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Virtual Museum of Pearl Harbor

Aircraft room

Both sides had airplanes but the allied controlled the air. There were many air battles. That was the main thing in WW2. the us had the best air force.

USS. BowfinTo beginningLobby.

Vehicles of WW2

America Enters WWII.December 7th, 1941 Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japanese zeros. The Japanese did this because of our large navy. They were scared of it so they decided to weaken it. Then America entered World War II. 2,403 men and women also children died that day. Its a date that will live in infamy.Back

BackThings about the soldiers

Life for soldiers was hard because they had to constantly move. They suffered casualties and many hardships in WW2

Virtual Museum of Pearl HarborTo main lobbyClick

BackManagers office

Managers officeBackHall