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The police in democratic polity , perform multiple and complex tasks. Towards this objective the police have to be an effective organization for the prevention , detection and investigation of crime, maintain law and order, protection of lives, liberties, regulate the traffic, and honor possessions of the people, to bring offenders to justice and to render honest and impartial service to the people.

In performing this role, the police must maintain highest standards of integrity, professionalism and service orientation while acting with in the frame work of the constitution and laws of the land.

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• People of all strata of our society approach Police with all conceivable problems that torment them and seek help in resolving their conflicts.

The weaker sections of the society such as children, women, Scheduled casts/ tribes specially need the Police to protect their Rights and prevent atrocities on them.

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• Various wings of the Govt. require help and protection of the Police in implementation of various policies and developmental programs. The civic authorities requires assistance of Police to handle disasters.

The analysis of Police functions indicates that Police in INDIA has become “ SERVICE’’ instead of being a merely “ A FORCE ’’ .

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• The Police has to put all its efforts to serve the people and safe guard them.

For general public Police is “ HELPER in CRISIS”. For the State it is “ CATALYST OF CHANGE”. For weaker Sections of society it is “SAVIOUR”. Despite its best efforts in providing multifarious services to the society Police does not get due share of appreciation from the people and media.

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• On the other hand no opportunity is left to criticize and condemn it as whole for an isolated incident of misconduct committed by any frustrated or disgruntled member of Police organization. Our society expects the Police personnel to behave in an exemplary manner.

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The following quote of August vollmore is more relevant even now.

The police man is denounced by the public,

criticized by the preacher,

ridiculed by movies,

berated by news papers,

unsupported by prosecuting officers and Judges.

He is shunned by respectable,

exposed to countless temptations and dangers,

condemned while he enforce Law and dismissed while does not.

He is supposed to pass the qualification of soldier, Doctor, lawyer, Diplomat and educator with a far less remuneration .

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• The success of Police in the matters of prevention, investigation of crime, maintenance of public order and security of state largely depends upon cooperation of people.

• Therefore please realize how important is your role.

• There is need to create awareness among citizens about their rights and Duties.

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• Please have confidence about the attitude and ability of Police and “ HELP POLICE to SERVE you BETTER.”

• This does not mean that public should tolerate the mis – conduct of Police.

• Where ever such things are noticed please it to the notice of concerned controlling officer.

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The Philosophy of community policing

• This philosophy is the driving force that has brought about positive changes in leading Police organizations across the world.

• Keeping in view of the quantum of crime , frequency of “Law&order” problems, the incidents of communal disturbances in our country, there is an urgent need for the people to think and support Police for prevention and Detection of Crime.

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The confidence and cooperation of citizens in particulars youth will be foundation for community policing and there will be flow of information to police which will be use full for prevention and detection of crime and law and order problems can be averted.

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“prevention is better than cure”

• Every citizen is police without uniform and every

Police officer is a citizen in uniform.

• With out co-operation of public no information can be collected and Crime cannot be prevented.

• Please do not offer bribe to any one. Instead of offering bribe start fight against corruption.

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• What Mahatma Gandhi said way back in 1948 “ corruption will go when the large number of persons given unworthily to it realize that the nation does not exist for them to exploit but that they exist to serve the nation.

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• In 1993 Mumbai Bomb explosions 257 people died. Supreme Court of India in recent judgment conferred 12 members hanging and 10 others life imprisonment.

• The court observed that the Police, Customs & Immigration officials were “hand in glove”

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• The terror money of 1998 Coimbatore blasts had been deposited in four local branches of well established banks.

• On July 11th , 2006, terror attacks on Mumbai trains have left 200 dead. This deadly operation needed 10000 US dollars. This came from Saudi to India via Hawala.

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“If yet your blood does not rage, then it is water that flows in your veins. For what is the flush of youth, if it is not of service to the motherland ”

--- Chandrasekhar Azad

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• “ Remember that the greatest crime is to compromise with injustice and wrong”

-Subhas Chandra Bose

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• Break your silence - Against corruption and start fighting

• Success comes to those who dare and Act – It rarely goes to the timid.

• If we all take a decision to break our silence what will happen?

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First they ignore you,

Then they laugh at you,

Then they fight you,

Then you win.

----Mahatma Gandhi

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• Awake, Arise and Stop Not Till You Reach

• Till corruption is weeded out

• Take strong decision to fight the devil

• Keep all your fears away

• After all our life span is limited

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• Let us not be Drutarastras

• Take example of Vibheeshana to fight for justice

• Let children be prahladas

• Let us behave like King Bali and fight for justice.

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• Saints said that “Jantunam Nara Janma Durlbham”

• But what are we doing?

• Are we behaving better than animals or worst than animals?

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• Inform the concerned for taking action. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Hyderabad phone No. 24732768, 24732763. Vizag , Phones, 0891-2783322,2783333. Anti Corruption Bureau, Hyd,23251555, 155361(Telangana), 23251444(Andhrapradesh Lokayukta, Hyderabad, 23299098, 23221645.

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• We need to resort to a “ social boycott of the dishonest and corrupt public servants. A boycott” of a nature that makes them feels the futility of being corrupt. There should be no room for misplaced sympathy or broad generalizations.

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•W- Words

•A - Actions

• T - Thoughts

•C - Character

•H - Heart

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Thanking you

K.Sampath Kumar

former Joint Director,

Anti-Corruption Bureau

A.P., Hyderabad,

now Vice-Principal, CDTS, Hyderabad