WAR! LINE!...-Taea 1 heard Mr Croaa shoat. U yea try to open thai door. Ill shoot daylight throngh...

rica emk. •a \ o u •S AT in Y V Y. BODY I t V S WATERS *dte m»iBf rie docket as «•' • that aware S pr« v be :i*e vi • h i-« end tfct > the as n / of •fi r-f -^ .3 made; uith iHaa *>tta«e* tf the* alee gwrare am -.-.•• booklet it arch 1 * in.*- waa* - U»e etad* ^::C notfct- -..* for la*' •ittrmtei ad- wined n»-St WAR! LINE! «K»* T - e T- *ob1. H H iniy » ? f !3 * i • &SEX COUNTY REPUBLICAN COMPANY K VI OITIOfM SUBSCRIPTION PRICE S1.60 PER TBAB VOL. LX XVI, NO. 22 PUBLISHED AT KEESEVILLE, N. Y., PK.uAk, FEBRUARY 26, 1915. WHOLE NOT 592 2 »**? ^ NEWS IM TABLOID PORM " FROM NORTHERN NfcW YORK T,S of Local and General Interest— Pahy Paragraphs Condemeed From Currant Ghrenasleo. Carthage has added to ita liet of of- hcmX* a doc catcher. A term of etipreme coart opens^at Malone Monday March 1. i he price of potatoes baa agaia r«*rhed the sa-cent point la the Cha uaugay marhete. l here will be an examination told m Ukitehali for clerk In t*e White- tatl pi*torace rVbrnary ST. iiien* Kalle wUl porchaae a Sea- graie auto tire track at $:».£0*. It will carry a chemical tana of forty ga> ClltX POMONA INSTALLS { FRIRNO J. BLISS AGED ft? ( WrLLSBORO MAKES BIOOCST OFFICERS AT WILLSOORO.' DIES AT EMMETT, IDAHO J SCORE IN HOLIDAY SHOOT | J Twenty-Jive Grangers Take Fifth Da-. Former Resident of tCseeeville of the Dr. John Vndmr Maatar George B. I combe to Ravages ef Cancer of Thompson of Aueabte. I Threat in Weetern Home. Paaei Coanty Pomona mot Taee>| Friend J m,awarterly convention with Adlfon-.in Kameett. Canyon Coanty dock Gran*e Ka Sli at the headaaar- from emaoer of too throat in the 57th lore in Wllleboro ami iaatalled oaVero year of hie age. Ho waa bora in iKeeeeviUe rVhrnary to. ls$a\ I Mr. Bliea received his early edcatiom the KeeeevtUe academy. 1A 1SSJ Overseer —Scott E. Fbtnmey for the eaeaiag roar. These oeacero were laatallod Maatar — George B. l*cctmrer--Mra. Mary M. Mace of Keeoerilea. Stewart—H. T. Biaeoa. of Iromvllle, Assistant -Steward—Harry Richard, of hemex. CkaaOain— Mra. Belle Todd, of C r o w n POfcnt. Matkor. of Vi'aal Tkoy Mlae at to UeaTer. Colorado, be taa*kt ackool for n wklle, IO locotoaV In Bwtte. Moat. for IS yoaxa ke carriea on n * Defeata KetaevUle Ownneea by Nar- row Margin of Nino Point* en CheeterfteJd Rwle Ranoe. WUtaaoro mane the lafsoat la a SSS-yd. rlSo eonieot on the terneed raaae at the foot of Mountain. Wa*aJa*ton/e I fontlns the KeeaofW* tonm by clone margin el nine potato, tenville waa a food third, wkile Wai- ter HarlboffL 4ambleFt>rka aoae rea> T k e acoree follow Secrotary—C M. Went, of Reoor Gate Keeper -^ritacta I eannn. Jar Ort-e—Mrt, C. L. Clark of W bcn». romoaa -Mrs P M Joem»oa« of Lamia. l-a4y A-»lMant £*on*rxl—M*ai A.ni4 Kickarda. of r^aex j Member e*»cntiTe coruniHtne far tkr%-> year-—KL T !<ir-low. nf Cn>wn | It LLS^ORt H PiCKLt UNDS PtaAMl I 14 SHARKS WITH ONE H la tke nnnvotdnbie Coanty Denutv Robert B. Phillian, of. M^i»frt a* John (Paaa Fa Crown Point, the taataUatian ceeotuoj f r F-.viieoe of Stay**g ot» Port nieo were coadacted by Paat Maater George French, of Wadnama. asamUn! by Caaxie* Uadenraod. of Wa«lloaa> b v g . and Mra. W W WUeoa. of FYom PtHadam caaae* •oorly spring** atory of pUytng marblee on the MlU«e State Sanitary A Smitk of a vkild welfnro exhibit In Ptattaaejrc IAJ* week. Mr. and Mra. Marcaa Powers of WAirensharg. ceiekrated the nftutk wnntersary of their marriage Sunday, Fekraary IL An Hue* coanty weather ana^het ie. *re* that becaaae rebmary U a AS * m:uy and wry foggy day are may i ±<H » a troat oa May IS. .h, Makme Loago of Bk> la to tvj <i\ a $20.#00 addition to ita already hjjiti^vin^ and commodioaa ciah :: K..u street in that Tillage. Mr <UH1 Mra, rYank Cheaiec »:t-:ti KaUe have a A.inrt I>»rn Feb. 17. He their * ilh sun and twentytirat child. Sue Kockbarn poatomce waa cioa- 7 n-<rntiT, deapile a petHioa from ^ ;anueni. M> that there ie now ao t tKHween Athetttaa aad Frank- I.- K enter. rostmaater Robert Marray of Arrenaburg aaya a poatmaaters Job . a not a aoft aaap. The rrqoirementa ,: die oaUce are onita ea^.Unr at uine* he decmrea. The Hadaoa Valley RAUW»T con- eaar. A. fi. Reyaneaa. Manager form eriy manager of the PlaflUbarg trac- Uom Co.. la to spend $r»tjana on tm pm^emenU la Glenn Falla. W. 8 . ^r«^*«g of P U t t a h a r g r< dated t^ardSL Waiea atattng that th^ mtnefcritialianni'jikt a- -, 3 ww to lea p lor the front at once, j tooa tnc tiih tfegrar Tn« neat J u^e he led H C. Stiawr. af \ . w | r w tiir af the !V>moM % IT h* a f H af wm Tart «a a garni fiahixic 4pot > rear |Ui- Jay Or .*«• aoaaetin.* in May aia Fraak Boyer. a forraer ruhV of ; A lari:e d«ter^ticai fr >n. A Samh 'ietia Falla. k}ii r*M»«iT»*d a ' Vnt:ey tiran^- ntrt^t ied the cwot^ti l*«ary >f $l».OS« from th*- aritefvi j tkm. In tk* p a # r » * r « Ceorr 1^ |Tnon>r«n and «on, * lllmm. JMr a:d Mr* 5'artsn Convar. Mr and 04r» ago he Ho learea a wife and two brothers, ttkasar of Keeae- riUe and K. J. B. cd Lake Placid, aad aaya of Mr. Rliea —~He waa a man af atmag coav vlrtioao and determination He took an am ire part m the affaire at the community He waa deeply Interne*- ed in Uie apbailding of the city aad making R btamtifal. HUH beaatifal home w a moaament to hie nrtiffic taste and J. H. Van J. M< M i l i l l l Ce—4a I U I T I 4 U T74SSSSS4 117444111 t—U i l i l l t U i Total W Bun eta Keeaevtaia. I M M T I I I 4—47 ! f i t 4 t 4 I ? S—47 I 7 S M I I M 4—Si 4I741UI4 SvSl 141141(44 Ketley Total CiintoavHIe LaM^antaia i i n i i l l i * 7 * 1 4 « S 4 I J-S4 4 M ! M t$ t S-4S a i : t 1 1 1 4 ; 4 - s t ( 7 : ^ 4 4 1 Ji-oS M Smith . LaVoantam OOK 1 T, Taytor I Bnbtiard . r.g** Total THE GRASS IS GREEN WAV , SSO DISTRICT DELEGATES OUT IN TACOMA, WASHINGTON CONSTITUTION CONVENTION TT Harriet T. Stlnkney, of day,. WHtaa H*m K. Oarea ef Port Henry, Eaaev the H*m* Foifca of Sammer Joya J Cooaty'e Repreaentative to SUte Law-Making Body- in Far WeaL Harriet T. SUctney time oa SammerJoya I c eaL j ] v of Jay, who la la the PaelSe Cxmat. data wriiaa the anL i .aaaritatiunai Convention to Monday a Albany ioar- exeolloat likenenaea of two Coanty Renablicaa aad of the dollghtfai weaten ia eajoytng 8ho aaya: ) caj Editor of iDaaox Conaty Reamhlkaa 1 and New*: AM I read lathe homo leuera of the daya whoa the tharmmanor reglator- ed SS aad IS dagroaa bomw n a n 1 loal aorry for yoa ail an the eaat la loo goad a place, and the p to bo froaia oat or eat I 4 of the deletmteo ':%** the thirty-th*r1 diatrict together with brief biogranM- of nil throe dologatea. m foUowa: Thirty Third District. alegatoa from the thirty-third which oaaalata of Clinton, Ea- Warrea ooantiea. are Gdward it Gleaa r^aila; Harry R. ort Henry, and Patrick J. er awe can't hare all the aw North have had a te as gn Rahiaa and hlao birds all aaeajL Tea and th are in the front rnafci with the Mr. Taarnoy waa bora la Platte- If. 1S7*. and waa the High school ia hfa antivo town In U*l. and from the Al- bany Law achool m 1S»7. l a 1SS1 h e waa a raadidata for district •attorney of € Matan coaaty. Mr by his f aucea: Jadgo of City CoarL 1SSS-1SS4 riaaul ISO* 1*14* and the beard ef ty. 1S11-1S14 Hagaa of Albany la lSSS Mr. Ajtgcll GOTHAM ANGLER THROWS * KISSES AT FAIR NURSE ««_ i Howard IX Hndiey. of Ptausaorg.* addrceaed the r"anirer» oa the Hydro- electric e^veiorrraoat of Northern New York. RenoiationB anarortag af waxer power c^serratioa p tr4 M i n i L?re. Kllswerth Pickie. of Port Kent, n member of the Harper Florida party. while ashing Tharaday Fehruarr IK at John Paso near 8c fewrte* n live aharli er \ three and a half feet in Jengih. aiatnir thai Sah atory •tl Beigiaa Harlbar: Total Aysabie Fc^raa 014174744 S-SJ SS adof ed by the Mlaa rranc^s Hart, af ley Grarca. r* ad a -Woman SugrageK p^rt* o* 'he r**end dale O»wego were made by ana and the other >. were head. The r.y way of it ia said that Pickle cnasjnt a female Val-jaherk. three aad one-half feet tuner on When ho r* I found thane* n TUPPER LAKt PASTOR TO SUPPLY SARANAC CHURCH for the WfiNo Flatting for Treat in Waters of Schroon Lake, Says Fred Jenka* Adirondack Guide. Predorlck Jenkav an Adirondack guide, naiated a romantic word pic- tare the other day before Justice Goat la the Banremo Coart In New York, of Ferdinand L. Croaa, wealthy member of the Jewelry Arm of Croaa * Bigne- lin, atandlag ia the lipnUng waters of n stream, alternately casting for wary troot and throwing kiaeeo to Ray Stone a yonng trained nnras named by Mra. Croaa ia her salt for aiToree. According to Jeaka thin happened in the aammar of lSlt whoa Croaa. Schroon Lake In the Oa one occnaJan* he amid, he f the older Mra. Oraas not ly am the door of a roum m the Croaa cahia. -She laid me.~ the i She naked me If I woald naah ia the door aad I aaad *Sare.' -Taea 1 heard Mr Croaa shoat. U yea try to open thai door. Ill shoot daylight throngh yoa' 1 dida\ try* Croe> attentkms to the narae final- ly became ao marked It Is charged this hla mother left the cabin, going to live in n hotel. Jeaka teatifyang in Mrs Cases' dl- forr# aSit M d of ITEMS OF VERMONT NEWS FROM SCISSORED SOURCES * Matters of Paaeing Inter eat to Readera Generally—And tne GMOtinon Are All Boiled Down. Champtain Lodge, No. 7 t K. of P. obaarred itah 41 at Sbo diae She loft Seauie wm the Pan- at 4 «haa Planing to r ^Wy khARANAO t A K I mWIUGOl^R 1 MAKES CLEAN GETAWAY Cha-np-*;« Prrabytery Accents Pas ejnatron of Paator Reheeta Who Goes to •itinera Chaena. Modrrator W. «' T^ayiar. naaOar af the rirat chank Rianteti at a awecml meeung of the Ptoohyury an Bnrnanc Lake Weameaany whoa the rtoagoathi tho Rer. rteoraw Roberts Jr. aa tor af the Banner Lake i ken a recefred and the Rev. A W r Lake, am to cine for Gi thePa> We of the Brit Iher Justice GoE WETHOOIST LAYMEN MEET AT SARATOGA APRIL New am T i y.utnt. the aMeged pr ;icai»al fo tht' migiclini: oaae m hick derflc*w<d wl^ea 1 f jl = oat w r h of rt*M» wet* »**iaed at j f l V^ |h*^-t Brx.th*-r»* f»rr^ near P*r.tfiac J ,1-ak^ lia< aa<1e k'^ 1 *«» #*.Ai^. *» ; A Thoae ckrr a&cl«r Th^ National Asaocinticn of Aire tear </ar*mem woald Hk» t o hold a s l»a?.M ^ r m r t r Mr aud *' F H 7_ tar" 1 * the b.4lef of those who a*v in too*h } £*»*** w th the ca>e M tor* m).u o*^ for* i* err a ?*a' estate oa«r^i«« ia t ai^la to tboag t to hare o.^i a ^ «i tk« tv,* cdBam a f t a t i were present at he nr^iag The ft Mai cads II C Hodgen* of Fhoat. i R DoiBeld. of T H ^.ar-imrr of F<*n Cor- T. ft Aivd-r^a of Faol 1 B K**lh-r. «rf Plntutwrr pmi^tur of th»> Bnranac Lakr aanu^i regatta on Sarati>e~t 1-aA* pn^ riiiii.^ *hv .tliage of Sara town S^rnw Will •*\>-:i«i an inritalian and roaxatj t^: »<*u~ of th« exnenaea. kUjur4>neral Leonard Wood. I S J* a* 4Jtmc before the Yale dab ei ^oaon ih<» other night e«Aim*'<«d taal tiif-r*- vcmid be g.oot men tn th» suiiTk*r ««np at Plattsh'jrs tiiis ram r A ^»mviil man wnke Uf> that toon I* *.plM-4*nni; on t t e strata one dar w h a a*t»r *»f <n*-n drawing his ooa! aieigk Th* wnriials wer» raua 1 at Roae iT roi %un% Fnlia and w*«i*ti 0 IT" l»* xh\ \' La Da has b~-a aamed \>* S!fcr* r^igmeer W i m a m s t o o«<* ->^l -i'>hn A OConnor at special d^ pu v >ut- f>ii4anerr in charge ef barf te-na: w-rnnnaia. Mr La Im ia a tee N-itl, m.<l danrtres Mm Frame Mr arid Ur< A N Ma* •>. Mr aa* Mex A J. I « to* aw * son Walla* e hr+ rrnrfc Ma Cleara * w M sa l: atb tl^ag ac.d M a » > - e e^ 01ar> Hie eaaton«f mem h*** IN* Ctu+ ;ifia on aon.e c i s k » > i if da*• km-d araOy mae ist^ »H* a il^araea^ H a l t ra>r #n^ how #^e rS^ aWra na> U < 9 ridee w«e nwr»)e«0 in ita« i-avtm.il m t c n*re:ie#.» a= mm bar wa R» ieaw«4 M»n:e raf t t e a w * U se'aeO bv the [laauai -* a*ei »hee» tiad b'-eti et-ia t %n o* e e o a t o OiSa ir | tomier chorrh. 4 f*a>t4w koben** n i g rrsorfi his am*! i aerT:4en Sunday, Fitrraarv Jt Ne»- w**-a ht* a?id his tiAraiU m\H b-3t» f*.r 4^0* Fiir-st •«'. nti»re Mr Ro^-rfi tak* A cw>A*«* af a char« k n a > larf-r than ike na«* m Parana/ l a ^ t w e # i a LAKE TOT DRIfeKS C^at A N D D I E S • « AGONT ROSS OTtRLfaiG n » k f a 00 iB'ES m e»ASSA4j. #ae*amaS Pfea^ a>s«aea C a ~ e #atwwjo iaha S"S ^ jna . , ^- ^.^ - y I we *r^'d a-a of Me at. ^ .. A— * mM «r«^ n~ .aim Ta»* a<oO# O 0 » e e-a-^ San j ^ 9ir ^ * mm w mm mi] CSa^p*a»a Art at ear f^oa Bae> i w f A.,^^ f » # . «^ *+*m m StiO ! i^-aa-a tfi.f e.o na^ S-f«ew ai.ee * VllS# * ** **** w,w of ** S> or^t lai aWo# Odieandacvs Oio ft<w- ateMSag SiAniOt <# aWktm. L « » t : m de^l a> aWraam +..**&+ la la** 4>* aea#^ 0 e m . en ft»e w t g t y f e O c SF* COijNtr Go yeat af S -i awe wft *ur** a»rtiet of » t a r jatica-s> *>aar t hiwa Sri tavigrati fa*. g'» *'~af:* g»a hig a^'Ot ahe ^•••s- the T r* <aw> d\*iw>ph AnikeTfe ahe fonr id Mr- Josnp> »uf»p*e !-akc. fof>xi0 a S<e«ie rwtWAtnan* a aaanuty fa t(>iUfiia #rnc«eied U* t aV et« ««rd«wt« ad «t)# b 4tU of *>e ta»v • w . v d Tawk^w a*.<l a . s w fe ^ f*w mmat«o antif Orayped %o tk#- a^ an BREAasEaa POO OtwdO 0ttm Bn aasciaa-. "^* T%^e,!)oe>«g u l « cat »a»eaia«ea^ J m.ah^ejgh a>so<aw «»••* ea>--eO:;y % "* fta f e f <T**r*f S o • • a a » e a a . # ah* mvaev-aiew and ew.w ^thirs a>*aalbfe m <oi saw as we *r m> o«» C-O _ ,e.e»-^w^sy 40i a t m s t t v a n*» r«m ««"' wa»» a aat *• of a\r*«we!*b Rnfit ^.. J a*' * er nib *we0 a W*wO *s a m # • We-o . J,*- u f'»r. m^ r-s,ie«t of Whiteamn. |eT # ^ ^ M ., m ^ 9 f:# # !- t.il1 providing a city charter Isr ; #i#f ^ |Ni: ^ # ^..^ ^ # .Miniroca Snringa has been intr jdaref ; |flf| « .).. s ^ t e by Semoor m-aitaey.f ^ xmm ^ v<ew*** achmd dit M/iaa ie Hoase by AaaeaaMyiimr ij .. f> .^ F ar w eo-.» gs. lad m a m it calls for a con»mmaa! ^^ % . t p * g., #t»w t ^taK . a. 0 ^ f * * • ^- •"•*• a^v» *a>t f f t f i e of dmay g#te* »- ar arr.Jt. OTavof m*«w S«- aaae has sm^emmv Of. m % a> 0* d e* at a Uata# m'afSstO^fatm istaa 0«we to«N*> T Mee» aa^ antW f• low s .a* OisO e># neat a:jt+* m t«0 ^j^ i^ jw l« mrrme #>#* eOilO* s>af*«m* aw« •>m.ia-a.-i S mnaani. an me. art S^ay-taaeS ay.ah * t d owea o>. aragar o-anai ha#. m. H O SM^O: C < a* s«e. . a- maaarO ssmrarSar^ fa>0 f % M: 0*e> * gfaw. m**esw m aa 4ioa They are beyond tHey reach oar anorea. It was a great day for Pmhahltion. wb*n the ataae at Washhuisum. at the mat t ^ t t o c went dry The saloon kear»<rs f f n»r*l thv mm tag ptcturi L<ejaes the at rami gr*mte*t etMeaT to their bustere*, oerond or r to the traaperanco ar.irker* The nichk^ and dtmoa that ionmi If w*T« it*toth#»ir cor?«-rs are diTened mow If'* otb**r c a a n n t l s less haru» fwl le«a dimasfr* oa to all tiusxanity. Tr>'e> r s rnnikf' a SMpon tnw- to life thr #a-n onto the cm^tt^ earn iuf with It s wTicdesomr mors 1 !*• teral y*ar«. ago a iirti oar esteem- #1 ir«n4* Wr and Mr* P m n i Bri-a aaee «* t^ak. f l a . af n :th a haiKUaJ of falfhfa- ft-ft <ietit wi>ri«*rt a* r«- tn<k" fat cable in th«rir *-ffan» ainac pr »hi aitMit tanef prif.he«>hia thn? Orckit*. Una w wJO a«« c*i*r W atat**. ibat a a tioa Wide thor* ••«- a erare dt»uha in 1 tb^ auttMis af a.net pr*+'*- Ttidav. arv*> an*-* tte< ed gar- v Hs««a men atif w tneii a*> eaJiv^iJic to the cntl af the gnr.it cave*?, ahtrm ml aJtintately ia the town of dy» of Qoeker Hto lather waa a weO iaiater ia the poojetf of Io j Friends Mr. Angott recnlre4 hla ear- ly ewacataaa la tho rommti aad later at the Oiema Falla He gradaaied from Hararford college ia the e^as of ISSO. He waa admitted to tho bar ia 1SSS. He Inter gradent ed from the Uatversaty of M Par a tiaae Mr. AagoR ia tho editorml e>amrtmemt of tho Went PaMiemlng coawnaay of Mtaae 1007 ho iwtoraed to Glema Palis, where ho baa aince practiced haw. Mr. Aagall la a darecaar aad attorney of tho Glema Falla Traat comnany. fine of tho Glema Pane Coaatry a mtmhtr of rarioma other He has merer before head an elective oaSco. Mr Owem man horn ia N i^ October 23. W9. Ho caaed at K. T . ami c o l l e g e am 1SSS« He waa ndmhted to taw war fr ^ . ; ir^f/mnig S mOmW] diatrict reports and an There are eeven or eight ia Hartford village aad there have Miss Baraioe n a nnnil in i atady. Whilohall are being to free delivery of J. £. Caahman, of Bawlmgteau for* been a patlaat at Mary F1e\char horn pitaL ia iannrorhag rapidly. Jadge and Mra. A. M. Alhoe of Bee- lows Falla are the commie ia tLo atata. aing to ohoerre thetr ?oth w< 1, -k i; A Co. akirt factory la RaV The working force for witt mrohahly he Over lJfcSt children took part ty alaighride IS aMghloada, preceded by the ta a Tho V state ! wnem ke nccinemtally atonned mto the j ference ia to ho held this year m Brat nurse'a room and aaw Croaa smooth, j *>boro ontailag <f Amril 2 1 . Bishop R. tog the narae s Uow and aadarihg aer l J. Cooke of Portiamd Ore, ia to prcalda t laat long. Ti^i 10- Leaders of the Churches TM Troy Conference to Disc was Many Important Matters. Satarday. April 1*. is or thonmmaal far tho wfQmt arill laded* wttie Two handrod tained at a glrem a tmeir honor at Hotel Ver- monL Bnrtington. with Senator Max L, Pc^rtr« aa hoaL Barns which Mrs. Hemakiah, Wait comb of Orange received while trim- ming the wick of a lantern coooro* od half her body aad canned her death. Rodney C Hamtooa of Wailingford. and George Maxham of Soath Wal lingford hare boon aerrad with war rmnta chargiag thorn with aoUing wat- ered milk. Mm. Charles OOm of Stowo has a weighing Ove pounds which to aa dreah moor aa when taken from lb* "" 3!rs. Philip G. Colgroee, SS years" I l * *~-^ r coram* a mernocr j « w™ nrpurx* mmm • « — - c — mu* ** ^^ Brattlehoro'a mrgeat woman, to Jdf iU ana of Foote. Stokes A Owem.JddTKerwd by tke ROT. Dr I B. HMS^I^^^ ^ ^ nj,^ ^ u montha iuL"*^t! Mr Foote retired from the i ler of CaienrO. Arrannemienla ^^If/J^iAinllcatioP of diaeaoea. Mra. j Colgrore welgbed orer %H poamds. *** Edwaltjf fiak^f CPf MOntnetier. com- f nn niter ahicw the present firm of $ioke* m Owem was formed. From l*rf< to If 14 he witi an aasirtant t'nit ed iStates auorn^r for the northern diatrict of New York V being made to acoommOdaid #»# at the aanonet. which. wiH he hold at r»<«a Bishop Qnayle. who pre aide • at the comforenoe. wtH spealc At the af- j FIRE GUTS BARRE GRANITE WORKS; LOSS OP $-0,000. Siaty Her Thrown sut O* *> ork at atesti't of D aastrous Saturday Vermcnt S<azc Fire of nr«knowii oT.^.n involved a Jos* of nearly St >^to in the d*«trai- tion ear'e Saturday nionanir of the rranite maiiufacturng p am of Gciir**- iStratt^n. nt l^arre %'x. >i*tr men an mandor of tte department of Vermont temoon meeting the mcornoration of Grand ArmT •* the R*P°*^ annoamc the Troy conference Home Mission ' ary aociety will take p!ace. At the last year*^ meeting dtrectors were ap- p(4ntfHi frr»m each district ta have chaxi:^ af the mcorporation. The officer* of the Troy Conference Imyn-^n's association art-: i*r?oident,j Charles Gibaon, of Albany: vice-pres-{Frederick hi Bancroft fey a vote Of iaent-at iarr^ Charles McKeruon of | 4C*2 tx> 2^1. rittsfifld. Mass.: vice presidents of j y he Woman'a Refiaf Corps, depart the separate districts: Albany die- tnent of Vermont, the Ladies of the Uriel. Jl L. iioger* af Albany; Bur- C A R. Sons of Veterans and othor es the 48th annual encampment of tho department will he held in St. Albans April i s and If At a caaens in Barre every offioe hoader in the city waa renominated by a unanimous vote. Prank £. Lmngley nal&Ad for mayor mer AJdermaa t af.f is i; .- si*- ILL, ! t sv :i ! a ^0: ¥ \Um a\ Rna tM war O w I d | d'iaaOw nim at^ § ro CARRW m w Gktta>am ooom PkowaOchs dl R tawamt a -e>*w ikUna^nt Garria ef e e>>« Orat # as # vaatoai a^ tr< a*"a- #VTsf m r. *-« mjm^m av«<«ricao r^ator <i^ a new tara*'** ass a en \ '.[tiiaarl f'# O a t Oi' S Liiiam 0 »m .rv ir-tim a a'saw ti^aa-p. #aa>S S' 13m. Tr a o* , g a e on t e a , f a/ attamarg a* O O'. 0 m . em^e em *o* • ^nday w -, * atm^' cSt m O p si. O: e Orain w n *arrw • g t law. ssseaVT. Jtamowiooa <*f covcrnmemt voh five corn- jit -ft k \: -iTTi+im who killed Earn A* ' i up*** Lsk^ and them twra d :. <*n htmaelf is Te^-owrrmaT 4n ^ Hyde hospital at wlaasma ]a/jcw>ma € • •*%< W>Rtf a U^ the w m his left ana j 4t^majfmaV O * * SUS>S. a t i k f o m! - - i^« airtmdy aartveiied to a if •- •r.siia: %mt >„ # fae>»aia#s ed eOe tw'at •-fa . aO aj*>o *+%% i»s vo mLLGw? 1 ahol •kaag the state s>|iea* F ',ea#;atl | » r d t i%« \ m^i a*LLaa*m Gd SJwSat^mwa am aa i * m m a - ia odficm waa #u»4 »»' aW r w t f *#rt " ^ ^ m _ *r t, T Vmrasa aTlStaa•• ^rn* * f ***** •• * w * m ** + ** *'+"+ *** m ' mm * ri ** «f r t sm IP t f ^ fr* a>j t a - m l dit ( V a o i ^ m b « *^ aa.l * * e 4be s ' t - o t»a- wf •*.• «*%,**** 0^ » ttng al aa »«*v*i m4 iamdt \ * w* aaw o a r e r •tear rwa b* m w*kr^«* smod 0-r m*T*a* % t4t gri a^dmaw a* time mad destroy the-w »HW^ ao j ax*. Of„r* rarrtwi ^ gr^^oa lima»» aa earn* m prna^rte ' sw - ?a» a f r^oar maay mat r^WMare df ell iwoaO-1 m %«« v vne> ©t a^*>«»j Mr tmr<»wu oat of e n j o y m e n t , r*.Dished granite ir*e^!r fxw alipnietit. va?oe1 at $T* V 1 *'. ma> ifti:ned. John Paat. a aight aatdunan tm* p^Tfed by stv^ral manatactaring ooa cent rti the HatchtlaVr m<mdcw GH- trivt. dia<ov«r« d the On a lev min •U-* fe« for* tw. ocloi k The fir* started ia the boOer and cotnpreseor see mi^ statue atider ahe f!ag ^*>vev '^^ mn€ thf „**"** ™™. k Oa«-fcalf af the Jfief^t main shed laat ee««d. and a mora nww* aeruan M.due-day aW 11th am camioamv^ m m WMM ctmWtmHt hy ^ ^ w tk Mr mr4 Met Jem*« w. e a t ^ ^ mng ^ aarairr- waa e*eTed when lor m>.e< a so o> pn^ra mi ahu j^. ^ ^^ mm ^ t % ^xermim^ stand agrsi*aj^w>.-a^.arfmfk>ifcp^^j^ 4w# ^ ^ ^ ^ na,Wir,a and the l*m arjrt f hrmvrv rr a- maia Hn s ttngton district. Frank E LHrver of ^^iabar>. Vt.: Plattshnrr districau lisniel K JRnkdnsoa of fiatt^ban:: tJ.raLoga dtfstri.t; W. W. Chamberlain of iohnstomu: Trof dtotrin. H ^ Kennedy of Trvy; »ecretar>. Frank G Rider of CofclesldXl; treaanrer H^nn £p*3efcs!£: of Poaltney Vt. rid of o>m t*-rrt •* a» aim ia not v«i Th^ eat a\*Ua a pr»'W*« i WaVfttosj m that 0*4* t*e ahe^la ti tag aitd toe t|*rMa em. Cmi- ta> ruewe u> Oh* aow< r and s o m e peo js^^^^ p*« am* taW saoa* aeajtafal f%iiama ; ai Fan Diem -•a • i t r<ae* Tti^ Urm har.d.t^ anex-h work and \Z\j r*iwr. The plant was erect** m 11** and was ome af the m the city. GRACE ATWOOD. WEST CHA2Y. DIES AT ST PETERSBURG. Scriooa Operation (RcauHa FataWy, Tueaday. for member of Harper Party in Su<nny Sooth. Death hivadod the Harper party at ST Peterbharg, Fla^ Grace Atwood. ef Wea bed to the e kindred organixations will meet im St. Aihans April 13 and 14 Organic h^art troable may have been the ca^ae af the death of l>w1ght F. Baaaett a» years add who was foamd dead m the hallway af hla own home ia Batltmd ome tnorning arn^t week hr a milkman. Gay Cameron, 10 years aid. of Bran- fractured both bones af hla left am the hiH near his homo. tho road the hoy t mto by two of his corapaniflm lag am the hilL t i ) mice ef la Barlingtom wno mado air lor the amaH laaX Jwra^ciy «va 12 naata far tho largo The er »^»e a •>Ta i.- - t Or a. v • im r

Transcript of WAR! LINE!...-Taea 1 heard Mr Croaa shoat. U yea try to open thai door. Ill shoot daylight throngh...

Page 1: WAR! LINE!...-Taea 1 heard Mr Croaa shoat. U yea try to open thai door. Ill shoot daylight throngh yoa' 1 dida\ try* Croe> attentkms to the narae final ly became ao marked It Is charged

rica emk.

• • a

\ o u



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*ob1. H H iniy »?

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VOL. LX XVI, NO. 2 2 PUBLISHED AT KEESEVILLE, N. Y., P K . u A k , FEBRUARY 2 6 , 1 9 1 5 . WHOLE NOT 592 2 »**?



T,S of Local and General Interest— Pahy Paragraphs Condemeed

From Currant Ghrenasleo. Carthage has added to ita liet of of-

hcmX* a doc catcher. A term of etipreme coart opens^at

Malone Monday March 1. i he price of potatoes baa agaia

r«*rhed the sa-cent point la the Cha uaugay marhete.

l here will be an examination told m Ukitehali for clerk In t*e White-tatl pi*torace rVbrnary ST.

iiien* Kalle wUl porchaae a Sea-graie auto tire track at $:».£0*. It will carry a chemical tana of forty ga>


| J Twenty-Jive Grangers Take Fifth Da-. Former Resident of tCseeeville

of the

Dr. John

Vndmr Maatar George B. I combe to Ravages ef Cancer of Thompson of Aueabte. I Threat in Weetern Home.

Paaei Coanty Pomona mot Taee>| Friend J m,awarterly convention with Adl fon- . in Kameett. Canyon Coanty dock Gran*e K a S l i at the headaaar- from emaoer of too throat in the 57th lore in Wllleboro ami iaatalled oaVero year of hie age . Ho waa bora in

iKeeeev iUe rVhrnary to. ls$a\

I Mr. Bliea received his early edcatiom the KeeeevtUe academy. 1A 1SSJ

Overseer —Scott E. Fbtnmey

for the eaea iag roar. These oeacero were laatallod Maatar — George B.

l*cctmrer--Mra. Mary M. Mace of Keeoerilea.

S t e w a r t — H . T . Biaeoa. of Iromvllle, Assistant -Steward—Harry Richard,

of hemex. CkaaOain— Mra. Belle Todd, of

Crown POfcnt. Matkor. of Vi'aal

Tkoy Mlae at to UeaTer. Colorado,

be taa*kt ackool for n wklle, IO locotoaV In Bwtte. M o a t . for IS yoaxa ke carriea on n

* Defeata KetaevUle Ownneea by Nar-row Margin of Nino Point* en

CheeterfteJd Rwle Ranoe. WUtaaoro mane the lafsoat

l a a SSS-yd. rlSo eonieot on the terneed raaae at the foot of Mountain. Wa*aJa*ton/e

I fontlns the KeeaofW* tonm by clone margin e l nine potato, tenvil le waa a food third, wkile Wai­ter HarlboffL 4ambleFt>rka aoae rea>

T k e acoree follow

Secrotary—C M. Went, of Reoor Gate Keeper -^r i tac ta I eannn.

Jar Ort-e—Mrt, C. L. Clark of W

bcn». romoaa -Mrs P M Joem»oa« of

Lamia. l-a4y A-» lMant £ *on* rx l—M*a i A.ni4

Kickarda. of r^aex j Member e*»cntiTe coruniHtne far

tkr%-> year-—KL T !<ir-low. nf Cn>wn | It L L S ^ O R t H PiCKLt U N D S PtaAMl I 1 4 SHARKS WITH ONE H

l a tke nnnvotdnbie Coanty Denutv Robert B. Phillian, of . M ^ i » f r t a* John (Paaa F a Crown Point, the taataUatian c e e o t u o j f r F- .vi ieoe of Stay**g ot» Port nieo were coadacted by Paat Maater George French, of Wadnama. asamUn! by Caaxie* Uadenraod. of Wa«lloaa> b v g . and Mra. W W WUeoa. of

FYom PtHadam caaae* •oorly spring** atory of pUytng marblee on the MlU«e

State Sanitary A Smitk of a vkild welfnro exhibit In Ptattaaejrc

IAJ* week.

Mr. and Mra. Marcaa Powers of WAirensharg. ceiekrated the nftutk wnntersary of their marriage Sunday, Fekraary IL

An H u e * coanty weather ana^het ie. *re* that becaaae rebmary U a AS * m:uy and w r y foggy day are may i ±<H » a troat o a May IS.

. h , Makme Loago of B k > la to tvj <i\ a $20.#00 addition to ita already hjjiti^vin^ and commodioaa c iah

:: K..u street in that Tillage. Mr <UH1 Mra, rYank Cheaiec

»:t-:ti KaUe have a A.inrt I>»rn Feb. 17. He i» their * ilh sun and twentytirat child.

Sue Kockbarn poatomce waa cioa-7 n-<rntiT, deapile a petHioa from ^ ;anueni. M> that there ie now ao

t tKHween Athetttaa aad Frank-I.- K enter.

rostmaater Robert Marray of Arrenaburg aaya a poatmaaters Job

.a not a aoft aaap. The rrqoirementa ,: die oaUce are onita ea^ .Unr at uine* he decmrea.

The Hadaoa Valley R A U W » T c o n -eaar. A. fi. Reyaneaa. Manager form eriy manager of the PlaflUbarg trac-Uom Co.. la to spend $r»tjana on tm pm^emenU l a Glenn Falla.

W. 8 . ^r«^*«g of PUttaharg r<

dated t^ardSL Waiea atattng that th^

m t n e f c r i t i a l i a n n i ' j i k t a- - , 3

w w to lea p lor the front at once, j tooa tnc tiih tfegrar Tn« neat J u^e he led H C. Stiawr. af \ . w | r w t i i r af the !V>moM % IT h* a f H af wm

Tart «a a garni fiahixic 4pot > rear | U i - Jay Or .*«• aoaaetin.* in May a i a Fraak Boyer. a forraer ruhV of ; A lari:e d«ter^ticai fr >n. A Samh ' iet ia Falla. k}ii r*M»«iT»*d a ' Vnt:ey tiran^- ntrt^t ied the cwot^ti l*«ary >f $l».OS« from th*- aritefvi j tkm. In tk* p a # r » * r « C e o r r 1

| T n o n > r « n and «on, * lllmm. JMr a:d Mr* 5'artsn C o n v a r . Mr and 04r»

ago he Ho learea a wi fe

and two brothers, ttkasar of Keeae­r iUe and K. J. B. cd Lake Placid, aad

aaya of Mr. Rliea —~He waa a man af a t m a g coav vlrtioao and determination He took an am ire part m the affaire a t the community He waa deeply Interne*-ed in Uie apbailding of the city aad making R btamtifal. HUH beaatifal home w a moaament to hie nrtiffic tas te and

J. H.

Van J. M<

M i l i l l l Ce—4a I U I T I 4 U T 7 4 S S S S S 4 1 1 7 4 4 4 1 1 1 t — U i l i l l t U i


W Bun eta

Keeaevtaia. I M M T I I I 4—47 ! f i t 4 t 4 I ? S—47 I 7 S M I I M 4—Si 4 I 7 4 1 U I 4 S v S l 1 4 1 1 4 1 ( 4 4 Ketley

Total CiintoavHIe

LaM^antaia i i n i i l l i * 7 * 1 4 « S 4 I J-S4 4 M ! M t$ t S-4S a i : t 1 1 1 4 ; 4 - s t ( 7 : ^ 4 4 1 J i - o S

M Smith . LaVoantam

OOK 1 T, Taytor I Bnbtiard .

r.g** Total


T T Harriet T. Stlnkney, of day , . WHtaa H*m K. Oarea ef Port Henry, Eaaev

the H*m* Foifca of Sammer Joya J Cooaty'e Repreaentative to S U t e

Law-Making Body-in Far WeaL Harriet T. SUctney

t ime o a

S a m m e r J o y a I c eaL j ]

v of Jay, who la l a the PaelSe

Cxmat. data wriiaa the anL

i .aaaritatiunai Convention t o Monday a Albany ioar-

exeolloat likenenaea of two Coanty Renablicaa aad

of the dollghtfai weaten ia eajoytng 8ho aaya: ) caj Editor of iDaaox Conaty Reamhlkaa 1

and New*: AM I read l a t h e homo leuera of the

daya whoa the tharmmanor reglator-ed SS aad IS dagroaa bomw n a n 1 loal aorry for yoa a i l an the eaat la loo goad a place, and the p to bo froaia oat or eat I

4 of the deletmteo ':%** the thirty-th*r1 diatrict together with brief biogranM-

of nil throe dologatea. m foUowa:

Thirty Third District. alegatoa from the thirty-third which oaaalata of Clinton, Ea-Warrea ooantiea. are Gdward i t Gleaa r^aila; Harry R. ort Henry, and Patrick J.

er awe can't hare all the

aw North have had a

te a s gn

Rahiaa and hlao birds all aaeajL Tea and t h are in the front rnafci with the

Mr. Taarnoy waa bora la Platte-If. 1S7*. and waa

the High school ia hfa antivo town In U*l. and from the Al­bany Law achool m 1S»7. l a 1SS1 he waa a raadidata for district •attorney of € Matan coaaty. Mr

by his f aucea: Jadgo of

City CoarL 1SSS-1SS4 r i a a u l ISO* 1*14* and t h e beard ef ty. 1S11-1S14 Hagaa of Albany la lSSS

Mr. Ajtgcll


««_ i Howard IX Hndiey. of Ptausaorg.*

addrceaed the r"anirer» o a the Hydro-electric e^veiorrraoat of Northern New York. RenoiationB anarortag af

waxer power c ^ s e r r a t i o a

p tr4 M i n i L?re.

Kllswerth Pickie. of Port Kent, n member of the Harper Florida party. whi le ashing Tharaday Fehruarr IK at John Paso near 8 c

fewrte* n l ive aharli er

\ three and a half feet in Jengih.

aiatnir thai Sah atory

• t l Beigiaa



Aysabie Fc^raa 0 1 4 1 7 4 7 4 4 S - S J


adof ed by the Mlaa rranc^s Hart, af

ley Grarca. r* ad a - W o m a n SugrageK p^rt* o* 'he r**end d a l e O»wego were made by ana and the other

>. were head. The

r.y way of it ia said that Pickle cnasjnt a female

Val-jaherk. three aad one-half feet tuner on When ho

r* I found thane* n


for the

WfiNo Flatting for T r e a t in Waters of Schroon Lake, Says Fred Jenka*

Adirondack Guide. Predorlck Jenkav a n Adirondack

guide, naiated a romantic word pic-tare the other day before Justice Goat la the Banremo Coart In New York, of Ferdinand L. Croaa, wealthy member of the Jewelry Arm of Croaa * Bigne-lin, atandlag ia the lipnUng waters of n stream, alternately cast ing for wary troot and throwing kiaeeo to Ray Stone a yonng trained nnras named by Mra. Croaa ia her salt for aiToree.

According to Jeaka thin happened in the aammar of l S l t whoa Croaa.

Schroon Lake In the Oa one occnaJan* he amid, he f the older Mra. Oraas not ly am the door of a roum m the Croaa cahia.

- S h e laid me.~ the i

She naked m e If I woald naah ia the door aad I aaad *Sare.'

- T a e a 1 heard Mr Croaa shoat. U yea try to open thai door. I l l shoot daylight throngh y o a ' 1 d i d a \ t r y *

Croe> attentkms to the narae final­ly became ao marked It Is charged this hla mother left the cabin, going to l ive in n hotel.

Jeaka teatifyang in Mrs Cases' dl-forr# aSit M d of


• *

Matters of Paaeing Inter eat to Readera Generally—And tne GMOtinon Are

All Boiled Down. Champtain Lodge, No. 7t K. of P .

obaarred itah 41 at


diae She loft S e a u i e wm the Pan-

a t 4 « h a a Planing to

r^ W y


Cha-np-*;« Prrabytery Accents P a s ejnatron of Paator Reheeta Who

Goes to •itinera Chaena. Modrrator W. «' T^ayiar. naaOar af

the rirat c h a n k Riante t i at a awecml m e e u n g of the Ptoohyury an Bnrnanc Lake Weameaany whoa the rtoagoathi tho Rer. rteoraw Roberts J r . aa tor af the B a n n e r Lake i ken a recefred and the Rev. A W

r Lake, am

to cine for Gi

thePa> We

of the Brit

I h e r Justice GoE



am T i

y.utnt. the aMeged pr ;icai»al fo tht' migiclini: oaae m hick derflc*w<d wl^ea 1 f

j l = oa t w r h of rt*M» wet* »**iaed at j f

l V^ | h * ^ - t Brx.th*-r»* f»rr^ near P*r.tfiac J ,1-ak^ lia< aa<1e k '^ 1 *«» #*.Ai^. *» ;

A Thoae c k r r

a&cl«r Th^ National Asaocinticn of A i r e

tear </ar*mem woald Hk» to hold a s l»a?.M ^ r m r t r Mr aud *' F H 7 _

tar"1* the b.4lef of those who a*v in too*h } £*»*** w th the ca>e M tor* m).u o*^ for* i* e r r a ?*a' es tate oa«r^i«« ia t a i ^ l a to tboag t to hare o.^i a ^ «i tk« tv,*

cdBam a f t a t i were present at

he n r ^ i a g The ft Mai cads II C Hodgen* of Fhoat . i R DoiBeld. of

T H ^.ar-imrr of F<*n Cor-T. ft Aivd-r^a of Faol 1 B K**lh-r. «rf Plntutwrr pmi tur of th»> Bnranac Lakr

aanu^i regatta on Sarati>e~t 1-aA* pn^ riiiii.^ *hv .tliage of Sara town S ^ r n w Will •*\>-:i«i an inritalian and roaxatj t^: »<*u~ of th« exnenaea.

kUjur4>neral Leonard Wood. I S J* a* 4Jtmc before the Yale d a b e i ^oaon ih<» other night e«Aim*'<«d taal tiif-r*- vcmid be g.oot men tn th» suiiTk*r ««np at Plattsh'jrs tiiis ram • r

A ^»mviil€ man wnke Uf> that t o o n I* *.plM-4*nni; on t t e strata one dar w h a a*t»r *»f <n*-n drawing his ooa! aieigk Th* wnriials wer» raua 1 at Roae iT roi %un% Fnlia and w*«i*ti 0 IT"

l»* xh\ \' La Da has b~-a aamed \>* S!fcr* r^igmeer Wimams t o o«<* ->^l -i'>hn A OConnor at special d ^ pu v >ut- f>ii4anerr in charge e f b a r f te-na: w-rnnnaia. Mr La Im ia a tee

N - i t l , m.<l danrtres M m Frame Mr arid Ur< A N Ma* •>. Mr aa* Mex A J. I « to* aw * son Walla* e hr+ rrnrfc M a Cleara * w M sa l: atb tl^ag ac.d M a » > - e e^ 01ar>

H i e eaaton«f mem h*** IN* Ctu+ ;ifia on aon.e c i s k » > i if da*• km-d

araOy m a e ist^ »H* a il^araea^ H a l t ra>r #n^ how # e rS^ aWra

na> U < 9 ridee w«e nwr»)e«0 in ita« i-avtm.il mtc n*re:ie#.» a= mm bar wa R» ieaw«4 M»n:e raf t t e aw*U se'aeO bv the [laauai -* a*ei »hee» tiad b'-eti et-ia

t %n o* e e o a t o OiSa ir

| tomier chorrh.

4 f*a>t4w koben** n i g rrsorfi his am*!

i aerT:4en Sunday, Fitrraarv Jt Ne»-w**-a ht* a?id his tiAraiU m\H b-3t» f*.r 4^0* Fiir-st •«'. nti»re Mr Ro^-rfi tak* A cw>A*«* af a char« k n a > larf-r than ike na«* m Parana/ l a ^

t w e # i a LAKE TOT DRIfeKS C^at A N D D I E S • « AGONT ROSS OTtRLfaiG n » k f a 0 0

iB'ES m e»ASSA4j. # a e * a m a S

Pfea^ a>s«aea C a ~ e #atwwjo i a h a S"S ^ jna . , ^ - ^ . ^ ™ - y I we *r^'d a-a of Me at. ^ . . A — — *mM « r « ^ n~ . a i m Ta»* a<oO# O 0 » e e -a -^ San j ^9ir^ * mm w mm mi]

CSa^p*a»a A r t at e a r f ^ o a Bae> i w f A.,^^ f»# . «^ *+*m m StiO ! i ^ - a a - a t f i . f e . o n a ^ S-f«ew ai.ee * V l l S # * • ** **** • w , w

of ** S> or t l a i

aWo# Odieandacvs Oio ft<w- ateMSag SiAniOt <# aWktm.

L « » t : m de^ l a> aWraam +..**&+ l a la** 4 > * aea#^ 0 e m . en ft»e w t g t y f e O c S F * C O i j N t r G o yeat af S -i awe wft *ur** a»rtiet of » t a r jatica-s> *>aar t hiwa Sri tavigrati fa*. g'»

*'~af:* g»a hig a^'Ot ahe ^•••s- the T r* <aw> d\*iw>ph AnikeTfe ahe fonr

id Mr- Josnp> »uf»p*e !-akc.

fof>xi0 a S<e«ie rwtWAtnan* a aaanuty f a t (>iUfi ia w» #rnc«e ied U*

taV e t « ««rd«wt« ad «t)# b 4tU

of *>e ta»v • w . v d Tawk^w a*.<l a . s w fe

^ f*w mmat«o antif Orayped %o tk#-a^ an M « BREAasEaa POO OtwdO 0 t t m • B n aasc iaa - .

" ^ * T%^e,!)oe>«g u l « cat »a»eaia«ea^ J m.ah^ejgh a>so<aw «»••* ea>--eO:;y % " * fta f e f <T**r*f S o • • a a » e a a . # ah* mvaev-aiew and ew.w ^thirs a>*aalbfe

m <oi saw as we *r m> o«» C-O _ ,e.e»-^w^sy 40i a t m s t t v a n*» r«m ««"'

wa»» a aat *• of a\r*«we!*b R n f i t ^ . . J a*' * er n i b *we0 a W*wO *s a m # • We-o . J , * -



m ^ r-s , ie«t of Whiteamn. | e T # ^ ^ M . , m ^ 9 f : # #

! - t.il1 providing a city charter Isr ; # i # f ^ | N i : ^ # ^ . . ^ ^ #

.Miniroca Snringa has been intr jdaref ; | f l f |

« . ) . . s ^ t e by Semoor m-aitaey.f ^xmm^ v<ew*** achmd dit M/iaa ie Hoase by AaaeaaMyiimr i j . . f > . ^ F ar w eo-.» gs. lad m a m

it calls for a c o n » m m a a ! ^ ^ % . t p * g., # t»w t ^ t a K . a . 0 • ^ f * * • ^ - •"•*• a^v» *a>t f f t f i e of d m a y g#te*

»- ar arr.Jt. OTavof m*«w S«- aaae has sm^emmv Of. m % a> 0* d e* at a U a t a # m ' a f S s t O ^ f a t m istaa

0«we to«N*>TMee» aa^ antW f• low s . a* OisO e># neat a:jt+* m t«0

^ j ^ i ^ jw l« mrrme #>#* eOilO* s>af*«m* aw«

• > m . i a - a . - i S mnaani. an me . a r t S^ay-taaeS ay.ah * t d owea o>. aragar o - a n a i ha#. m. H O SM^O: C < a* s«e. . a- maaarO s s m r a r S a r ^ f a > 0 f %M: 0*e> * gfaw. m**esw m aa 4 i o a

They are beyond

tHey reach oar anorea. It was a great day for Pmhahltion.

wb*n the ataae a t Washhuisum. at the mat t ^ t t o c went dry The saloon kear»<rs ffn»r*l thv m m tag ptcturi L<ejaes the at rami gr*mte*t etMeaT to their bustere*, oerond or r to the traaperanco ar.irker*

The nichk^ and dtmoa that ionmi If w*T« it*toth#»ir cor?«-rs are diTened mow If'* otb**r caannt l s less haru» fwl le«a dimasfr* oa to all tiusxanity. Tr>'e>rs rnnikf' a SMpon tnw- to life thr #a-n onto the cm^tt^ earn iuf with It s wTicdesomr mors1

!*• teral y*ar«. a g o a iirti oar esteem-#1 ir«n4* Wr and Mr* P m n i Bri-a aaee «* t^ak. f l a . af n :th a haiKUaJ of falfhfa- ft-ft <ietit wi>ri«*rt a* r«- tn<k" fat cable in th«rir *-ffan» a inac pr »hi aitMit tanef prif.he«>hia thn? Orckit*. Una w wJO a«« c*i*r W atat**. ibat aa tioa Wide thor* ••«- a erare dt»uha i n 1

tb^ auttMis af a.net pr*+'*- Ttidav. arv*> an*-* tte< ed gar- v Hs««a men atif w tneii a*> eaJiv^iJic to the cntl af the gnr.it cave*?, ahtrm m l aJtintately

ia the town of dy» of Qoeker

Hto lather waa a weO iaiater ia the poojetf of

Io j Friends Mr. Angott recnlre4 hla ear­ly ewacataaa l a tho rommti aad later at the Oiema Falla He gradaaied from Hararford college ia the e ^ a s of ISSO. He waa admitted t o tho bar ia 1SSS. He Inter gradent ed from the Uatversaty of M Par a tiaae Mr. AagoR ia tho editorml e>amrtmemt of tho Went PaMiemlng coawnaay of Mtaae

1007 ho iwtoraed to Glema Palis, where ho baa aince practiced haw. Mr. Aagall la a darecaar aad attorney of tho Glema Falla Traat comnany. f ine

of tho Glema Pane Coaatry a mtmhtr of rarioma other

He h a s merer before head an e lect ive oaSco.

Mr Owem man horn ia N i ^ October 23. W9. Ho caaed a t K. T . ami

col lege am 1SSS« H e waa ndmhted to

taw war fr ^ . ; ir^f/mnig S m O m W ] diatrict reports and an

There are eeven or eight i a Hartford vil lage aad

there have

Miss Baraioe n a nnnil in i


Whilohall are being t o free delivery of

J. £ . Caahman, of Bawlmgteau for*

been a patlaat at Mary F1e\char horn pitaL ia iannrorhag rapidly.

Jadge and Mra. A. M. Alhoe of Bee-lows Falla are the commie i a tLo atata. aing to ohoerre thetr ?oth w<

1, -k

i; A Co. akirt factory la RaV The

working force for witt mrohahly he

Over lJfcSt children took part ty alaighride

IS aMghloada, preceded by the

ta a

Tho V s tate ! wnem ke nccinemtally atonned m t o the j ference ia t o ho held this year m Brat

nurse'a room and aaw Croaa smooth, j *>boro ontailag <fAmril 21. Bishop R.

tog the narae s U o w and aadarihg aer l J. Cooke of Portiamd Ore, ia to prcalda t laat long.



Leaders of the Churches T M Troy Conference to Disc was Many

Important Matters. Satarday. April 1*. is

or thonmmaal

far t h o

w f Q m t

arill l a d e d *


Two handrod tained a t a glrem a tmeir honor at Hotel Ver-monL Bnrtington. with Senator Max L, Pc^rtr« aa hoaL

Barns which Mrs. Hemakiah, Wait comb of Orange received while trim­ming the wick of a lantern coooro* od half her body aad canned her death.

Rodney C Hamtooa of Wailingford. and George Maxham of Soath Wal lingford hare boon aerrad with w a r rmnta chargiag thorn with aoUing wat­ered milk.

Mm. Charles OOm of Stowo has a

weighing Ove pounds which to aa dreah moor aa when taken from lb*

"" 3!rs. Philip G. Colgroee, SS years"


l * *~-^ r coram* a mernocr j « w ™ nrpurx* mmm • « — - c — mu* ** ^ ^ Brattlehoro'a mrgeat woman, to Jdf iU a n a of Foote. S tokes A Owem.JddTKerwd by tke ROT. Dr I B. H M S ^ I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ „ n j , ^ ^ u montha

iuL"*^t! Mr Foote retired from the i l er of CaienrO. Arrannemienla ^ ^ I f / J ^ i A i n l l c a t i o P of diaeaoea. Mra.

j Colgrore welgbed orer %H poamds. ***

Edwaltjf fiak^f CPf MOntnetier. com-

f nn niter ahicw the present firm of $ i o k e * m Owem w a s formed. From l*rf< t o I f 14 he witi a n aasirtant t'nit ed iStates auorn^r for the northern diatrict of New York

V being m a d e t o acoommOdaid #»# at the aanonet. which. wiH he hold at r»<«a Bishop Qnayle. who pre aide • at the comforenoe. wtH spealc At the af- j


Siaty H e r Thrown sut O* *> ork a t atesti't of D aastrous Saturday

Vermcnt S<azc Fire of nr«knowii oT.^.n involved a

Jos* of nearly St >^to in the d*«trai-t ion ear'e Saturday nionanir of the rranite maiiufacturng p am of Gciir**-iStratt^n. nt l^arre %'x. > i*tr men a n

mandor of t t e department of Vermont

t e m o o n meet ing the mcornoration of G r a n d A r m T • * the R * P ° * ^ annoamc the Troy conference Home Mission ' ary aociety will take p!ace. At the last year*^ meeting dtrectors were ap-p(4ntfHi frr»m each district ta have chaxi:^ af the mcorporation.

The officer* of the Troy Conference Imyn-^n's association art-: i*r?oident,j Charles Gibaon, of Albany: vice-pres-{Frederick hi Bancroft fey a vote Of iaent-at iarr^ Charles McKeruon of | 4C*2 tx> 2^1. rittsfifld. Mass.: vice presidents of j y h e Woman'a Refiaf Corps, depart the separate districts: Albany die- tnent of Vermont, the Ladies of the

Urie l . Jl L. i ioger* af Albany; Bur - C A R . Sons of Veterans and othor

e s the 48th annual encampment of tho department will he held in St. Albans April i s and If

At a caaens in Barre every offioe hoader in the city waa renominated by a unanimous vote. Prank £ . Lmngley

nal&Ad for mayor mer AJdermaa


af.f is

i; .-


ILL, !

t sv :i ! a ^0: ¥ \Um a\ Rna t M war O w I d |

d ' i a a O w

n i m at § ro CARRW m w Gktta>am ooom PkowaOchs

dl R tawamt a -e>*w ikUna^nt Garria ef e e>>« Orat # a s # vaatoai a^ tr< a*"a-

#VTsf m r. * - « mjm^m av«<«ricao r^ator <i^ a new t a r a * ' * * ass a en \

' . [ t i i a a r l f ' # O a t Oi' S Liiiam 0 »m .rv i r - t i m a a'saw ti^aa-p. #aa>S S' 13m.

T r a o* , g a e on t e a , f a/ attamarg

a* O O'. 0 m . em^e em *o* • ^nday w -, * atm ' c S t m O p si. O: e Orain

w n *arrw • g t law. ssseaVT.


<*f covcrnmemt v o h five corn-j i t -ft

k \: -iTTi+im who killed Earn A* ' i up*** Lsk^ and them twra d :. <*n htmaelf is Te -owrrmaT 4n

^ Hyde hospital a t wlaasma ]a/jcw>ma € • • * % < W>Rtf a U^ the w m h i s left a n a j 4t^majfmaV O * * SUS>S. a t i k f o

m ! - - i^« airtmdy aartveiied t o a i f • - •r .s i ia: %mt>„ # fae>»aia#s ed eOe t w ' a t • - f a . aO aj*>o *+%% i » s v o mLLGw?

1 ahol •kaag the state s > | i e a * F ' , e a # ; a t l | » r d t i%« \ m ^ i a*LLaa*m Gd SJwSat^mwa a m aa i * m m a - ia odficm waa # u » 4 » » ' aW r w t f * # r t " ^ ^ m _ *r t,T Vmrasa aTlStaa•• ^rn* * f ***** •• * w * m ** + ** *'+"+ *** m' mm * r i **

«f r t sm IP t f ^ f r * a > j t a - m l d i t ( V a o i ^ m b « *^ a a . l * * e 4be s ' t - o t»a- wf •*.• «*%,**** 0^ » ttng al aa » « * v * i m4 iamdt

\ * w* aaw o a r e r •tear rwa b* m w*kr^«* smod 0-r m*T*a* % t 4 t g r i a^dmaw a*

t ime mad destroy the-w » H W ^ ao j ax*. Of„r* rarrtwi ^ g r ^ ^ o a l i m a » » aa earn* m prna^rte ' sw-?a» af r^oar

maay mat r WMare df ell iwoaO-1 m %«« v vne>

©t a ^ * > « » j

M r

tmr<»wu oat of e n j o y m e n t , r*.Dished granite ir*e^!r fxw alipnietit. va?oe1 at $T* V1*'. ma> ifti:ned.

John Paat. a aight a a t d u n a n tm* p^Tfed by stv^ral manatactaring ooa c e n t rti the HatchtlaVr m<mdcw GH-trivt. dia<ov«r« d the On a l e v min •U-* fe« for* tw. oc lo i k The fir* started ia the boOer and cotnpreseor

see mi statue atider ahe f!ag ^ * > v e v '^^ mn€ thf „**"** ™™.

k Oa«-fcalf af the J f i e f ^ t main shed l a a t ee««d. and a mora nww* aeruan

M.due-day aW 11th am c a m i o a m v ^ m m WMM ctmWtmHt hy ^ ^

w tk Mr mr4 Met Jem*« w. e a t ^ ^ mng ^ aarairr- waa e*eTed when lor m>.e< a so o> p n ^ r a mi ahu j ^ . ^ ^ ^ mm^t % ^xermim^ stand a g r s i * a j ^ w > . - a ^ . a r f m f k > i f c p ^ ^ j ^ 4 w # ^ ^ ^ ^ na,Wir,a and the l*m a r j r t f • hrmvrv rr a- maia Hn s

ttngton district. Frank E LHrver of ^^iabar>. Vt.: Plattshnrr districau l isnie l K JRnkdnsoa of f iat t^ban:: tJ.raLoga dtfstri.t; W. W. Chamberlain of iohnstomu: Trof dtotrin. H ^ Kennedy of Trvy; »ecretar>. Frank G Rider of CofclesldXl; treaanrer H^nn £p*3efcs!£: of Poaltney Vt.

rid of o>m t*-rrt •* a» a i m ia not v«i

Th^ e a t

a\*Ua a pr»'W*« i WaVfttosj m that 0*4* t*e ahe^la ti tag aitd toe t|*rMa em. Cmi-ta> ruewe u> Oh* aow< r and s o m e peo j s ^ ^ ^ ^ p*« am* taW saoa* aeajtafal f%iiama ;

ai Fan Diem

-•a • i t r<ae* Tti^ Urm har.d.t^ anex-h work and

\Z\j r*iwr. The plant was erect** m 11** and was ome af the

m the city.


Scriooa Operation (RcauHa FataWy, Tueaday. for member of Harper

Party in Su<nny Sooth. Death hivadod the Harper party at

ST Peterbharg, Fla^ Grace Atwood. e f Wea bed to t h e e

kindred organixations will meet im St. Aihans April 13 and 14

Organic h^art troable m a y h a v e been the ca^ae af the death of l>w1ght F. Baaaett a» years add w h o w a s foamd dead m the hallway af hla own home ia Batltmd ome tnorning arn t week h r a milkman.

Gay Cameron, 10 years aid. of Bran-fractured both bones af hla l e f t

am the hiH near his homo. t h o road t h e hoy t

mto by t w o of h i s corapaniflm lag am the hilL

t i ) mice ef la Barlingtom wno mado a i r

lor the amaH laaX Jwra^ciy « v a 12 naata f a r tho largo

T h e

er » »e a •>Ta

i.- - t Or a. v • im r