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Table of ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................III



OFFERS AND UNIQUENESS...........................................................................................................................1FAST ACCESS................................................................................................................................................2LEARNING FROM WEBSITE...........................................................................................................................2EXPLORE THE WORLD OF WALLPAPER........................................................................................................2THE FORUM.........................................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.EQUALL SERVICES TO ALL...........................................................................................................................3HOW TO GENERATE REVENUE.....................................................................................................................3


MOTIVATATION.............................................................................................................................................5APPEASING...................................................................................................................................................5TRUSTY RELATIONSHIPS...............................................................................................................................6FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE...............................................................................................................................6MARK OUR PRESENCE.................................................................................................................................6LEARN FROM WEBSITE................................................................................................................................7


TARGETED AUDIENCE..............................................................................................................................9

STRUCTURE OF THE WEBSITE............................................................................................................10


DETAILED INFORMATION............................................................................................................................14




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Introduction The project that we have decided to do as term paper is basically to design a

Website (is a collection of information about a particular topic). It is designed in

FrontPage program. The main focus that we have on our website is to provide wallpaper

and greetings cards collection (which will be improved and added with time).

Purpose Everything that a person does is for some purpose and without purpose there is

nothing that goes around in this world, so do we have in this case our purpose is related

to the following,

What we are offering, what’s our uniqueness

To give fast access

Learn from website

To explore the world of wallpapers

Providing a forum

Providing equal services to all

And for profit

Now let us go through these steps and explain it fully what does it means and

why we are emphasizing on these steps.

Offers and Uniqueness

What happens most of the time when you are in search for one of your

favorite wallpaper and you have no time you log on to one of the wallpaper provider and

start a search there but you failed to have your wallpaper you get tried and heartbroken.

This is one of our main and our first purpose. We are going to provide what the customer

is really looking for and we will try to make sure that he has his desired request

completed in other words we would be providing something unique to our visitors, by this

we mean that the whole package that we are providing from wallpaper to greeting cards

to services would be specially design and improved (with time) to make the customer


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Fast Access

Many a times what happens when you are logging to a website but the browsing

is too slow and is wasting your time. This makes the customer frustrated and unhappy

and he will decide that he will no longer visit that particular website. This is our other

purpose to of ours. We would make sure that the customer does not wait too long for the

website to be log on, for this purpose we have decided to use very much up to date IT

technology and would integrate everything in such a way that different type of system

have easy accessibility and no one has any problem in uploading and downloading or

logging on to website.

Learning from Website

Our next main purpose was basically to test our skill in computer web

designing and to find out that how much we are capable of doing it successfully. With

this reason in mind we decided that we should design a website of our own and then try

to run it on temporarily bases to find out that how the surfer take our website and what

they actually think of it, due to internet we are connected to millions of users across the

universe and with so much connectivity this website would not only help us to learn more

about web programming because there are tens of thousands web expert around the

world and their input to out web would be helpful to us in better understanding of web

designing, but we would be able to commute with them now in a different way.

Explore The World of Wallpaper

This website was not only design to test our skills but also was design because

we design this website because wallpaper collection is a kind of our hobby and interest

we were always in search of better and more quality wallpaper, we had a large

collection of different wallpapers and had no idea what to do with it, they were just there

in our hard disk, only rarely they would be bought up to our computer screens only to be

shown to friends or would be opened when we used to change our display picture. When


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the term paper was announced ideas struck our minds why not design a website of our

own and to go global with our collection, so that not only people get benefited by it but

also to be appreciated for such a hard work and hours of searching.

Quite certainly there are millions of wallpaper fans around the global, with the

help of this website we are trying to bring them together under one roof where they can

not only share their collection but also to discuss them and appreciate one another hard

work and also to find a way in utilizing them in the best possible way.

Equal Services to All

As the world is becoming a global village with the advancement in technology,

due to which everybody has access to internet from a school going child to

grandparents everybody is connected together, what we are trying to do with our website

is to provide according to our surfer age and preferences, for example if a child surfer

visit our website in search of one of his favorite wallpaper of some superhero, we would

make sure that he does not log of from our website disappointed, similarly when a

teenager surfer logs on to our website in search of some rock star wallpaper collection

we would be there to provide that to him, in short our purpose is to provide services in

such a manner that every age category or gender is fully heartily satisfied.

How to Generate Revenue

Besides these purposes we have a purpose of our own and that is, that we

should be suitably rewarded for the hard work that we have put together to bring such

kind of forum to the masses, but the question is that how are we going to be awarded for

our hard work if we are not charging anything to our customer then there would certainly

be other ways through which we can generate financial reward, these ways or in other

words methods are termed as the revenue model, let us see that how this revenue

model can help us to achieve our purpose.

first way to earn financial reward through website is by letting the owner of other website

to run their link or advertise their website on your web for a given time period which is

known as subscription and in return they would pay you, yours dues, but this is only

and only successful when your website is highly ranked among the surfer and large


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number of surfer visit your website on daily bases. Another method to earn revenue is

through advertisements, this means that you let companies to advertise their product

on your website and in return you will earn certain degree of profit on it, and besides

these two methods there are various other methods that can be brought in to earn a

profit from our website.

Goals Whenever your caring out a task you will have certain goals in your mind that you

want to accomplish with the help of that task, same is the case here, while we were

designing this website we had certain goals in our mind that we decided that we would

accomplish with the help of this website. These goals are listed below, and later they

would be fully explained in detail.

To motivate our clients/customer

Provide them with something that appeals to them

Develop a trusty relationship with our clients


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User friendly

Make our presence

To learn from our website

Now let us see them one by one and try to analyze them, and explain what they

actually mean to us.


Our first goal was to motivate our clients, this statement would be better understood

with the help of the following example, lets see that you log on to a website and started

searching but after a while you realized that its not that particular website and you simply

log off from that website, now in future you will make sure that you do not visit that

website again. Here our first goal arise, we are looking for something unique that

motivates our clients not only to be regular visitors but also to tell their friends about us,

but how are we going to achieve this, the answer is simply make your clients your

number one priority and provide them with every detail up to inch do not left anything

behind, this is our rule.


Appearance is what that count always, let us say that you just made the cake of your life

but you presented it in a plastic plate to your guest, what happens although it taste good

and smell good but your guest would not enjoy it that much due to the way that you

presented the cake made created a image of the cake rest aside how good it is but it

would not work that effectively if you had it presented in a beautiful crystal cake plate.

The same thing happens when you visit a website and the first thing that hits you is the

odd color combination, you will say in your heart, what is this. We learned from those

experiences of our as we surfed though the internet. And we decided that we would

present our self in a crystal plate instead of presenting ourselves in a plastic plate so that

our clients would happily and willingly comeback to visit our website again,

Trusty Relationships


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Now a days there is lack of trust in every aspect of life, you cannot trust anyone

because at one stage the person that you have trusted would hit you back, we always

heard horrible stories of internet fraud and how one can use this technological tool to

play with the not only the information that a person has provided to someone in this case

a website and how it was misused, and in certain aspect you can ruin a person personal

life through this tool. We actually never believed in it before we were introduced to it, but

after reading and researching it we found out that they are not that much at fault. So,

with time people have grown conscious about the information that they provide to a

website. After researching it we decided that we would make ourselves reliable and

trustworthy so that our clients would feel comfortable and at ease when they are giving

out some information of their own. To make them trust us we have to trust them first, by

this we mean that we would provide certain information of ourselves to our clients so that

they could verify who they are dealing with and what our purpose and goals are.

Friendly Atmosphere

Most of the times when you log on to certain website the first impression that

you have is that where I have landed, because they are so difficult to understand in

order to properly run the website to extract the information that you require, and you feel

frustrated because you do not know what exactly to do next, our goal was to design our

website user friendly, this means that whenever someone log on to the website they

would be able to clearly understand it and would have no difficulty when they are

searching for something or when they want to get a link to some information regarding

anything, we made it priority that our client feels like a ruler who when ask for something

has no restriction or difficulty in getting his wishes fulfilled.

Mark Our Presence

Our next goal was to mark a presence of ourselves, what this actually means

that how are we going to let the people know about our website and what we are

offering. For this purpose there are two ways one is the fast track which means that you

advertise yourselves with other similar website or make an affiliation with some other


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known website, in this way we would not only quickly make our presence because due

to so much net surfer traffic many of them would visit our website, but in choosing this

kind of method would take away the sheer joy of doing and making something on your

own with out the help of anyone. The other way is the slow track, this means that we

would simply launch our website without making an affiliation with anyone and leave

everything up to time and the quality of our service that they would speak for themselves

one day, by choosing this way although it may take time but in the end we would feel

happy and satisfied that we have done and achieve something of our own.

Learn From Website

Learning from experiences is long history with mankind, similarly is the case

here as this is our first website venture before that we had never design as website this

would help us in the better understanding of the concept of web designing and in future

we would be able to develop more sophisticated website, while designing this website

we have learned quite a lot of things from our prospective as well from the prospective of

the changing world and its future requirements, the world is becoming a global village

and a time would come that the whole world would be connected though this technology.


Functionality describes the ways your website provide tools that benefit your

customers when using the site, or gives you advantages when managing it. So what

does your site need to do to provide a service to users, and how can technology be used

effectively to enhance the way the site works?

The functionality of a website can involve commonly accepted routines that online users

expect, or it could involve new services that are only limited to imagination (or budgets!).

For example, the ease of selecting and choosing different wallpapers with the help of

integrating your website with other similar websites can reduce the number of failed

searches whilst the recognition of returning customers that can help to speed up repeat

visit to our website is also important.


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We also added search function on our website because it is essential tool to

help our customer look through the large number of wallpaper and other materials. We

also have added a variety of tools to provide site users with services that solve their

needs and will maintain the ‘stickiness’ of our site - its ability to attract users back, time

after time. We can also add a secure zone for customers, where they can share their

information without the fear of that information to reach out to the hands of someone

who might misuse it, or provide other unique services that create added value and can

reduce offline administrative procedures.

Certain steps through which we have enhanced our functionality

When we were designing this website we thought that how can we increase or enhance

the functionality of our website, after long hours of think and researching we identified

certain opportunities to enhance the functionality of our website as part of your overall

marketing strategy, including:


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Customer access areas : we have design secure zones for customers or

registered users which enable them to be benefited by wide range of services

that we would be providing in that area, from subscriber access to additional

content, or other customer service functions and reports.

E-mail databases : we have also created a database through which our website

collects e-mail details for email marketing or CRM purposes and uses a database

to segment and mail customers and prospects, this system is design to comply

with the latest e-mail regulations.

Image management: as our website uses plenty of graphics, we have added an

online management system to categories and control the use of images on our


There are probably many more ways if we all provided those on our website

that could be used to provide services with unique functions that will keep customers

and other visitors coming back. In most cases, systems will be available to do this and it

is only needs the ideas to exceed the users’ expectation.

Targeted audience Everything in this world has an audience, you name any kind of activity,

there would be certain number of people that would be interested in it, and this basically

leads to the conclusion that whatever happens there would always be certain group of

people for any activity.

The same thing can be drawn for the technology that is changing with every bit

of a second, and this rapidly changing technology has many fans another term that can

be used instead of audience. And there is huge competition among the different aspect

of technology to grab as much audience as much as possible, the audience of

technology varies from children to teenager to adults to parents and finally to

grandparents these all are connected to each other via this technology. So there are

many competitors who are fighting day and night over this. So every age member is an

audience to these companies.

This audience attention fight club is also at its peak in website market as

this is one of the best things that the technology has offered so there are many web

designers who are constantly upgrading their websites, which provides information to

everyone. So soon but in real terms we have already joined this club, so when we were


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designing this website we were thinking that what age group or gender to target, but on

researching we found out that in every separate field there is a huge a strong competitor

sitting on the throne, but during the phase of researching we found that there are not

many website that provide services to all of them at one place under one roof, seeing

this gap we decided to work on it,

So basically our target audience ranges from teenager to grandparents, we decided

this because it’s a challenging way to deal and make sure that all your clients are fully

satisfied and happy with the services that you’re providing to them.

We made children our target audience because many a times we have

seen them fail to find what they looking for so we decided to provide all kind of child

related information, where they would have no problem in getting that particular


We also targeted teenager because they are now a days mostly into

wallpapers, if you see a teenage computer a large part of the hard disk would be

occupied by these wallpapers, with this in mind we put our main effort and made them

as our diamond clients because these guys spent more hours in surfing then anybody

else, and they have a voice of their own once they become fond of something that thing

would be in no time be introduced around almost half the globe, so in order to make

them happy we have not only to study ourselves but also our friends and their friends

and studying various reports on the internet, at the end of the research we applied all

that information that we have gathered in designing our website.

Structure of the Website Welcome to Photo Fuze! This website consists of five web pages: Home,

About Us, Categories, Quotations and Contact us. When you type in, the home page of the website appears. The home page has a

black colored background which gives the website a classier look. On the left side of the

home page stands the logo “photo fuze”, below which lie the contents of the website:

Home, About Us, Categories ,quotations and Contact us (also mentioned before).


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Recently, the home page is clipped with the six latest pictures which are

updated from time to time. Those six pictures can be of celebrities, models, politicians,

music bands, new products, latest movies, cosmetics, sceneries, sports goods,

sportsmen, cars, foodstuff, machinery, newly discovered devices, games, television

shows and etc. The six latest pictures are categorized by six categories: Miscellaneous,

Movies, Female Celebrities, Abstract, Sports and Nature.

Here on the home page you will also find a search bar. What you have to do is

just type in the name of the picture you need and all pictures related to what you wanted

will appear. From there you can choose whatever you want to. This search bar facility

will be available in all pages linked with this website for an easier access.


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On the far right of the home page you will find thirteen categories which are

categorized under different requirements. These categories will make the search easy

and less time consuming.

Else you can become a member of this fun-filled website, and can upload as

many pictures you want. For example if you want to add up some pictures to Britney

Spears photo list, you can!

Besides that, you can even upload pictures of your golden moments and share

them worldwide with your friends and loved ones.

Next we come to the categories page. This page is simply designed to make the

search easier by sorting the pictures into different categories according to the basic

requirements. You will find here any picture here, whether it’s old or new. You can also

save whichever picture you want.


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The last page is where details of the users will be added. It’s called the “contact

us” page. Here the user can enter their names; email addresses and fill up the details

section for suggestions, queries, complains or compliments and submit it to us. We will

work on the advices and suggestions or figure out solutions for problems the user is

going through.

The “contact us” page also consists of sign up box for the users who want to join

“photo fuze” and become a member of the “photo fuze” club. The sign up box gives a

little description of the “photo fuze network”. When the sign up command is clicked, it

opens a new link page where details of the user who wants to join the network are

asked. The necessary details are: an email address, your email ID password, and a little

of the user’s biographical details.

Right below the “sign up” box, is the “sign in box”. Here the members of this

website can sign in to their personal pages and profiles where they have added their


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biographical details and have added their favorite pictures. The “sign in” box asks for the

users email ID, and the “photo fuze” password.

The structure of the website also consists of an “extreme tracker” which is used to

calculate the total number of people who visit this website. The figures are calculated on

daily basis. This helps the organizer or the manager of the website to estimate the


of users and the profit earnings according to it.


Detailed Information

The Website Valuation Calculator can help with the process of determining the value of

an existing website. The calculator will base it's calculations on the information you

provide it. Good, accurate information will naturally produce better results. Using the tool

is simple. Just enter the numbers for the different fields in the calculator. Each field name

has either a question mark or a link that explains the field with a pop-up. Additional

information about each field is also available below in this guide.

The Valuation Tool is divided into two parts. The first part (which appears

when you access it) allows you to enter various metrics about the site. This includes

information such as, monthly traffic numbers, ad revenue, sales revenue, asking price,

as well as various multipliers and more. Once all the information is entered click on the

"Show Summary" link. This will bring up another part of the valuation tool - called the

Summary Section. The "Summary Section" contains a summary of the calculated fields

from the data entry screen as well fields to enter additional information about the web

property. You will be able to enter information about other assets, domain name values,

equipment, brand and goodwill and more.

The Summary Section will also display calculated fields with various

metrics based on the information provided. This includes time to recoup investment, cap

rate and more, traffic value and more.


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Value based on number of visitors per month

value of additional domain names

Value of e-mail address database

Sales revenue times number of month multiplier

Additional value of domain name

Niche market dominance

Equipment and other assets

Brand and Goodwill Value

Cash and cash equivalents

Other Value


Total Calculated Value


Asking Price


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Stated Net profit per month

Stated yearly profit

ROI in months

ROI in years

CAP Rate %

Monthly traffic value


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  Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Total Average Visitor Value ValuationMonthly TrafficMonthly

number of visitors for the last 3 month

from oldest to most recent


Ad Revenue  

Sales Revenue

Mo Multiple




E-Mail Addresses

 Domain Names





Asking Price


RevenueStated Expense

Click Value Multiplier


Conclusion The main reason behind designing this website was basically that to provide

something to the surfer what they want, for this reason we have gone to the dept of the

surfer problems and tried our best to give them what they want. Like for example some


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surfer when log on to some website he faces some kind of problems either in searching

for some information or for wallpapers, we made sure that when they do visit our website

they do not face any of these related problems when they visit our website. And also we

are making sure that they do not face made sure that they have no problem in accessing

our website because most of the surfer when wants to log on to a website they face

different kind of problems like the web page is not uploaded and face different errors. We

also learned quite a lot from designing this website, not only web designing but also the

needs and what they are looking for in a website. And this give us a chance to explore

the world of wallpapers by sharing our collection but also helping others to do the same

we give them a chance to share their experiences. We also added a forum where our

visitor can share views and reviews on different topics. Providing equal service to all was

one of other priority because not many websites do this. Well all website are design not

only to provide services but also to earn revenue in return and we have implemented

different techniques to have a share of the revenue.

Motivating surfer was a task at hand because only by motivating your visitors you

can climb the ladder of fame, and for that purpose we made sure that they keep on

visiting our website by giving out services that they want. Appeal is what that count the

most in the world of website design and designed our website to be most appealing to

our visitors. In the world of internet trust is the main thing that keeps you in top, this was

our one of the focused problem, and we made sure that our visitors do trust us. Letting

the people know about your website can be done through various ways because if

people do not know about you then this means that you do not exist.

Making your website easier for your visitors can be done through by providing

various option and help index to them, if our website is easier to use would be beneficial

from our prospective. Identifying your customer could help to provide better and

improved services to the visitors we have targeted all age group but made on of them

one of main priority. The way that you design your website is the main thing because if

the structure of the website is designed expertly would lead to all the benefits that are

just mentioned. Evaluating your website would help improve your website with time, we

also made sure to do the same in this case.


This part of report is concerned with the future implication that we want to

do with our website; this part covers in detail those recommendation. Now let us go


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through the following recommendation that we proposed.

First of all we are thinking that in future we will be providing e-commerce

related option, for example people will be able to sell their certain products not only

related to wallpaper, greeting cards, but also some personal items that they want to sell

we will be providing that opportunity to them.

Next we are thinking of providing web hosting services so our customer from

where they would not only be considered as our permanent customer which will give

them to go away with certain benefits but they would also be able to send email to their

known ones.

We will also be providing file hosting which means that if anyone wants to upload

or download certain items and if they have not the prescribed software for the purpose

our website will help them in making their task easier by automatically running the

required software, and also if they want to send a file to some one without using our web

hosting service they would be able to save the file on our website and just send the link

to his friend to whom he want to send the file he would be able to download the file by

just clicking on the link.

And also we want to provide image hosting too for which the whole procedure

would be related to file hosting.