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    What's Eating Silicon Valley

    This article originally appeared in Quartz

    Like most people, I look up to and admire the heroes of Silicon Valley (the real

    ones, not the ones from the TV show). Theyve given rise to services (e.g., Google,

    Facebook, Uber, LinkedIn, Airbnb) that we use every day and make the world a

    better place. Theyve created value, wealth, and opportunity at unprecedented

    historic levels.

    Ive also had the chance to meet some of the leading CEOs and entrepreneurs of

    the Valley and they are, by and large, good-natured, brilliant, and thoughtful

    people. Theyre earnest and committed to building positive things. Some of them

    are donors to my organization, for which Im immensely grateful. Its clear that

    Silicon Valley is today more than ever the center of innovation and technological


    That said, there are a few things about it that are starting to make me nervous.


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    to rejoin the real world. A successful entrepreneur told me he fantasizes about

    that his money would effectively triple as soon as he left. Another successful

    entrepreneur who moved to San Francisco said he felt like just another cow in

    the pen, and that he enjoyed spending time in other parts of the country because

    it made him feel more like he was making a difference.

    What are these people talking about? What are the things that are starting to

    freak people out about Silicon Valley? There are a few themes that come up again

    and again:

    The epicenter of wealth and young money

    There are a lot of young people, generally from very good colleges, making more

    money than most people will ever see. These are summer college interns

    (non-engineers) who are being paid $7,000+ a month and getting perks like free

    flights home to visit on weekends. Bidding wars and five and six-digit signing

    bonuses are being paid out for freshly minted engineering grads, particularly

    from Stanford. Average salaries are now close to $200,000 in the Valley, to say

    nothing of the upside of equity-based compensation, which can be dramatically


    All of the above makes business senseId offer the same thing to a young person

    whom I thought could potentially be a difference-maker. But its a lot relatively

    early in peoples careers.


    Technology companies tend to operate in winner-take-all spaces and thus adopt a

    very high-commitment culture. That is, if there are 10 or 100 mapping apps or

    social networks, the one company left standing is worth billions, and the rest are

    worth a very small fraction of that (probably only what people will pay for thetalent on hand). As a result, the organizations are ultra-efficient and expect long

    hours and constant availability. Its either win or lose big for a lot of companies,

    and theres not much in-between.

    Hard work is awesome. But when you see an army of people staring at their

    computer screens in the evening post-dinnertime, its a little eerie.

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    companies are now on the hunt for talent like never before, building massive

    recruitment pipelines to hoover up top prospects and engineers. Google recruits

    the heck out of Stanford, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, MIT, and other top schools

    offering six-figures to start, plus bonuses. Facebook sponsors hackathons at thetop schools, stays in touch with professors, and invests tons of resources in order

    to be the most visible and obvious employer.

    Dont think that the smart kids havent noticedthe proportion of Stanford

    students majoring in the Humanities has plummeted from over 20% to only 7%

    this past year, prompting wails among History and English professors whose

    classes no longer have students. One administrator joked to me that Stanford is

    now the Stanford Institute of Technology. In 2014, more Harvard Business School

    Grads went into technology than into banking for the first time since the dot-com


    Again, Id do the same thing. But is this the optimal assignment of our best and

    brightest? And is it a good thing that one of our nations top universities seems to

    be going vocational?

    Insular culture/Not awesome at diversity

    The corporate campuses and workplace amenities of Apple, Google, Facebook,

    etc. are legendary. Theyre insider tourist attractions. For the average employee,

    you wake up and drive from a leafy suburb to a grounded spaceship. You stay

    there and eat the subsidized gourmet dinner with someone whos a lot like you.

    Or maybe you take the dark-windowed company bus from San Francisco and tap

    out emails with headphones on. Even smaller companies are competing on rock

    climbing walls and ping-pong tables.

    This way of life doesnt generally expose you to people who are living differentways of life. And the people on the bus and spaceship arent representative of

    most of society based on gender or race or education or age. Silicon Valley is a

    bubble doesnt refer to valuations or moneyit refers to the fact that you live in a


    Crazy high cost of living

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    Area right now. Modest houses for well over a million dollars. Little apartments

    home in Santa Clara county sold for $1.25 million in August of 2015, up 9% from

    last year. How is a teacher or just about any regular person going to live there?

    Even if you can afford to live in a neighborhood, the elevated costs make it easy tocompare yourself to others and say, Well, sure Im richer than anyone I grew up

    with, but Im not that rich, because look at that guy I work with or went to school

    with or who lives down the block. That guys really rich. Its not an environment

    of plenty, but one of keeping up with the Joneses.

    These are some of the things that are making people uncomfortable both in and

    about the Valley. None of these issues are anyones fault. Its just the market at

    workthe capital market, the market for talent, the real estate market.

    It reminds me a fair amount of Wall Street. Wall Streets public image took a hit

    post-financial crisis in part because they were bailed out by the government, in

    part because they contributed to the crisis, and in part because they dont produce

    tangible goods and services (no one got as mad at Chrysler, for example).

    But another reason Wall Street had trouble maintaining goodwill was because of

    some of the attributes abovehard-charging, too much too soon, parallel reality,

    money flowing everywhere, rich white guys, etc. To use a sports metaphor, its like

    the Yankees or Duke University or the Patriotsthey start getting hard to root

    for, unless theyre your home team.

    Solve the big problems

    Perhaps the biggest critique of Silicon Valley comes from a technologist quoted in

    Vanity Fairs recent article by Nick BiltonSF tech culture is focused on solving

    one problem: What is my mother no longer doing for me?

    Getting a car on demand, finding something online, business productivity tools,connecting with peoplethese are solutions that the market demands and

    rewards. They make money. Silicon Valley is like Wall Street in that it will fill and

    pursue market opportunities to their logical extremes.

    If theres one way that Silicon Valley can lead and distance itself from critiques of

    insularity and out-of-touchness, its to tackle the big, thorny, difficult problems

    that would improve the state of the world. Problems that are messy, protracted,

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    market. They affect rich and poor alike. They touch flawed systems. Theyre less

    proud? They require you to do more than cut a check, and instead hunker down

    and grind away for years.

    What problems do I mean? Here are a few that come to mind that would giveSilicon Valley the moral leadership to match its economic and intellectual might:


    We all know that California is stuck in a multi-year drought. Its the great

    equalizer. The Bay Area has been hit less hard by water rationing than Southern

    California, but the dry spell is finally starting to impact peoples ability to water

    their lawns and take out the Slip N Slide, not to mention its influence on the epic

    wildfires that are destroying homes all over the state.

    Imagine if the resources of Silicon Valley were to tackle this challenge. How about

    building a water pipeline from Canada to northern California? Megascale

    desalination, Israeli-style? Large-scale conservation technologies? If theres

    something that would get everyone in California declaring companies as heroes

    its this. Water is free in California, but not reallyso be the water bringer.


    One CEO commented that it took him about an hour to make a 15-mile commute

    in the morning to Palo Alto. I found myself shaking my head at the thought of all

    of these millionaires inching along in standstill traffic twice a day, even those that

    did their best to engineer a short commute. While some of their Teslas can drive

    themselves so the driver can send emails and whatnot, commute length is the

    single biggest determinant of day-to-day happiness according to psychologists.

    What use is being a mega-baller if youre stuck in traffic every day?

    I know, Google self-driving cars will go mainstream by 2030 and greatly reduce

    traffic (and potentially eliminate hundreds of thousands of driving jobs). In the

    meantime, how about dynamic tolling? Staggered commute times? Jetpacks? A

    public-private partnership to add four lanes to widen Route 101? Again, whoever

    did this would be a hero, and could probably name the new lanes after their


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    is rising, and were heading toward a country where the non-white majority in

    2043 will have lower levels of income, wealth, education, physical freedom, and

    political participation than the white minority. Thats the country kids are

    growing into.

    Technology companies are starting to focus on getting more diversity in their own

    organizations, which is a great place to start. But theres much more that can be


    Take the current controversy over policing. Youre telling me that the best

    non-lethal weapon we can give an officer in 2016 is a Taser with a range of 25 feet

    that was developed back in 1974? Or that I can have a video camera on my phone

    but we cant stick one on every badge?

    Is there really no better system than to rely on overworked guidance counselors

    and standardized testing at age 16 to identify talented minorities in inner cities?

    Technologists could do a lot to lead in the right direction.


    National SAT scores are at their lowest points in a decade. Online education is

    ubiquitous, yet we dont seem to be getting any smarter. If anything, its kind of

    the opposite. We have decades of research on effective education that isnt being

    implemented nationwide. Meanwhile, we plow millions of kids through a factory

    system that was designed in the agrarian era.

    I love Altschool, Minerva Project, and the Khan Academy, but were still just

    scratching the surface of both the opportunity and the need around the country.

    So many people want this, its unreal. Theres even money in this onethe USspends $621 billion on public education, with uneven results.

    Is filling out bubbles with a pencil on a test designed in 1901 still the best we can

    do to measure human potential?

    Im optimistic because this generation of techies is starting to have kids. Nothing

    motivates you to figure out whats going on with a system more than when your

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    When technologists interact with government, they tend to focus either on things

    that are good for their business interests (immigration, internet access) or

    libertarianism (stay out of the way). Otherwise, money gets lost in a maze. Its aswamp, another world. The operating system of the government is out-of-date

    and needs an updateonly its not capable of updating itself.

    Dont let the system scare you off. Look at Lawrence Lessighes a law professor

    whos trying to get money out of politics and crowdfunded $11 million dollars to

    do it. Thats how much Google spent on lobbying last year.

    Or Jen Pahlka and Code for America, which sends coders and designers to save

    cities money by showing them what a lean, talented team can do.

    Or Megan Smith who left Google to become CTO of the US, along with the wave o

    heroes who moved to Washington DC to save

    Its still your country. Dont give up on it.

    Unsexy entrepreneurship

    For Silicon Valley denizens, this is the golden age of entrepreneurship. But if you

    look across the country, entrepreneurship is at a 24-year low and most young

    people are not starting businesses, online or otherwise. Theyre looking for jobs in

    Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Cleveland, St. Louis, Providence, Cincinnati,

    San Antonio, upstate New York, and wherever else to pay back loans and maybe

    start a family.

    Entrepreneurship in these other cities looks quite different than it does in the

    Valley. Its unsexy and gritty, measured in credit card debt rather than VCmeetings, by getting customers instead of visitors or users, by changing the

    neighborhood instead of changing the world. Companies are started not with a

    desire to be huge, but because theres a problem to be solved.

    These entrepreneurs look up to the people in the Valley for inspiration. You

    wouldnt believe how big a difference it would make to have tech rockstars spend

    time in these cities and commit to making them better. It would make these

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    Written by

    choose just about anything under the sun that you felt strongly about, as long as it

    came from a good place.

    When I ran a company, I didnt have time for much else. I thought that the workthat I was doing represented the most profound impact and good I could make in

    the world. I was focused. I wanted to be rich. If someone asked me for help I

    would make a small contribution, but I felt my greatest contribution was my day


    After we got acquired, I thought about joining or starting another company.

    Instead I wound up founding a non-profit to make entrepreneurship more

    accessible and distributed throughout the US.

    That decision has driven the last five years. Its been a struggle and a massive

    education. The markets fuzzier. Nothing is as clean as you want it to be. The

    humanity of it can be overwhelming.

    But underlying the humanity is the conviction that the problem youre addressing

    is worth solving. It challenges you in ways similar to having a childyou grow up

    or you quit, only quitting would make you a loser.

    Heres the plea to Silicon Valley: were worried youre losing your soul. Please

    take on challenges that are worthy of you, that demand your heart, reputation,

    treasure, commitment, conviction, and valuesnot just what the markets asking

    of you. Youre the builders of this era. Its not enough. We need you to lead.


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    Incredible Things That Happen Once You Learn to

    Love Being Alone

    We live in a world of constant contacta place thats losing sight of the

    importance of being alone. Offices are abandoning cubicles in favor of shared

    desks and wide-open common spaces, and rather than sitting at their desks

    working independently, school children are placed in groups. It seems that a

    never-ending ping has become our cultures omnipresent background noise,

    instantly informing us of every text, tweet, and notification. Even something as

    mundane as cooking dinner has become worthy of social sharing.

    One result of all this social connection is that many of us rarely have any time

    venkataram Sharmavenkataram Sharma

    Yes USA spending lot of money in IT and education but outsourcing it toYes USA spending lot of money in IT and education but outsourcing it to

    other countries I couldn't understand if they want to create next gen techother countries I couldn't understand if they want to create next gen tech

    people y they r hiring outsider or outsourcing , also in education 30% r nonpeople y they r hiring outsider or outsourcing , also in education 30% r non

    USA people, and whole California becoming worst natural catastrophe likeUSA people, and whole California becoming worst natural catastrophe like

    drought traffic pollution etc.tey need to conserve nature by afforestation waterdrought traffic pollution etc.tey need to conserve nature by afforestation water

    management , Solar consultant [email protected] , Solar consultant [email protected]

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    around other people is necessary for a fulfilled life, you can certainly have too

    A study of 600 computer programmers at 92 companies found that while

    productivity levels were relatively stable within each company, they varied greatly

    from one company to the next. The more productive companies had one thing in

    common: they ditched the ultra-hip open office in favor of private workspaces

    that granted freedom from interruptions. Of the top performers, 62% said they

    had adequate privacy at work, while only 19% of the worst performers shared that

    opinion. And, among the low performers, 76% said they were often unnecessarilyinterrupted.

    Solitude isnt just a professional plus; its also good for your mental and

    emotional well-being. To get the most out of life, you must learn to enjoy

    spending time alone. The benefits of solitude are too numerous to catalog, but

    here are some of the best.

    ou recuperate and recharge. All of useven the hopeless extroverts among

    usneed time to recuperate and recharge. Theres nothing like spending time

    alone to make this happen. The peace, quiet, and mental solitude you experience

    when youre by yourself are essential to recovering from the stresses of daily


    ou can do what you want.As fun as it is to spend time with other people, it

    inevitably leads to compromise. Youre constantly modifying your ideas to

    accommodate other peoples desires and opinions. Being alone frees you up to do

    exactly what you want when you want. You can throw on whatever you feel like

    wearing, eat what you feel like eating, and work on projects that are meaningful to


    ou learn to trust yourself.Freedom is more than doing what you want; its

    the ability to trust your gut and to think clearly, without any pressure or outside

    influence. Being alone helps you form a clear understanding of who you are, what

    you know, and whats right for you. It teaches you to trust yourself. When around

    others, even when you dont realize it, you monitor peoples reactions in order to

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    its all on you. You develop your own ideas and opinions, without having them

    youll discover what youre truly capable of, without the constraints of other

    peoples thinking.

    It increases your emotional intelligence.Emotional intelligence (EQ) isyour ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others and

    your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships.

    TalentSmarthas tested more than a million people and found that 90% of top

    performers are high in EQ. Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional

    intelligence, and you cant increase your EQ without it. Since self-awareness

    requires understanding your emotions and how you react to various people and

    situations, this necessitates careful self-reflection, and self-reflection happens

    best when youre alone.

    It boosts your self-esteem.Enjoying your own company is a huge confidence

    booster. If youre bored and restless when youre by yourself, its easy to start

    thinking that youreboring or that you need other people around to enjoy

    yourself. Learning to enjoy time alone boosts your self-esteem by confirming that

    you are enough.

    ou appreciate other people more.Absence really does make the heart grow

    fonder. Time alone lets you see people in a whole new light, and it helps you to

    develop a renewed sense of gratitude for who they are and what they do.

    ou get more done. Its said that more hands make light work, and while

    that might be true when it comes to raking leaves, its a completely different story

    with cognitive tasks. Even the effectiveness of brainstorming is more myth than

    reality. Researchers from Texas A&M found that group brainstorming hinders

    productivity due to cognitive fixation. Cognitive fixation is the tendency for

    people working in groups to get stuck on other peoples ideas, reducing their

    ability to come up with anything new, and the bigger the group, the more fixatedeveryone becomes. Spending time alone not only eliminates distractions but also

    ensures that you dont have trouble with too many cooks.

    Everyone benefits from solitude. Take the opportunity this week to spend some

    time alone.

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    comments section below as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.


    Dr. Travis Bradberryis the award-winning co-author of the #1 bestselling

    book,Emotional Intelligence 2.0,and the cofounder of TalentSmart, the world'sleading provider of emotional intelligence testsand training, serving more than

    75% of Fortune 500 companies. His bestselling books have been translated into

    25 languages and are available in more than 150 countries. Dr. Bradberry has

    written for, or been covered by,Newsweek, TIME, BusinessWeek, Fortune,

    Forbes, Fast Company, Inc., USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The

    Washington Post, and The Harvard Business Review.

    If you'd like to learn how to increase your emotional intelligence (EQ), consider

    taking the onlineEmotional Intelligence Appraisaltest that's included with the

    Emotional Intelligence 2.0book. Your test results will pinpoint which of the

    book's 66 emotional intelligence strategies will increase your EQ the most.

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