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Architecture Workshop at Polis University Tirana. Lecturers Ivan Kucina & Elvan Dajko, October 25 – November 6, 2010

u.polis minimal commons

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Community center_blloku dinamo_Miranda RashaniNeighbor geographical position,

map of Tirana

Zone position and connections into the neighbor

Photos from the zone


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Mental map_abstract expression of mental experience


Interviewshabitants at the neighbor

Communitycenter_bllokudinamo_Miranda Rashani

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CommunityCentre_MartinCamajst_Aurora Gjika

CommunityCentre_Tirana_Erinsa Shehu

A Design ArtGalleryNevinBilali

CommunityCentre_Tirana_Iris Gjashta

Comunity center_"Komuna eParisit"_ EnolaIsuf

Sheshi parkimit"Petro NiniLuarasi"_D.Malaj


CommunityCenter_ StMine Peza AndRr Durrsit Erti...

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CommunityCenter_FushaAviacionit_Malvina Kallabak...


CommunityCenter_SamiFrasheri_Kreshnik Turabi_1


Communitycenter_Bryli_Aneld Kendezi

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community_center ''PerlatRexhepi'' st. byEdison ...


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COMMUNITYCENTER_"Vaso Pasha"St_Aida Kulaj_1


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CommunityCenter_ExFactory ofEnver_BelinaKodra ...

Workshop_Myslym Shyri_NaimHajdari


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Arts, Health andExchangingCommunityCenter_Kombi...

October (3)

Malvina _ I


flamur grajcevci

Linda Loka

Elvan Dajko


Rais Petrela

ujeza gjedia

glodi dauti


aida kulaj


Lisa | Happy By

Enola Isufi


Saimir Kristo

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Miranda Rashani




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Created profile biography and his life story and experience for the certain zone

Name: Ton Hoti

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Status: Open relationship

Lifestyle: Protagonist

Profession: Graphic design student & parttime work as a designer

Monthly income: ~420eur

Living situation: With friends in an apartment

Characteristic & adaptations: very sociable, outgoing, born leader, organized,systematic, active, energetic, explorer, curious, creative, ambitious

Selfconcept: selfesteemed, forever young, in search for innovations and diversity,very energetic, selfwilled

Identity: optimist, free spirited and avantgarde

Aspirations: diversity in everything, action, energy release, socializing, emotionexpress

Hobbies: street arts, technology, online &out games, reading (novels andpsychological books), movies (especially thrillers and documentary on technologies),music (mostly jazz and reggae)

Interests: in everything – very curios nature, mostly graphic design and IT.

profile and scenario

developed as a conversation between me and the profile/person

‘’It’s interesting the fact that a man lives and act continually meanwhile happen to lose thevery essence/tendency of this journey – comfort and beatitude. Why do we live, work or whydo we even laugh?! To overlive the day or to enjoy the day!!! What memories do we havealong a pathway! How happens the same distance we experience it short and beautiful orlong and boring?! Why easyfast taskwork sometimes is a very lasting one?! What aboutthe morning wakeups! For example, today you’re an enthusiastic one and the next morningyou have no motivation to get up!’’

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This is how Toni starts his lifestory. He is 21 years old and actually this entry is incontradiction with his excited, positive and smiley face.

Then he continues…

‘Even though I’m not a pessimist, a contrary, there are moments when I find myselfdiscussing and agreeing with my friends regard this topic. Routine days are responsible forthis inner conflict of mine, my life journey.

As much as a man adapt to the ambient, his aspirations and needs will be fulfilling.

I live in an old neighbor near city center for around 6 years. We are 3 roommates living in anold apartment. Although the apartment and neighbor contains some political (not kind)memories, I can say it’s a quite, homely, safe and regular zone. Actually sometimes,notably on weekends, this area is very silent – as a dead one. On my behalf, I would neverspend a weekend day at home, it would drive me crazy. Accept park that is near my house,there’s absolutely no activity near. I’m used to move, action is my second name huh. I wasborn and raised in a village, we had a very big house with an amazing garden also big parkwas near us. Ouch, how I miss the unendless space, the playing hours with my friends, thelaughs when we singed / act as VIP, the freedom and excitement etc. A child/man shouldhave the space and opportunity to develop and train his creative side, exploring, inventingand organizing his own life and will. Maybe I’m too childhood nostalgic, but I sense that herein Tirana (or only my neighbor) is missing. We all have to go outside far away maybe just fora café or for some leisure. I study for graphic design and I work as a free lance as adesigner. Approximately 10 hours per day I am in a rush, walking, running, in a bus or taxi. Iusually wake up at 7AM, the lectures start at 08:20am, so I have to catch a bus – lucky methe bus station is near apartment. I really love to take with me in a bus a cup of coffee so Icould start lectures with eyes wide open, but this is an odd wish – there’s no café near myapartment. Usually I have classes ‘till 13:00pm and afterwards is lunch break, batterycharging for the next mission – work. I usually work at home because I have no office andapartment is the only place. My job requires creative results, so I need motivation andinspirations. And again there’s nostalgia… I wish I could have that garden to sit with a penand laptop, ipad with jazz music, some snacks and coffee… I know for sure that if inpauses I would see and talk with people it will raise work product quality; my work could andwould be fineness if I would work in a social area and with motivation inputs very close.Huh, you see I’m systematic and organized person but work and school is not the onlyobjective in my life. After 07pm, I’m very open to night life challenges and activities. Itusually requires transport and financial inputs, but I manage it somehow. Movies are myspecialty (mainly thrillers), karaoke to release stress and music to fulfill my soul. Weekenddays, very special one, means dance club, parks, beach, bowling, tennis, football, parties,karaoke etc… Huh I have so much desires for fun, accomplishing hmmm it depends onfinancial factors. To go to a club, for example, there is need money for taxi, entry fee, drinksand again taxi. It’s a pity for me that there is no club in my neighborhood. On Sundays Iusually go to café before lunch and after I love to read novels, magazines and strips. I loveGrisham btw. The Sunday evenings are usually for movies and relax.’

Then he stops for a minute, takes a deep breath and says…

‘You see why people call me a perfectionist and they say to me: you are going to liveforever. I try not to let myself into routine; I try to live as diverse as its possible… This isme! Attempting to live as when I was a child, a happy and freespirit man.

We still were walking and talking, and by these last sentences, we arrived at the dynamostadium. He told me that we are almost there, because I offered him a company. Did Imention that we live in the same neighbor?! Anyway, we were about to enter into our blockand in front of us was an empty place unused and untreated in front of apartment blocks.Well when I say empty, I mean no people or activity, there were some cars and garbage. Iasked him ‘ what do u think about this place? Do you know what happens here? And heresponded me….

‘Well, know is fine no rain its dry; by the winter u cannot walk here at all is all mud. When Igo to the work or where ever I use this shortcut, (it connects me with the city); I hate when itrains, I have to walk all around to reach the main street. It’s a dad zone, no one stays hereall are passing just like me; btw for what else could we use it?! Also for parking when its dryof course also. I don’t know why there isn’t built something, maybe a park or a café, I wouldlike a café there very much. It would be on the way to work, I would drink it or take way onthe bus. Instead of using for something good or productive, I toxin myself every day. Yousee u have garbage all over nobody deals with the wastebaskets, all the neighbor is abasket to throw garbage. ‘

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Then I asked ‘ is there any life here, ok you mentioned that people only pass for transit,what about vehicles?

‘Well habitants from these buildings park they’re car here by night, and probably early in themorning they go to work or anywhere else by car – because when I go to school I see onlycars that goes to the center and also when I come back There are again parked infront oftheir apartments. In general this place is very quite, no people, no children, no cars, noanimals, no green…

It’s a dad place!!!

Keywords derived from the scenario/phenomena/profile conversation

divided into 4 groups

KEYWORDSfor programatic diagram and architecture

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keywords transformed into physical elements

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Programatic diagram

passing to the architecture diagram and model

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3D axonometry existing

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3D axonometry with new building

3D axonometry existing

3D axonometry with new building

perspective views

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