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Dr. Dominic Orr, Senior researcherFiBS-Institute for Educational and Socio-Economic Research, Berlin, [email protected]

What can policy do for innovative educational practice and especially for OER?

Policy Forum, Kraków, Poland. 14th April 2016

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1. What is innovative educational practice?2. What can OER do according to the education policy

perspective?3. What role do (small) OER initiatives play?4. What role can/should policy play?5. Conclusion – OER in the mainstream education system

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CERI-OECD Publication December 2015

Continuation of CERI-OECD work on OER under leadership of Dirk van Damme providing synopsis of field and focus on policy-relevance for education

Creative Commons Attribution -Non-Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 IGO license



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What is innovative educational practice?4 Types of innovation (Oslo-Manual*)

Equivalents in educational sector (WIP)

Product innovation Knowledge, educational content

Process innovation Teaching and learning; “mediation” of knowledge and competencies

Organisational innovation Access to learning content and to teaching and learning

Marketing innovation communication, monitoring, individualisation


• “Silicon Valley approach” – the education system is broken, digital technologies enable us to substitute the system (and create new business opportunities) => Technology-first

• “Realistic mainstream approach” – the education system is strongly regulated due to its societal importance => incremental and social innovation

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Social innovation

*Ref: Howaldt & Jacobsen, 2010.** Rüede & Lurtz 2012

Technology-first:• “Innovation (is ) ... designed asymmetrically.

The focus is primarily on technological innovation. Social innovations are understood mainly in their functional relationship to this or positioned as a ‘compensatory counterpart’.” *

Social innovation: • New combinations or configurations of social

practices. * & **

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7 Phases of a social innovation

7 phases of social innovations, which do not run linearly and can return spiralling back to the start*

*Ref: Bria et al. 2015, Murray et al. 2010.

Iteration cycle

Danger of short-circuiting!

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What is expected of OER from the perspective of educational policy?*

*Ref: Orr, Rimini, van Damme 2015; Orr, 2016.

Major argumentNot at all an argument

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What role do (small) OER-initiatives play?

Links:- -

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What role do (small) OER-initiatives play?

OER initiatives can result in 3 types of innovation:• direct product innovations (e.g. open textbooks in USA)• as a model for other peoples’ product innovations (revision,

adaptation)• as a lever for process, marketing and organizational

innovations in education, i.e. social and educational innovation (e.g. “open pedagogy”, self-regulated learning, reflective learning etc.)

What can OER initiatives actively do to encourage this?• network with other similar initiatives in the OER and sharing

space*• think about why their initiative is generally relevant for

educational practices and what changes or funding would be required to support use in the mainstream

*Ref: Bria et al., 2015

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What role can policy play? I

Information:• Information campaigns on OER and presentation of OER use cases *• Evaluations of effectiveness of specific educational resources and practices,

incl. OER• OER and / or teaching-learning awards that highlight good practice **

Resources:• Offer voluntary training for use of OER and/or good teaching-learning

strategies• Financial rewards for good OER-initiatives and/or their products• Development of infrastructure for networking OER initiatives• Allow experimentation (time)

Pull strategies – starting point is the motivation of teachers/instructors (tends to reflect phases 1-4)


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Regulating (governance framework):• ... the production of learning resources (OER as preference)• ... the quality of learning resources (dynamic and tailored as preference)• ... the evaluation of learning outcomes (competences as preference)• ... the evaluation of teaching performance (collaboration as preference)• ...• new space for implementing evidence-based strategies to change the

education system

Push strategies – change the framework conditions for the behaviour of teachers / instructors / learners (tends to reflect phases 5-7)

What role can policy play? II

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Conclusion – OER in mainstream education system

OER as a driver of social innovation: allows and promotes new combinations or configurations of social practices

OER initiatives&Pull strategies of policy

Push strategies of policy&OER initiatives

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References• Bria, F., Sestini, F., Gascó, M., Baeck, P., Halpin, H., Almirall, E., & Kresin, F. (2015). Growing a

Digital Social Innovation Ecosystem for Europe - DSI Final report. European Union.

• Howaldt, J., & Jacobsen, H. (Eds.). (2010). Soziale Innovation: Auf dem Weg zu einem postindustriellen Innovationsparadigma. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

• Murray, R., Caulier-Grice, J., & Mulgan, G. (2010). The Open Book on Social Innovation. National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts. Retrieved from,+Caulier-Grice,+Mulgan+(2010),+The+Book+of+Social+Innovation.pdf

• Orr, D. (2016). Die OECD-Studie „Open Educational Resources – a Catalyst for Innovation". In J. Neumann & J. Muuß-Merholz (Eds.), OER Atlas 2016 - Open Educational Resources: Akteure und Aktivitäten in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Retrieved from

• Orr, D., Rimini, M., & van Damme, D. (2015). Open Educational Resources - A catalyst for innovation. OECD Publishing.

• Rüede, D., & Lurtz, K. (2012). Mapping the various meanings of social innovation: Towards a differentiated understanding of an emerging concept. EBS Business School Research Paper Series, 12, 1–51.