You ar.-n 1 solnc to sa, ·e- an)'Orle. \ ''.'IU i::~ on tO 111y tha t "only rhl' .iu, dcn11 hcn ·f' thf' contcrn a n J l)OV,'C t 10 pn:>IC'CI lht'mJ<OhH

11ic Jt tldt' nts ha,·e 1ht- P.""'<'1' all rl,::h t a l\d th<)' do oot ""'"l • •mall group ol JludMII nr-r Tb.. Polllk- r lo hel11 tht'm


Your Domesf ic Environment ~ , .... doffll!filk- lb.I-.:• 01;11

all Of u. ('l.n da lo ~11rr 111, .... wt • °"r r11,1,-., .. ..,, ( - 11act'l ftri! _, IDCOll\f'td f'IIC'e II 111,·N,'NI)

l . Rej('c l eXct'Ul\'r Ji t or,· wnpPln,;, whl'rc poaiblt' 1"4'­k-ct an allt'ft\,1,lt' I.

2 . . Rt,llt . with a ll )'OUll."'111· poy,-er. buying no roll,lm b.11 · lies, plntk ('()fl lalnN"I :anrl aluminum eana. \\'hl'rc I b le, buy and return. R.-mrn~ . btt - don 't crltlclu Rt-) n,)ld, for makinr; aluminum bN't c.ui~ If you U1C them.

3. P a.. up nonnl('nli11I el ... 1r1e111 1•diru such III c lNtr1,· ean ope~"*. <'a rvini knh ,•s , , l)l'qc:11 lhllrpcnen:,

4. RtdU<'e the M~ con1un1p-

::'~,;:pe~~"'1~~is--:: rap, JMl l)H pla~. cui-. ,1,· Rtdl1CC>Wr linen and th,! II-"' or !he handkttchld.

'1. Boycott .. enzyme" laundi) detergf'f!ll, Alk !or and 111111~1 on biodl'a:r.dable forms thl11 11r,• low In pholphate cont,nL IYOI')' Snow ~ n Akl'li 11n· ROOd altl'rrmt Soffll' u y 111,• la tter lcavt IICU on ) 'OUt ,;l,c.o­t'tl - n '°· here ... ) ' dl•lk· Do you want scum on p &luaet 0r a clean J{""-r"

Ii, Umlt !he UH ol µN'SIUf• b.f1d c:ana. 1llll: may be di!lkull but l('lcct a n alternnte \Om.,..• PCIUlblr.

'1. Put CttUI' In c:inJ , n-ot the •Ink: Utter in wastcb.1-<krts. not the commode. RttonJ.lrn·r bdon )'OU liner.

I . U >"OU aubscrlbe to ti.1111<· mllk dclh~ry. lnallt on i;l.11$ C(ltila!nua tna1 are ttturn.1hll• Oianee now frvm paper cartl)II U> & and Inform the dodf)' why )'OU want U> switch. •

I . Bundle up llelOoiJ"'1pt'rJi an.I tnlfazines and ,a \'C lhrm for t"ePf'OCHlln(.' Ow.trchet an 1I )"Outh ll'OUPI o~ collect thcni

The dance la •PIX*ftd by I\.H.C. with all the prooeedt

f 10UW to PRIDE.

· 1'wedttor1&1.J>hcMo. torlhe ·



10. Mall in any pttp,11ki f'll­velopes you cet in ach '('fl.b;c>­mmll fbr ecolo&lcally und,.'t1r· able products. Each one "-'"' In COIII !he polluter al.lout i oeataolhltprotlla.

I ~lc,ome any I UC(fttlons ..... addltkn f0r future ldcu,

Q.A&&Y IL"iOl't' Dope.of-

Page 3: Wisconsin State Stevens Point j THE POINTER · Allen Center from a.u • slon ls 50 cenls and the total fundl ralHd will be amounccd at thls Ume . Also on Sunday the proprietors ot

Morch 12, 1970 ·

Viewpoint~ " llnlv<"rslty Manure''

lly UAHK\' I. OEkMAJ N

~1 ,nr nl30nt Bli,:O when I On t ,· nt•·r\~I 1hls unlvenlly I was .,, mlah111tt•d v.·l1h !he Idea or

1,.,111,,lui: here tha t I never ,\,.• ,nwd I wou ld find ao mony J_unn th l11g, v.·rona wi th II. All , ,r 1w1.1 ycnn ol unforiuno tt.'d ,irJ th,\', I 111ou&h1 It would hi! r,t h,·r ckn•r to make the ac-1111>1 1tenc. I did, and now· Im wrribly frustrated and ra-1,i,:11,•J


'U' Affairs· Rapped About ~~:bl:.<c:~'t be

1mov('d to any that c.nnot be l,nortd. (Wt locult;, and • tudl'n t guldellne•.

: ~rionat~a~~ t!~~~ 1~~• ~e~~ !::1n~wt!!~p ~: : rt~! : :i~~:~ f~~• ':;11~~~0::

!':: :ift 1~


!·e'~:i1ySow!~lfo~ ~';'!i1:.~c~PJ~ :?!~~ :i:e~~ Ft'!!~t :1~1!:n1m!:

~el f dee': \'~~!~Y k~:::1 :c":. ~,=e!1 n:!~=1i~::c!:1~ :: \~t~~~I~ lnw:!t ~~~ha1~ ,: rm:u.::.,~

1!~ l~eu.~" t ;tn! : 1.!:ntaf~:~r·,:n~. t : ,::!':1 ~~J1

·:c;;.~tyioa~e:till;.,hv;~ aome kind ot. dramatic action Now YoU may ask, what ~ kind or educ1:11lon we wll.h for '::E{ ft~~~o~~I ~~r. ~e~h; ~o 1: ~&:t ~eoi:i"r::: : :ir:~::. ~ndth~~c:~1!~.eon-

l n~t or 111, we nttd III base ce~~r'n~io':,,ma~ln'woo know of" :~·1~~:,::r ;~d~n~1!~

~ le1?~~\~0

tu=:· in~!U:~: :~1~ / ~d ~ h °:"o !!: ,~:~ :m~;~e::!~~


1: 1~~4~

::s ~tt11!;o:!' .~~1:a1 :;:c~!ide~~~ i"t!11're~~':1~ !~~ri:"! r ~'.!~ufi:d:ldTh~

amentarlana )'OU mean busl· hind the tmu~ membeN di'- renewed and that ol competl· ~~=i :1111: :::~~le w~t t'.: !~:i":u7°~.!::e' ~(~e:::~\;"": tlm dlmlnlahcd 1reo1)y.

mo\'t our bodlt'I from the room. t.aln or fl~ them ount"lvn. We call for o 1ran.1ffr of

::i~e ~~~:~ n~ a:n \! m~~~a~woi;1t!~r ·~ ~: ~=.!°"!ndim:::!'!fe-0~~~

Unri~:1;ou;c:~~. your fros. =·Id w~ c:::u~ 1~h/:i~: : ~ ~.:~ lva1~ ac~ll~r• ::::::~~:i ~::=t~~r Y~rcva~Jf:~ari°!: ~l.o~~. ~=·~~ : / I!! ~;-:~m;n~~!~ ::ti:•:!::'! and If you have any left , YOU r remind a ll you aood mothen and lhe Pe11ce movemen1. ISo Joy, and your •pa rks 9f hope bock home thal your dau1h· 11 you pt0plc In lhoae troupi

:~~~ ~~7"1~~ b~ n:i: : ; :::::i ~ rt~tyti:~."fi·a~bl~:: ;!i~ =:~1t:1::rrypr: r=.

~ur:~!~it"y v.:::: ;!:l !~ ~ dl:1::· o~~!.:~ o:~: r~~~u,;.~:: :1';:, t~ar ::,m: least poueu 1ha 1 q~llll ly. We ot you roncemt'd ~bout I h e tola l aympathy with what ea~

Ttw , 1udent's role In the pru. ,·nt 11 n1\·cr1lty tYtlem It lh" t ,f .1 " S l1u1er." 11 '1 t>N,n Hid

t,,.•!,• l'I' ontl \1 tJU,Kht 10 ~ re-1..,.11td 11gnln and 1111aln lor all ilt..• dry brains and dear ean .1ru11rnl ticorc. Now many ol u,

•} 5lemllcd" minds may reat t 1,, 11\t' " nl1r,:er" s l ll tl'menl by 1n,• nnonin11: the lact tha t Noth ,,ni. ,•Nlty ha. lta Student Scn­J1T and that we do ha\·e n ,1..r1nih' ltl)' In .... 1ia t la ao lna: ,,n Thi• Is a bunch ot horse mJnurt , iu l'\·e already taken th.i i n.iutl' : I'm on the Sena te n , ,. nnd l'\•e M"t'n It funtllon ,or malfunction r lllhcr. I 11111 , ,•r fellow 11udents atauneh In 1h,' bt•lle! tha t words wi ll even. 111,llr i:: h·e u, the ty~ of unl­u•ri, tr we wilh tor ourselvn. ;,, )''" s,-e rt'j()lutiolls c 1:11Ung f,,r ;1 new grading s)'llem, ellm­,n., 11,m .,.f v.'Om,•n'1 l"lcRlrl (oU ,,f 1t11m, 1, 11 ban on nOTC, a nd ,·l1 mlnalion of 1lhy. ed. requffe.,. m,•nl~ hl'!ng ho~fully voted on .111 I th<' n 1r1m11l~-d upon by Pr;.•rfut and a m:i.jorl1y ol 1JOl· ~·lh,•,I. phy~lca lly-unllt block­~,·,1,15 ln the l:i.cul ty.

~:r\•:I;~~ af~l'C~~~:,.,.,~~; ~~llv'!r.a:iiri~1:r- :n:~!; : :~n~lllf ~~m

0!:~a 1:tw;r~ ye t. the only 1)()\1,'tr we· hO.\'C Uve1 ol the health tenter. Safe- IO \\~el )'~ /1\0llt~~ m~~ ~:8~1: 0 :~i;:;i:~:. ;:d u:; :r =~·:n::nd~nl~~· :ii:lat~! ' back ~: 1h:r Pen1ag~ under

this 1)()\1,'e r ettcctlvely, we h1we road, ~~!u/:!~~c1i,:1~~1~e~~ !!

ROTC QUEEN CANDIDATFB - Vying f o r ROTC queen at Stevena Point State Unlven ity are from• lett , front r ow, Cher yl Longwltz, Waukeaha ; Danent,Rabe, An­tigo; back row,\ Kathy Chop, Wauwal08a ; Kathy Rutowskl, Milwaukee-r:11.nd Nancy Braithwaite, Wausau.

lo prove to be a \•lable force Wi thin certain admlnl11r11 tlve. c:i!patlble wllh tl,e academic I

Shocking Reality

Th,:Si' ~pit• would appnrcnt-1~ h:!.\'<' us hi'li<'\'t that !his ,< 1ht'lr unl\·ersl1y Ins tead of ~uu L'nlor tuna tely, you wl1c m<'n art wrong thll1 time. No mJl!<'r how much we have tried iv " " rk w\!hln !ht 1y•tem, n ,..,. a n' conHantly told v.·e mu, t ,1,, s,1. nothing ha~ ttnlly be<'n n,•romplished of any area t , ub­•lJMl'. J.~o r ln1 t11 nce. I:' ve n thoJuch . 11udent1 a lew ttan ., t n 1-olt"d agoinst 11. Stuilenl Co.le de\'lsed by the DollrJ of Hti:«us. we were denied !he rif:hl of rcjec tln1 It . I I v.'81 lm­l'"''fl nnd Is 11111 hanging over r11rhead1.

P.twtork me11n.s nqthlng 10 l'NPlt anymore. One can talk

•JU d.l)' about the utlY and Im, min i use or nap.tilm to IOmt Jw,hard patriot, and y, t. he




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Earrings • Broceleh ond Pinnate








klHGS - Yellow - Wilete o, 2-TOfte 14K Gold.



MoiR It 3~ St.

Student Senate OK's . 1

Peace Program By CAROi. l.()IIRY

Student Scna1e ho1 sci next Monday u the dn lc o f the 111\J ­achool re!erendum on the new conslltu1\on. Also Included on the re lel'\'ndum wilt be a qtlff· !Ion asklnJ: lludents If t h e y 10,'0Uld 1uppor! a Phy.Ed. boy• CO/I,

A Peace Studies program , whleh may be offered nexl la ll. waa unanimously endoned by St-note.

The Peate S1udh.•1 program wi ll be 1ulded by an lndt-pen. dent commluee chosen by fa· cully chairmen and Student Senate. It would consl11 of lhrN' lacul ty memben and three atu• dents.

Sug1 1:1tlons for IV.'O th ree-cre­dll c:QU.f'S« to be olrered are n lec:ture-dl,cuulontlas1onthe

. bloloaY of war a nd peace and a small dau on non-violence.

Non-credi t ac1M1ln would bt' pre1cn.ted for the , 1udents a nd th(' community which would In• elude lllms, leclure1 and work•

lho~. . The (ll'Oi'r&m would be lntl!'r•

:::ri~mtta::d p:~ deparl• "Cold Duck Literary Mqa­

:i:lne" and Tileta Phi Alpha IOI'•

orlly v.-e~ olllc la lly re,cognl:i:ed by Senate.

The purpow of "Cold Duck • Literary Ma1azlne" b to pro­vide a n opportunity lor 1ludenl1 to publllh the ir creative ellort1

. In the field.I of an and lllera-ture.

The purpoge of TI!ela Ph I Alpha aororlty I.I 10 provide a tiolef- friendship amona ¥,'Om· en atudenll, advance educa11on­a.l a nd aoc:lal lnl trNll and to provide a home atmoaphere and em'ironmz t Utatthe unl· \'l'nl lty.

All.3 uued at the meet-Ing wu a po91lble lormallon of a Ste\'e rl!I Point Student Ai.· toela tlon .,.,,tilch would be 11:1 up for the purpose of acutna: up a store or tome olhir at• 11\•lly.

AAC Cites S.P. Wausau Program

Operat~ ol a pilot program In Wauu u to empha,1:i:e the practical aspecU of te11chlng lo cadets o r the pro!nsion we~ the bails for a n11 t lon1:1 I award 1lven r e-eently to !he unh·er• Illy,

The Amerlcon Anocla tlon of 0>1ll'1te• lor Teacher Edutatlon named the 1ehool aa one nl 10.member ln.lg;tutlont· for C1!r-lllicatet of • rttOKnl tlon. About 1.50 o eollege• and unlverslllea wcr ln rompctl· llon.

On hand In Chicago to rceelve the dtltlon during the AACT'E «invention w~re Orland E. Rad· ke, acting dean of educaUon: Dr. Bu.rdene Eaaon, 1:11,soclate vice prnktent : and Dr. Dawn Narron and Dr. Thoma• Mc­Calg. both profCUOrl In the t<tuta!lon dcpartir.ent and C'()­

ordlnaton of the new "Wausau (:rnler ."

Rounding out I~ teCOnd year ()f uhtcncc. the " Wausau Cen­ter" thll 11:mester 11:n.-e, 14 11\Jdent teachen at the tv.'1'> pub­lit and one parochial h I a h Khooll ot the city.

The Urtt hal f ol scmctlerl are devOlrd prlma.rlly to ob-11:rvin1 and ualltina ('()Opera t· Ing leathers and dirtttlna 1tu­denl course IWrk In educaUon­a.l p,1ycholoCY, principles of Niu· . ca tion. method.I o r Independent 1tudy. 11le 1tudtn t lellC:herl IN' then rea(ly to ,pend four and a half da.)'S In ttlelr 1ehoo11. both obaervin& ·and teathln1. u,ually, they. bealn by teac.11-lnJ only one el.Us a day and aradually worltlnr up to ea.rry full loadl- •

~ y spend Wednesday IQOrfl­lnp ln 1 11:mlnar ,esglon with Dr. McCaJa; and 'Dr. NIJ'TOII In

1emlnan1 dullng wllh topic• and pmblcnu ,1udent teachers Ince dally In their new role1. Seulons are parllcular ly va li1 , able t,eca~ the lludent teach• ers hu•e a reference point, re111 I lludenll a nd real cla.ue, tha t they 'can refer to. It ellmlnates the "11 11 theory' ' Idea of Nl.uca· 11on coune1.

" Theory a.nd praeUc:e eonMt be scparoled," Dr. Narron aald. '"llM! atixients tan apply thtol'Y to 1i-raclke In their clu1e, ."

The colleglON develnp two evaluation folders on them· ,ch·e1 and keep a Jog of the ir feelln¥• and reactions wh en they bf!aln teachlna.

' 'The purpoM of the log," Dr. MeCalc aald, "Is to have the

· , tudcnll ret to know lhcmaelves u well aa poaiblt>, ao th111 they can Ult lhemtel\·H u ef· lectlvely , 11 possible."

Dr. Narron and Or. McCali: db<:us•ed the center with ollK'r dclCSalel to last week'• AACTE eonventkln attended by repre­sentatives of more than 800 1ehooll.

De1ldc1; Stevcnt Polnl, other wlnnlnt 1chools wtN! Ariwoa Sltl le Unh·e~lty, fimpe , Ari· mn11; Baker Unlwn.lty , Ba1d· win City, Kannt; Eu tcm Wu hlncton Stale OIIIJe;:e, Q)t­ney, Wu hln&ton: Inter Amert­can Unlvertlly of Puerto Rlc:o, San Gcrmo.n, Perto Rleo ; J ack· ton State OIi~. J ackton, Ml•· , Wlppl : Lock Haven S1ale 0:,1-Jeae. Lock Haven, PeM.lylvan-1-; s.1n1 Ooud Staie eoueie, Saint Ooud, Mlnneso1a; a n d the Uolven lty of New Mexlcu, Alt,uquerque, New Mexico.

A dlltlnaulthed achlevemenl award .,.,'C'n t lo Manhall Uni· 1-'trsl ty ln WHt Vira lnla.




MOH DAY - FRIDAY - I A.M. t. I p .M.

SATURDAY 9,00 A.M. to 12.-00 MOOM

freedom tontepl ol any unlve r­KII)'. Be•ldes, 1h11 otJi:anlzaUon b h11.UmtlW1 to our he11lth -lo our \1.!ry ILvn. Museum Has

We toll lor a Justke Board cnmpo,ed cnllrely ot •tudent& to Uc appointed by the S1udent Scnale (number lo be de ter• mined) 10 handle 11 \1 d lstlpll· nary eatl'I of fellow atudenll.

Special Program Ceulnr lrritaltd by 1hGclu

produced when ' )'OU walk over u rpellng?

We demand thlll the rtghl be recoenl~d for each college atu· dent.I to thoote thei r own pla'tt lo live. whether lt be In a dorm­llory, a local manalon, or 4 ,tum.

So befQre )'OU enthusl-ll,1tcally n m off to the ban Thur1(hy nlaht, join In the cn11ode to make thl1 unlvenl ty our1. Give 11 back 10 lhoM for whom It 1H1 1ct up for I~ the flr1 t pince.

Faculty memben, put your S year old l'!Ot~ and let111tt1 nway for an hour or tv.'O and mak, lhe •cent wi th 111. Miu Godlrty. It would be nice II you could 1how up 11nd lrankly let lll know whether YOU and o thers Intend lo a'blde by the Sennte·• d~l!llon lo ellmlnate all v.'Omen·, houri or not. And ft \•I.tit by Lee Dreyfu, V.'OUJd c, rtalnly dematalnte hl1 t(lf).

« m for th<M.e dernanda jus-t menl lonE'(I - maybe we roukl e1·l!'n get a !dcflnl!t comm itment or two from him .

We all have tomelhlng a l 1lake hcf'I:. Let'• not V.'8 11 11n• other ten years belore the p~ (l0tlll l1 V.'t have ju. I oflerNl. could become a pan of thl!I unlvenlly t)'lltem . Lel', take a gl11 nt Jenp forward for a dmnge nntl 11a r1 boycott ln.11 and dem· on,t ra ting unlll someone In a ix-Il ion 10 do something does ju1t tha t.

Join wl1h u, In al least mnk• Ing one las! e lrort in working th rough nonviolent and co n-1truc1h·e ch11M el1. If lt oi l proves , fru ltleu, then !hi.I uni· vtrslty des.en ·rs a 1pring sen• IOn In which the theatrics of the absurd reign , high a nd mighty.

The mUle'Um of Na tora l HI•· tory 11 1pont0rlng "a •pedol pn)lr11m lor children" Monday night labeled "On ~ping Ptll - From Mlce to Eaal1:1."

Dr. Fron lfamerstrom or Pl11lnllcld, will deliver the 111111-trllled lecture - and h.a\·e tome ol ht"r pell prncnt - at 1 :30 p:m . In the Sdenee Bulldlng Auditorium. It wlll be open tu lhe publlt without cmtrwe.

Widely known as II naturolli,t. Dr . · Hamentrom and he'r hu .. bnnd «induct rl:HIU'th for the Wlacoruln COnaerva tlon Depflrt• ment , partkularly wllh Prair ie Oikken. She has wrlllen num­erou.1 and popular art• klet on wlldllfe: her forthcom­ing book "An Ea;I, To The Sky" wlll be published in the 1prlng, by Iowa Sla te Unlvcr• 1lty P~u. and many ot the ,ubji'c:ll ol !hi.I book will I>: prevlCYo·eod In her Jeoe1ure.

Muuu.m Director Ch11,rle• Lon.: H)'I he cho,c thl, kind ol a pr'Olram for !he mcmthly muteum 1erie1 becauu every person hu fell lhe rompaulon· ote ur,e to tare for a wild pet. Booltl and movlcl about wild pell are well received by childrt'n, adulll, i:rlllet, a nd 1cholars. Hov.·ever, lew have the knowled&e and. patlC'lltt to Jn'Operly care ror wild animal• . ~ all vlcarioi.aly thrill to the accounll ol those who do hll\'f! 1uccess in rearing and 11\Jdylng the wild Cl"l'atures, aome of which are belier •ulted tha n othcn for Jreeplng 81 pell."

He eox11lalnt-d 1h41 much can be learned lrom wild pe t s, 11houl !heir ways ond peraonol-

"Fresh As A Flower in

Just One Hour' N t1"ff An Extn.

Ob&rce For 1 Hour -Watch and Listen For Our Special11

Every Mon., Tues . . and Wed. AND E~~ DAY OF THE YEA.JI

~.::-ro::\ 10:t:T;.~SB~~D~~ ~ FREE '11ox STORAGE


IIIH. Dr. H111mer1trom hoa de­\·oted muth of her life to,tudy· Ing wild animal.I In thei r na­tural habit.all and even ln her home, Including animal• .. small H mice. and •• laf'IC and fie rce as areot-horned owls ond bald ea1ltf.

Chem Dept. Sponsors Speaker

1llt' chemistry department will presen! . as It, nexJ. c:ol~ qulum 1peaker , Dr. Robert E. Buckln, profl'UOI' o l themlslry, Unlven lty of Iowa. who wiil dis· CUM "Spettroacopk Invl'ltlga• lJon of Stable Carl:IOfllum Ions•· at 7 :30 p.m., Wednnday, Mareh 11 In the lecture hall, A-121 , Sci· cnce Bulldlng.

Pro!easor Budde.; la an orgllll­k physical chemlsl who has Wl)l' ked In the area of the lnve11-t1aatlon of the med1anlsm1 of organic reaction&. 'He recel\'t'd hi.I doctorate degree a t Ua.A. and I• a native of Olllfomla.

'nlt' col.loqulum I.I open to aU who wish to attend.

A home eeonomlcs professor hat two IOlutloN will c:over everyone', economlt ,tatiu:.

For the ecooomy minded, Dr. F.dl th Pankowtki 1ay1 "limply Increase the moi11ure In t he air" lhrough the humldlller In 11tentr11.lheallng•ystemorpor· !able units, or place containers ot water .or plants In 'VI' pou.

F OC' lamlllct with iooae bud­geu, new carpellng can be pur­thased with antistatic qualltlet provided durlni' manuf11tturlna by 1mall amounts ol oopper or 11aln!es, • lef'I WO\'en In the ba.tkiJ1'.

Only 1wo per tent ol avall · able u rpeU ha\•t lhi, new fea­lurc, ,he repoMI.

SENATE (Continued from page 11

es t group repre,1entatlon. Thiel aald the reuori lour

people "'"~ to be e~cled from each dl1trk1 was tha t 1h11 "''OUld make lht Senate 11bout the nme 11:u: 11 Is now and he fttls tha t thll •I~ I.I \'l'ry 1ucceulul.

He llated the new con1Utu· don eocouraaes more ,1udcnt partldpaUon than the old one.

. B 4 U Go Home

4. East+ You must delight your friends with a small and really unique Easter gift or · carcJ, or at least stop/at our atmospheric fountain for a soda -


li Where tood en• 10


RADIOS, T.V.'s, All Musicaf • Instruments and ·Accessories


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Jim --Laabs Music t2I .....

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Page 4: Wisconsin State Stevens Point j THE POINTER · Allen Center from a.u • slon ls 50 cenls and the total fundl ralHd will be amounccd at thls Ume . Also on Sunday the proprietors ot

Nationally Prominent Writer

. ~~~.~i.!:Ms Antholog~t .5?.~~Lm'~'~.:~ Am<riu-

• &&11'111 ucUm in America to ~la. U we are r11ady to look 11 W thru.,.t Abraham CNpman inlo 111 a knrth)t inU'Oduclklti ln truths they UJ)OM." . nation.I promlntn« u • Wrl· ··Black \'oleN." Oi,,pman nol· Chapm1n al.Ihm alte r ~•11· 1u ed the nrted f6r maklna ava il· In& the worll: of uambu,,. an

TIM! protntor ol Enal!Jh hu' able the Uni, known wrlUnK• anthokl&Y, " It w11 1 labor al compllfod an &nthoKll)' ol pot'rM ol black Americana, e1pe,cl1Jly love," he rtea11ed, MUUH •nd •hort 1torlH ....-hlch ha• .old UIOae who have llved durtna 1r1eklna doof'n copynpta b one m:ire lh&n J00,000 c.opin arad lhll. ~luty. He addtd : ''1btre ol the " bll Johll." ~ the rno-1 commonly ti atW IJIOlMf tp«lal lnllahi He curnntly b: c:ornpllln(r a t,iKd tut in h1tra1urt Into Amff'lcan IUe - Jet fnxn 4QG.pi.a:e ~ that wW be en-rowut acroH tM counny blaclr writen : the look and the tltlf,d " Ntw Black Yolott" and

'' Volct'I ," • it8-pa,Je IN I and the psycholoftc&.I IH• Include wrltinp by blackl dur• pubUulion coni.lnlt11 "'Tit~•. tun, ot the bt.hHior ol white lnl the bite ar.o. and 111'0. It ol Amerlun Ncii: roH trom the ,4r"Mrlc1n1 u It ti manll«l to ti due lor pubUcatlorl Nxt ynr. tbblnc tay1 ol. 111,·, rr 10 tht bladl Americ &NI. Ht 1ptnt lut 1ummtr re-troublnom, t960s. thlt m (ll'l lh "-re, too. WI! have an arn ttardun( at the . Cornell Uni· ... 111 bt publiahtd ln han:IC'O\·tr of (Alt human oompleiddtt , , ·enlty llbnry for lnform,don by SI. Mart in"• Prus. of codn of beh1vioi' and' tud· to bt lndudtd 1n another book

ckn tmodonl.J ~ . ol cru- or 1l1ve nantlvn whldl will


el1y and l\llll , ol cold ulcul•· 10 La pm, l1ler thlt yur, and Hon and the lrn.tklnal, crime allO writlna: • chapcer f« •

o,,pman ctt'dltt rood llmlna u on.: ol the m ajor f1t1on tor hls , ucctH. 11'e " Black \'olcn" m &nuKrlpi 11,·1,1 c:o,n. plt!td 1n tht mid 1960I 1nd ltfl l to w,·,r.l publl$Mn. The ruction lrom lhe tditon ,,., ,, ,ncour11ln11, he recalled, b\11 tht "IN dt,partmtntl wouldn' t b.iy II bt<I UM" thty couldn'I fo,-e • demand. 1-·in,lly N~· Af'M'rican Ubnir)'. Ont of the l1r1t1t nrnu In tht country a&Tff(I. ao .,..htn dem1nds """"' ,·~ctd II w\lvtnlty campus.ts lor nt1blishm"1I ol black 11Ud· 19' Pf'OlrJim1, 0,1pm11 n·1 11,'0rk v.u • ;>rim, ptoduc1.

~~eM!~ :~-;ctlll~~: ~~:c'k ~!anbeO:'!: ~ nauon ol I major aon«rn ol don to U~ture.''

ABRAHAM . CHAPMAN ~.~~~,::~pa'!:i, '"',:'! tn!'~f;:.~·m°":~n: rrom man and the barritn to lnr publlthtd ln ludlnf ~

Tht v.·ay il v. .. , aokl dr""' 1 c:ommtnl trom I rt\'lf'V.'C'r tor !ht Sall Fnndseo Chronl· ci. · · ·In ~ norm 111 ..:oune ot publl1hlna a book, fint come, hardeo,·e r • nd som, 11ml' later a p1perback. Once Ill ~"~ v.·hlle • p&rt lcul1 rly l inir p ptr· batk ... 1.11 lpptlr,:, ... 'Orth thll 1 dtm11id lor . • hardC:O\ 'C' t edil·

Cwl"il L,u,,

kin 11rilt1 - with laryt r type, lara,r paan. a more durable blndinJ: . Tt>Kday St. Martin's l>rtss publlsMd two cl the moat IUtttUful , hlahly prtittd An­thologies t\'tr pubU~ In Black StU<Un. They •re .. Black P rotf'II : History Documentt •nd An1l)' 1619 to !ht Pr't­wnt," edited with c:ommentary b)' J oaMe Grant and " Blick Voic:e, an Antholoc:Y ol A.l ro­Amerlc1n Uttr1111tt . . . "

On !ht J11ckt1 Qf the h.lf'd. eo,·,r wm lncludt thls c:ommen1 by the publisher " ... U thtre 11 room In )'Ollr budget for only one anthok)IO' ot Blide Amer1· c,n llterllure. " Blide Volttt" 1hould bt )'OUr ch:)i~ ."

Oiapman l1bell mtfl writln& In thll flt ld u oldtlmen or J ohMY com, t.a1,11ts .

Ht Pt'nornllly hu rnelffhed i nd t lU&ht b lack llttnluu for . 30 )'tin - 1ttmmlnc from • ptriod 11,·tJen tht IUb~t WU con1idertd on mo11 c,ampw.n 11 lntttt11tln.t bu1 no1 too per· l!n('nl . At Stf\'tlll Point In l~. he offe red the flnt crtdll coune on bl1ck lltl'nl lW'I! tvtr olfel"T'd II I Wlk'Onsln colltce or uni,·tnlty.

Lut ) 'tlr . O\lpman p&rticl. pated In 1n exchante Pf'Oll'lm lor tht Unl\'trsll)' ot Wllcon-1ln.Madlaon by IUchlnc•tTe:r­as Soulhern Unlvirnll)' , a Ne-11:ro inllllulion.

Thi.I 1prin&:, ht wt.II dt-llvtr I m1jor 1dd.rHI II the fourth &Mual conltrtnce on compar•· tlve llltrature a t the Unlv,nll)'


Stevens Point Brewery 2'17 w ..... St.

hunun connection and commun· p,pen lhrouthout !he country. le&lk>fl. IO ptOSlff on bolh 11dt1 'Tm hippy to lff lhll Wide of such a cwtlln. U In 1ddl· llterllurt LI ftnlUy bKom1nl Uon to 1nthetic dtll1h1 , "'" • 1ubj«1 a.nd lnttffft In the

~u~tel=na~~t':".! ~::ie. S~~~he.c~~ tht mirror ind li mp, then ctrt1ln- O\lpman hu bffn on the Jy the mlrron Ind lampa ere- Sttvtm Point 11c:ul1y fo r 1b" a~ by the bl1ck wriltn ha,·,

Pigeon Lake Courses ~Announced By W.SU

nve study oou.nn lor W'lh·er-1lty 1tudtnts and cluaroom ttac:htn wtli bt eonduc:~ next ,iunmtr a t Plaeon Lake Fkld Slllion oper1ttd by the Wlscon­aln Stile Un!vtn ltln Sy,item ntar Drummond In BI.Yf\tld _.,._

Appra,cim1tely 160 men and wonwn wUI be fflldk(I ln the titld bk!,kJcY. mapplna; , outdoor edueltkln and 1rt Prof"'""·


tho WSU '"."m offl~ In Mad­........,., Id Wolol)' - F o r

atuditntt who wtll t1rn one to , i.. anttuate or under~r1du11e credits. Dlrec:tor : Ruuel O. Wqner ot w S u.PlatteYllle. JunettoJW)'U.

NSF F\eld WololY - For 56 hl&hschooltt1chfnofb~ who wltl rtc:tlve ~ ,tipeodil to CO\'tr fN eoet1: ftnt In• ~ummt.rMritsleadincto Muter ol Sdfflce tn T t1chln& ~ . Dlrector : MarccusFI)'. WSU•Eau Oalrt. J..- Z2 IO AUi, 1.

Outdoor EductUon - To m­coun1t pffffflt and Mure teac:htn to UH outdoor clu1e1 •nd .chool cami- In teachina procrama. Dlffc:tor : P1ul Nll\"1 of WSlJ.Eau Oalre. Aue. 1-71 tor two a'tdlt,, AUf. t-21 tor thrft c~u. rndu1te and un­deran,du,,te .

· M1pptnc - For 1tude n11,

Subsidized Study iR pi;n, France

s. .... et $190

-t.. . • ' ~1·::. IOOM & loard)

Al .. $'"""'•' 70 or 71. ... l1eefltw of IRt'I.

11:=:t, .. ~~··,.~·~·1l1s

teadWn and l.eChnldanl. DI.~ tor : E .W. Sltlert ol Stout State Untv,nily, Mt:rlOfflOft.. . Au,. 10.n o r Au,. 1T·21 for 1wo c:re­dltt . Al.II. !G-21 fcc- lhrft ere-:::· ,ndu.te or ~'~

Art - A workshop lncludlna: 1tucllo and ~Id wort! ln cnl'tl, dHt,n, dn""111(. palntlns and mtlll. Director: Htnry RW'lkt of WSU-SteYtlUI Powlt. Aua, 1-22 tor two cf'tdltl. Aue . .. 21 tor thrH WMW~duate credit,.

Sludtntt p&y UO • WM« for room and board. Fe-tS for Wlf. CONln rffklmtl 1r1, SH per tn­dtraraduate cft'dit and 121 per 1r1duate credit. OJI. of· 1tate 1tudtnt1 pay S$l or SIT l)t:r cre­dit . •

Senator Speaks On Much 16, thtre will be 1n

1lkcM'll ret,rendwn In "'iuch ,u ol you wlll ban the oppor. tunitr to ~ yc,ur aps,roval or dlsappnwal of the new corwti-1u1ion !hat !ht Studtnt Sffilte has propoHd . We u n·t 111"1' IU'OnliY tf'IOUtlh thlt f\'l'ry 1tudtnt In thi. unl­venlty voice hi.I Gpinion on thb. lmpor11111 maner. It'• )"OUr Kbool . &nd htre '1 your ch1nce 10 really partlc:lpate. nw .sen. 11e h11 1pen1 many hours dl1-cuatn1 and 1mtndint 1h11 con­stitution, now 11·, your tum. Thls eo111tltudon ll • (All c:hanc:t fl"Oln the put I nd pre,. ltfll lomui or 11udent ~rn­ment lwr't, and netdt every bit of cnnsldtrstlon - can stve It .

Eich Ol'lanlzatSon ind dorm rtc:tlved I copy of the propm­td constitution Ind It ia IVII~ 1blt to I ll l 1udtn!s by WIY ol belnl: publilhtd In n. ~. Reid It e1rdully, and then t•ke your opinion ol It ID the polls •

Don't lor,et. your vote b nteded, on the 16.





AT ALL DORMS 10% Discount on Ccish &

Carry Dry Cleaning

SBE-S81YICE IJlllmllfS & Wl OffK!S

,u - - - - IIM W It.

OOLEEN ~ Stevena Point State University atudent from Green Bay, re­ceJved the fil"ll SU)O annual merit award given at the school in memory or Brian Richard Eagon, a biology atudent who wu killed in a car accide_nt lut year. Mak­lnug the pruentaUon wu Dr. Virgil Thiesfeld, chairman of Ule biology department.

' and looking on were Dr. and Mn. Burdette Eagon, who eatabliahed the merit fund in honor of llJelr aon.


J9ck Cohan Guest Soloist For Symphony

J1ck Cohan. d lrtttor of the Arll and Lttturu Strits, wUI be !he ,uest soloist 'l'Uncby nltht 1tthe1prtna ~rtol tht Stt'VeflS Polnl Symphony Or­<hNtn.

Olh1n will play Bttlhov,n·a Fourth Plano Concerto durinf the I p.m . protum In Btl'I­J1mln Fn.nklln J\11\lor H I I h

""""· A ruitlve or Canada. ht re-.

tt!Ye,d his w*f'IJ'.dUlte de­lJ'tt at the Unlvenlly ot Mani· toba ind hla muter·• trom In­d.11na Unlversll)'. He curttntly la compltiln& WOC'k on bls Ph.D. al Indiana.

Since c:omlnl: httt 11 1 pro. tenor of plano in 1964, Olhan hu bttn promoted to the Arts and i.eeturff poaltlon which he holds In addition to a pilrt•tlme ll'ld'llnt ual,nmenl.

~ concert 1\lesdky nl,tlt ,.ill be open to unlvtnity ,tu­dfflts wtthout lcharte, Dlr«tor Robert Schula aald the orchH­tra will play "Rulllan S&ilor's Danc:e" from the balltl , "The Rtd Poppt*' by Gllere ; ">, nott OvmW'I!" from the ••0p. ffa F\dello, ()plJI 12" by Btt-

~c~,;~.:'-':!n'° ~~ • Julln .. by Oellu.; "El&ht Rus­

\ 1lan Danc:en .. by Uadow; ''To a WUd JloM" by McDowell: and "ltuh Wuhtt'M)fflan" by Sowttby.

Eagon · Memoria I llle lilt Brian Richard E1g•

on. 1 student who .,.•;is killed In a car 1«1dtnt 1.ut May at the cloat of hla lffthman )'tat, hu bftn made the namtaa~ o l t'NO m,mor\11, ln ,upport ot hil • I· ma mater '• bioloc>' dtpartment.

One fund will 'aid needy Jt\l· dents In 1i,tel1I blok>cY pt1> Jectt. and &nOtMr ... m pro,'ide • n oo meri t ,ward uch )'H r to 1 membtr of the hooor 'J pro-

II'~~ metn0ri1llwt re e11&blllh­ed by Brl1n'1 parents , Dr. and )in. Burdtltt E1,on o r SteYtnl Poln1. n,e lather ts auoclatt vlctpruidc'ntattheunlvt n ll)'. ~ fint winntr ol the ment

Folksinger In Grid, Appearing Nightly

Da,·e Bradltrttt. Clnadlan folksin&ff. wtll be •PP'arini II the Gridiron In the Unh·en-11)' ~nter nlthlly 1hrolJ&;h SIi· urd1y. Shows ,,.,111 be II I ilnd 9 p.m . ·

He hu 1ppured 11 Toronto Pub Concma:. the M1ripou Folk Festlval. The OnkJrl. 111 eon-=~ ':'; t.:t~e;~h~e.:: ind other pla«s.

HJa flrst 1ln1le will be ttlua­td by R.C.A. Vlc1or In the earl)' 1•11.

CO Group Being Organized

A JJOUP ii btlnf oritanlud ID deal with tht1 lnltT· e,;b; and concerna of per,ons who ha,·e applied for consrient~ om objt,etor 111tm under lht Stltttlv, Strvke 1ysttm or who are lnltrflled ln fflClrl' ln­torm111on abou1 thl1 claulf:ca. don.

1lll'lt peos>'e, art bwltl'd 10 ull tbt Stevtn1 Point Draft In.,

~~the~~~~ number. Ott1U1 will be com­munle&~ u they devek,,p to t,i- who •re lntl'f'l'lted.

award wu 1nnounctd 1h11 11,-tek ln the olfic:e ol Unlvenlty Prt,. !dent Dreylus. 1llot reclpitnl :O.I W C,oleen S1dtlw, I ;.ttw,r f rom G rttn Bay. Coleen b t rrl· ploytdaewr al Ml.In uchv.ttlc In !he Un1v,nlty :O.luseum 01 S otunl Hi.I.tor)' eoordlnllln· publld ty projecis.

1llot Eaeo,is aald they dtcldl'd to e,t1blllh the P'OI"''"' In u,,,. d~s-,runent ol blolol;y btcau~ tht lr .cw)w1alnthehonor HC-1lon and lnttndtd to punu, • Cllreff In c:tll blo1oe)'.

Ahtr a;rad u1tlon, Colttn pl1N to become I teacher . ~I In ltw meantlme ii c•lnlnt pr1ctk 1I uperltnc:e In th.It field •• ,um· mer ln.ltnk:tor at !ht Gl'HCI Bay y .M.C.A. camp. LHI )'Ur stie hl'ld c1 .... ..- for ll'\'trai 7o-= ::. th l• 1ummtt 1he 11,111 (

Soc iology Prof · Publishes Pape/

Dr. Gordon Shipm an, pro!«. IOr of aoc:loloC)' and pk>nffr JI the se:r tduallon mo\'trMnl hu recently had an 1rtlclt pu~ llshtd In the 1prin( istut r,I "The Mtdlcal Alptt!s ot Human Stxuall1y."

The poper wu on "Sl>:c Ed· uc:1lk>fl Bet"~ P1f't'n!s and Ollld."

On Thursday Free Fodder

For Hogs




Jim Laabs Music 921 MAIN

Call 341-1666


We onry serve the I Best

No Brag Just Fact

Page 5: Wisconsin State Stevens Point j THE POINTER · Allen Center from a.u • slon ls 50 cenls and the total fundl ralHd will be amounccd at thls Ume . Also on Sunday the proprietors ot



MA.RK CATES. right, recclved congntulatlona f rom Alumn,I Director Rick Fred· rr1ck after Cates wa.s selected aa namesake or a new Stevens Point State Unlver· s1ty alumni chapter· in Waahlngton, D.C. Univeraily President Lee S. Dreyfus look ­rd on.

D. C. Alumni Honor Cates A nc•,,, alumni choptcr w\111)('

~:,.iniz~d In \\'alhlngton. O.C .. ...n Aprll :! In honor of an :1uoe­u1,. r,roftuor of polltkal ,cl­,~,

:>.!Jrk Calts, who ha1 taugh t htrc •ina 1963. I0.111 be !he n• n1tuke,ofthe club. whlchwlll t... l."Offlpriud mainly of irradu­~ti"S nov.· in,-ol\'f'd ln IO\'C'm-1DN1I - NIDted 1ctl\•IIIK.

lck and Prl.'sldcnt Dreytu.,. Shortly 11 Mcr thei r \•I.sit, 11 lele• eram arrh·ed lrom tl"\-Cral nf hll !ormer lhldcnts In Wns.hlng­ton who credlll'd him with be­Ing ln&tNmcntal In tM growth

!c!te;::n:!~~·· .::111::1 ,:t_ vldlni ··ln,plraUon of practical pol!Ucal pcrcf'pUon. ·· The 11i;n-

New Director For S&H Clinic

Dr. Thomas W<'ntl1nd h 11 • l)('('neleclctldln-ctorof thcSte• , ·rns Point S111te Unh·<'nity 11pe«:h and hearing cllnie , re,. placlnsc Dr."Gcr11ld Chappell.

In annoonclng 1hc ch11n,ge, Dr. Gcr:ild Johnson. chairman ol the communlca1l\·c dlsonlcn departmmt. 111kt the new dlrec• 1or ,,.... rmmN by hiJ col• H!llCUN to coonllm,1c cllnluil nctlvlllcs such u drmooslr11• 1ion1. dl.agl'IOlltk e,•11Jmutn.u and supervision.

Uni\'er$lly 11~enll 10.'0rk wtth

By ,A.\11'.8 HOFER

"1bci-c Is rio &ood 1y1tcm ol rea:l11nitlon - 90n\C are wonc th11n othcn:· SpcaklnC wH Mr. GIibert Faust who hat HrvC'd 111 Reabtrar for- the unl11Cnlty 1irict11964.

In a recent lnl<'rvlew Mr. F11us1 •lloke or sorni: of the problcnu or the re1l1 tration. o:. fl ee 11nd about how lhc future llnd lncrc11sM enrol lment will a1u .. c1 operation,.

Mr. F111111 ..... howa,ctialrmnn or the lnculty from the 1•11 or 1966 until 1968, Hrst came to St;Wffll Point \n 1935 I.lier re­ttMne I bachelor', de1rce In chemistry rrom the Un.lvcnhy ol WIKONln.

He taua;ht chcmlstry here u~ 1Jll~ alte:rnocel\/lJ\llhlsM .S. d ejlft tram U.W. In !kl he became Assistan t to the Dean or Admlnlstntlon.

When he Uni came to Ste­\'t>n. Po\nl, Faust participated In tilt- conccr1 band and ac­com1lBnled lhc men·, a:ltt club.

TI\C n!&lstrar predict, an I~ c~nsc- In thl! use ol computcn byhlsolllttln the fulurc. &ll plannin11: or class achedulr11 for lndivldual 1tudents by romput<'r 111 not bclnf planned due to l:,ck of IIICCCIS ot thls proceu a t olht-r sctk>ols and becaus.c ol lhc dt'i(rtt or llcxlblllly o! the eurrlculum here. The com· pllt ('r 1,:cl lonlng system 11 Ins t1daptible lo the more flexible curriculum.

~°:1~ t~~ln;i·~..,~ i:rh : 1tudcnt accounling, and 1t1tls,. ~ Uc1d reporting and a1'1Dly11t .

F 11ust ~poru tha t hls. office cxpcels to conllnuc the early rt•glttratlon 1y11cm lndcllnltely. Dy this system, students .elttl lhlo clilSleS and RCtlons they 10.·\lh In Decrmbcr and April lor the! upcomlna: 1emcstcr. •

Thl1 1y11Cm bi used In pr,:. fol"l'~toonc10.'hel,:by1tudcntJ m11kc the .electkina jolt IC\"•

rr1lday1priortolhebcrlnn!na: ot the ,cmcster.

Faua1111dlhecarty~1tr1· !Ion provldel for a more evenly

.(1111rlbuted ,,."Ork !old lor hi• O.::lce and clvr11 •1cademle de,. paMmcnta time to prepare fOr' the pcxt acme.1er'1 clHIK.

On the 11udent advislne sya. ten1, the rt11ll trar commented, " We"ve recO(PlllC!d for a Jona lime that the advl1ln1 1)'$tcm hu bffn • weak 1110t. It ha1 lmprovM."

He 11kt that Mr. Elwin Sic· mund. dllstant to Vice Ptl!II· dent for Academic AJfaln I.a J-lt'n!ly,,.'Ol"k lna: onthc advla­ln1 procMurK.

According to the rra:illra r. much ot the work or hls office conalsts ot aula:nmcnts ra ther· Ina lnl.ormatlon 1udl a1 eonct"rnlna lhc ethic back­crou.nda of 1tudenta for the kd· eral pcrnmcnt. Thls ls In kccplnr with civil rl&"h!J lea:hla-

1~ rca:lttratlon oh1ce also collttls Information ultimately to be Ulcd by the 1ta1c leab­laturc lhrou,h the Bollrd ol Wiaconllln Stale Unlvcnl!y Re­genia. Ther"l! 11 a l.o • collection or lnlormatkln to be 111ed by the Unl\'enlty new, service.

The offl~c of the Unl\/Crslty r rglllra r Is achNluled to "10\/<' Imm the' accond floor of the Old "l:iln buUdlng 10 the ll rst lloor ol !he prc,ent bulldlng hoollfli the Unh•enl1y Lcam­in&: Relourccs Cenier on Sept.

'· FaU1t commcnlcd on WSU· Slll'\/l'N Point alter hll thirty· five)'f!anofot»ervatlon-""lt ha1 been a thrill to ttt It

·,row:· In 1915 lcu thnn MO lludt"nll Wt'«! rnrolled here ('ontrutcd to the ptt1tnt ,~ rollmt'nt of 1100. Faus t expreu,. ed a 1entlmentaf drt1lre to be

~re e!:.o:t:n7~~ ~ C:~~~ 1\ly m pc11k at near 13,oqo 1tu­dcnll . Abdul 100 persons 1rc Cxpt'(: t•

fl1 10 atltnd an a ttcrnoon tttt~ t i..,n !or Cato ln tM U. S. C.p-11 >l Build Ina: and an even Inc «-ck1111I hour and dinner In the In1tma1lon11,I Cub.

Cordon Mallek. attorney. for­mcrly of sw,-cns Point: Rob­<'M LaBrant. army ofllce:r and paM-tlmc graduate 1toden1, for­mer!)" of Whltlna:. lnd.: Mrs. La· Brant. the former Oiarlync Mll­telsttadt ol Wisconsin Rapkb; Paul Schllllng. law 1tudcnt. fnr• merly of Crandon; Mrs . .$<:hill· lng.thc formc-r CllroJL. Wam• In& or Arpmc; J nck La.Due. (ormcrly of Green Boy, poll ti• c11l 1clencc ,:radunte 1nKicnt and me mber ot ~ nator Gaylo~ NCI.son's 1t11ff; 1..«lnllrd Mar­cin. formerly of Whiting, Ind .• Ma rineO:>rpsofflce:r; Mn . Mar• cln.. tM formrr Unda Wal.%cr of Bto0kflcld. '

!'e~,!9':~~ ~h"hc~~:::: ~ I

11ll'CCh lmpaln.'Ci pcr1on1 rrom the1reac~chaec1tcr .Cllcn11 riu,gc- In IJCCI m six montlu1 Tie Dye At Home

sci·tra l WIKOrUln lawmaken are upf'<tM to ancnd, accord· 1111: to Alumni Dlrcetor Rlc!t rrflirrlck.

1,."ni,·erslt)" Prctldent Lee lm')IUS &Rid the decltlon 10 n~mc the club lor Catt!! It • P­pn1pri111c bCUUIC ··the prime 1roup In our alumni foccc In WuhlngtOfl Is c0mpdR(I. cucn, Ually, ol his forme r llodcnts. llltirdctlrc to dosomcthine tor him 11 In retum for his teaching, • ·hlchhasbcfflthcclllaly1tfor brinclna: th is Ol'gllnl&a· uon '"

Ca!f"t rupondcd by dl'Krlblna 1.'iit honor u ··one ot the nicest th.n.:s that'I e~r happt'ned to mt. 1~m ovcni.·helmcd by It and I kforwardtoaeelnaallthosc pNpl, arcaln."

Cates lumcd or the plans F ri· day al a mffllna: with Fredt:r•

They are making local ar· rangcmmts for the rt"CCptlon and dinner party.

The Walhinston Alumni club will be Str,·rti1 Point Slate'• tenth. Ela;ht arc In Wl.scoru:ln and one In Oilcago.

Cites. a nath-c of Indiana. or· 111: aniz<'d and 10.'lll adviser of the Politic.I . Science Auociadon, a 1100Cn1 fl'OUP which has hcM.!ed 1pea.ker1 by numcroui national• ly•k1IOIO.TI p•emment leaders, lnch)dlng Richard Nbron, Hu· bert Humphtt.)'. Edmund Mu!" kk-, Eu1eene McCarth)' and Mcl­\'ln R. l...,lrd.

With a reputation on cam1JU~ at bclllg a aklllful c.'ducator. his direction of clanes In polltlcs and American rc,vernmcnt led to hi• nomination In 1 ... '0 consceu· tlve yenrs for the unlvcnlty"1 outstnndlng tc.cher award.

Catts currently ls m11kln.:; plana 10 assume the chalrma~ ahlp. on an acting balls, of the polltlcal 1clcncc dc.opartment. H'l wlll rrplace Dr. S. Joseph Wood· Ju who IO."H promoted 10 dean ot lhc collra:e ol kucrs and sci· c-ncc 1as1· month


DOCTOR Of DIVINITY DEGREE Doct0r of DMnity ct-,irect er• i11ued by Univ•nal

~!:!J!~t!f :::, w~th a•,)«;.!.9::'~,c°:~on~;~ or9uii:a t'ion. Fa, a r,... will offu1n9 of $?-D •• will Mnd · you,, all 10 lu aon1 1n on• pod 101• along witl\; the D.D. nrtlflcat•.




10 the mid .

The retiring dl,-cclor wlll pur• auere.enrch lnchlldren'1 lang• uagcdcvclopmcntbcsld~ICnch· Ing. Dr. Oi111}()CI. the facu lty ~mber here to tench 1pe('Ch J)lltholoey ond audlology bl'a:an the clinic In 1962. h\1 llnt ycur on the job.

Hundl'Cds ot persona h ave been .erwd In dlagno1tlc and therapcutlcal con1ultatlonl In the cllnlc since. and un!II rt'­ttntly. wlthoul charge.

Oi,ppell. a nath·e of Ra\•cn· na, OMo. attcnd.!d Kl'flt State linh·cnily. North10.,:1ten, Unl­•·enlly. and In 1968 re-ttlvcd hi• Ph.D. lrom the! Unl\"cnl1y of Wbconsln. He taught In the public 1ehoot &)'Item a l Lllbon. Ohio, bclorc coming here.

Dr. Wentland, 1t lamu1ty mcm· bcr sinc:e 1966.1• originally from R:)ckford, 111 .• and a gradu- te of Norlhcn, l tllriols Unh•rt1IIY. Wcslem l lllriols and lhc Unl\•tr• 111y ol W\scon,ln IO."hel'C he com­pleted ... -on: for his Ph.D. llut January. HI! WIii Gel the ,111fl of the Mnrcni:o, 111 .• Rockford. m .• Beardstown, Ill .• and Gil · lei! µubllc 1chools before com-1"¥ htre

For a Wllque look In cloth-­In;, labrlc wall hani;lng:1 or 1c11rvr11 a home cconomie, pro, fNIIOr rttQnlfflCnds trying lhl! ancient but cuy tie dye ~ cut. which ls cnjoylnc • come­back In tilt- !Hhlon world.

Dr. Edith Pankowski. a 1pe­clallst In dcsls;n, aay1 tic dye 1, crcath·c. lun and cconomi.. c11\ and appUc~blc to clothlnl for bolh SCXK. Yard eood fl~ rlc1, okt drcucl. u1hlrts and searvNI are Ide.i i for the pro, ccu. For an cx1mplc, a 50 c•nl t•shlrt can be turned Into a Jll)'check'lk dell1h1 In• m11I· tcr of minutes.

Dr. Panko,,.-skl 1ays the~ CCIS ln\'Ol\'K bunching pleat• Inc. br1Milna:, 1alhcrlng and tY· lni: the fabric tlpilly w I t h 1trln1 ot rubber bafdl. Elastic =~t "'!::O::·~yi:.c~ -~~ f1bric ls then put Into I hot but not bolllna: dye bath. where the solution doe5 not prnetrate the died &!'CH, thUJ crcatlnJC 11 1wttern of dyed_ and W\dycd

1lie Nbrk ls lcfl in the dye



Sherwin-W·illiams Co Qt HAIN ST. STEVE..'°S POr.r.~


Tonight through Sunday, Morch ~5

The Dominoes Friday and Soturdoy, Morch 13 and 14

The Echo Beer Bar ·~ mUes so~WNt or S..-ma Peat Wt off lliat*waJ' 11

HOT FISH SHOP fea~ng Seafood and Steaks


bath lor • lcnath ot t ime, dc­pendln& upon tM color desirM 11nd the 1ypr of labrlc used. SIik 10ak1 up dye qulckl)' : , whercu cotton fabric• requtrc a lon&er period of time In Or• dc r to a ttain a deep or brleht color. ~ Ucd f11hrlc 11 rlnwd In cold water. then the l'fltlre pmct'u can be repratl'd M'\"•

cr:i l tlmea 1.111lng a dlftcrent col­or each 1\mc for a mull lc.:ilor purpoH.

Dr. PankolO.-ski uys Interest· In& cUec~ can be ettatt'd by drlJl{llng d)"C on a tied fabric 10.ith a 1poon. mcdlclne drop­per or Olhcr UICNII. Tlc-dy~ dKl,ina can be created on a varwty ot fabric• lnclodln, plain Wea\'\, percale. homcapun or 1allcloth, \•eh·ct," jency or u.1lnl. Rayon. cotton. acetate. 11lk and llnrn el\·e bell mull•. 1he added~

S1JCh unique dl.'l'ICJII arc IIOI limited to clothlnJt. Bc11utllul pan crna can be created on bed· spread.I, dniprrlca, wall hana:• Ines. hllnd-me-dolO.'fl ltcma and lln1rrlc. Tic-dye ii an creative os your lma1\na1 lhc eon.­eluded.

The tollowlnc ln1u\'lcw1 will repl'ftt!nl the 1.a,1 campua vlsllt .before the Euter bre1k. There will be ll1tle r~ulllne 1ctlvlty a. Iler E:a11cr 90 Interview u often and u wldely .. you can. Also. a ll Senion who hne railed 19 r•rl1tcr wll~Pl1cemcn1 ahould do '° u aoon u J)Ohlble.

Today - Sentry in1urance Com1H1ny. All m1}or1 In f'l'Hted In data proceulna:. aa lct. act u1rlal. clalm1 and underwriting poal1lons.

Today - College Ute fnsurance Com1>any. All maJora lnll'rf'lled In ln1urtnce sales op110rtunlllca . ...,

Today - Wlacon1i n Telc11honc ComJ)llny. Mllwaukl'l'. TWq · a.chedule1 - WIii ape11k wllh all business a1lmlnl, 1r111lon.

economics, mathema1lcs anti other Jlhl!nl aru people ron<'Crn· Inc career op1>9r1unl1k'.11 wllh the ICll!J)honc company.

l'tonday, Ma.r. 18 - Emplo)·er# Inaurnnce of Wausau w\11 lnler· view all bUAlncu admlnl1!ratlon, eoonnmlcs. mathemnllca· ard other maJoni lnlereated In ('lahru. ('uualty and ~roup under WTltlng posl1lon,

Tut*lay. !'tar. JT - -t.rpJohn Pharmaceull('al will 1pcak with all blolory, )>1alneu, economlca and any other m1Jor1 Interested In phannaceutlc.11 ulcs fonlyl opportunltlca wt1h one of Amcrl· n'a leading drur cvmpnnlct.

Tut'Sd.ay, Mar. 11 - Tra\·t"lcrt Insurance (;l>mpany will 1pe1k with all buslneu admlnl,tra1lon. economlca and liberal 1r1s peopJI! concerning horrw otnce, undcrwrUlng. dalm1. aales and other t)'petl of non,ulcs opportunlt"9 In lnsurahtt.

'l'uelday, , tar. 11 - Heritage Mutual lnsurani:e Comp1ny, Shfl­boy1an. will speak whh all buslncu admln\s1ra1lon. ~omlca. liberal ar11 and other maJon Interested In ('I.alma. underwriting. actuarial 1ctcnce, and ulcs opportunllle1 In Insurance.

WcdnMday. Mar. Ill - Untied S1ate1 Soda.I Stturlty Admlnlstn· Uon. W ltconsln Rlp1ds. will speak with all maJor11 tbu1lnH1 administration. economlca. ma1hematks. ,l)(!'edl. h\11ory. En~· llsh, psycholory. IO<:loloi)'. na111r11I resources and all 01her majors) lnlerctiled In carf!Cr opportunllln with the Fedcnl rovernrn(!nt. The studen ts who ha>·e lnler'\'lewNI carllcr and have s uccessfully paa!M'd 1hc Civil Scn·lce Exam arc csl)t'dally encouraeC<I to Interview again.

Wednesday, Ma.r. 18 - Arm)' Medlcal Corp. wlll J p(!llk with all 11udent1 lntcl't'sled In career olflcw oppor1unllle-s In phlrmacy, 1upply and ltdmlntstratlon. psychology. 1udlology • . en\/1.ronmenlal sanltalion, 1anl1ary enelneertna , 11odal work and military communt1y oral health managemen1 . In addition, they wt1h lo 11pc-ak with a 11 ·1tuden11 lnterclle-d In eolng on 10 rn(!nlal. dentnl and \"elerlnarlan school.

Thunday. ,r..,.. 1& - Doa1on S1orc. MIiwaukee, WIICOntln. wlll sprak with all buslnrss admluts1ra1lon. l'C'Onomlca, art. home economics and all other an"III lnt~cstOO In retail 11orc man• •11!mcn1. fashion merchandising. s tore bu)·er, control opera, lions. personnel. and sales promotion arHs.

Thur$d..ay. Mar. 19 - Nor1hwcs1ern Mutual Ufe Insurance Comp.3ny will 1pnk with all builncu 1dmlnlt1ratlon. matM­matlcs, economics and other areu of llbcral an, conf"t!rnlnc carttr opportunl!IK In cla!Jns. 1ctuarlal science. data prott,U· Inc and underwriting.

Monday. )tar. U - State of W tacontln will \'Ull! our campus for the second time to lntcn·lew 111 ttudcnll ln1rreatcd In ac­cvuntlng. chcml111ry, data procealna. cconomlca, finance,

• 1erorraphy. buslncu. lndustr~I N?la tlon,. Journalism. m arkcl·

~l1stl:.'f{~~~nhl:;,~· 1~!YJ1~~~!~·w~~~l~~tu:1~ in..cre1tcd th IOdal work• ahould aee Mr. Tiemey !or •Pt'dal tniervlew. Students who have Interviewed wllh the Stale pre­viously need not Interview n1aln.

Monday, Mar. !S - YMCA will ,peak wllh all men and women cnduall'S lntcrt"SICd In youth work. i,hytlcal cducallon and eamp\ng ct!.reel"tl with the YMCA and YWCA corporatlonl acl'OSI the country.

Tuellday . )tar. ! 4 - Clmbcls ot• MIiwaukee. Wbconaln, will Interview all men and wo(l1Cn graduates who may be lntcr­cs1ed In considering carN?r1 In retalllne oppar1unltlK. which exist tor mana.gmcnt tralntta. In the down town Milwaukee 11orc. All students In Jlbe~I 1rts. markcllng. c,conomlcs, aodoloiy and Journalism are ln,•ltcd.

'l'uftd.ay, :\tar. ! -4 - Shopko Corporallon. Crttn Bay, 10.1U 1pcak with a.U business ·1dmlnls 1ra1 lon. economlca and 01hcr cradu, atea lnlctNtcd In rctall store managcment opportunities wllh lhla erowtne chain ot dcpartmen1 atorea.


Mar. 11 - Hllben Public Schools. 10 a.rn. to 3 p.m. Sr. 1-L Math. : Sr. H. Encllsh; Sr. H . Horne~.: Sr. H. Social ScieD~.

Mar. {1 - Greendale School 0\11rlct. 9 a.rn. to 4 p.rn. £1cmcn· tary - all IC\-cls; Sttond1ry - all s ubJc-cl areaa.

) lar. J.8 - W1usau Public Schools, 9 a.m. 10 3:30 p.m. V&l:a.ncie's to be po1tt"d.

Mu-. 19 - Hlchland Park Hleh. 1U1nol1, 9 a.m. 10 4 p.rn. Vacan· dca to be posted. •

Mundelein High School. Illlnol1. ln'd. Ar11: Enellah: German: Bus. Ed.; Math.; Guidance: Publleatlons. f

111,tar, u - Oconomowoc Community School,. 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

V1canctes to be poated.

) l a.r. H - Winneconne Community School. 9 a .m. to ' 3 p.m. Vacancies to be pos1cd.



PerfKt fit in the jeons

look you love--the long, \

J, rhe Levi's look In

Page 6: Wisconsin State Stevens Point j THE POINTER · Allen Center from a.u • slon ls 50 cenls and the total fundl ralHd will be amounccd at thls Ume . Also on Sunday the proprietors ot

. Morch 12, 1970

Students Plan Trip To USSR

Panhell Council Sponsors Formal

The PantwUenlc Councll an­nouncn I.he all-c:am1JU1: 1prln1 formal. rn lllkd "Dart ol Wine and Rote1."

Greeks Sponsor Fund Drive·

WSU..SP fra ternltlN Ind IOr. orl tlel will be out r11dnt: money for !he Wausau '"" chapter ol !he M1.atcul1r Dy~ 1ro1lhy tion. of Arner1u 1omorrow and Saturday.

Twrn1y-1h1 S1t \•en1 J•ol nl State Unh·enl1y 11udN1U ane learnll\ll lo N II thtlr roru.:inan t1 nnd add a grin<el twbl lo their \'oiCU as they l,:,arn eourll'lly lhw1lan in preparation for• llip 10 the S<l\'111'1 Union, L..!Vla, Poland and Drnm1rk durln1 Eastrr \'aca tlon.

Bllll'd as a tra \•el-.llJI.I)' lt'm • Lnar, lhe yomhs will join 111xlu1 UO atudt!nu from the 0 1h er 1chooJ1 In the Wbeon,ln Slate Unh·enLI)' 5)11tem and u rn be-1•.-;t'f'n one and th l'ft academic credlll durlna ttM> tMay perl• ...

Leadl'n ot thl' local irouR .... m be Prvtusor Jack Oltl'r of polltlcal science ind his wife. Mary.

Area 1tudtnt1 who hn\'e sign· 00 u11 arr : Charlea A. Hanf'I of Amhrnt Jul"ICtlon , Leonard J . Ironside ol Wltcon.ln Ra­plcls, Cary R. aherv,iJOd of Pkr

;r~; :,~~~~el a~d ~~its~ Schul1eot Manhflrld.

The trip v.111 be an utenslon ot S1tvrns Point S11te'1 Cl"OH dlaclpllnary Ri,u;slan and Eu 1 Europ,ean S111dlu And It wl\l be n unlr11c wny ltJr 11 11udtonl lo 1p1,nd hl~ ,prl~ l'C'CNi, In \•l rw uf tho• ~pul11rl1y umun.l( m,. , ~ill,~· \,,n,i lu f~JCk I, llw ~Ulln) '"',n:h,'11 .. r t'1,1rlrt11 dud1111 1hu1 1•·1·1od

AIWr hu111\lln.11: :, 111.on,• \n l111· ,11(0 OJI\ March 19, llw)' will

l"•b<Jul1dfurt..-nln11rnt.l liy .. . ,) uf Ht'l~Lnkl, 1-'inhmd.

Od,•r •11ld 1h...• llln,_. rury 111-du(IH vl,ib lo the H<"m1ltn1w A11 :\lw:rum tht>n" . lht- 1 .. 1itcr of 1-'.•tf'r lht- G"•,, t , m11n·l11i,:,· ulfiet'1i, 11, .. a>urb 11n.l uni\·,,,· • ... ,1y 1::n,111hcl.11M'1.

Thl'rt''II be 1lgh!1ttlnit In th,• uJd capitol ol La1\•l11 - Riga ,lir.,,.,it'd by II pruf..s.11a r lro111 Qfflku.,h St11t• Unl\'t"rtlty ,..ho, b. 11 111111\'t' of lhlll city un.l lh<'n on tu M oo1cow for vlslb lo the USSR Exh1b1Uon ol' Agt i, ruttura l and l ndusirlal Achlt'v1•· nk'nlll. tilt' Bo.l1hol Hallt' I, a ll'I• ,•\' i,ilon •t11Uon. Kremlln and U1<· Rl'd Squ..-... M.-cow Unl\'l'r' 111)'., a drcu.. pupp,.'I tht'ute:

1S how you feel

You eve( have one o f those days when everyone says you look well, but you still don't fttl pretty? Maybe it 's because you ' re t ired or troubled . Or maybe because it's the wrong time or the month and you just (eel un-lovcly.

That's where Tampax tam­pons can help )'OU, They can help take the mopey feeling out of )'our month. Bcca·usc Tampax tampons arc Vt'Om internally, there's noth· ing to slip or slide or chafe. or show. No more. wor-1 rics about .a~dcnts or , odoi'.No '{Cl£«>nscious-ncss. Only complete comfort and prot«tion. Clean, neat , discreet. ·

Tampax ta.mpons. To· he lp youfttl beautiful tvcrydayor the month .

TAMPAX. -....... " AlffN(lt(C"TIOIIIWOllltlltllllltAUf -.t-· .. ·-"""--.. --.-

DAaders 1':Digest

and lhe olllce ot Pru·da ""hlch Lt lhl' otnclal Commwil11 party MWSl)llpt'r.

Belol"f! leav!na lhe Sovie! Un· Ion, lhrre wlll bto I IOSIO\'Cn In Kiev tor a lour ot the MUHum of Ukr.11nl1n ~·olk Ari thl-n a ride on an old European train to Warsaw, Poland for t\Jht· tttlng, then Oil 10 Col)l!nhaaen, l:ll'nmarlo: and home.

The 1orm11l wlll be twld oo t'rl · day, April 11 a l the Holiday lnn ol Steven, Poinl and wm bq:ln al 1 :30 p.m .

The 1k.kelll will COIi S3 per rouple and un be purchased at lhe Jnlormatkln Oc!1k ol !he University C.nter or from wing reprnm111lvN In the dorm, itarllni on Monday, March 16.

Billings Heads State AAUP Committee ·

Dr. John Bi11in¥1 o l the phll· Of()llhy Mpartmenl hu be e n named ctualrm 11 n of a , ta le commltttt - for the American ANocladon ol Untveult,y P ro-

Members ol t h(! If'C ind P1nhellcnle Council wlU b. In downtown Ste\•en, Point and Ml 1he Gridiron collectinc con1r1-butlont In l'Xch1n1e ·ror "Sham, roclu for 0y• trophy" tag1 Tot mooey will be 1,1.J,('d for 11,hc-._,J. ch11lrt and bracn for vktlm, uf the crlppltn1 dlseue.

BHld•• 1pendlna o iot of time ... 11h a paperback book on con· \"tnaUonaJ llunlan lhe p.arlld­pa. l ln& )'Ol.llha haVl' hf'kl H \"era l mttllnp lo learn .ome ba•le f11cl11~t llfebehlrn:lthe l ron CUr!aln~ Their 1peakers wel"f! Or. John z.a ... ad1k)', pmreuor or phikilophy, ,.fo headed 1he l\rsl tour ol 11 , kind lo tho: u me place, IH I )'ear. and Or. Waclaw Somk11, profe1.or or hlltot")' . na1h·e ot Poland and

•dlrttlor ol ~xi ynr't IOU~. Arn.neement.t "'-•re flnallud

1e\'eral mon1lu: •ao by a ni.-. 1lan lrn,..e l agency, lntoor ll l.

THREE ENLARGED wooden relict mod.eta of WSU'1 official .eal have been con· 1tructed for permanent display on ca.mpu1. One will be mounted in the prealdcnt'1 office In Old Main, another probably In a student center and a 1maller one attach· ed to a lectem. Carpentry work wu done by Emery Olaon of Jola (al right kneeling), and palntlng by Leonard (Mld~) Manowakl, Wauaau, both craftsmen at the campu1. Dl.epatch of materiata was by F1oyd Engcbret.aon, 1tanding.

t~~III head the 1rou11 6n faculty and adm1nlstrat1on.

'Ille AAVP' which hlll more tha.n 2,000 mc,mbera In t he .iate. held a i ta l• 90S1ference committee me-etlna N!Cfl! IIY in Madison which Billl~a IIUCnd-


n~ "Shamroclu frx Dyatto. phy" tap wlll ellmtn1te thll nN!d 10 1ert1mble thrwah «k'"I wardrobe f or "•om e thlnc Krttn" to 1po" on SI. Patrkk't Day. But more lmPor1&n1, thP grt<en 1Uck-Ofl 11~ ..,,m aid M .... cular Oytll'Ophy Auoch­t lonl 01,. Amer ica In ~ tli,tlt 111ah-.1 dysl1'0jlhy and reh,!l'd crippling dilOrd•rt ol the nti.­romUKula r ,y1tem.

The fralemltln and aororltl'1 wlll be doWntown cartYauln,: alt clay, bolh tomorrow and Satur­day. There will also be coJ1tt1. lontlxoxctlnlheUCand,..,rJ.. 01.1S other placn around c;orn­pu,.

Reading Dynamics.

The s~fire shortcut for college students who want

better grades and more free time.

College students and high school students, too, arc under constant pressure 10 complete their ouuide reading assignments . •• which generally average 500 hours per semester. In order to keep up, and stay ahead or, this mountain or words, thousands of students have graduated from the Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics Course. They arc nading dynamically,, . which means that they arc reading from 3 fo 10 times faster, withtqual or better comprehension and recall.

Reading Dynamics is taught in'morc than ISO Insti tutes throughout the United States and in ~an~da and'Europc. Based on Evelyn Wood's discovery in 1949, the Reading Dynamics method, which uses no machines or gadgcts, has been used by more than 400,000 students, housewives, businessmen , professional men, educators, scientists and Conarcssmcn. It is based on the simple scientific principle that YOU CAN REA D AS FAST AS YOU THINK! And, as thousands arc experiencing in their everyday reading. dynamic rcadina is not only faster, it's better.

The best way to learn the secret of Reading Dynamics and what it can do for you is to come to an e.citinJ, informative, FREE, one hour Ocmc:mstration. Herc you will sec~ documented film of actual inter.views with Washin1ton Conaressmcn, such as Scnaton ProXmirc and Talmadge, who have taken the Evelyn Wood Course and use it daily in their work. You'll learn how we can guarantee (sec below) to triple your reading ability or the Course won't cost you a penny. All your questions concerning Reading Dynamics will be answered by a qualified reading expert. You' ll undcm and why Reading Dynamics is cuctly right for coUcgc students who want to get more out or 1;01lcge •••

and more out of life! • \ 1

Reading Dynamics FREE MINI-LESSONS

7:00 P.M. TONIGH:r, MAR. 12 MONDAY, MAR. 16



UFmME MEMBERSHIP Aa a Re.diftjOynamicl sn,d-

:-t;fr:h~r: c~~t;: !c: ~:; lime, and u ofun aa you wiab, •t any of the UO Evely n

:::t ... .!'i!~~\J!1~s:1i: and in Europe.

This is law student Phil McAleer PhD ls • araduate or the Unlnrsily or JIU.aols ud is clll'OUcd •t Columbia UnJnrslty Law School. One of mon than 400,000 Enlyn Wood Rudin&: Dynamics craduates, Pbll S1ys, .. , <firmly btlinc tbt Rcadlnc Dynamics CoUTK is one of tbe fiatSt edDCalkiaal cxprritncn I cnr hid. My rcadlnc spud hu lDcttutd 6 limes ud my compttbfflslon bas also IOM up!"



.. Thi.I 11 the firtt time in my lite that I have received 12 credits of A in g-radute aubjecta. I rud eve.rythlng on the bibli­o,n.phy - uncanny!"


.. I'm fond ot hobby readin,: and the t re-' mendoUJ1 amount of pl'O!e.aaional m.terial


f~m ~fr:c \fto;:;:11!'\.,:~uim1~~:.!i;, helpful in eult,jnr the time It took to .-et lhl'Ourh all the m ed.lea! joumala and :r'l't!o~c1~b.,; we've even .rejoined our


.. I think the moat import.ant bendit I ban received la an lncreu.ed enthu1iaarn !:c,=~I· The . incruae in aPff(I I,


~~.i! ·::~ ~ paid for lt;Rlf ma~y


.. J contln\.le to f ind Rudin.( Drnamk1 t.eclmiquu m01t helpful In all rudinr."


"Thia coune will uve many houn of time, both In work and in 1tudy."



" I now have a cood 1y1tem for ttadlnr technical artldea that I lacked before. Also, u •e.race readinr· times on new•· papen and mquine1 have been bah·ed." _,,. ATTORNEY:

:~~~~~bl:i:•m«:.~u~j"'lh~h ~he.::; important to my job."


~v-=~~ be ;!~h ':o': ~bl r;~~: ation of H rmona •nd lecture,."


"I rot much more from the coune than ~:._~ - I felt It to be a ye,7 rich


"~i~ my rudlnr ape,ed fo r prof,a. aional JOurnala, text& which J could not =~P ~~~In~ r:i'::)•t~on=::nt!:v$ tlmn previou1 rate."


''It doe.a what it claima to do and doea it ltfell." .

• All atatemeat. are o.. tu• la lM Miftaeapolia Rudl11r. DJaa•k. lutJUlte ortke.

Page 7: Wisconsin State Stevens Point j THE POINTER · Allen Center from a.u • slon ls 50 cenls and the total fundl ralHd will be amounccd at thls Ume . Also on Sunday the proprietors ot

• I

Point's Campbell 2nd In SUC Mat Meet

SURVIVAL ) LH~Yw:~v!, °:!~~= 10roo

of lhe lundamenU.I concept• nl ecoloo". We lookffl at popula· tloN and communities of llvlna thlnp, ind saw how Uk!)' rt ltt· f'dto!Mlrnon-lMnaen\•Jron· ments and lo each other. 'Tb!! 11\/Ulc communltlff were ,e,en IO be dl11\nc1 auoclationl of 1nl­msls and plants which. whl'n combined with the physical en• vironment.11 faclof's ot 1un, aoll, ell111a1e end IA:!rnln, evolved to form the tunellonal unlu we eall ec:()l:)tlfml.

up In the Ille pructtst1 of both the pl1nll and the 11nlm1l1. IU enerey pane1 throuch the 1ro,. phle level,, It la nxtudd by aboul a fa clOrof 100 1t the flrat trophic level , and • lsctor of ten a t eachtr11n1ferlhtre11ler.

IUVl::R FAU.S - Baraboo IOphomore Ron C.mpbell plac­ed ,N:Ond 1n• lhe 126-pc,und wrich t cla11 of !he WlsC0011ln Slate Unl\·enlty O>nfel"t'nce wrn1llns ehaml)kn,hll)I ~ Saturday lor !ht bu1 i,erfor-­mnnce by a Stt-vens Point Stal.e t'f\lr&nl.

1-"or the RCOnd 1trallj:ht year the Polnten llnbhoo nlnth. TIie meet waa won by Stout with SJ 1,oints, with hml River Fa lls Jt .. t a point bt'hlnd In ttecond. The Pointers 1oorNI 20 polnr... w h I I e dcfcndlna: champion Whl1ev.·ater wa.s lounh with 41.

Campbell, who qualltlcd for the NAIA chllmplm1hll)II II Su­Jlitrlor thla Wttkend. wu up­ended In IM finals by Oek! Ev11n, ot SIOOI, 10-2. ln the aeml- llnalt Campbt'II delHled Dc1V1\s Bookllahler, 3-l.

l't>IST~R WRESTLERS - The Stevena Point State wrestling team ~ plcture:i. ;abu\·C. F'ront row from lclt- Ron Campbell, 126 pounds; Erich Opperman, 150; 1t,:,i;:t'r Suhr, .158; and Dale Hodklewkz, 134. Second row from left - J im Not­&t.1J. Iii: J im Zeinert, 190; Tim Fahrenkrug, heavyweight ; Jlrn Sobocinskl, 177; :ind Jon Popp, 167. Not pictured la Di rk Sorenson, 118. ·

- The Poinu,n had thrtt other . wrHtlen In the aeml-llnal1 bu!

11 \l Wt-re defutt'd ... Dlllc Hod­klewlc& al 13•. Dirk SOrtnson at 118 by eventunl champion lltelor Cru:t ot Stout and Jlm Nobtlld 111161 In overtime. 2-0, a lter r~ulntlon time ended a t ...

Club Schedules Meeting On Spri ng Season

Th.• ~cw Club ,,.,m hold It, f.r•! ,n:anl,a tional mttting ol ·• ~1,rm~ 1u1e«•r J c>.'l.son, on \! .r .. h lS :r.1 i :3o 11 m. in Room

' ,f !ht• C1Msroom C<'nt,r.

\', ,1•.d~nll an.I !acuity mtm• • ,n1,•1(•S1t•<1 In pl:t)'lng aor­

r .11• uwlli-d to llll<'nd thil :,i,,1m.: h1 Jenrn 11bout thr •rnn~ ,,.=n ru11.I the roln ol ,,,~ i: 1111<' ~\II prNent m, mben. ,.,·: m .. et 1hlln,.I)• bi-Ion- tlw

,\ ~l'nni= 1cM'du\e has been , ,1 .. bli,ho.•d by the ,xc-cuth·e , m:11111~ or t~ club and ~.lmi..,, a n.- l)lann,rd ,,.-Ith Sl. \ rt>.·rl I Collo,:t', La Cn::ue ,. ,,, l"m\"enlity, 11 nd JJQUlbly ~!1, t11pn T('Ch. Several week­'~!, nn> op.m nnd more gnml'I ma~ b.•com,· poulblt. Sched­~1. ,\ I r,1r tic1' will begin after 1:,.:,r \.ic:11100. 1lle dub tur­~··h"• l'flU\pmt>nt and uniform• 'O all plll)'U'I \Oo1th !he l'XCt'!)-

lion ol M)l'(tr thor1.

The Soc:et-r au~ wu orgnnl:t· ed thl'C.'e )'\'•rs ago and h111 bf:.t'n IUC:CHlful u a c:lub, pnr­l!c:lpu.lln11 In fall llnd 1prlng IIOc:·

cer lt'°llJOn.l. The Polnlers hnve pluyed 1uch tenm1 111 Lawttnc:e College, Ripon Cotlt>ii"', MnDh· fleld-U\\', La Crode State Unl­\'erslly, i'~ox Valley-UW, and Mnrinette--~\-.

Tht- hlghll&:ht of the dubs" rompell!loo .., ... !he eaptul"t' ol' the f\r11 Sprtna: ln\·ltatlonal Tournament at Marineue In the 1pring of 19611. Point deteatffl 1-'wt V11lley-UW 10 i:nln a t11le berth, then defeated the Mori• netlt" Bucaneen HI • In I h c champloruhlp game. That lj:llme ... -u broadcast on r adio and lt'Je\>Ullon.

The team \0111 again be coach­t"d by Mr. Ceorae Porte.I, a local resident who playNI aoc• ct'r In h a ly. Mr. Porte.I II 11£:a\n antlc\p.atlna: a succeuful •vrlni: aeaaon a nd would like lo IN' l' \'en more partlclpallon by the 1tud<."nts and faculty, 1-·orelan 1tudent1 \Oo1th any prr­VIOUI ucperit-nce would be we\· c:omc-d all() ,H an 1ddltbn to the team . E\"el')-one "'ill be &I'"· en a chance to play.

The only Pointer lo take place In the wTfftleback wu Noutad

Conference T earn Champion Eau Clall"t' placed

three men on the All ,Wlscon-1ln S tate Unh•enlly Confer­ence basketball team plckt'd by the leaau,·1 nine coaehea.

Center Mike Ratllrt and a:uards f'Tank Schade • n d James Un!IM-y head !ht 10-man !tam,- which lneludet lhl"t'e seniors, four Juniors, and thr'N! aophomortL All 1hree Elu Claire players art" aophomoru.

S te\•e n1 Point placed two on the squad. brothers Ken and Tom Rlnenthale r of Haraboo, while Stout also eamed 1wo berths, Grti Ebsen of Wlsccm­•ln Rapids and Cal Glo\·er of Rockford. JU.

Roundlnr out the honor an,up wel"t' hometown product Jim Lawina:er of Platteville, Don Paul.wn of Whltewattr, and Ken Ver Gowe of Olh· koah. /

Paulsen ~Ratliff. tht ron­fe l"t'nccfl scorina and rebound­lnK leaders. both prepped at Racine Horllt'k Hla:h School. Undley halls from Jk\0\1, SC:hade from \\'aU5au. and Ver Gow, from Cedar Gro\"e,

El&:ht of thOSt' selectt'd ranked amona: the top 10 scor· ers In !he conference. Paulsen WH followed by Lawlna:er 13321, Tom Rltunthsile.r 1329), Ratllff 13201. Ebsen 12761, Schade tZ73). Glover 127.1 1, and Ken R1tuntha1er 12661.

Ver eo~,e rankt'd 13th In scorina wllh 2~4. 1r1d UodJey, t he playmaker of the Eau Claire te1m, 28th With 1"70.

Ken Rllttn1hale r complied 1he best field a:oal shoo1lna: a\'eraae In the conference for the third 11ralght season, hll · tlni,: lO'l of 185 1ho11 f!l.J' ..551, and Lawlna:er made the mMI l rtt t hrows , 100 In 127 al · tempi.I.

Coaches picked a·lx o n the honorable mention IISI, \ndud­tnr !he l"t'malnder o f Eau C\all"t'"1 1tartlna: fh·e. forv,-ardl Tom Jackson Ind Slt\-"t J ohn­son. Also chosen wt-re J ohn ~Ibo of La Crosse. Rich Lud· ka o f Plattl!'1llt, Randy Schult:t of Rl\•cr Falls, and Quinn Vanden Heu,·111 of Stt­\"ens Po\nl. Jackson Is from WlscOtltln Rapids (Uncolnl : J ohn10n. TrempealNu : Selbo, Stoua:hton: Ludka, Milwaukee (Bay Vlewl: Schulu, Alma ; and Vanden Heuvel, Kaukau·

"'· Many Student Citizens

Make Friendly


Paulstn accred 342 points In 16 a:ames this seuon for a 21.4 a\•erare, both conft-rence hl11:hs. Ratliff showed the wsy reboundlnK with 250 retrlt'\'t'S tor a 15.6 per came avt-ra&:e, The 6-10 pivot man a_lso l\"cr­aa:ed 20 polnlJI a ramt'.

Any player receh'lnr a ,-ote rettl\·ed honorable mention. coaches nominated 1helr own pla )·ers, but could not vote for the m.

1970 All-Wisconsin State University Conference

Basketball Team .'i••• J-•

StudenlJI' Jletidqo.artel'II Beren' s Barber Shap

Three Barbe.I'll You may be nexl

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RUDY'S 2 Milh Horth.

on Hwy, 51



Hamburgen THEY' H A • TREAT *


. Their


Pl&yn-Grec !:."l>Mn Cal Clo\·er Jim Lawlncer James Un<bey Don Paulsen I\Uke Ratliff Ken Rltu:nthaler Tom Rituntha.le.r F'rank Schade Ken Ver cowe

Unh•usl ty Stout Stout I Plattev\llt Elu Claire WhlteYo'ater Eau Clall"t' Ste\•ens Point Stevens Point Eau Clall"t' Oahkoah

Ht. Wt. Yr.

~~o h7X ; 6-1 170 3 s-u 165 2 6-6 210 4 6-10 214 2 S< 200 4 M 200 3 6-0 173 2 .. 200 3

HONOR.ABU: ,reir,,-no:s

Hom-.. \Via. Rapids Rockford, rn. PlaUtvl.llt Beloit RadM RadM .... boo ean,boo Wau.uu Cedar Cf'O\·e

Tom Jackson and Ste\'t J ohnson, Eau Claire: J ohn Selbo, La Crosse: Rlch Ludka, Plau evllle: Ruidy Schultt, Rive r Falls: Qulnsi V&ndt'n Heunl, Steven, Polnt. ·

SENIORS-Time Is Running Out! .(






and he pinned BIii Klatle of Whllewater and lhl'n io.t Iii

. ~ Kl~~~!: ~:Vl}~tow ol' !he champ&onthlp matche• :

Tl!Mlt b,.__,&Nt 11, Hh ·er Falla 6t. Oalllr.NII M, WW!.e• wa&er 41 . P IMWWille 14, Super­~ •• Eaa C1alre u, i. ()-o.e Uil 81e\'ftlm Poh~ h .

ladh1chaal' Makll~ 118 Pounds - Heetor Cru:t,

Stout, best J ames Abbot t. O.h­kolh, U.S.

126 -Dale Evan,.Siout, beat Ron Campbell, Stevens Point, 10.2.

ll4 - Swen,on, River F all,, beat J t ny Weyer , La T-4 tovertlmel.

142 - ?>Uke Canlde, SUper,, lor, beat Andy Marks, White­wate r , 9.3.

150 - Mark J 1nlck1, Eau C.,all"t', bt'1t J elf NIIPSI. Platte­ville, 111.

158 - Undy Johnaon, River Fa lls, bt'at Art llolden. White­water, 7..J .

167 - John PeterlOfl, SIOUI, be1t Doua: WIUl1nu. Riv e r Falls. 10-0.

177 - Mark Mulque,e\1 , Olh­kolh, bt'11t Sam Spanel, E a u Oalre. 12-9 tOYerthntl .

no - 0a1e Jtl'IIOn, Superior, but J ef'Ty Johnson, Stoul. ID!!..

Het1v)•welcht - Toby Acker• man. V.'hltewater, be1t C r e IC MattlM>n, La 0-0.U, 1i..1.

More On Environment

Tonlah1 st 6 :JO in the Mar,, qut'lte Room ot the Unh·enlty

.Cenler another meet!ns will be hekl to dbcuu plffll for the EnvlronmenU.I Teach-In 11!'1 lo r April 22, and other d11ya In April .

Plans arc btlnz made 1(1 ln­voh·t- the commwdty as much as poasible on dars other 1h11n A1Hil 22 10 make ptaple mol"t' aware of !he many problems rla:hl he'l"t' in Ste,·ens Point. NI)'

• 1tudents who are lnterntffl In hc-lplng w11h the pro}N:ts and lheteaeh-lnltseltareuraf'dto Stl!"nd the mtttlnc•.

It this la lmpoulble. pleaae conlacl lht heads of various oommlntt1 lhat have been rormed 10 ott-er your help.

1'1C' commlttt'H and t h , I r hl'ad1 111"t": puhllcl1y - Nancy King, 2148 Stanley SI. - 341· 31116: eampu, Involvement -Dale l..rui;, U-1 Baldwin Hall. ext. 281: 0,mmw,Jty Involve­ment - Paul Smith - 3.U-472'l: Format - Tony Pudlo, 2257 Oark St., and l'lelp1ne wilh, public oplnkln poll contact Cr-chore - 1650 Cark St., JU-


It w., omerved that lhe Jlv· lnic oommunllle• could bt' di· vldcdlntolhreeaeni.'ralgroupa, based on their functlonl : the • 1Joroducen, eonaumen, and dt­c:om~n. Th e prodUCf'rt lplanllJ draw enerv from the 1un and IUf It Into a chemlcal lorm Iha! csn bt uaed by con-1umen Canlm'.alsJ. When p&anu and animals die, their bodies art b~en dO\IITI and l"t'tUmed to the soil by the deeomJ)O!llnll: ora:•n· llnu. bolh pl1111t and anlma l, whlchtpeclallu In th is aetlv lty.

Delore we e1n continue ltl delve Into the complexl lk'I nl ecoay1ttnu, wt have 11>' muter a few mol"t' ecok>clcal ternu. nn1 of all, the eooloe:i.t u1-u1lly n:-.fen lo the Uvlna: part ul an ecosyaiem a1 the "biotic" .(llvln.c) community, and callt the non-living l"t'm1lnder "s~ lie." He separatt-1 the blotle

' community Into two lun<!lon:d entllies. the "'auwtrophs,"sncl the"htterotrophs."

The autotrophlc (,t-\f-feedln,tl ora:11nllms are plnnU-lhe ··~ ducera" mentkined abo\·e. They al"t'capableotproducll'l,K lhelr ov.-n food directly lrom abk>tle mvironmental m111erials anit 1unUchL The heterutrophlc .tother-fttdinrl orcanl1ma are ,nlmal eonsumus and decom-­pc,ur1, and non-grttn plnnu, which cannol erott their au.n lood. Baaed on !his division, thl: blotlc community ol any ee& 1ysU!-m un be af'Tantr:ed Into 1rophle level,. dependlni: on the sources of food of !he v:ulot11 =~1

~• ! 1 ~:

1 r~r1:\ro1:J.fc '"'"I, hcrblVON'•. which e11t only

planu, art" on the s.econd, pre­dators which ll\'e on !he hcrbl· wrt'I ue on the th ird troslhlc k>\"el. and 10 on.

Thl1 genus! scheme-the di· vlllonofllvlnglhlnplnlo1utu-1rophl and heterotrophs, and th..­further arnngement of them on trnphlc IC!vels wllhln !he ~ ,y1teffl-appllet. to all e«111)"5-lemt. Of course. the 111CCIU in­volved will ehance II we 11udy various ecosys tems. but thf 1tructure will not .

Last week "'"' noted !hat whll,e tha various ehc-mlcaJ t-ltmenW and campounds of which lhc blu­tk oommunlly It made are In· vol\·C'd In a 1low cycllnc throua:h the ~tern .. the flow of en· ttlY through 11 don not eyel.?. Enel"IC)' t-nltrl the 1ys tern throuch the planu. and Is uaed

Thua II 1000 calorie, ol aolor enerv 1trlkt an area where plants an! crottoina, - un e!l· 1,ect 1bout 10 caklf"le1 ot net 1ilan1 product lon-lOl, r entrtrf I~ by the plant.. and avallablt to consumer•. 'llle llnl•ltvtl eon1uml'n llvtna on !he pl,nu, !lit they eau."S, mice, o r 11:rau­hoppen , wlll""'lnd up with about l caklrie of lhe orli:ln1I 1000 ln­corporaled In their bOdlet, and a prtdatorllvlna:onthtmwould )'It-kl only .l c11of-le.

Sowe ean lee 1hsl a1 wt 15-Cf!nd trophic lev•ls, tht ,mount ot food n1Uablt IO I potential consumer fs ll1 ofl rapid ly, F'or lhls r eason. fourth trophic ltv· els1renl"t'. ·

Trophic 1e~·l!l1 ind the energy loues bt'tween !hem hav, eon· 1lder11ble lmportanu 10 man . Uke any other 11nlm11I. he de-1iend.!lontheproducen1for l~ . Evt:n the fflOl l 10phl1tlcaltd •I· rlculturaltechnlquesar11balf'ol nn that dependen<:e. Indeed. •K· rlculture I• 1lmply a means Ill ··mu5-producln,:" producers for human consumplion. The dlf· lerentt belwttn !he food-cather· Inc 1borlglne nnd the 20th cen­tury 1elen1lllc farmer l111lght, from an energy-flow point of view. Both primitive s nd mod· tm msn ean rteover only I per cent of lhc orlg!nal 10l11 r en-~ ergy when they harve11 • crop.

Bui man I• not only, hcrbl·• vore. lie a lso entt meat. wht11 he ean, nnd thtl"t'fon eal1U lllll both the KCOnd and third tro­J'll,lr ltvt-11. Whethe r or nol II

. IOClety can make nit'al an Im· portant part of Its diet depends t-ntll"t'\yon whftMrornot It can a fford 1hP added fflt'l'IY lotl whleh resulu 1rom the extra 1ro-1lhlc le..,.1.

Bc,ef callle yltld only ,I per centofthelOlarenergylhatfell on !heir fora11e, American, can

:~:! :}!.;ttf!l:7:po::;:'. 1lon 1ncre11es. the demand for food of ony kind wlll lncrea9. 'llle market 'prke of meat. al· ready hl11:h. will continue to riu until only lht wealtby wlll be •bit' IO buy II. I nd Amerle:aru will join the ranks of the fUII· lime o«upnnU of the IN:Ofld trophk ie,-el.

Thi, Is only one of the many wa~ In which eeoloclcal real­ltle1 affect msn. Next week we'll break the eC!Olylll m con­tt1)t dov.-n a JUUe farther. and try to ""~ whal a truly eco\o-1:lcal man would be


130S Stron91 A,.,e,





FORTH AND PRESS CHARGES IN CIVIL JOURT. {A . small group af faculty will wark to aid any such

administrator faculty, or Dept. head in complete privaq,

this is intended ta be a legal actfoi, which is ta be handled

through ~e Office af the District Attorney,) . ("\,

The time has -arrived ot which the faculty Ond adminis-

trators themselvH must protect each other fram misuse by

co-eds, We can no longer knowingly allow the continuation

of this conduct unbecamig public studenh. ·

We are fully aware of a history "* · off, nses which haYe dominated the · subsurface of this Uni.-ersity. It is our ·belief

thot anly the faculty, administration, and Dept. heads Ore

truly concerned with the human -implications af tl,is conduct.

We are not concerned with any image af the Uninrsity or

ih •i:nplayHs, but with applying Judice, ond saving ~ny

faculty member fram being coerced inta sexual activity by a

co--ed wha can threaten 1by ony number of mea.111 which ore . . ot her disposo.l as a re,:,~ of her poiition.

Only the faculty haH the concern and .power to pro.

tect themNIYH, this i,_ your op~rtunity ta IOVe future·

foculty from ·auch coercement.

Please Contact



Page 8: Wisconsin State Stevens Point j THE POINTER · Allen Center from a.u • slon ls 50 cenls and the total fundl ralHd will be amounccd at thls Ume . Also on Sunday the proprietors ot

Poge 8

u·nlucky '13' Fatal To Buckets Brigade

There Uri' 11 lot of peoplr who arc ,u1K'nhtiuw: 11buut the riu.mbcrll. llbasketballcoaeh Uoh Kr~1wr w:1sn 't leary of lhls number bl-fore lhe ,tan of the just ,:ompll'IOO IK"10 ,on. there Is a &uod chance he b -Thln~n Jumpl'd out • I the Puinlcn On !WO OCCll! ionl lhii1 y1:ar nntl pbyC'd 11 n lm110nnnt 10Jelnh11ltllll,:"hnlcouldht1\'e b..-cn 11 linl' scaaon but huilrad wa!i jusl mc,cUocre.

Alh:r l hlY<"-fourth, of the ~ lwdul(' WM com11lrtcd t h e Polnu•r, had nn O\'Crli ll record ot 13-S 1md 10-2 In the Wiscon­s in S111te Unh•enlty O>nlertncl.'. Thi1 pul lhi'm only on.: giuoc OUI of first behind ('\'i.'O\Ual win­n,•r l::nu Onlrc ond .... uh a rl'-1urn match al hllme wilh lhc Blui;olds Uic)' h:1d u chance tu • hart' ti)(' 11tlc !or Ult' 1N:Und )l"ar In o row.

But 1h11 was not to be the t,,tl'ofthc P<1lnter1. lk' f~thc Pulnte1 .. had thrlr chance to tic tau Ch,lre in !I)(' ,1[111dlni:• th..')' had l'"C'.agcmcnt1 with both Plattc,·llll', !he lt':lm which l"ilrllC'r had lnflh:tcd one ol the confon.•ncc I05$C's on the Poml­,•rs, nnd 111 0$hkosh.

F1n1 thl' Polntrrs "''rrt! to ~tumble 11111lns1 Pl:111e,ille for lhc stt0ntl lilr ro lgl1t lime and th.> r"rord i!ood ti! 13.i and 10.l and then 11 1; .,ln., 1 Oshkosh The rc-cord was n<M' 13-7 and 10-&. Tht•n c:ime "hut was sup­posed to b(' the game f<.>r the cham1lion!lhlpol 1h, confenoncc and 11gain the Point~• could not chmb uv,•r thl' llomark In number of wins. 11lC record tlwn l't'ad 13-8 and 10.5,

De!!;plte lolling Its IH I fl Y(' ~"ml"I ., 1hr loogn t s u e h s treak In heller than 20 y,ars, the Polt11rrs n.•cri,·etl II bld lo play In llw NA.IA Dlilrlct 14 1,lll)'Off for the right to rcpre­Knt the Stale of WilCOI\Slr. In the natk>nal toumamcnt at Kan­sas City. This 1tlecllon wu made at1;:r the Plaltl'\'\Ue game and Wllll based on thc Corr Rut­Ing St-r..,kc from Nash,·illl', Tenn. It ratfd lhe Pointers lhird In the state ~hind Eau Oaire and Stout.

This mennt lha t the Pointers were 11olne to be playlne Stout , on two occasions in n matler otfi,·eday1,llith thefirsteamc

the llnnle In WSUC ,ctlon and the ,e«>nd ,neountcr •• the i,4.•mllin,,lsol tht'NA.IA loumt)',

Alttr s tnylnK on the hHk ol the Devils for lornlnutes, Stout pulll.'d away In the Una\ minutes to win the ttl{UIW' ~a­son llna l 1am,, 77-64, 1llt Pointers had the eonlldrnce th(!)' 1;:0Uld loP11le StO!.lt "'·h,n lhC' lwo met In the tournament ,.~.

1-·or tht' lint eight mlnu1es ol the playolt 1a~. the 1..w lt•a ms tradl"d 1>unchc1 and with the1corcat 11-llln ta,·orol thr Blue Dcvll1, the Pointers sud~nly went In a 1kld, Stout "l'nl ftom there to s.core 10 1tral&hl 1iolnts whill' Steven1 Puint w111 to stay camped at 1l on the kOl'eboon1. A llekl 1:oal thrco mlnukl latcr brought the Pointers within 12 11nd tha1 "'111 1he cloll'lt they wul' i;oln& to com, th(, ffft

' of the way a1 Stout blitzed Ill way to a 20,.po\nt win.

So for the se1111on the Point­era flnlsh(>d with a record of l l-10 owrnll 1,nd IQ.6 and 11 lie for third plact- with •Osh­kosh In tht- final WSUC stand· ln11. ,,

" We surr Mln)'«I o,, ll for n. long time," commentNI Krue­J:er on the return bus ride from Menornonlr a ftt' r the tourna. lll<'nt 1111ml', lie hnd monl ll In tilt' IIClndll\il. but a!IO 1;:0Uld ha\'l" meant the delay 111 l l In lhe Julll completed 1am,.

Prior to thl.' 1111rt of the "a. aon, t<ru,,tt fl'lt the Pointers 1ucceu would directly depend upun its ability lo hit from the llcld nt a bcUcr than 40 per Cl'nt clip, Titel r SUCC(!II this ll.1 ~t k B$00 did dc1li.'nd upon ho,.\· his Mjuad hi from the fk>or. •

When the Pointers conne,i:t('(! nt II belier !hon 40 per « nt cllp they ollen tlmtt " "'n with en«' and \\hen their 111.' rctnt• age sllppl'd under 40 1h,y had ! rouble. F0r lht' seoM>n they hit at a "5.5 mark and this 1ll11pf'd In lht' IHllCr 1 1 1111e1 "hllc they WCf'l' dropj>ln& their final li,•e ,:amn.

Fine oulSkie shoodnr c • n makC' up f<W se,·eral Olher deti• dent an.-u, but whC'n the bll.11 rcfuses drop In lhc ba1ket lr'Ou· ble Is just around the romer. And that wa1 the cue ol tht

Basketball Leaders For two and a half )'1.'ars Kl'n Jed the Poln1cn In scorln& on

Rltzent!ml, r has ylclded the Ofll' other occ111lon 77

::,~U~h~:;> ~~!rro~~~r ~:· :! n1aln1t PJ1111evUle. He alao wa5 finally gotten th(' recoenltion h<! 1h, lesdlni: rebound,r thrtt has dtsen·NI. limn. In additlon,to hls fine

Ba~a~.~~~~:c~~i: t: ~:'::!:ta 1:,a~f1on~ moct valuable player on the Ste. top scorer. · ''"" Point Stat, b111kttbal1 " W,'re rt!•IIY rolng to min tl'lm by a \/Ott' ol his team- K, IVly next l('ISOfl," said Point-malt's. 1llt Pointers finished ,r Hrad Coach Bob K'.ruC'e:er. 1h, y,ar with a U-10 overall ret'· " lie has done • tnmondous job ord and 10-6 ln the Wbconsln lor UI this ytar both ofrt'nsh·tly Stale Unl\·crslty Confercnrc. and defcn1~vt"ly,"

For th, sttuon Ken rank"'1 At the romplttM>n o! the J.965. third In IC'Oring \\ilh an &\'t'rag, , . 69 l('alOll, when tht PolnteN of H.l and lor th(, third stral&ht Uf'd for tM confe:renre till, and )'l'ar he ltd the WSUC In 5hool- complltd an owrall record o( Ina at'curacy wi th II nifty .~l 19-5, K, n and c,nttr Robb West-· mark. Thi• Wal jUJI short of the phal, were selrcttd co-captains le11e;uc record hr set h\'O yurs lt1r this )·car.

~:if~~~:. y,ar he hit on tolnt<:ndd~1:' :m\'I;~:~~~

In c:ont,f'l'nc, action he scored V1ndtn Hnwal and Wn1phal. a t a 16.6 clip 111 rank ninth iu~t len,n w,re awarded to Bob ahtad ol teammat, Quinn Van, llennlna, &-0 Junior from Wnt dtn Hcuvsl "''ho had a ll.9 and Allis Hal,: J erry Mallon, 5-10 brhlnd brotht'r T0m who WU junklr guard, trorn RJo: TUT)' third-With a 20.6 a\'1.'rag,. Amonson, 6-5 junkn- rt'nltt from

In t<,n·s h\'O and a halt ynrs Rhln,landtr: Russ Golom11d, of c0mpetltlon al Skvl'nS Point 6-1, aoJmrr'll)t'(' 1'1Jard l.rom ?olll· 1 (h, transf, rred lrom Whltt'Wa• wauktt: Jim Ollffl. G,-4.~. soph-tcr att,r his !l"l'Shman y,arJ , mort forw,ard from Sl.c"'1ll he has KOrNI 7"5 polnlS. Point Jacobi : and John Goc,d..

H, had a sea.son hl,:h ot 29 wtn. 6-4 Junior (orward lrom points •&•Inst RJ,~r Falls and St',!fiton Day.

The Shape to be in


Whenhcoll'lh tolha.peandd•tsill, Thom Mc:An'1 BELL


Polnt<'n. TI)(' Pointers 1,cked !ht depth

\\hlch'c:anil!d them toa rttOl"d breakln& year In 1968-69 with a 19-Sovernlt mark and a •hore 0 1 lhe WSVC crown with 11 14-2 mflrk. 'lllt 1!11rtlng llve of Ktn and Tom R11-unthaltt al tht lorNardl. R.obb Wt1tphal a t thc center spot aM QulM Vandcn lleu1•el and Bob lknnlng In the l,nckrourt a lmo.t cicclu1lvely 11layt'd a ll the w11y in 111 23 111mts, •

Thlll deJ)t'ndence upon 1hls live took Ill toll In tht !bull Wt"ck1 ol the lt'a'On and mOn! than anythlna could uplnln the l'uinlers abrupt tum around.

' " You nttd a brnch to "'·In In thlll a11me," 1a ld KNt'fler. " TIiis was ont or the bli dlf· h.•renc~ this )'e11.r over ICllt ." t...a.1t lol'QOn a tota.1 of ,li;ht plet)'l'r'S saw arllon In 20 or more eamN, "Ulll yH r \\htn either Tom or ~n tRlfumtha· lcrl wcrr ha.vlna a bad nl1tht we t:<>Uld brlnK In Palmer C.,e,. menll and he 11\ways 1ttm«l 10 gel the ,.pb dQne."

Whllc t~ Polntcr1 were not 1mullucra.11 thelrontll~whh both Rltzcnlhalers at 6-4 and Wnlphill ut &-6, by no mc;1111 IO'tte they consjdcr«I bla, 'llw lul'k o• a domlnN"rlng r('boulld· er hurt the Poinlcrs imme111ur­ullly a1:aln1t t::au Ou.Ir, and Stout In the Inst three gllffll'I ,

II \\'US lhe Dlugo\lU' and mu, Devll.J' control ol the b • c k­bou,b which led tu 1M Pulnl­enf 00\\'fllall. lbey wer, out l.ourdcd 69-ll Eau Oalre and 36-30 !ind 47,36 at Sloul. Whll, controlllni: Iha rc-

-"'b:>undint picture both teams l!Ollld run ag11lnit the Pointers and 1pe,ed thn,ua:hout Its llnr­u1" " 'OS dcflnl tl'ly not one ol Sk •'l'ni Point', char11ctCrbtlcs.

For the KcOnd ,trul&:hl yt"iar Tum Ritunlhaler led lhe Point· rrs In scoring. This )'ear he amassed 460 points for an e\·cn 2Q..1)(Jlnt a\•crage, This total ur ~W was just 14 short of the wll-llmr 1UIE;lc ,ealiOll mark of H4 hcld by Mike Huihl"I t"·o )'ear• ago. Tom came close to br,11klnc"vcralofMlke'1oth­cr sconn& reeonls. Tom ut· tern111.ed 395 lll'ld .,"Ollls with


rd a t 399 and lhc con­on 186 with the rttoni

I A jw,ior frum Daraboo, Tom

h~ 11111 another year of pha)·in..: tlm, left. In his first lhtt1! It'll· sons he hq scottd a total 111 9113 points to curttnUy r ank •lxth behind Jim M.arko \\'hu

_)~!!:'i ~t~eudt1:. LuTV:: MOuld bre11k th ls mark 10me. time tov,ard the rnlddl, of next year barring Injury.

Second 1n lndh'idual 1corine 'WIii Vnnden lleu,·, 1 wl lh an U\'l'rllge ol 15.9 and a total of 36$, This 1~11.1 ranks him 10th on the sincle "aM>n all,tlme chart. Vandffl H,u\•el. v;ho earned all-WSUC and all•NAlA Diltrlc t 14 honors Jut yt-ar 1ho\\·cd sl&ns of tu, year·, lonn· a t timr1 this uaM>n.

Three other Pointer starters also linWll.'d lhe year In double fliu~. KC' n Rlt11:c nthalcr wBI just behind Vanden Heu,·el with 328 points and a 14.l avuaa:e. HeMlng wu at U .4 and led the squad In field p l ICCUf• a<.'y with a blistl'rine .547 mark. Atalnst St. Mary's early In the atalOn he connectNI on nine Hraleht ,hota for a school rec• ord. Wntphal WU the ltadina: reboundtr .. ith 194 retrieve• and had a 10,7 ICOrina; av,rae,.

Thlnp wlll be no easi,r for the Polnt,rs Mxt season u ltOfl(' from this )'('ar'1 f'Oltt'r wlll be c:o.captalns Kf'II Rltzerl­thal,r and Wn111hal. 'l'bty both will be dlfflcull to replace.



Pointer 1wlmmln1 team and gymnullcs tt'lm both head Into ronf,rtnce tournam,nl ac:'tlon thla w"'Mnd, Swtmme.-., 10 to Whitewater and !he umnuu 10 Pl.attevlUe, ·

Lall y,ar Coach Blair'• awlmmel'9 llnlahtd acond to La Croue and the IIC'l'ne rould be duplicated thla yH-r u both tHJ'IU have once •&•In dominated the conf,rence.

Th, aymnuu a re looklna for a third place flnlah and fla:ure on louah competi tion from Eau Clai re a nd Oahkoe.h. The tffffl'I 1plriu w,re lifted thla Wffk w1th !he return of top l)'fMUt

Cary Schnelder. * *• \ * The llad11,r track team won th,lr fourth Bis Ten Indoor Ulle ~:~=~:/ l~t ~~n!,r!ur::g~~:!fn.Ji:~n;.n~~-:!

1nbbed two other flrsu. Sophomon! Pat Mal2dorf aet one of 111nn records with a 7

toot leap In the high Jump. Triple Jumper Mike Bond also aet • record wllh a leap of 48 fff l 5'n Inches and Winzenried 1et the 01h,r recoJd In 1he hall mile w1th , time 1:49.9. . . .

Marqu,tte playa !he Un1veralty o! Muaachuaetu In the nrat aam, of the NIT tournament In New York Saty.rday. Top blU· Ina went to Pett Man.vlch and LSU when tMy recelvtd the 1arne that will be na tiona lly te levlaed. The Warrlor1, 22.,l, • ~ the only na tionally ranked tum In the tournament tle ld.

Platteville · Nips S.P. Gymnasts

Any iD'mna11lcs m,et which is dctt-rmlned by a dllfer,nce In points of leu than !Iv, 11 consldcrNI a cio., match and "hen the dlflen!nc, 11 Jes, than a point It 11 n rM!Ar standoff.

Sli turday f'latte:vm~ detHIC'd SIC\'ens Point Stitt', 116.05-lll.4. In a du11 I m"t here. I t was the final dual competlt i:>11 ot 1he sc11son lor both achoolJ with the Wisconsin State University Cullen-nee champloMhlp, at Plune,·lill' the nl'ICI activity lor bolh.

Plot"vlllr'1 Mike Edwards, lhc confl'rcncq defending chumplon on !ht hleh bu r, soor­td an 1.0 as the llnal com•

: :::.: o~~C:e ~1:cr a1ena:

of h .... 1han a. point eolng Into ,helln11l e1·1i'nl .

In addUlon to his llrs t In lhe hl,:h bar, Edward1 alJo wu first In !he all-around competl· t i<'ln with AA uctllent seon- of 4-1 .0, H, WSI M!COnd In nll• nround a t the WSUC mttt lall t J('Kl:irl ,

S:uuNhiy'1 mttl marked the n.-1um of 1 11-around J)('rfonn,r Cary Schneidt'r to COmf)('l ltlon for !ht PointtN. Th, Br'OI\TI DeC'rsenlorhurt h\snnkJ .. tn

a lall from tM parallel bars = U~~~:~.:~ WH hekl

H, won two ot the , 1lx lndl• vldual C'\'ents with a atUOO hl&h of S.9 on the sld, horse and an 1,4 on the k>na horse, The Olher Pointer first w a 1 t1ktn by Paul Df' Chant on

,the parall, I bars with a season high ol 1.0,

Dtehant, a Thltl\lvllle junior , W1lS the Polnt,rs' top a lharound man with• 1c:ore of 39.S.S. Th.I• \\'II al10 a 1C610n hleh. Ht­wu third and Schneld,r wns fourth,

'l'bt only ate:>nd by a Pointer W.11 llfkffi by Larry De Pont In the high bar c:ompetltkN'I. Thlrdl \\'ere won by Schnekt,r In Ire, ,x,rclk, t.Ukc C"Hey on the side honlt, De Chant on the still r\np and Stt've KoHter a tie for the third spot on !he parall,I ban.

La Crota" and Stout will un• doubttdJy tak, the ll rst I w n placts In the conf,l"tnee meet

~~~in, ~:ir :~.ln~rih =~ der'1 rt! lum the Pointers should ht rlfht In the thick nf the cnmpttltlon.

Pointers Eighth On Cinders

MANKATO, MIM. - The S\l'v,n1 Point Stall' trick team took only a handful of runntrs 111 the Soulhwnt MinnHota 'l',ijk. Relay1 II Mankato Sat• urda but the Polnttrs madl' their prtll'n« known.

four - lap r,lay of Jerry Pl,rlng, Tom Lubner. Rlln WhiU and Tom McKay placed second. P1,rlne1ota11xth lnlhe7o. yard low hurdles, Whitt o sec· ond In the 176-yard dash and

, miler P11ul H11111w11 sixth.

Clinton remarked th11t Whlll had the alxlh Jant , which IJ coo­sldertd 1he .,.,'Orsi of thr lb: and '"with any luck of lhe draw could have ,ully won !ht 176-yard dash." .

The Polnttn u a (('am acorN 11 points for elehth place, whll, lht' mttt waa won by ManluilO wtth 58 1llt bnl perlormance by a Wilcon,, sin school was I lourth by La Crosse with 24 points.

jl)(' Polnte:rs 1alned anothtt Indoor mctt _ov,r the v.'ffkend. Tht'y will Lravel to Cartha1, ~,~~ha for a mtct

Morch 12, 1970

S. P. Watermen Break Records ·

A total of tour n!oord1 fell . hen Saturday In the doubi, dual swlmmlna; mett belwttn s i,vens ll'()(nt State, Plattevlllt' and RIYer Falll and lhe Point­ers w,re rnponslble for lhrff of them.

John Tt:ppt r broke the 100. yard bacUtrok, mark, Maril: Kallla.llk 1hallered the one-met· u dlvin1 r«ord and BIii Meh-1enbtck addfd the 100.yard frttSl)'lfl mark to h\1 11st ol accomp119hm, nt1 !his "uon. 1llt lourth rtoord w11 broken by Dan Ollllns of River •·~111 lnthel,O(IQ.yardfrees1ykr.

With !he thrtt 1Undoul pt:r• formancff by Coach Lynn "Red" Blalr'1 swlmm,n the Pointers puahcd their dual mttl record to 1-3 with an 17-11-, win 'ovt-r Plsttevlll, and • n-32 ~ que,t ol River Falls. n., Point· , ... will MXt - acUon In the Wisconsin State Unlvcrstty Con· 1,rtnce ch11mploMhl1• at Whlte­watt-r 1tartlrljl: F'riday and OOln' dl.ldlne S11urday.

TI)II! reeordt ,t11rtcd IO fall In the llrst event - the 400-yard ,nt'dlt'yrtl1y. T,pper,a10~ more from Grttnl"ld, swam 1he baclui troke let Ind came home In • record tlm,ol :59.1. Thi• qualified him for lhe na· 1lon1ls at La' March 19-21. He also won the 200,yard backstrokew!lhatlm,ot2 :U .2 ...-hlch a lso qualllifd him for lM na1tonals, The Pointers won th, mt'dley re lay w\lh a tlm, ol 4:02.5. TIM! other 1wlmmers w,re Al Kolchman, Mill Me­NC'er and Bob Maas.s.

M,hltnbttk, who tarllt-r In the )'t'ar had aet reoords In the SO.y11rd lrff'ltyle , thl1 tlm, broke the 100.yard ffe.l's1ylc um, with 1 :30.4. He hu bttn beaten only once In lndlvkh.131 c:ompe1ltton thlJ Yur and that wa1 on I Jud1e:·1 d«lslon. Ht: h111 th, be• t tlm, In the c:oo­lcrcnce In both !he 50 and 100-yard trentJ, le.

Kausallk, a Kmo.ha Tremper aophomotC', pul on a l'lt'ar llaw­leH perlormancc In 1he dlvlni: with a 10 111 1 of 241,'B. H, was lhlrd In the- c:onl,rttlct mttl las! year and he has apparent•

lyre1111Md that form .

While Colllns, a llandout ~ r lom1,r In anyooeof lour orflvt , ven11, wu tlolely lollow'1/ liJ 1he finish llne In 1,000 • )'Srd lrtt11yJ, by tM Polnt, u · n,u Schutten. O>IJlns cameo thmuch with 1n 11 :01.1. whllt Sthu11"' h11d • 1.1 :17.5, the fas ttt t 111111,1, :;,,for theCrccnllt'ld 110pll>'l-

Other flrsll •1a ln.s1 Rl~t, Fall.I v,'<'re wm by Mt hit'nbN:k In lhe SO.yard trtt1tyle wlt11a dm,of :22.7, Maau In U1e200, yard lndlYldu,I medley "' J111 • dme of 2 :19.4.- AI Kotc:hm1n i,, the 200-yard lH"HSUlrokt .,, ,,h a time ol 2 :29.6 and !ht 41)).

yard lrffsty le r,lay-t,Qm or McNeer, Mehlenbttk, Srhuurn and Jdl Pa.rel.I .

In addition lo ·the ab>\·, ~ tloned firsts •ealnst Rlvt"r Fill, the Pointers SWt'pl l2 ol lhe U evenu a111ln11 an ou1m11nr1Nt Plauevllle. Pll11tevlll, lwo),m •a:o and for lhre, years 1•tt1r, lowlly dominated tM swl.mmlni( 1Wcture ln the WSUC. but h1w lliJijlt'd lilt pul IWO sesson,

7lie Olher w\Mt'rs IIN' Steven, .Point a1aln11 Platt,vll)(' \\' tt

· Schutt,n In lhe 1,000, P11, 11 In 1he 200-yard freettyle , a n rt Dou& Even In 1he SOO.yard free11yle.

Conference Meet MADISON - E1Cht lhd lVi

dual champlona w111 dtl,nd tltlel Friday and Saturdsy when · Whltewat,r hosts tht ~=::~~ !~ml~,"1~'.I )'

La. CfOI.H la defendinr ttam champion, A mo n g lndls111 competlnc this wtekt>nd wilt be Bruce Bowlet, who won tht ?i()and 100.yard freestyle raCft In 1969, and 200 and 400 ln, dlvldual mtdley kine Dll'f Lilly,

Riv,r Falla hu thrN 1969 ehamplona beck - Dan Collin. In the 500 frHSlyle, Da.\' I! Chin nock In the 100 and 200 back, 1tn;,ke, and Dave P,ntlt'Off In the 100 and 200 bn!utstroke.

GREEN DERBY HATS for St. Patrick's Day



~ . s,·x$249 ~ -Y.i, cplors

HUNTERS' COR R 'lllerelayt,am,theumeont ll'hlch holds the.> school record In the <1.4().yard s11rlnl ,vf'III, c11me 1111 with a I :H flat with Ht'h runner runnlna; 176 yards. 'lllty 1,,~n- SttOnd brhlnd Ham· lint University of Mlnnelota.

Pk-rln1, who hokll the school rt<Ord In the outdoor highs, milk It throueh the pr,llmlnary round ot both 'the hli:-hs and ~ Saturday, but WU knock· td off In the semi • flnal com­PtlltkN'l ln the hlgha.

Finest in Live Entertainment

" J erry 1111111 not In the bnt • of Iha pc, .. said aulstant Coach

Larry OlnlCn. "He had IO run lll"f' limlnaries In both hurdle ,Vt'nlS plus the relay and hr w11 runnln& all day."


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