Download - WAR! LINE!...-Taea 1 heard Mr Croaa shoat. U yea try to open thai door. Ill shoot daylight throngh yoa' 1 dida\ try* Croe> attentkms to the narae final ly became ao marked It Is charged

Page 1: WAR! LINE!...-Taea 1 heard Mr Croaa shoat. U yea try to open thai door. Ill shoot daylight throngh yoa' 1 dida\ try* Croe> attentkms to the narae final ly became ao marked It Is charged

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VOL. LX XVI, NO. 2 2 PUBLISHED AT KEESEVILLE, N. Y., P K . u A k , FEBRUARY 2 6 , 1 9 1 5 . WHOLE NOT 592 2 »**?



T,S of Local and General Interest— Pahy Paragraphs Condemeed

From Currant Ghrenasleo. Carthage has added to ita liet of of-

hcmX* a doc catcher. A term of etipreme coart opens^at

Malone Monday March 1. i he price of potatoes baa agaia

r«*rhed the sa-cent point la the Cha uaugay marhete.

l here will be an examination told m Ukitehali for clerk In t*e White-tatl pi*torace rVbrnary ST.

iiien* Kalle wUl porchaae a Sea-graie auto tire track at $:».£0*. It will carry a chemical tana of forty ga>


| J Twenty-Jive Grangers Take Fifth Da-. Former Resident of tCseeeville

of the

Dr. John

Vndmr Maatar George B. I combe to Ravages ef Cancer of Thompson of Aueabte. I Threat in Weetern Home.

Paaei Coanty Pomona mot Taee>| Friend J m,awarterly convention with Adl fon- . in Kameett. Canyon Coanty dock Gran*e K a S l i at the headaaar- from emaoer of too throat in the 57th lore in Wllleboro ami iaatalled oaVero year of hie age . Ho waa bora in

iKeeeev iUe rVhrnary to. ls$a\

I Mr. Bliea received his early edcatiom the KeeeevtUe academy. 1A 1SSJ

Overseer —Scott E. Fbtnmey

for the eaea iag roar. These oeacero were laatallod Maatar — George B.

l*cctmrer--Mra. Mary M. Mace of Keeoerilea.

S t e w a r t — H . T . Biaeoa. of Iromvllle, Assistant -Steward—Harry Richard,

of hemex. CkaaOain— Mra. Belle Todd, of

Crown POfcnt. Matkor. of Vi'aal

Tkoy Mlae at to UeaTer. Colorado,

be taa*kt ackool for n wklle, IO locotoaV In Bwtte. M o a t . for IS yoaxa ke carriea on n

* Defeata KetaevUle Ownneea by Nar-row Margin of Nino Point* en

CheeterfteJd Rwle Ranoe. WUtaaoro mane the lafsoat

l a a SSS-yd. rlSo eonieot on the terneed raaae at the foot of Mountain. Wa*aJa*ton/e

I fontlns the KeeaofW* tonm by clone margin e l nine potato, tenvil le waa a food third, wkile Wai­ter HarlboffL 4ambleFt>rka aoae rea>

T k e acoree follow

Secrotary—C M. Went, of Reoor Gate Keeper -^r i tac ta I eannn.

Jar Ort-e—Mrt, C. L. Clark of W

bcn». romoaa -Mrs P M Joem»oa« of

Lamia. l-a4y A-» lMant £ *on* rx l—M*a i A.ni4

Kickarda. of r^aex j Member e*»cntiTe coruniHtne far

tkr%-> year-—KL T !<ir-low. nf Cn>wn | It L L S ^ O R t H PiCKLt U N D S PtaAMl I 1 4 SHARKS WITH ONE H

l a tke nnnvotdnbie Coanty Denutv Robert B. Phillian, of . M ^ i » f r t a* John (Paaa F a Crown Point, the taataUatian c e e o t u o j f r F- .vi ieoe of Stay**g ot» Port nieo were coadacted by Paat Maater George French, of Wadnama. asamUn! by Caaxie* Uadenraod. of Wa«lloaa> b v g . and Mra. W W WUeoa. of

FYom PtHadam caaae* •oorly spring** atory of pUytng marblee on the MlU«e

State Sanitary A Smitk of a vkild welfnro exhibit In Ptattaaejrc

IAJ* week.

Mr. and Mra. Marcaa Powers of WAirensharg. ceiekrated the nftutk wnntersary of their marriage Sunday, Fekraary IL

An H u e * coanty weather ana^het ie. *re* that becaaae rebmary U a AS * m:uy and w r y foggy day are may i ±<H » a troat o a May IS.

. h , Makme Loago of B k > la to tvj <i\ a $20.#00 addition to ita already hjjiti^vin^ and commodioaa c iah

:: K..u street in that Tillage. Mr <UH1 Mra, rYank Cheaiec

»:t-:ti KaUe have a A.inrt I>»rn Feb. 17. He i» their * ilh sun and twentytirat child.

Sue Kockbarn poatomce waa cioa-7 n-<rntiT, deapile a petHioa from ^ ;anueni. M> that there ie now ao

t tKHween Athetttaa aad Frank-I.- K enter.

rostmaater Robert Marray of Arrenaburg aaya a poatmaaters Job

.a not a aoft aaap. The rrqoirementa ,: die oaUce are onita ea^ .Unr at uine* he decmrea.

The Hadaoa Valley R A U W » T c o n -eaar. A. fi. Reyaneaa. Manager form eriy manager of the PlaflUbarg trac-Uom Co.. la to spend $r»tjana on tm pm^emenU l a Glenn Falla.

W. 8 . ^r«^*«g of PUttaharg r<

dated t^ardSL Waiea atattng that th^

m t n e f c r i t i a l i a n n i ' j i k t a- - , 3

w w to lea p lor the front at once, j tooa tnc tiih tfegrar Tn« neat J u^e he led H C. Stiawr. af \ . w | r w t i i r af the !V>moM % IT h* a f H af wm

Tart «a a garni fiahixic 4pot > rear | U i - Jay Or .*«• aoaaetin.* in May a i a Fraak Boyer. a forraer ruhV of ; A lari:e d«ter^ticai fr >n. A Samh ' iet ia Falla. k}ii r*M»«iT»*d a ' Vnt:ey tiran^- ntrt^t ied the cwot^ti l*«ary >f $l».OS« from th*- aritefvi j tkm. In tk* p a # r » * r « C e o r r 1

| T n o n > r « n and «on, * lllmm. JMr a:d Mr* 5'artsn C o n v a r . Mr and 04r»

ago he Ho learea a wi fe

and two brothers, ttkasar of Keeae­r iUe and K. J. B. cd Lake Placid, aad

aaya of Mr. Rliea —~He waa a man af a t m a g coav vlrtioao and determination He took an am ire part m the affaire a t the community He waa deeply Interne*-ed in Uie apbailding of the city aad making R btamtifal. HUH beaatifal home w a moaament to hie nrtiffic tas te and

J. H.

Van J. M<

M i l i l l l Ce—4a I U I T I 4 U T 7 4 S S S S S 4 1 1 7 4 4 4 1 1 1 t — U i l i l l t U i


W Bun eta

Keeaevtaia. I M M T I I I 4—47 ! f i t 4 t 4 I ? S—47 I 7 S M I I M 4—Si 4 I 7 4 1 U I 4 S v S l 1 4 1 1 4 1 ( 4 4 Ketley

Total CiintoavHIe

LaM^antaia i i n i i l l i * 7 * 1 4 « S 4 I J-S4 4 M ! M t$ t S-4S a i : t 1 1 1 4 ; 4 - s t ( 7 : ^ 4 4 1 J i - o S

M Smith . LaVoantam

OOK 1 T, Taytor I Bnbtiard .

r.g** Total


T T Harriet T. Stlnkney, of day , . WHtaa H*m K. Oarea ef Port Henry, Eaaev

the H*m* Foifca of Sammer Joya J Cooaty'e Repreaentative to S U t e

Law-Making Body-in Far WeaL Harriet T. SUctney

t ime o a

S a m m e r J o y a I c eaL j ]

v of Jay, who la l a the PaelSe

Cxmat. data wriiaa the anL

i .aaaritatiunai Convention t o Monday a Albany ioar-

exeolloat likenenaea of two Coanty Renablicaa aad

of the dollghtfai weaten ia eajoytng 8ho aaya: ) caj Editor of iDaaox Conaty Reamhlkaa 1

and New*: AM I read l a t h e homo leuera of the

daya whoa the tharmmanor reglator-ed SS aad IS dagroaa bomw n a n 1 loal aorry for yoa a i l an the eaat la loo goad a place, and the p to bo froaia oat or eat I

4 of the deletmteo ':%** the thirty-th*r1 diatrict together with brief biogranM-

of nil throe dologatea. m foUowa:

Thirty Third District. alegatoa from the thirty-third which oaaalata of Clinton, Ea-Warrea ooantiea. are Gdward i t Gleaa r^aila; Harry R. ort Henry, and Patrick J.

er awe can't hare all the

aw North have had a

te a s gn

Rahiaa and hlao birds all aaeajL Tea and t h are in the front rnafci with the

Mr. Taarnoy waa bora la Platte-If. 1S7*. and waa

the High school ia hfa antivo town In U*l. and from the Al­bany Law achool m 1S»7. l a 1SS1 he waa a raadidata for district •attorney of € Matan coaaty. Mr

by his f aucea: Jadgo of

City CoarL 1SSS-1SS4 r i a a u l ISO* 1*14* and t h e beard ef ty. 1S11-1S14 Hagaa of Albany la lSSS

Mr. Ajtgcll


««_ i Howard IX Hndiey. of Ptausaorg.*

addrceaed the r"anirer» o a the Hydro-electric e^veiorrraoat of Northern New York. RenoiationB anarortag af

waxer power c ^ s e r r a t i o a

p tr4 M i n i L?re.

Kllswerth Pickie. of Port Kent, n member of the Harper Florida party. whi le ashing Tharaday Fehruarr IK at John Paso near 8 c

fewrte* n l ive aharli er

\ three and a half feet in Jengih.

aiatnir thai Sah atory

• t l Beigiaa



Aysabie Fc^raa 0 1 4 1 7 4 7 4 4 S - S J


adof ed by the Mlaa rranc^s Hart, af

ley Grarca. r* ad a - W o m a n SugrageK p^rt* o* 'he r**end d a l e O»wego were made by ana and the other

>. were head. The

r.y way of it ia said that Pickle cnasjnt a female

Val-jaherk. three aad one-half feet tuner on When ho

r* I found thane* n


for the

WfiNo Flatting for T r e a t in Waters of Schroon Lake, Says Fred Jenka*

Adirondack Guide. Predorlck Jenkav a n Adirondack

guide, naiated a romantic word pic-tare the other day before Justice Goat la the Banremo Coart In New York, of Ferdinand L. Croaa, wealthy member of the Jewelry Arm of Croaa * Bigne-lin, atandlag ia the lipnUng waters of n stream, alternately cast ing for wary troot and throwing kiaeeo to Ray Stone a yonng trained nnras named by Mra. Croaa ia her salt for aiToree.

According to Jeaka thin happened in the aammar of l S l t whoa Croaa.

Schroon Lake In the Oa one occnaJan* he amid, he f the older Mra. Oraas not ly am the door of a roum m the Croaa cahia.

- S h e laid me.~ the i

She naked m e If I woald naah ia the door aad I aaad *Sare.'

- T a e a 1 heard Mr Croaa shoat. U yea try to open thai door. I l l shoot daylight throngh y o a ' 1 d i d a \ t r y *

Croe> attentkms to the narae final­ly became ao marked It Is charged this hla mother left the cabin, going to l ive in n hotel.

Jeaka teatifyang in Mrs Cases' dl-forr# aSit M d of


• *

Matters of Paaeing Inter eat to Readera Generally—And tne GMOtinon Are

All Boiled Down. Champtain Lodge, No. 7t K. of P .

obaarred itah 41 at


diae She loft S e a u i e wm the Pan-

a t 4 « h a a Planing to

r^ W y


Cha-np-*;« Prrabytery Accents P a s ejnatron of Paator Reheeta Who

Goes to •itinera Chaena. Modrrator W. «' T^ayiar. naaOar af

the rirat c h a n k Riante t i at a awecml m e e u n g of the Ptoohyury an Bnrnanc Lake Weameaany whoa the rtoagoathi tho Rer. rteoraw Roberts J r . aa tor af the B a n n e r Lake i ken a recefred and the Rev. A W

r Lake, am

to cine for Gi

thePa> We

of the Brit

I h e r Justice GoE



am T i

y.utnt. the aMeged pr ;icai»al fo tht' migiclini: oaae m hick derflc*w<d wl^ea 1 f

j l = oa t w r h of rt*M» wet* »**iaed at j f

l V^ | h * ^ - t*-r»* f»rr^ near P*r.tfiac J ,1-ak^ lia< aa<1e k '^ 1 *«» #*.Ai^. *» ;

A Thoae c k r r

a&cl«r Th^ National Asaocinticn of A i r e

tear </ar*mem woald Hk» to hold a s l»a?.M ^ r m r t r Mr aud *' F H 7 _

tar"1* the b.4lef of those who a*v in too*h } £*»*** w th the ca>e M tor* m).u o*^ for* i* e r r a ?*a' es tate oa«r^i«« ia t a i ^ l a to tboag t to hare o.^i a ^ «i tk« tv,*

cdBam a f t a t i were present at

he n r ^ i a g The ft Mai cads II C Hodgen* of Fhoat . i R DoiBeld. of

T H ^.ar-imrr of F<*n Cor-T. ft Aivd-r^a of Faol 1 B K**lh-r. «rf Plntutwrr pmi tur of th»> Bnranac Lakr

aanu^i regatta on Sarati>e~t 1-aA* pn^ riiiii.^ *hv .tliage of Sara town S ^ r n w Will •*\>-:i«i an inritalian and roaxatj t^: »<*u~ of th« exnenaea.

kUjur4>neral Leonard Wood. I S J* a* 4Jtmc before the Yale d a b e i ^oaon ih<» other night e«Aim*'<«d taal tiif-r*- vcmid be g.oot men tn th» suiiTk*r ««np at Plattsh'jrs tiiis ram • r

A ^»mviil€ man wnke Uf> that t o o n I* *.plM-4*nni; on t t e strata one dar w h a a*t»r *»f <n*-n drawing his ooa! aieigk Th* wnriials wer» raua 1 at Roae iT roi %un% Fnlia and w*«i*ti 0 IT"

l»* xh\ \' La Da has b~-a aamed \>* S!fcr* r^igmeer Wimams t o o«<* ->^l -i'>hn A OConnor at special d ^ pu v >ut- f>ii4anerr in charge e f b a r f te-na: w-rnnnaia. Mr La Im ia a tee

N - i t l , m.<l danrtres M m Frame Mr arid Ur< A N Ma* •>. Mr aa* Mex A J. I « to* aw * son Walla* e hr+ rrnrfc M a Cleara * w M sa l: atb tl^ag ac.d M a » > - e e^ 01ar>

H i e eaaton«f mem h*** IN* Ctu+ ;ifia on aon.e c i s k » > i if da*• km-d

araOy m a e ist^ »H* a il^araea^ H a l t ra>r #n^ how # e rS^ aWra

na> U < 9 ridee w«e nwr»)e«0 in ita« mtc n*re:ie#.» a= mm bar wa R» ieaw«4 M»n:e raf t t e aw*U se'aeO bv the [laauai -* a*ei »hee» tiad b'-eti et-ia

t %n o* e e o a t o OiSa ir

| tomier chorrh.

4 f*a>t4w koben** n i g rrsorfi his am*!

i aerT:4en Sunday, Fitrraarv Jt Ne»-w**-a ht* a?id his tiAraiU m\H b-3t» f*.r 4^0* Fiir-st •«'. nti»re Mr Ro^-rfi tak* A cw>A*«* af a char« k n a > larf-r than ike na«* m Parana/ l a ^

t w e # i a LAKE TOT DRIfeKS C^at A N D D I E S • « AGONT ROSS OTtRLfaiG n » k f a 0 0

iB'ES m e»ASSA4j. # a e * a m a S

Pfea^ a>s«aea C a ~ e #atwwjo i a h a S"S ^ jna . , ^ - ^ . ^ ™ - y I we *r^'d a-a of Me at. ^ . . A — — *mM « r « ^ n~ . a i m Ta»* a<oO# O 0 » e e -a -^ San j ^9ir^ * mm w mm mi]

CSa^p*a»a A r t at e a r f ^ o a Bae> i w f A.,^^ f»# . «^ *+*m m StiO ! i ^ - a a - a t f i . f e . o n a ^ S-f«ew * V l l S # * • ** **** • w , w

of ** S> or t l a i

aWo# Odieandacvs Oio ft<w- ateMSag SiAniOt <# aWktm.

L « » t : m de^ l a> aWraam +..**&+ l a la** 4 > * aea#^ 0 e m . en ft»e w t g t y f e O c S F * C O i j N t r G o yeat af S -i awe wft *ur** a»rtiet of » t a r jatica-s> *>aar t hiwa Sri tavigrati fa*. g'»

*'~af:* g»a hig a^'Ot ahe ^•••s- the T r* <aw> d\*iw>ph AnikeTfe ahe fonr

id Mr- Josnp> »uf»p*e !-akc.

fof>xi0 a S<e«ie rwtWAtnan* a aaanuty f a t (>iUfi ia w» #rnc«e ied U*

taV e t « ««rd«wt« ad «t)# b 4tU

of *>e ta»v • w . v d Tawk^w a*.<l a . s w fe

^ f*w mmat«o antif Orayped %o tk#-a^ an M « BREAasEaa POO OtwdO 0 t t m • B n aasc iaa - .

" ^ * T%^e,!)oe>«g u l « cat »a»eaia«ea^ J m.ah^ejgh a>so<aw «»••* ea>--eO:;y % " * fta f e f <T**r*f S o • • a a » e a a . # ah* mvaev-aiew and ew.w ^thirs a>*aalbfe

m <oi saw as we *r m> o«» C-O _ ,e.e»-^w^sy 40i a t m s t t v a n*» r«m ««"'

wa»» a aat *• of a\r*«we!*b R n f i t ^ . . J a*' * er n i b *we0 a W*wO *s a m # • We-o . J , * -



m ^ r-s , ie«t of Whiteamn. | e T # ^ ^ M . , m ^ 9 f : # #

! - t.il1 providing a city charter Isr ; # i # f ^ | N i : ^ # ^ . . ^ ^ #

.Miniroca Snringa has been intr jdaref ; | f l f |

« . ) . . s ^ t e by Semoor m-aitaey.f ^xmm^ v<ew*** achmd dit M/iaa ie Hoase by AaaeaaMyiimr i j . . f > . ^ F ar w eo-.» gs. lad m a m

it calls for a c o n » m m a a ! ^ ^ % . t p * g., # t»w t ^ t a K . a . 0 • ^ f * * • ^ - •"•*• a^v» *a>t f f t f i e of d m a y g#te*

»- ar arr.Jt. OTavof m*«w S«- aaae has sm^emmv Of. m % a> 0* d e* at a U a t a # m ' a f S s t O ^ f a t m istaa

0«we to«N*>TMee» aa^ antW f• low s . a* OisO e># neat a:jt+* m t«0

^ j ^ i ^ jw l« mrrme #>#* eOilO* s>af*«m* aw«

• > m . i a - a . - i S mnaani. an me . a r t S^ay-taaeS ay.ah * t d owea o>. aragar o - a n a i ha#. m. H O SM^O: C < a* s«e. . a- maaarO s s m r a r S a r ^ f a > 0 f %M: 0*e> * gfaw. m**esw m aa 4 i o a

They are beyond

tHey reach oar anorea. It was a great day for Pmhahltion.

wb*n the ataae a t Washhuisum. at the mat t ^ t t o c went dry The saloon kear»<rs ffn»r*l thv m m tag ptcturi L<ejaes the at rami gr*mte*t etMeaT to their bustere*, oerond or r to the traaperanco ar.irker*

The nichk^ and dtmoa that ionmi If w*T« it*toth#»ir cor?«-rs are diTened mow If'* otb**r caannt l s less haru» fwl le«a dimasfr* oa to all tiusxanity. Tr>'e>rs rnnikf' a SMpon tnw- to life thr #a-n onto the cm^tt^ earn iuf with It s wTicdesomr mors1

!*• teral y*ar«. a g o a iirti oar esteem-#1 ir«n4* Wr and Mr* P m n i Bri-a aaee «* t^ak. f l a . af n :th a haiKUaJ of falfhfa- ft-ft <ietit wi>ri«*rt a* r«- tn<k" fat cable in th«rir *-ffan» a inac pr »hi aitMit tanef prif.he«>hia thn? Orckit*. Una w wJO a«« c*i*r W atat**. ibat aa tioa Wide thor* ••«- a erare dt»uha i n 1

tb^ auttMis af pr*+'*- Ttidav. arv*> an*-* tte< ed gar- v Hs««a men atif w tneii a*> eaJiv^iJic to the cntl af the cave*?, ahtrm m l aJtintately

ia the town of dy» of Qoeker

Hto lather waa a weO iaiater ia the poojetf of

Io j Friends Mr. Angott recnlre4 hla ear­ly ewacataaa l a tho rommti aad later at the Oiema Falla He gradaaied from Hararford college ia the e ^ a s of ISSO. He waa admitted t o tho bar ia 1SSS. He Inter gradent ed from the Uatversaty of M Par a tiaae Mr. AagoR ia tho editorml e>amrtmemt of tho Went PaMiemlng coawnaay of Mtaae

1007 ho iwtoraed to Glema Palis, where ho baa aince practiced haw. Mr. Aagall la a darecaar aad attorney of tho Glema Falla Traat comnany. f ine

of tho Glema Pane Coaatry a mtmhtr of rarioma other

He h a s merer before head an e lect ive oaSco.

Mr Owem man horn ia N i ^ October 23. W9. Ho caaed a t K. T . ami

col lege am 1SSS« H e waa ndmhted to

taw war fr ^ . ; ir^f/mnig S m O m W ] diatrict reports and an

There are eeven or eight i a Hartford vil lage aad

there have

Miss Baraioe n a nnnil in i


Whilohall are being t o free delivery of

J. £ . Caahman, of Bawlmgteau for*

been a patlaat at Mary F1e\char horn pitaL ia iannrorhag rapidly.

Jadge and Mra. A. M. Alhoe of Bee-lows Falla are the commie i a tLo atata. aing to ohoerre thetr ?oth w<

1, -k

i; A Co. akirt factory la RaV The

working force for witt mrohahly he

Over lJfcSt children took part ty alaighride

IS aMghloada, preceded by the

ta a

Tho V s tate ! wnem ke nccinemtally atonned m t o the j ference ia t o ho held this year m Brat

nurse'a room and aaw Croaa smooth, j *>boro ontailag <fAmril 21. Bishop R.

tog the narae s U o w and aadarihg aer l J. Cooke of Portiamd Ore, ia to prcalda t laat long.



Leaders of the Churches T M Troy Conference to Disc was Many

Important Matters. Satarday. April 1*. is

or thonmmaal

far t h o

w f Q m t

arill l a d e d *


Two handrod tained a t a glrem a tmeir honor at Hotel Ver-monL Bnrtington. with Senator Max L, Pc^rtr« aa hoaL

Barns which Mrs. Hemakiah, Wait comb of Orange received while trim­ming the wick of a lantern coooro* od half her body aad canned her death.

Rodney C Hamtooa of Wailingford. and George Maxham of Soath Wal lingford hare boon aerrad with w a r rmnta chargiag thorn with aoUing wat­ered milk.

Mm. Charles OOm of Stowo has a

weighing Ove pounds which to aa dreah moor aa when taken from lb*

"" 3!rs. Philip G. Colgroee, SS years"


l * *~-^ r coram* a mernocr j « w ™ nrpurx* mmm • « — - c — mu* ** ^ ^ Brattlehoro'a mrgeat woman, to Jdf iU a n a of Foote. S tokes A Owem.JddTKerwd by tke ROT. Dr I B. H M S ^ I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ „ n j , ^ ^ u montha

iuL"*^t! Mr Foote retired from the i l er of CaienrO. Arrannemienla ^ ^ I f / J ^ i A i n l l c a t i o P of diaeaoea. Mra.

j Colgrore welgbed orer %H poamds. ***

Edwaltjf fiak^f CPf MOntnetier. com-

f nn niter ahicw the present firm of $ i o k e * m Owem w a s formed. From l*rf< t o I f 14 he witi a n aasirtant t'nit ed iStates auorn^r for the northern diatrict of New York

V being m a d e t o acoommOdaid #»# at the aanonet. which. wiH he hold at r»<«a Bishop Qnayle. who pre aide • at the comforenoe. wtH spealc At the af- j


Siaty H e r Thrown sut O* *> ork a t atesti't of D aastrous Saturday

Vermcnt S<azc Fire of nr«knowii oT.^.n involved a

Jos* of nearly St >^to in the d*«trai-t ion ear'e Saturday nionanir of the rranite maiiufacturng p am of Gciir**-iStratt^n. nt l^arre %'x. > i*tr men a n

mandor of t t e department of Vermont

t e m o o n meet ing the mcornoration of G r a n d A r m T • * the R * P ° * ^ annoamc the Troy conference Home Mission ' ary aociety will take p!ace. At the last year*^ meeting dtrectors were ap-p(4ntfHi frr»m each district ta have chaxi:^ af the mcorporation.

The officer* of the Troy Conference Imyn-^n's association art-: i*r?oident,j Charles Gibaon, of Albany: vice-pres-{Frederick hi Bancroft fey a vote Of iaent-at iarr^ Charles McKeruon of | 4C*2 tx> 2^1. rittsfifld. Mass.: vice presidents of j y h e Woman'a Refiaf Corps, depart the separate districts: Albany die- tnent of Vermont, the Ladies of the

Urie l . Jl L. i ioger* af Albany; Bur - C A R . Sons of Veterans and othor

e s the 48th annual encampment of tho department will he held in St. Albans April i s and If

At a caaens in Barre every offioe hoader in the city waa renominated by a unanimous vote. Prank £ . Lmngley

nal&Ad for mayor mer AJdermaa


af.f is

i; .-


ILL, !

t sv :i ! a ^0: ¥ \Um a\ Rna t M war O w I d |

d ' i a a O w

n i m at § ro CARRW m w Gktta>am ooom PkowaOchs

dl R tawamt a -e>*w ikUna^nt Garria ef e e>>« Orat # a s # vaatoai a^ tr< a*"a-

#VTsf m r. * - « mjm^m av«<«ricao r^ator <i^ a new t a r a * ' * * ass a en \

' . [ t i i a a r l f ' # O a t Oi' S Liiiam 0 »m .rv i r - t i m a a'saw ti^aa-p. #aa>S S' 13m.

T r a o* , g a e on t e a , f a/ attamarg

a* O O'. 0 m . em^e em *o* • ^nday w -, * atm ' c S t m O p si. O: e Orain

w n *arrw • g t law. ssseaVT.


<*f covcrnmemt v o h five corn-j i t -ft

k \: -iTTi+im who killed Earn A* ' i up*** Lsk^ and them twra d :. <*n htmaelf is Te -owrrmaT 4n

^ Hyde hospital a t wlaasma ]a/jcw>ma € • • * % < W>Rtf a U^ the w m h i s left a n a j 4t^majfmaV O * * SUS>S. a t i k f o

m ! - - i^« airtmdy aartveiied t o a i f • - •r .s i ia: %mt>„ # fae>»aia#s ed eOe t w ' a t • - f a . aO aj*>o *+%% i » s v o mLLGw?

1 ahol •kaag the state s > | i e a * F ' , e a # ; a t l | » r d t i%« \ m ^ i a*LLaa*m Gd SJwSat^mwa a m aa i * m m a - ia odficm waa # u » 4 » » ' aW r w t f * # r t " ^ ^ m _ *r t,T Vmrasa aTlStaa•• ^rn* * f ***** •• * w * m ** + ** *'+"+ *** m' mm * r i **

«f r t sm IP t f ^ f r * a > j t a - m l d i t ( V a o i ^ m b « *^ a a . l * * e 4be s ' t - o t»a- wf •*.• «*%,**** 0^ » ttng al aa » « * v * i m4 iamdt

\ * w* aaw o a r e r •tear rwa b* m w*kr^«* smod 0-r m*T*a* % t 4 t g r i a^dmaw a*

t ime mad destroy the-w » H W ^ ao j ax*. Of„r* rarrtwi ^ g r ^ ^ o a l i m a » » aa earn* m prna^rte ' sw-?a» af r^oar

maay mat r WMare df ell iwoaO-1 m %«« v vne>

©t a ^ * > « » j

M r

tmr<»wu oat of e n j o y m e n t , r*.Dished granite ir*e^!r fxw alipnietit. va?oe1 at $T* V1*'. ma> ifti:ned.

John Paat. a aight a a t d u n a n tm* p^Tfed by stv^ral manatactaring ooa c e n t rti the HatchtlaVr m<mdcw GH-trivt. dia<ov«r« d the On a l e v min •U-* fe« for* tw. oc lo i k The fir* started ia the boOer and cotnpreseor

see mi statue atider ahe f!ag ^ * > v e v '^^ mn€ thf „**"** ™™.

k Oa«-fcalf af the J f i e f ^ t main shed l a a t ee««d. and a mora nww* aeruan

M.due-day aW 11th am c a m i o a m v ^ m m WMM ctmWtmHt hy ^ ^

w tk Mr mr4 Met Jem*« w. e a t ^ ^ mng ^ aarairr- waa e*eTed when lor m>.e< a so o> p n ^ r a mi ahu j ^ . ^ ^ ^ mm^t % ^xermim^ stand a g r s i * a j ^ w > . - a ^ . a r f m f k > i f c p ^ ^ j ^ 4 w # ^ ^ ^ ^ na,Wir,a and the l*m a r j r t f • hrmvrv rr a- maia Hn s

ttngton district. Frank E LHrver of ^^iabar>. Vt.: Plattshnrr districau l isnie l K JRnkdnsoa of f iat t^ban:: tJ.raLoga dtfstri.t; W. W. Chamberlain of iohnstomu: Trof dtotrin. H ^ Kennedy of Trvy; »ecretar>. Frank G Rider of CofclesldXl; treaanrer H^nn £p*3efcs!£: of Poaltney Vt.

rid of o>m t*-rrt •* a» a i m ia not v«i

Th^ e a t

a\*Ua a pr»'W*« i WaVfttosj m that 0*4* t*e ahe^la ti tag aitd toe t|*rMa em. Cmi-ta> ruewe u> Oh* aow< r and s o m e peo j s ^ ^ ^ ^ p*« am* taW saoa* aeajtafal f%iiama ;

ai Fan Diem

-•a • i t r<ae* Tti^ Urm har.d.t^ anex-h work and

\Z\j r*iwr. The plant was erect** m 11** and was ome af the

m the city.


Scriooa Operation (RcauHa FataWy, Tueaday. for member of Harper

Party in Su<nny Sooth. Death hivadod the Harper party at

ST Peterbharg, Fla^ Grace Atwood. e f Wea bed to t h e e

kindred organixations will meet im St. Aihans April 13 and 14

Organic h^art troable m a y h a v e been the ca^ae af the death of l>w1ght F. Baaaett a» years add w h o w a s foamd dead m the hallway af hla own home ia Batltmd ome tnorning arn t week h r a milkman.

Gay Cameron, 10 years aid. of Bran-fractured both bones af hla l e f t

am the hiH near his homo. t h o road t h e hoy t

mto by t w o of h i s corapaniflm lag am the hilL

t i ) mice ef la Barlingtom wno mado a i r

lor the amaH laaX Jwra^ciy « v a 12 naata f a r tho largo

T h e

er » »e a •>Ta

i.- - t Or a. v • im r