Download - · Web viewThis initiative is co-organized with the CAWS (China Association for importers and exporters of Wine & Spirits) and precedes the presence of ViniPortugal at Vinexpo Hong


CHINAWines of Portugal Grand Tasting –

Guangzhou, Nanjing and Beijing Grande Prova dos Vinhos de Portugal - Guangzhou, Nanjing and

BeijingGuangzhou, May 16th, Nanjing May 18th, Beijing May 20th 2016


General information

In compliance with the Promotion Plan in 2016 in China and aiming to identify new business opportunities for economic agents, ViniPortugal will host three Grand Tasting of Portuguese Wines in Mainland China in the cities of Guangzhou, Nanjing, and Beijing. These Grand Tasting are directed to Economic Agents with and without distribution in the market, having a target audience of 150 professionals, including importers and local distributors, hotel chains, restaurants, retailers and local media. It will aim to give opportunity to the Economic Agents without distribution in the market entering for the first time and for those with distribution in the market, extending its distribution as well as its customer base. This initiative is co-organized with the CAWS (China Association for importers and exporters of Wine & Spirits) and precedes the presence of ViniPortugal at Vinexpo Hong Kong, allowing AEs simultaneous presence in these Grand Tastings and Vinexpo.

Unlike previous editions, the AEs in the 2016 edition may enrol in one, two or three tastings, registration not being mandatory in three cities.

The China market continues to develop positively, with exports of Portuguese wine to China grew by + 70% in volume and + 58.2% in value from January to September 2015 vs. the same period 2014.

Be part of this growth and confirm your presence since NOW!

Participation Conditions

Registrations open to EAs with or without distribution in China Mainland.

ViniPortugal Rua Mouzinho da Silveira, 5, 1250-165 Lisboa, Portugal | telefone+351 213 569 890 | fax +351 213 569

These events require the physical presence of the EA or other representative of the winery. Subject to the "Terms of Participation in Viniportugal Events", not sparing document reading.

Program financed by the OCM program.

Participation Costs

Guangzhou: Cost per table: 790€*+ VAT (at 23%) – (maximum of 10 wines per table) Nanjing: Cost per table: 790€*+ VAT (at 23%) – (maximum of 10 wines per table) Beijing: Cost per table: 790€*+ VAT (at 23%) – (maximum of 10 wines per table)

* For EAs that present Port and Madeira Wines (wine that is not subject to promotional tax - D.L. nº94/2012 of 20 of April, regulated by ordinance nº 426/2012 of 28th of December) increases 33% to the base cost of registration, in the proportion of the number of Port/Madeira wines signed up for the event. This means that, for each Port or Madeira wine registered, there’s an extra cost of 26€ to the registration base cost.

In cases where the EA share a table, there will be a fee for sharing tables of 125€ per additional EA. In these cases the limit of wines and shipment weight per table remains the same.

Each table allows the presentation of a maximum of 10 SKUs. If this limit is exceeded, a fee of 79€ per dry wine and 105€ per Port or Madeira wine will be charged.

Payment, Financial Conditions and Penalties

1st Payment: 50% upon registration with indication of table and wine selection until January 29th, 2016 (payment after the deadline will feature a penalty of 25%)

2nd Payment: the remaining 50% until March, 14th 2016 (payment after the deadline will include a penalty of 25%)

Payments must be done by bank transfer to IBAN: PT50.0033.0000.45326908938.05 or by Check payable to ViniPortugal.

Registration will only be finalized after payment. Producers registered without payment proof of the first partial payment will not be considered registered. In case of shared tables, the registration will only be considered valid after the full payment of both parts, regardless of how many EA share the table. Registrations after March, 14th 2016 will not be accepted.

Services Included in the Participation Costs

The EA will benefit from: Funding in 50% of the total cost of the flight cost considering the following arrival/departure cities: Lisbon/ Oporto

– Guangzhou, Beijing, Nanjing according to the conditions mentioned in the section “Travel”. Wine and merchandising transportation to the event venue, according to the following limits:

o 50Kg per table**;o 10 SKUs per table.

Exposure of a selection of wines in the seminars designed for professionals, according to the speaker’s selection. Due to the limitation of wines to present, it isn’t guaranteed exposure for all the producers registered in the tastings. The wine transportation for the seminars is not part of the 50Kg limitation for the event.

General services in the “General Participation Conditions in ViniPortugal Events”;

**The incompliance of the limits written above, implies a payment of the extra weight directly to the transport agency be the producer (values to be define afterwards);In the cases where the EA sends his wines to the transport company in more than one company name, administrative costs will be charged for each additional company name;In the case of extra costumes taxes, are applied to fortified wines, ViniPortugal will invoice each producer afterwards for the extra values in the correct amount.

Participation Steps

ViniPortugal Rua Mouzinho da Silveira, 5, 1250-165 Lisboa, Portugal | telefone+351 213 569 890 | fax +351 213 569

Step 1: Registration on the online platform and send of the 1st payment proof until January 29th, 2016 to: [email protected]. If the payment is made be check, please send it to ViniPortugal, “Serviços Administrativos e Financeiros”;

Step 2: ViniPortugal will confirm the registration; Step 3: Sending of the 2nd payment proof until March14, 2016 to: [email protected]. In case of payment

by check, send to ViniPortugal, to “Serviços Administrativos e Financeiros”; Step 4: Send wine and merchandising to the transport company in date and time to be confirmed afterwards; Step 5: Inform ViniPortugal through catia.moura of the effective date of the wine delivery on

the shipper.

Space Allocation CriteriaThe online registration is not a guarantee of space/table allocation. In case of overbooking, and if the requirements are fulfilled, priority will be given to:

Producers with the higher number of participations in ViniPortugal events in China, in 2015; Highest number of participations in ViniPortugal events all over the world in 2015; Producers with a history of participations in China’s Grand Tastings.


EA will benefit from travelling support to these events, corresponding to a 50% cover of the total cost of the flight considering the following limits:

Participation in only one Grand Tastings:

Lisbon/Porto – China- Montreal, to the maximum limit of 1.400euros (maximum limit of 700€ support);

Participation in the two Grand Tasting :

Lisbon/Porto – China, to the maximum limit of 1.700euros (maximum of 850€ support);

Participation in the three Grand Tasting

Lisbon/Porto – China, to the maximum limit of 2.000euros (maximum of 1000€ support);

EA that share tables will benefit exclusively of one flight trip support.

To benefit from the 50% on the travel costs, the EA must:

Step 1: Book the flight with his travel agency and pay for it; Step 2: The EA issues an invoice to ViniPortugal’s, using the trip cost value until the limit written above without

VAT (IVA free: al.r), nº1, art.14º do CIVA)Invoicing infoViniportugal – Associação Interprofissional para a Promoção dos Vinhos PortuguesesRua Mouzinho da Silveira, nº51250-165 LisboaNIF: 503 736 864

Step 3: Send the invoice with boarding passes and a copy of the original Travel Agency’s invoice, to ViniPortugal. Without this information, by imposition of the funding program, the EA will not benefit from the travel support.

Stays: Not included.


Event: Cátia Moura | [email protected] | +351 961 376 124

ViniPortugal Rua Mouzinho da Silveira, 5, 1250-165 Lisboa, Portugal | telefone+351 213 569 890 | fax +351 213 569

Invoicing: Luís Franco | [email protected] | +351 21 356 98 90

ViniPortugal Rua Mouzinho da Silveira, 5, 1250-165 Lisboa, Portugal | telefone+351 213 569 890 | fax +351 213 569