Download - Western Nationalism


Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu

Asian Civilization

Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire

• The Ottoman Empire, which had been steadily declining since the late 1700s, finally ended after World War I.

• The Ottoman Empire began to decline in the 1800s, with Greece winning its independence.

• Many ethnic Turks wanted a Turkish state that would encompass all people of Turkish nationality. A group called Young Turks wanted to depose Abdülhamīd II.

Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire

• With the help of T.E. Lawrence and Great Britain, Arabia achieved its independence from Ottoman rule.

• When the Christian Armenians began pushing for independence, the Ottoman government responded by killing Armenian men and expelling women and children from the empire.

The Ottoman Empire in WW1

Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire

• The Ottoman Turks led a policy of ethnic cleansing, or genocide, against the Christian Armenians, killing an estimated 1 million people.

• The Ottoman Empire collapsed toward the end of World War I. Great Britain and France made plans to divide the Ottoman territories in the Middle East.

• Turkey remained under Ottoman control until Mustafa Kemal organized an elected government and a new Republic of Turkey.

British Promise to the Jews: Balfour Declaration,


Sir Arthur James Balfour

Br. Foreign Secretary

His Majesty’s Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people


Theodore Herzl1860-1904

GOALS:The spiritual andpolitical renewal ofthe Jewish peoplein its ancestralhomeland ofPalestine.

Freedom from Western anti-Semitism.

The Middle East in 1914

“New” Countries & Ruling Families Emerge!

Prince Faisal “ruler” of Trans-Jordan. Prince Abdullah “ruler” of a newly-

created Iraq [pasted together from three distinctgeographic regions].

The House of Saud put on the throne of thenewly-created Saudi Arabia.

The Pahlavi Family put on the throne of a new Iran.

Mustafa Kemal leads a military/nationalistmovement in Turkey.

Mustafa Kemal “Ataturk”


Ataturk’s Reform Program Capital moved from Constantinople to

Ankara. Secularism Qur’an in Turkish

translation. Adoption of a republican constitution

and aSwiss civil code.

Westernization & nationalism: Compulsory, secular education. Banning the fez. Western [Roman] script. Western clothing. Women unveiled & given full

citizenship and the right to vote.

• Kemal died not seeing the fruits of his labor

• Allied with USA when the Allied Forces were winning

• Pres. Harry Truman aided Turkey• Foreign control in Turkey which

led to several coups • Turkey suffered inflation, poverty

and employment thus Western nations aided Turkey

Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu

Asian Civilization

Rezah Khan (1877-1944) an Iranian officer,

seizedcontrol of the govt. in 1921.

declared himself SHAH in1925.

created the Pahlavi Dynasty.

ruled from 1925-1941. initiated some modern

reforms. forced to abdicate his

throne by the Allied armies in 1941.

Reforms in Iran Secularization seizure

of religious lands.

Adoption of the French civilcode.

Built the Trans-IranianRailroad.

Improved education.

Iran during the war Refused to ally with the

Allied thus led him being dethroned

Replaced by Mohammed Rezah Pahlavi but was challenged by a nationalist official, Mohammed Mossadegh

Western nations supported thus the shah was restored

Improved education.

The Iranian Revolution

I. Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi1. Secularized Iran (made it non-religious.)

A. Stepped away from Islamic traditions.2. Friendly with the West (United States)

II. The Islamic Revolution - 19791. Muslims believed that their religious

beliefs and laws should be strictly followed.

2. Ayatollah Ruhbollah Khomeini gains control of Iran.A. Returns Iran to Islamic rule.B. Gets rid of Western influence.

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

Ayatollah Khomeini

Iranians Protest the


Palestine Was Part of the Ottoman Empire

Jews & Arabs in Palestine, 1920 × In 1920, there

was 1 Jew toevery 10 Arabs inPalestine.

× By 1947, the ratio was 2 Arabs forevery Jew.

The Arabs felt that they were loosing control of their “country!”

British Mandate

in PalestineCreated

July, 1922

Jewish Settlements: The Kibbutz System

First one founded in 1908. Communal living. “Make the Desert


Palestine Arab Revolt: 1936-1939

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj

Amin al-Hussani, with Adolf Hitler.

An end to Jewish immigration to Palestine.

An end to the transferof lands to Jewish owners.

A new “generalrepresentative government.”

Their Goals:

The Peel Commissi

on Partition

Plan, 1937



n” The Jewish population in each country in


The Nazi Holocaust

6,000,00 Jews killed by the Nazis [1/2 in the concentration camps.]

U. N. Partition Plan of 1947

Israel Becomes a Nation:

May 14, 1948

David Ben-Gurion,

1st Prime Minister

Chaim Weizmann,

1st President

War Begins!: May 15, 1948

Arab Refugees, 1948

The Palestinian Diaspora begins!

Armistice Signed, 1949

II. Effects of creation of Israel

A. Palestinians became refugees in other countries throughout the middle east.

Map of Palestinian Refugees

According to the map, what was one result of the creation of Israel?

B. Terrorism is a constant threat in Israel

C. Israel Puts up a wall around Palestinian areas to prevent terrorist from moving into Israeli areas

Arab-Israeli Conflict

I. Creation of Israel (1947)1. United Nations decided to partition Palestine

between Jews and Palestinians.2. Jewish state = Israel. 3. Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia & Syria

declare war on Israel.II. The Suez Crisis (1956)

1. Egypt gains control of the Suez Canal.2. Israel (w/ Britain & France) fight for control of the

canal.A. Outside pressure to stop the war.

III. The Six-Day War (1967)1. Israel strikes Middle Eastern airfields.2. Arabs backed by the Soviets.3. 15,000 Arabs dead.

IV. Yom Kippur War (1973)1. Joint Arab attack on Jewish holy day.2. Creates a truce after a few weeks.