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Leadership and Information Management 4 of 5

How do we re-engage ?

Tony RucinskiUniversity of Wales, Newport

Course / Twitter hashtag: #UWNLIM

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How do we re-engage with the decision makers?

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On becoming a hybrid

A business person who is also an information specialist

A knowledgeable person who is also a visionary

Someone who is practical and also an innovator

Someone who possess both drive and fierce resolve but also compassion

Be courageous and challenging but also empathetic and sensitive towards others

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On becoming a hybrid continued ...

Become a ‘can do’ person:Become a ‘can do’ person:

• Learn the ‘art of the possible’• The 80% rule• Don’t patronise

Be prepared to take risks:Be prepared to take risks:

• “You will never achieve anything great unless you are willing to be wrong”• Go out on a limb for what you believe in• Trust your ‘gut’ and your heart

• Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln - Doris Kearns Goodwin

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More on becoming a hybrid ...

Become a business person:Become a business person:

• Learn general management “stuff”• Talk business language not technical jargon• Focus on driving revenues up rather that cost cutting• Network, network, network

Have a vision - without which “the people Have a vision - without which “the people perish”perish”

• Find out what is going on in the outside world• Demonstrate original thinking• Inject ‘nuggets’ of wisdom

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Are you in the room?

• Facts:Facts:

There is always an inner circle – this is where the heart of There is always an inner circle – this is where the heart of corporate power lies. These go on right through most corporate power lies. These go on right through most organisations.organisations.

Typically it will be the “CEO”, the finance director and at least Typically it will be the “CEO”, the finance director and at least one of the non-executive directors – Information Officer post not one of the non-executive directors – Information Officer post not normally part of itnormally part of it

Decisions are often made by the “inner circle” prior to any board Decisions are often made by the “inner circle” prior to any board meeting – a good lesson for committees by the way!meeting – a good lesson for committees by the way!

If one of its members comes along to “bounce a few ideas off you If one of its members comes along to “bounce a few ideas off you before the board meeting”, then you know...before the board meeting”, then you know...

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adapting to your environment ...

Who moved my ... ice ?

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More things you can do - within the next 1 minute

Behave like “that person” from now onBe a “leader” rather than just a delivererHave an opinion on / a contribution to make in relation to every item on the “agenda”

Behave and look like your colleagues in other areas of the business who have influence

Build win-win relationships(Dale Carnegie)

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And things you might want to stop doing - NOW

Talking jargon – only “real” words pleaseStock answersLack of self awareness – weaknesses questionNot doing your homeworkStereo-typical image / dress / demeanourDenial of the existence of “politics” Blaming the business – “educating the punters” phraseNEVER criticise, condemn or complain - try it!

And what about those limiting beliefs - are you a closet fan of self hypnosis? Thoughts and compound interest ...

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All you need to be heard - how easy is that?!

Personal credibilityPersonal credibility• Prepared to challenge and to take risksPrepared to challenge and to take risks• Politically astutePolitically astute• Innovative and visioning capabilityInnovative and visioning capability• Confidence to trust “gut” and “heart”Confidence to trust “gut” and “heart”• Strategic thinkingStrategic thinking• Seek out and share new knowledge and understandingSeek out and share new knowledge and understanding• Cross cultural and cross industry experienceCross cultural and cross industry experience

Exceptional people skillsExceptional people skills• Ability to communicate effectively & actively listenAbility to communicate effectively & actively listen• Leadership, motivational & team building skillsLeadership, motivational & team building skills• Passion and empathy towards othersPassion and empathy towards others• Inspirational and influentialInspirational and influential• Engaging and interesting with a sense of humourEngaging and interesting with a sense of humour

Business credibilityBusiness credibility• Knowledge of business and industryKnowledge of business and industry• Commercial and financial acuityCommercial and financial acuity• Understanding of social, political and economical trendsUnderstanding of social, political and economical trends• Business transformation & strategic change management expertiseBusiness transformation & strategic change management expertise• Customer centric Customer centric

Technical credibilityTechnical credibility• Technical proficiency Technical proficiency • Expertise in due diligence and governance issuesExpertise in due diligence and governance issues• Awareness of new technologies and how they will shape business and societyAwareness of new technologies and how they will shape business and society

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So, now look in the mirror

• Are you seen as:Are you seen as:

A leader or a follower?A leader or a follower? Strategic or tactical?Strategic or tactical? Business-centric or technology-led?Business-centric or technology-led? Commercially astute or naïve?Commercially astute or naïve? Politically aware or unaware?Politically aware or unaware? Leader of a value-adding function or presiding over a cost centre?Leader of a value-adding function or presiding over a cost centre? Making things better or letting them deteriorate?Making things better or letting them deteriorate?

(ie part of the problem or part of the solution)(ie part of the problem or part of the solution) Integrating with the business or isolated from it?Integrating with the business or isolated from it? Good or poor communicator?Good or poor communicator? Fun and interested to be with or dull and boring (this is LEARNED Fun and interested to be with or dull and boring (this is LEARNED

behaviour)? behaviour)? Liked or disliked?Liked or disliked? ““One of us” or “one of them”?One of us” or “one of them”?

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Hunters of heads say ...

• Attributes and abilities – 50%Attributes and abilities – 50% Innovation – original “out of the box” ideas Strategic thinking – a plan to achieve long term change Bold decisions – based on intuition and feeling; willingness to take a risk Change agent – steering the company forward and invoking cultural change Potential to be a World class leader and team builder Customer centric Exceptional influencing skills Ability to manage investments and retain financial control Expertise in due diligence and governance issues Cross cultural and cross industry experience

• You will need good examples of all of the above• apply the “so what” test

• How you come across – 50%How you come across – 50% The ability to convey complex concepts simply and without patronising To be able to express yourself powerfully And to be engaging i.e. interesting and “passionate” with a sense of humour

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Three kinds of people ...

• Is it time to reinventIs it time to reinvent

• yourself?yourself?

•Three things to:

Start doing – INVENTINVENTContinue doing – KEEPKEEPStop doing - BINBIN

Go and watch some Go and watch some

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