Download - UOAConnection March 2013

  • 7/29/2019 UOAConnection March 2013


    The UOAConnection is a publi-cation of the United Ostomy

    Association of Canada Inc. This

    bulletin is published 10 times a

    year in both English and French

    (future) to provide greater com-

    munication to the chapters.

    Limited funds only permit circu-

    lation to chapter leadership who

    are encouraged to share the in-

    formation with their members by

    including items of interest in

    their newsletters.


    United Ostomy Association of

    Canada Inc.

    344 Bloor St. West, Suite 501

    Toronto, ON M5S 3A7

    [email protected]


    FAX: 416-595-9924

    TOLL FREE: 1-888-969-9698


    Peter Folk



    Stephen Maybee

    SECRETARY:Carol Wells


    5 March 2013

    Greetings all,

    Our board of directors had its second, third and fourth online board meetings

    on February 7th 9th and March 2nd. They were attended by our executive and

    most of our board as well as observers. However, two hours is just not enough

    time to thoroughly discuss all the issues that need to be discussed. I will be

    scheduling more of these meetings on a regular basis so that the board can make some important


    The board of directors will meet in person in Halifax on August 16, the day before the Chapter

    Information Session (CIS), and attend the CIS on August 17 and meet again the afternoon after

    the Annual General Meeting on August 18. The Ostomy Halifax chapter is going to have a great get

    together, see more information later on in this UOAConnection!

    The Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act provides federal not-for-profit corporations with a new

    set of rules that are modern, flexible and better suited to the needs of today's not-for-profit sector.

    Our by-laws committee is working hard to have new by-laws ready for a vote at the AGM in Halifax

    in 2013. We have set up a not-for-profit task force with key members from our past leadership as

    well as current chapter presidents. Details have been sent to chapter presidents and we had our first

    online meeting on March 1 with a second one scheduled for March 8. I am hopeful that the task

    force is able to agree on certain key points and bring those forth at the annual general meeting in

    Halifax on August 18.

    Once again, it is time to consider letting your name stand for an executive or director position withthe United Ostomy Association of Canada. Nomination details and forms are included in this

    UOAConnection as well as on our website. Our current Vice President, Ann Ivol, has indicated

    that she will not be seeking a further term. We have at least one current director who will not seek

    an additional term, as well as one vacancy on our board of directors. Please consider sending in

    your nomination papers, or ask someone in your chapter to do so. These are exciting times with

    many changes happening in the Ostomy community and we welcome new ideas and representatives

    from the various regions of Canada.

    The Canadian Association for Enterostomal Therapy (CAET) is having their annual convention in

    Toronto from May 9 to May 11 and UOAC has been invited to attend and have been provided free

    exhibitor space. The conference theme is Leading Change. What a great way to mingle with our

    ETs. Im planning on attending along with vice-president Ann Ivol. More information on their

    conference on their website:

    I received this email from our friends at Coloplast:

    We are happy to announce you as the winner of The Coloplast Merit Award 2012 for

    region The Americas.

    Apart from a diploma, we will dedicate a prize of USD 3000 for your great efforts on

    World Ostomy Days in October 2012.

    Volume 19 Issue 7

    Presidents Message

    March, 2013

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    To hand over this award, our local office will contact you directly for further arrangements. Please inform us if you already

    have a meeting planned in your organization, where we could present this award.

    Best regards,

    The Coloplast Ostomy Team

    Congratulations to Delilah Guy and her team on the UOAC World Ostomy Day committee and to all the individuals and

    chapters that took part in World Ostomy Day 2012. Im happy that people with ostomies across Canada were able to benefitby living the theme Lets be Heard.

    March is Colon Cancer Awareness month. This disease affects more men than women, and particularly people aged 50 years or more.

    Colorectal cancer is the number one cancer that can be prevented through diet, and even baby steps in the right direction can make a

    huge difference. Some simple lifestyle choices that you can change to help decrease your risk of colorectal cancer:

    Eat a diet high in a variety of fruits and vegetables

    Limit your intake of red and processed meats. Instead, choose poultry, fish, legumes, and low-fat dairy.

    Replace white bread with whole-grain products and legumes.

    Drink six to eight glasses of water every day, to assist your digestive processes.

    Replace trans fats and saturated fats with healthier unsaturated fat from salmon, avocados, olive oil and nuts.

    Consume less food made from refined sugar.Exercise regularly. Even a 20-minute walk every other day will help.

    For more information, visit the Canadian Colorectal Cancer Association website at:

    Our friends to the south of us, the United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA), have a conference in 2013 and are inviting their

    Canadian friends to come join them in Jacksonville Florida. The theme this year is Bridge to Acceptance. Registration fees and hotel

    rooms are very reasonably priced. Activities start on August 7 th and continue through August 10 th. To find out more information or to

    register for the 2013 National conference, go to

    Another notice from our friends to the south of us:

    To our UOA Canada Family,

    As you may have heard, this morning UOAA Co-Founder Linda King Aukett passed away. We are going to miss her greatly.As we learn more we will let you now.

    Esten Gose

    UOAA Secretary

    Our condolences to the UOAA family and to Ken Aukett and family. I had the pleasure of meeting Ken and Linda at our UOAC con-

    ference in Sydney. What a great woman she was. She was always looking for opportunities to spread awareness and was an advocate to

    correct information about ostomies to newspapers and other media sources who reported incorrect information.

    Our next biennial conference will be in St. Johns Newfoundland in 2014. Tentative dates are July 31 to August 2. Our conference

    chair is Delilah Guy and the St. Johns and Gander chapters are working together to put on a great conference. We hope to see you all

    there and take some time to tour around the Rock and enjoy the unique experience that is Newfoundland.

    Our long-time office coordinator, Marion Whate, is retiring at the end of March. On behalf of the board of directors of UOAC, I wish

    Marion well in her retirement and thanks for a job well done!

    Peter Folk

    President, United Ostomy Association of Canada Inc.

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    Recently, the Hamilton Chapter embarked on a new project to help children who have undergone ostomy surgery. Traditionally, the

    chapters focus has been to provide financial assistance to children attending the UOAC Youth Ostomy Camp each summer. Hearing

    about the Gastronaut puppets, however, gave the chapter the opportunity to widen its support to include more children with an

    ostomy. These puppets, similar to Sesame Street puppets, can be custom-fitted with different types of stomas and pouches.

    In Hamilton, McMaster Childrens Hospital performs ostomy surgery on children from across the region. After acquiring two

    Gastronaut puppets, Simon and Sally, the chapter president, Roger Ivol, made a presentation to some staff members of the Childrens

    Hospital. Immediately there was a great interest in having puppets for their patients. Fortunately, the chapter received a donation of

    $500 from a local branch of the Rotary Club which provided the money to buy the first twenty Gastronaut puppets with money left

    over for another shipment. This initial order included Sally and Simon puppets with two nurse and two doctor puppets. Each puppetcomes in sterile packaging and includes a backpack to hold the puppet when not in use and a certificate for the child/patient. In

    February, the chapter received another request for twelve more Gastronauts. Currently, the Hamilton Chapter is running a raff le to

    raise money to buy more of these puppets when requested by the Childrens Hospital.

    We are pleased to announce that McMaster Childrens Hospital is the first hospital in Canada to be using these puppets to help their

    young patients come to terms with having an ostomy. A few puppets have also been received by some children in Canada. In the past

    few months, the chapter has received a number of inquiries from across the country for more information. Even though the Hamilton

    Chapter is focusing on providing these puppets to children in hospital, puppets are available from the manufacturer for individual


    The Gastronaut puppets are manufactured in Wales, in the UK, by a registered non-profit company, The Bowel Movement, a division

    of Blue Rose Enterprises and shipped all over the world. Certain countries have a contact person for the manufacturer. In Canada thecontact person is Roger Ivol, President of the Hamilton & District Ostomy Association. He can be reached by email: [email protected] or

    by telephone: 905.389.8822.

    As the UOAC President, Peter Folk, mentioned in the February edition of the UOAConnection, more information regarding the

    Gastronauts is available on the manufacturer can also be contacted directly by email:

    [email protected] and by telephone: 1.44. 1570.493140. To contact by telephone remember the time differences can range

    from three and a half hours to eight hours depending on where one lives in Canada.

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    Social Networking

    During 2012, there were 728,083 hits on our website by 27,019 unique visitors.

    80% of our visitors use Windows, 13% use Macintosh, less than 1% use mobile phones.

    70% of our visitors type in the URL, use bookmarks or links in email to reach our site, 21% came

    to our site from a search engine and 9% came to our site from a link on another web site.

    Social Media:

    Our website is very popular, a great source of information and at least

    6,350 other websites directly link to ours. More and more people are using the Internet to getOstomy information and our contact form is used regularly to contact the office.

    Peter Folk

    Contd from Page 1


    Delilah Guy

    John Molnar

    Andrea Manson

    Mary Penner

    Ed Tummers

    Three Vacant Positions


    Marion Whate


    Carole Pew


    Di Bracken



    344 Bloor St. W., Suite 501

    Toronto, ON M5S 3A7




    Roger Ivol (Leader)

    Ken Osmond (Pacific Rep)

    John Molnar (Southern


    Roger Ivol (Southern Ontario)

    Jean-Pierre Lapointe (Quebec




    Janet Paquet (Leader)

    Pat Cimmeck (Member)



    Di Bracken (Leader)

    Peter Folk, UOAC Office

    Contd page 6

    Unique Web Visitors 5436

    Facebook Likes 129

    Number of Web Visitors 10601

    Facebook Parents Group Members 26

    Google + Members 18

    Blog Hits 998

    Facebook Group Members 323

    Discussion Board Members 61

    Twitter Followers 106

    Linkedin Followers 7

    Linkedin Group Members 11

    UOAC1 Group Members 36Blog Followers 120

    Web Hits 121255

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    Chapter Information on the Website

    Did you know that our had over a half million hits last year? A lot of

    the visitors visited the website to look for a support group in their area. Therefore, it is important that

    this information be kept up to date! Make sure when sending the information in to the UOAC office

    that the chapters contact information is current - phone number, email contact, newsletter availabil-

    ity, website, annual dues, meeting dates and times. Visit our chapters page on our website at let the UOAC office know via email if any of the infor-

    mation needs to be updated. Weve had at least one chapter past president contact the office to tell us

    that the website still included their phone number instead of the current president. Please check your

    chapters listing to make sure the updates have been done correctly!

    Upcoming Events: July 1st - July 6th 2013 UOAC Youth Camp at Camp Horizon, Alberta. Deadline for application

    is June 1st, 2013. Cost is $570.00

    UOAA Conference August 7-10, 2013, more information at

    August 16-17-18, 2013 - 40th Anniversary, Chapter Information Session and Annual General

    Meeting in Halifax, NS

    August 16, 2013 - UOAC Board of Directors meeting in Halifax

    August 18, 2013 - Annual General Meeting in Halifax (morning)

    August 18, 2013 UOAC Board Meeting (afternoon only)

    July 31st -Aug 2nd, 2014. Conference in St. Johns, Newfoundland

    Note: If your chapter has an upcoming event that you would like added here or on the national web-

    site, please email the details to Carol Wells through the national office email.

    UOAC Annual General Meeting 2015

    Halifax has been chosen to host a Chapter Information Session and Annual General Meeting in


    We are looking for a host chapter for the year 2015. If any chapter is interested, please contact the

    national office for a Hotel Check List of the criteria required to host an Annual General Meeting.

    Also contact your DSS representative for the Chapter Information Session manual.

    United Ostomy Association of

    Canada Inc. Mission State-


    The United Ostomy Associa-

    tion of Canada Inc. is a volun-

    teer-based organization dedi-

    cated to assisting all persons

    facing life with gastrointestinal

    or urinary diversions by provid-

    ing emotional support, experi-

    enced and practical help, in-

    structional and informational

    services through its member-

    ship, to the family unit, associ-

    ated care givers and the general


    A Non-Profit Canadian Chari-

    table Organization

    Articles, information and/or

    opinions expressed in this

    newsletter are NOT necessarily

    endorsed by the entire UOAC

    membership, they are the opin-

    ions of the writer and may not

    be applicable to everyone.

    Editors Please Note

    Items in the UOAConnection

    may be copied for use in other

    newsletters, providing proper

    credit is given regarding the

    source of the material.

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    Contd from Page 4

    UOAC Public Awareness & Support

    John Molnar (Leader)

    Delilah Guy (Member)

    Carol Wells (Member)

    Mary Penner (Member)

    UOAC Office


    Lisa Gausman (Senior Editor)

    Lorne Aronson (Advertising Manager)

    Tammy Hunter (Graphic Designer)


    Carol Wells (Leader)

    Ann Ivol, Joel Jacobson, UOAC Office (Members)


    Elizabeth Lindner (Privacy Officer)

    John Molnar (Member)


    Ann Ivol (Leader)

    Joel Jacobson, Andrea Manson (Members)


    Peter Folk, John Molnar (Leaders)

    Mary Penner, Andrea Manson (Members)


    Peter Folk (Leader)

    John Molnar, Mary Penner, Di Bracken, Carol

    Wells (Members)


    Delilah Guy (Conference Administrator)

    Janet Paquet, Carol Wells, Gander & St. Johns

    Chapters (Members)



    Executive Committee

    Contd Page 11

    Donate To UOAC

    The Canadian finance minister, Jim Flaherty, announced that the Cana-

    dian one cent coin is going to be phased out, so now's the perfect time to

    donate your pennies to charity!

    We have signed up to receive donations online through

    This is a handy way for you to make a donation without even leaving the

    comfort of your computer chair. Simply visit our website at: click on the image that looks like this:

    This will bring up a secure website that will allow you to enter your credit

    card or PayPal information. Canada Helps will issue a donation receipt

    right away and email it to you.


    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Mem-

    ber Chapters of the United Ostomy Association of Canada Inc. will be

    held at the Lord Nelson Hotel, 1515 South Park Street, Halifax, NS on

    Sunday August 18, 2013 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and noon for the

    following purpose:

    1. To receive the financial statement of the United Ostomy Association

    of Canada Inc. for the year ending March 31, 2013 together with the

    Auditors Report thereon.;

    2. To appoint auditors for the period for the ensuring year and to author-

    ize the Directors to fix the remuneration of the Auditors.;

    3. To review and approve Form 4031 Article of Continuance


    4. To elect President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and five (5)


    5. To review and approve By-law No 1, a by-law relating generally to the

    conduct of the affairs of Ostomy Canada Society to conform to the

    new Not-for-Profit Act;

    6. To transact such other business as many properly come before the


    Carol Wells


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    Editors Message:

    Spring in beginning to spring...days are getting longer, temperatures are rising to a consistent couple of degrees above 0 C, and we can

    ALMOST put away our shovels.

    If and when the roses bloom, we can take time to smell them.

    We should also take time to fill out our enclosed registration forms for UOAC Annual General meeting, hotel reservations, and the

    CIS and 40th anniversary luncheon being organized by members of Ostomy Halifax.

    Its SO important for presidents, others in chapter leadership roles, and even those of the general membership, of every chapter across

    Canada to attend the August 15 - 17 weekend in Halifax, to share in the knowledge being presented, to meet other leaders of our great

    organization, and to enjoy the ambiance of a gathering of people with like interests.

    Its also SO important to be part of the decision - making process as UOAC leaders take steps to make our organization the best it can

    be for all the members across Canada.

    Yes, you could give another chapter your proxy vote, but if YOU arent there to hear the pros and cons of issues, you cant be sure the

    vote will go as YOU want for YOUR chapter.

    And, how many of you have ever been in Halifax ? This seaside city has much to offer in historic sites, pleasant atmosphere with a stel-

    lar Public Gardens across the street from the host hotel, and great restaurants, plus unique downtown shopping away from the mega

    malls, perfect for taking home something as a memento for those you love back home.

    But the most important reason to be in Halifax in August is to renew acquaintances with those youre met at past AGMs and con fer-

    ences, and to forge new friendships with people from whom you can learn and with whom you can share your experiences as leaders

    After all, UOAC is an organization that provides support to its members. What better way to connect and supportive than by being in

    Halifax at the AGM and surrounding special events?

    Joel Jacobson

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 2013

    Board, some delegates arrive Halifax..check into host hotel, Lord Nelson Hotel, South Park Street and Spring Garden Road. Ac-

    cessible rooms available.

    FRIDAY AUGUST 16, 2013

    9 a.m. National board meeting Victoria Suite, 3rd floor, Lord Nelson Hotel

    7 p.m. Meet and Greet, board, delegates, other guests hosted by national president Victoria Suite

    SATURDAY AUGUST 17, 2013

    9 a.m. 12:30 p.m.

    Chapter Information Session all delegates, board and interested parties Bethune Ballroom, Bethune Building main floor, QEII

    Health Sciences Centre, University Avenue. (Five minute walk from Lord Nelson Hotel). Accessible entryways.

    1 p.m. 3:30 p.m.

    Ostomy Halifax Gala 40th Anniversary Luncheon Weatherwatch Restaurant 5th floor, Dickson Centre (adjacent to Bethune


    3:30 p.m. FOWC annual meeting Bethune Ballroom

    3:30 - ??? FREE TIME - Board, delegates and chapter members on your own to tour downtown Halifax and savor fine restaurantsfor dinner.

    8:30 p.m. - ??? Open House Victoria Suite

    SUNDAY AUGUST 18, 2013

    8 a.m. 12 noon UOAC Annual General Meeting Admiral Room, main floor, Lord Nelson Hotel. Accessible availability via


    1 p.m. 5 p.m. National Board meeting Victoria Suite, 3rd floor, Lord Nelson Hotel

    8 p.m. - ?? Casual farewell gathering for those remaining Victoria Suite

    Ostomy CIS Luncheon AGM Schedule 2013

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    Ostomy Halifax

    CIS Seminar and Halifax 40th anniversary luncheon

    August 17, 2013


    CIS: 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Bethune Ballroom

    Luncheon: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Weatherwatch Restaurant, Dickson Building, QEII Health Sciences Centre

    Name: ____________________________________________________ Member ____ Non-Member ____

    Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

    City: _________________________________________________________________________________

    Postal Code: ________________________________ Telephone: _________________________________

    E-mail Address:______________________________

    RSVP: Florence Farrell either by e-mail or phone:

    [email protected] or cell 902-293-7349 and home 902-444-0657

    Please register no later than: July 1, 2013PRE JULY 1

    CIS only - $20

    Luncheon only $45

    Combined CIS and luncheon $55


    CIS only - $25

    Luncheon only - $50

    Combined CIS and luncheon $60

    Please make cheques payable to Ostomy Halifax

    Remit to: The Treasurer

    PO Box 8476 Halifax NS B3K 5M2

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    2012-2013 COMMITTEES Continued


    Executive Committee

    Board of Directors, UOAC Office


    Executive Committee

    Andrea Manson, Les Kehoe,


    Lisa Gausman (Leader)

    Peter Folk, Mary Penner, Delilah Guy (Members)


    Andrea Manson (Leader)

    Contacts from Hollister, ConvaTec, Coloplast

    and Salts


    Delilah Guy (Leader)

    Dr. Zane Cohen, Dr. Philip Gordon, Current

    CAET President


    Andrea Manson (Leader)

    Contacts from Crohns and Colitis, Colorectal

    Cancer Assoc., Bladder Cancer Canada, etc.

    2012-2013 COMMITTEES Continued

    UOAC FUNDRAISING and bringing forth a

    Case Statement

    Mike Paquet (Leader)

    John Molnar, Ed Tummers, Carol Wells Andrea

    Manson, Janet Paquet (Members)


    Ann Ivol (Leader)

    Delilah Guy (Member)


    Ed Tummers (Leader)

    Carol Wells (Members)


    Ann Ivol (Leader)

    Delilah Guy (Member)

    UOAC 20/40 GROUP

    Angie Schickerowski (Leader)



    Mary Penner (Leader)

    Pat Cimmeck, Karen Lindsay (Members)


    Betty Woolridge (Leader)

    Ann Ivol (Member)


    Pat Cimmeck (Camp Administrator)

    Lisa Gausman, John OShaughnessy,

    Karen Spencer (Members)


    Mary Penner (Leader)

    Andrea Manson (Member)


    Peter Folk (Leader)

    Janet Paquet (Member)

    Jokes for Today

    Page 11Volume 19 Issue 2

    A gentleman dropped in to the veteri-

    narian hospital in Corner Brook and

    asked: I wonder if you fellows could

    remove my dogs tail?

    The vet. Somewhat puzzled asked,

    why do you want your dogs tail re-


    Well, said the man, my mother -in-

    law is coming to visit and I want to

    eliminate all visible signs of welcome.

    The boarder was pleased to hear the

    landlady, as she prepared breakfast,

    singing a hymn Nearer, My God, to


    At the breakfast table he told her that

    he was pleased to have found a place

    where there was a bit of religion and

    someone who could start the day in

    such a fine frame of mind.

    Thank you, sir, she replied, thats

    the hymn I boil the eggs by - five versesfor hard, and three for soft.

    As part of the admission procedure in

    the hospital where I work, I ask the

    patients if they are allergic to anything.

    If they are, I print it on an allergy band

    places on the patients wrist.

    Once when I asked an elderly woman

    if she had ant allergies, she said she

    couldnt eat bananas. Imagine my sur-

    prise when, several hours later, a veryirate son came out to the nurses sta-

    tion demanding, Whos responsible

    for labelling my mother bananas?

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    THEY DO.

    Surely there have to be men and women in your chapters who are doing all the little things that make the chapter tick. Email Joel Ja-cobson, UOAConnection editor, through the national office email at [email protected] their story.


    UOAC Website Update:During the year 2010, our website has had 504,822 hits from 17,193 unique visitors. During 2011, we have had 660,359 hits from

    19,160 unique visitors.As for the final figures for 2012 we have had 728,083 hits from 27,019 unique visitors. Our focus this term

    has to been to develop social media.

    62 percent of our visitors come from bookmarks or links in email and 28 percent found our website through a search engine, wi th

    Google being the most popular.

    For an online map of chapters and districts, click here: You can type your postal

    code in the bottom right hand search box to locate your city or town and then zoom in to find your nearest chapter or satellite.

    If you have any comments on our website, please contact: John Molnar or Peter Folk through the national office email

    [email protected].

    2014 UOAC Conference in St. JohnsDelilah Guy has been appointed Conference chair for the 2014 conference in St. Johns. She will be working closely with St. Johns

    chapter president Carol Wells along with other members of the Gander and St. Johns chapters. Watch this space for updates in the

    coming months! The dates for the Conference are July 31 August 2, 2014. We have the Delta St. Johns tentatively booked.

    What a chance for you to come see Canadas coolest city (quote from Danny Williams, Past Premier.

    Colonial Building was the home of the Newfoundland government and the House of Assemblyfrom January 28, 1850 to July 28,

    1959. In 1974 it was declared a Provincial Historic Site.

    In 1832 when the Colony of Newfoundland governed itself byrepresentative government there was not a formal building assigned to

    house the legislature. The first home of the Legislature was a tavern and lodging house owned and operated by a Mrs. Travers. The stay

    was brief as in the legislature's haste and inexperience it forgot to vote approval for the funds to pay rent. For the next seventeen years

    they would meet in various temporary quarters. In 1846 an act was approved authorizing the construction of a Colonial Building as apermanent home.

    On May 24, 1847 the cornerstone was laid by the Governor, Major-General Sir John Gaspar LeMarchant. The official opening of the

    Colonial Building took place on January 28, 1850 by Governor LeMarchant for the second session of the House's fourth general


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    Call for Nominations

    Elections for Officers and Directors of the UOAC will be held during the National Council Meeting (AGM) to be held in

    Halifax, Nova Scotia in August 2013. Positions open are:


    Vice President



    Five (5) Director Positions

    Candidate Eligibility Member of an affiliated chapter in good standing of the United Ostomy Association of Canada.

    Must be nominated by a member chapter of the United Ostomy Association of Canada.

    Candidates must complete and sign the Candidate Profile and Candidate Nomination Forms and agree to serve if


    Commit in principal to attend all meeting of the Board of Directors.

    Expectations of a Board Member Attend an initial Board meeting immediately following the Annual General Meeting and also any additional Meetings

    called by the UOAC Executive.

    Familiarize yourself with and adhere to UOAC By-Laws and Policies and Procedures.

    Participate in the establishment of policies and procedures.

    Actively serve on one or more committees as appointed by the president.

    Represent UOAC in a professional manner.

    Please return completed Nomination and Candidate Profile forms to United Ostomy Association of Canada, 344 Bloor St.

    W. Suite 501, Toronto, ON M5S 3A7, Attention: Nominations Chair no later thanApril 15th 2013.

    The elections will be held at the UOAC Annual National Council in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sunday, August 18, 2013.

    If you have any questions regarding nominations, please contact the undersigned at e-mail: [email protected]

    Peter Folk

    Chair, Nominations & Elections Committee

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