Download - Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Page 1: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Use statistical methods to make an inference.

Michelle Dalrymple

Page 2: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Use statistical methods to make an inference.



Sample statistics


parameterWhat we’re trying

to estimate

Page 3: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Historical development

This standard replaces the old sampling standard with making an inference about a single population

Extends development of the curriculum material developed by Chris Wild and his team at Auckland University

Follows on from 91035 (1.10) Multivariate Data

Page 4: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

What is new/changed?

Use of exploratory data analysis. Statistical inference comparing two

populations (or two groups within one population).

Informal confidence intervals for population medians.

Sampling variability. Using relevant (given) contextual


Page 5: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


The approach you take will depend on Type of course offered Time allowed for the topic Incorporating Stat Lit (reports) material, or

material from other Statistics standardsBackground of studentsAccess to ICT

Page 6: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Key ideas…

Statistical literacy Correct vocabulary

Sampling variability Impact of sample size Impact of spread of population

Informal confidence intervals Level 7 guide Making a call based on these intervals

Page 7: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Sequence of learning experiences:Based on work by Lindsay Smith and Pip Arnold

1. Introduction to making an inference2. Sampling methods 3. Using a sample to make a point

estimate & sampling variability 4. Sampling variability: effect of

sample size

Page 8: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Sequence of learning experiences:Based on work by Lindsay Smith and Pip Arnold

5. Sampling variability: effect of spread of population

6. Developing the formula for informal confidence interval for the population median

7. PPDAC for summary & checking how well our intervals capture the population median

8. PPDAC for comparison (clear difference) 9. PPDAC for comparison (not a clear difference)


Page 9: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Original resources available on…

Lindsay Smith (University of Auckland)

Pip Arnold (Cognition)

Page 10: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Reminder – PPDAC cycle…

Page 11: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Lesson 3 & 4

Page 12: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.



Sample statistics


parameterWhat we’re trying

to estimate

Page 13: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


What sort of question is this?

How would we have worded this question last year? (Level 1)

What other sort of investigative questions are there?

What makes a good question?

I wonder what the median weight of Stage 1 Statistics students at Auckland University is?

Page 14: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Question types Good questions SUMMARY

Description of one variable

COMPARISON Comparing two (or

more) subsets of data across a common numeric variable

RELATIONSHIP Looking at the

interrelationship between two paired numeric variables

Can be answered with the data

Population of interest is clear

Variable(s) of interest is clear

Intent (summary, comparison, relationship) is clear

Someone is interested in the answer

Page 15: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Comparative question progression – ASIDE from Pip ArnoldLevel 6 Level 7  I wonder if

heights of NZ Yr 11 boys tend to be greater than heights of NZ year 11 girls

looking for a tendency, do the boxes overlap or not, if they do is it too much

I wonder if the median height of NZ year 11 boys tends to be greater than the median height of NZ year 11 girls

seeing if the informal confidence interval overlap or not

Level 8 – under development still… I wonder what

the difference in heights  is between NZ year 11 boys and NZ year 11 girls.

finding an interval for the difference – if zero in the interval then probably not making the  call

Page 16: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

I wonder what the median weight of Stage 1 Statistics students at Auckland University is?

What do you think the typical weight will be?

Why? Sketch the shape of the distribution

of weights of Stage 1 Statistics students from Auckland University.

Population information

Page 17: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


From my sample data I estimate that the median weight for all Stage 1 statistics students at Auckland University is….

Use sample median to provide a point estimate of the population parameter

Page 18: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


But they’re all different! Who is right?

From my sample data I estimate that the median weight for all Stage 1 statistics students at Auckland University is….

Page 19: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Everyone’s plots

How can we use our sample to predict what is going on back in the population?

The sample median is our best idea of the population median

Page 20: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Sampling error

The process of taking a sample and using the median of the sample to predict the population median will never produce the exact value of the population median.

This is called sampling error The difference between the sample

median and the true value back in the population

Page 21: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Lesson 5 & 6

Page 22: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Using technology…

Sampling kiwis Collecting the

medians from repeated sampling

Remember we’re in TEACHING WORLD - in the ‘real world’ we wouldn’t be able to take lots and lots of samples to see what happens!

Page 23: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Showing this with technology One sample Collecting medians

Page 24: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Your collection of medians...

Page 25: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Analysis For each sample size:

A. I notice that the sample median weights of kiwis for samples of size ___ vary from ___ to ___

B. I notice that the bulk of the sample median weights of kiwis for samples of size ___ ranged from ___ to ___

C. I notice that the median for the sample median weight of kiwis for samples of size ___ is ___ and that the median for the sample IQR is ___

Page 26: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

AnalysisSample size

I notice that the sample median weights of kiwis for samples of size ___ vary from ___ to ___

I notice that the bulk of the sample median weights of kiwis for samples of size ___ ranged from ___ to ___

I notice that the median for the sample median weight of kiwis for samples of size ___ is ___ and that the IQR for the sample medians is ___

n=15 from ___ to ___ from ___ to ___ Median-median = ___IQR-median = ___

n=30 from ___ to ___ from ___ to ___ Median-median = ___IQR-median = ___

n=50 from ___ to ___ from ___ to ___ Median-median = ___IQR-median = ___

n=100 from ___ to ___ from ___ to ___ Median-median = ___IQR-median = ___

Page 27: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


I notice that the variation of the median weights of kiwis ________ as the sample size _________.

For samples of size 15 the median weight ranged from ____ to ____, a difference of _____,

Whereas for samples of size 100 the median weight ranged from ____ to ____, a difference of ____.

Page 28: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

ConclusionAs the sample size increases, • the variation of the medians __________

What is a sensible and reliable sample size to use to make inferences about the population?

Page 29: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Remember Our best point estimate of the

population parameter – the population median is our sample median The estimates vary, even with n = 100 It is better to provide a range of possible

values for the parameter, based on our estimate, rather than stating one value

Page 30: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Developing a reflex…

Chris Wild movie - n = 30

Page 31: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

We want to plant a reflex…

Page 32: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Movies – one sample - summaryBox plot with memory…

Page 33: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Lesson 7

Page 34: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

The scenarioIntermediate SchoolYear 7 & 8

Middle SchoolYear 7 – 10

An intermediate school wants to purchase new furniture for their students, based on the median height of students in years 7 and 8.

A teacher takes a sample of 30 intermediate students from C@S to make an estimate of the population median

A middle school wants to purchase new furniture for their students, based on the median height of middle school students.

A teacher takes a sample of 30 middle school students from C@S to make an estimate of the population median

Page 35: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Which teacher is likely to get a better estimate of the students heights?


Page 36: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Lesson 8

Incorporating sample size

Page 38: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Samples of size ___ were reliable enough

Page 39: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

The median weight of kiwis was somewhere between ___ and ___(90% ish of our sample medians)

Distribution of sample medians…

2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2median

Measures from Sample of Kiw ipop Dot Plot

Page 40: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

We don’t get to take multiple samples so this process WON’T work We need to find an informal confidence interval for the population median based ON A SINGLE SAMPLE

However in real life …

Page 41: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

To take into account both•Sample size and•spread

Our informal interval needs…

Page 42: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Your turn…

More kiwis…


Page 43: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.



Page 44: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Add your IQR (box) TO THE SHEET

Student worksheet

Page 45: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Complete Q3 – Q5 on the worksheet

Student worksheet

Page 46: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Q3: I notice that the width of the IQR for sample medians when the sample size is 30 is approximately of the width of the population IQR

WIDTH 0.6805 kg

WIDTH 0.138 kg


Page 47: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Q4: I notice that the width of the IQR for sample medians when the sample size is 400 is approximately __________ of the width of the population IQR

WIDTH 0.0349 kg

WIDTH 0.6805 kg


Page 48: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Q5: Relationship between the width of the IQR for sample medians of sample size n and the population IR and the sample size…

IQR for sample medians (sample size = n) is approximately of the population IQR

When n = 400 the IQR of the sample medians is approximately ________________ of population IQR

When n = 30 the IQR of the sample medians is approximately ________________ of population IQR


Page 49: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Lesson 8

How wide should our interval be?

Page 50: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Kiwi kapers 3

Page 51: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Developing an informal confidence interval for the population median… For our informal confidence interval for

the population median we want to use Sample median Sample IQR/n

We need to see how big to make this interval so we’re pretty sure the interval includes the population median We want it to work about 90% of the time

Page 52: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Remember we’re in TEACHING WORLD

We’re going to explore how wide our intervals should be when we can work backwards from a given population.

Page 53: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Informal confidence intervals…

sample median k x sample IQR/n

What would be the ideal number (k) of sample IQR/ n to use all the time to be pretty sure the interval includes the population median?

weight1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Kiw ipop Dot Plot

3 different samples n = 303 different medians3 different IQRs

Page 54: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

That is…

We know what the population median actually is

We can look and see how far away from the population median this is:


Page 55: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Worksheet 2Deciding how many sample IQR/n we need for the informal confidence interval(finding k)For each example…1. Mark the sample median on the big graph and

draw a line to the population median2. Find the distance the sample median is from the

population median (2.529kg)3. Divide by sample IQR/n This gives the number of sample IQR /n that the

sample median is away from the population median


Page 56: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

1. Mark the sample median on the big graph and draw a line to the population median

2. Find the distance the sample median is from the population median (2.529kg)

3. Divide by sample IQR/n

Page 57: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

EG 4) 0.1222EG 5) 1.0399EG 6) 1.0005EG 7) 1.3007EG 8) 2.2880EG 9) 1.3370EG 10)



0.113/0.12689= 0.89


0.159/0.1075= 1.479


0.212/0.1479= 1.433

3. Divide by sample IQR/n

This gives the number of sample IQR/n that the sample median is away from the population median

Page 58: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

From our 10 samples it would appear ±1.5 x IQR/sqrt(n) would be most effective.

That is… it should capture the population median most of the time


0.113/0.12689= 0.89


0.159/0.1075= 1.479


0.212/0.1479= 1.433

3. Divide by sample IQR/n

This gives the number of sample IQR/n that the sample median is away from the population median

Page 59: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

The final formula for the informal confidence interval is :

Final formula for informal Confidence interval

Page 60: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Prezi recap [if time]

I’d lost them…

Page 61: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Lesson 9

Page 62: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


What is the median weight of New Zealand kiwis?

Page 63: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Page 64: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Plan & Data

Simple random samples of 30 kiwis I sampled for you


Page 65: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Box plot Summary statistics I did this for you as well

YOU NEED TO… Use the formula to construct an

informal confidence interval for the population median for each sample of 30 kiwis

Page 66: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Page 67: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Use your interval from SAMPLE A to complete the conclusion

From my sample, I am pretty sure that the median weight of New Zealand kiwis is between ____ and ____

Page 68: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Teaching and learning world How many of our informal confidence

intervals captured the population median?

Page 69: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8weight

Sample of Kiw ipop Box Plot

Population median = 2.529 kg

Page 70: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

How many “lots” of IQR/sqrt(n) our samples are away from the population median

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 100











Page 71: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Lesson 11 & 12


Page 72: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Investigative question

I wonder if the median height of NZ kiwi females tends to be greater than the median height of NZ kiwi males

Population parameter

Variable of interest



Page 73: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


I sampled for you Have a look how…

Page 74: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

AnalysisSelect and use appropriate displays and measures.Construct the informal confidence intervals

Page 75: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

AnalysisDiscuss sample distributions by comparing features of them. Compare - shape - overlap - shift - spread- middle 50%- unusual or interesting

Page 76: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Conclusion - inference

From my informal confidence intervals, I am pretty sure that the population median height of NZ kiwi females is between ____ and ____.

Similarly, I’m pretty sure that the population median height of NZ kiwi males is between ____ and ____.

Teaching and learning world NOTE – Matt ReganIn the conclusion…We used "sure" rather than "confident" as we should reserve the use of the term 'confident' to ideas about the confidence we have in our interval estimate (i.e., our confidence interval) which is different from the confidence we have about the 'pattern repeatability' and we don't want students to get muddled.

Page 77: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Based on these samples I would make the call that the population median height of NZ kiwi females is greater then the population median height of NZ kiwi males. That is, I would make the call that NZ kiwi females tend to be taller than NZ kiwi males back in the two populations.


Page 78: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Conclusion - justification The informal confidence interval for the

population median height of NZ kiwi females is (much) further up the scale than the informal confidence interval for the population median height of NZ kiwi males and these informal confidence intervals do not overlap.

I am quite sure that if I were to take another sample of NZ kiwi females and another sample of NZ kiwi males girls this non-overlapping pattern in confidence intervals for the population medians would persist, thus giving the same conclusion.

Page 79: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.


Further thoughts… What would happen if you took

another sample and completed this process again?

What would happen if to the informal confidence intervals if you increased the sample size?

Page 80: Use statistical methods to make an inference. Michelle Dalrymple.

Use statistical methods to make an inference - ASSESSMENT