UOAConnection September 2014

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Transcript of UOAConnection September 2014

  • 8/11/2019 UOAConnection September 2014


    The UOAConnection is a pub-lication of the United Ostomy

    Association of Canada Inc.

    This bulletin is published 10

    times a year in both English

    and French (future) to provide

    greater communication to the

    chapters. Limited funds only

    permit circulation to chapter

    leadership who are encouraged

    to share the information with

    their members by including

    items of interest in their news-



    United Ostomy Association of

    Canada Inc.

    344 Bloor St. West, Suite 501

    Toronto, ON M5S 3A7

    Email [email protected]


    FAX: 416-595-9924

    TOLL FREE: 1-888-969-9698



    Peter Folk



    Stephen Maybee

    SECRETARY:Carol Wells


    Ed Tummers

    Ruth Kenney

    John Molnar

    Lorrie Pismenny

    Andrea Manson

    Rosemary Gaffray

    Presidents Message

    5 September 2014

    Greetings all,

    What a conference! Thanks to the St. Johns and Gander chapters for hosting

    such a great conference. Our count was 148 people attending the conference,

    and of that, 41 were first timers! There were great educational sessions, some

    great new products to see in the exhibit hall, three great banquets, a great awards

    luncheon and lots of opportunities for people to Connect on the Rock. I extenda great big thank you to all the volunteers for all their hard work. It was really

    appreciated. And thanks to the Delta Hotel for great attention to make every-

    thing just run smoothly! Thanks to Gene Zapf who again was our auctioneer and

    raffle ticket seller.

    A special presentation was made to the three leaders of our major manufactur-

    ers: Carol Robinson from Hollister, Michael Alderman from Coloplast and Syl-

    vain Chiasson from ConvaTec. The Enterostomal Therapist Recognition Award

    was given to Andrea (Andy) Manson. The Presidents Award was given to Lisa

    Gausman. The Maple Leaf Award was given to Les Kehoe. Congratulations to

    all worthy recipients!At the Annual General Meeting, the special resolution was passed to adopt our

    new by-laws and to change our name to Ostomy Canada Society (L'Association

    Canadienne des Personnes Stomises). We have sent the necessary paperwork to

    Corporations Canada and once we hear back from the government, we will be

    changing our website, logo, banners, branding and manuals. Thanks to all the

    chapters who sent delegates to the AGM and thanks for the round of applause

    after the motion was passed!

    A newly designed website was launched on July 1. If you have not had a look at

    it, please take time to do so. There are many new features and a lot more con-

    tent! One new feature is Ask the Ostomy Lifestyle Experts.

    People with anostomy, those with surgery pending, ostomy caregivers and healthcare profes-

    sionals are encouraged to enjoy this column for education, inspiration and a

    healthy dose of optimism from Julie Singer and Jo-Ann L. Tremblay, UOAC

    Medical Advisory Committee, Ostomy Lifestyle Experts. Jo-Ann and Julie pro-

    vide a fresh and candid outlook, through valuable tips and perspectives about

    how to live with an ostomy, from their own experiences.

    (Continued on page 2)

    Volume 22 Issue 1


    September 2014


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    To ask a question of the Ostomy Lifestyle Experts, send an email to:

    [email protected]

    or fill out the contact form on the website. By filling out the form, or sending an email, you are agreeing to let

    your question be used in the Ostomy Canadamagazine and /or our website. All replies will be through the

    column, general in nature, and anonymous. So far there are four questions and replies.

    Mark your calendars now the 2ndAnnual Canada Ostomy Day will be held the first Saturday in Octo-

    ber, 2014.We extend an invitation to all chapters across Canada to join in the Stroll Awareness Walk .We

    created a twelve page procedure manual and have sent it to all chapter presidents. UOAC will set up the walk

    webpage for your city, provide you with posters, postcards and pledge sheets, provide you with a certificate of

    insurance, pay for approved expenses such as permits and first aid staff. So far, the following chapters have

    set up their fund-raising website and declared a location and time for the walk: Regina (first year), Hamilton

    (first year), Ottawa (first year), Saskatoon (first year), Halifax, Calgary, Moncton, Niagara and Moncton.

    There are other chapters are still in planning stage: Fredericton and Gander. Of special note: Ostomy Toronto

    is lighting up the CN Tower on the evening before the Stoma Stroll.

    As well, we have continued with the Virtual Walk. What do I mean by a virtual walk? Well, if your chapter is

    not hosting a Stoma Stroll, or if you live too far away to attend, you can still do a walk in your own communi-

    ty. Simply go to the website: www.stomastroll.caand look on the right-hand side and then click on Virtual

    Walk. Then click on the link that says Register Now. You can ask your friends and family to support you

    through email or social media, or there is a pledge form on the website that you can print out and distribute to

    all your sponsors. What a great way to raise awareness and much needed funds to support the great things that

    UOAC is planning in the next few years.

    The board of directors will continue to hold monthly online meetings (usually a Saturday at 8:00 a.m. CST).

    Any chapter president that is interested in sitting in as an observer is welcome. Please send an email to the of-fice or to me to get an invitation. Our next online meeting is Saturday, September 13.

    A great many chapters are doing fund-raising to support sending youth to UOAC Ostomy Youth Camp. Jim

    Fitzgerald and Jason Boyd are embarking on a journey called GI J's - No Guts No Glory 2 guys 2 ostomies

    130 km race by paddling a canoe for 130 km on September 13. UOAC has been involved in their fund-

    raising activities and have set up a fund-raising webpage at: http://ostomycanada.akaraisin.com/

    nogutsnoglory. They have set an ambitious goal of $25,000 and are already 44% of the way there! You can

    purchase bracelets on the website to show your support. We have also opened up the fund-raising website

    so that anyone can register to be a participant. You do not need to paddle, just help spread the word and

    help raise donations. Good Luck Jim and Jason!

    The Bursary Committee has set the deadline for applications: November 1, 2014. There are five $1000 bursa-ries available. There are two different types: Ostomates who are attending post-secondary education courses

    and Registered Nurses who are attending courses to become an ET. Help spread the word about these two

    great new programs! Criteria and application forms are available on our website.

    Peter Folk

    President, United Ostomy Association of Canada

    Ostomy Canada Society

    L'Association Canadienne des Personnes Stomises

    [email protected]

    (Continued from page 1)

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    Website/Social Networking

    In 2011we had 660,359 hits from 19,160 unique visitors. During 2012, there were 728,083 hits on our website

    by 27,019 unique visitors. During 2013, there were 513,260 hits on our website by 20,245 unique visitors.

    For an online map of chapters and districts, click here: http://www.ostomycanada.ca/maps2/map.html

    If you have any comment on our website, please contact: Angie Schickerowski or Peter Folk through the na-

    tional office email [email protected]

    Our website is very popular, a great source of information and at least 6,350 other websites directly link to

    ours. More and more people are using the Internet to get Ostomy information and our contact form is used

    regularly to contact the office.

    Our website is being redesigned to give it a new look and feel, and to make it mobile friendly. Look for someexciting changes in the next few weeks and months!


    Unique web visitors (Year to Date) 30,716

    Number of Web Visitors (Year to Date) 63,841

    Web Hits (Year to Date) 1,001,091

    Facebook page likes 251

    Facebook group members 580Facebook Parents group members 56

    Facebook 20/40 group members 20

    Discussion Board members 68

    Twitter Followers 255

    LinkedIn group members 38

    LinkedIn followers 20

    Google+ Circle members 62

    uoac1 group members 38

    Blog followers 4

    Blog Posts 14Comments on our website [NEW] 8

    Stoma Stroll Website Visitors 1,559

    Stoma Stroll Unique Visitors 1,419

    Stoma Stroll Webpage Views 2,103

    We are now on Pinteresthttp://www.pinterest.com/ostomycanada/


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    Contd from Page 1


    Carole Pew


    Stephen Maybee



    344 Bloor St. W., Suite 501

    Toronto, ON M5S 3A7


    Administrator: Andy Manson

    AWARDS :

    Ann Ivol (Leader)

    Delilah Guy (Member)


    Lyn Atkins (Leader)

    Corry Stewart Dorosh (Co-


    Pat Cimmeck , Karen Lindsay





    Delilah Guy, Jo-Ann Tremblay,

    Rory Hornstein, RD, Julie

    Singer, Karen Bruton RN BScNMCISc-WH CETN(C),Shabita

    Teja, Contacts from Hollister,

    ConvaTec, Coloplast and Salts,

    Current CAET President,

    Contacts from Crohn's and

    Colitis, Colorectal Cancer

    Assoc., Bladder Cancer Canada,



    Betty Woolridge (Leader)

    Ann Ivol, Vacant (Members)


    Pat Cimmeck (Camp


    Lisa Gausman, Karen Spencer



    Angie Schickerowski (Leader)

    Andreja (Andy) Lampreht



    By Ed Tummers

    At the 2012 UOAC Conference in Toronto, Judy Steeves chaired a session for Chap-ter Presidents. The minutes of the meeting were submitted to the Board of Directors

    for consideration. I was Secretary at the meeting and I have been asked repeatedly for

    copies of these minutes. Why? Two reasons. Since then, there has been a major

    change in the composition of the Board; and, the minutes of the meeting were never

    circulated to the absent Chapter Presidents. Therefore, as we begin our journey to-

    gether as partners in Ostomy Canada Society, I think it worthwhile to reprint those

    minutes here. Your Board of Directors will be reviewing these observations as we

    work towards re-aligning the Society with the new Canada Not-for-profit Corpora-

    tions Act.

    Ostomy Canada Society is a voluntary association of local chapters across Canada.

    Therefore, member chapters have no obligation to the national office if it fails to meettheir needs.

    Ostomy Canada Society exists to support the work of local chapters across Canada.

    Ostomy Canada Society fulfills its mission by providing resources and opportunities

    for member chapters to fulfill their missions. Ostomy Canada Society should not be in

    competition with local chapters for individual members.

    What did the member chapters tell us about their needs? Are we listening?

    Summary of discussion (From the Chapter President's Session in Toronto 2012)

    Working together nationally, Ostomy Canada Society is a means to empower member

    chapters to work together to accomplish things that they could not do by themselves.

    Some of the most important of these programs are: Youth camp; Visitor program cer-

    tification standards; Ostomy Canadamagazine; national website; District support ser-

    vices; national conferences.

    Organized according to the pillars of the strategic plan, here is a summary of the dis-



    Youth Camp is recognized as one of the most important programs offered.

    We expect national liaison with healthcare professionals, and Industry partnerships

    that can't be done locally.


    Chapter Outreach Support Services needs to be more visible.

    We expect guidance to chapters in implementing new legislation.

    We expect national to act on behalf of non-incorporated chapters for charitable dona-


    We expect timely promulgation of survey results.

    We need the national liability insurance plan (e.g. to permit information booths in

    shopping malls).

    We want the option of having national dues billing available, if locally desired.

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    We would like to see explanations of new initiatives like the Pan-Canadian Ostomy Reimbursement Policy reform;

    and the Ontario pilot program.

    We expect national to provide pamphlets and educational material.

    Visitor training is considered as another key program. We expect national to continue toprovide national standards for certification. Adherence to these standards gives our visitor program credibility in


    We expect District support services to be accessible to all chapters.

    Finance and Fundraising

    We expect responsible expenditures of funds and proper accounting and audits. We expect national to look behond

    membership funds.

    Marketing and Communications

    Most of us are proud of the Ostomy Canadamagazine and the image it portrays. We need to be more diligent in

    spreading thee contents of the Connection.

    We expect national to provide appropriate education pamphlets and booklets.

    We expect periodic national conferences to promote cooperation between regions.

    We expect regional chapter information sessions to promote cooperation within regions.

    We expect World Ostomy Day to be promoted locally and nationally.

    We rely on a national website as a home page for ostomy related information.

    Jokes for TodayA woman goes to her boyfriend's parents' house for dinner. This is her first time meeting the family and she is verynervous. They all sit down and begin eating a fine meal. The woman is beginning to feel a little discomfort, thanks

    to her nervousness and the broccoli casserole. The gas pains are almost making her eyes water. Left with no other

    choice, she decides to relieve herself a bit and lets out a dainty little fart. It wasn't loud, but everyone at the table

    heard the poot. Before she even had a chance to be embarrassed, her boyfriend's father looked over at the dog that

    had been snoozing at the women's feet, and said in a rather stern voice, "Ginger!" The woman thought, "This is

    great!" and a big smile came across her face. A couple minutes later, she was beginning to feel the pain again. This

    time, she didn't hesitate. She let a much louder and longer fart rip. The father again looked at the dog and yelled,

    "Dammit, Ginger!" Once again the woman smiled and thought, "Yes!" A few minutes later the woman had to let

    another one rip. This time she didn't even think about it. She let rip a fart that rivaled a train whistle blowing.

    Again, the father looked at the dog with disgust and yelled, "Dammit, Ginger, get away from her before she shits

    on you!"

    Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Officer asks a young engineer fresh out of the

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "And what starting salary are you looking for?" The engineer replies, "In

    the region of $125,000 a year, depending on the benefits package." The interviewer inquires, "Well, what would

    you say to a package of five weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching

    retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every two years, say, a red Corvette?" The engineer

    sits up straight and says, "Wow! Are you kidding?" The interviewer replies, "Yeah, but you started it."

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    A Special RequestHi,

    My name is Julie Easley and Im a research coordinator at the Dalhousie University Family Medicine

    Teaching Unit in Fredericton, NB. I found your information on the internet through the OstomyAssociation Website as a contact for the ostomy support group in your area. Im currently working on anational study looking at coordination of care for cancer patients and Im hoping you may be able tohelp us distribute information about our study to any colorectal cancer survivors within your network.

    Our study is called The CanIMPACT Study (Canadian Team to Improve Community-Based CancerCare Along the Continuum) and the Principal Investigator is Dr. Eva Grunfeld from the University ofToronto, Dept. of Family and Community Medicine. Together with a team of researchers, cliniciansand policy makers from across Canada, we are focused on finding ways to improve the coordinationand continuity of care between family physician care and specialist care for cancer patients and

    survivors throughout the cancer journey. We are currently recruiting colorectal cancer survivors (1-4years post-diagnosis) from across Canada to participate in a telephone interview to discuss theirexperiences with cancer care. Any assistance you could provide with spreading the word about ourstudy would be greatly appreciated!! I have included our recruitment blurb below and have attached ourrecruitment poster. If you would like me to send you recruitment postcards to distribute or posters,

    please let me know. If you would like more information on the study, please dont hesitate to contact




    Here is our recruitment blurb:

    The CanIMPACT Research Team is currently looking for Canadian colorectal cancer survivors toparticipate in their study looking at ways to improve the coordination of care for cancer patientsthroughout the cancer journey.

    If you are 19 years of age or older and between 1-4 years post-diagnosis of colorectal cancer, you maybe eligible to participate in a telephone interview!

    For more information, contact Julie (Research Coordinator)Phone: (toll-free)Twitter:1-866-323-1833@CanIMPACT_StudyFacebook Page: CanIMPACT Study

    This study has been reviewed by the Horizon Health Network Research Ethics Board (File #2013-1930)and the University of Toronto Research Ethics Board (File # 30063)

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    Contd from Page 4


    Administrator: Ann Ivol


    Ed Tummers (Leader)

    Carol Wells, Lorrie Pismenny (Members)


    Andrea Manson (Leader)

    Ann Ivol, Steve Maybee, Ruth Kenney (Members)


    Steve Maybee (Leader)

    Peter Folk, UOAC Office (Members)


    Peter Folk (Leader)

    Ann Ivol (Member)


    Ann Ivol (Leader)

    Delilah Guy, Rosemary Gaffray (members)



    Executive Committee (Leader)

    Board of Directors, UOAC Office (Members)


    Privacy Officer (Vacant)

    John Molnar (Member)

    COSS (DSS):

    Roger Ivol (Leader)

    Jean-Pierre Lapointe (Quebec Rep),

    Vacant (Pacific Rep),

    Angela McGinn (Atlantic Rep), Gerard Dakiniewich

    (Prairies Rep), John Molnar (Southern Ontario Rep

    (Niagara; Brantford; Halton-Peel; Toronto; London),

    Roger Ivol (South Ontario Rep (Hamilton; Stratford;

    Kitchener-Waterloo; Windsor; Sarnia),

    Richard Olley (North Ontario Rep)


    Ed Tummers Administrator


    Ruth Kenney (Leader)

    Delilah Guy, Lorrie Pismenny, Jim Fitzgerald


    Donate to UOAC

    We have signed up to receive donations online through Cana-

    daHelps.org. This is a handy way for you to make a donation with-

    out even leaving the comfort of your computer chair. Simply visit

    our website at: http://www.ostomycanada.ca/and click on the im-

    age that looks like this:

    This will bring up a secure website that will allow you to enter

    your credit card or PayPal information. Canada Helps will issue adonation receipt right away and email it to you.

    Have you set up your 2014 monthly donations yet?

    Set it and forget it. Heres how:

    1. Set up or log into your CanadaHelps MyCanadaHelps account.

    Remember that you need to save a credit card on file for

    monthly donation!

    2. Click the Monthly Giving tab.


    DA INC.

    4. Click DONATE MONTHLY.

    5. Enter the details of your monthly donation.

    Visit our donation page: http://www.ostomycanada.ca/donations

    You can now donate to the United Ostomy Association of

    Canada Inc. through PayPal

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    Chapter Information on the Website

    Did you know that our website www.ostomycanada.ca had over a half million hits last year? A lot of the visi-

    tors visited the website to look for a support group in their area. Therefore, it is important that this information

    be kept up to date! Make sure when sending the information in to the UOAC office that the chapters contact

    information is current - phone number, email contact, newsletter availability, website, annual dues, meetingdates and times. Visit our chapters page on our website at http://www.ostomycanada.ca/chaptersand let the

    UOAC office know via email if any of the information needs to be updated. Weve had at least one chapter

    past president contact the office to tell us that the website still included their phone number instead of the cur-

    rent president. Please check your chapters listing to make sure the updates have been done correctly!

    Upcoming Events:

    Congress 2015 will take place on 24-25 September 2015. The AQPS Ostomy and the Coalition Quebec-

    Levis welcome you at the Hotel Plaza Quebec, Boul Laurier, Ste-Foy, Quebec. A training session will take

    visitors Thursday, September 24, 2015. Further information will be provided regularly. Saturday October, 4, 2014 Annual Canada Ostomy Day.

    Saturday October 4, 2014 Annual Stoma Stroll Awareness Walk.

    October 17, 2014 Deadline to comply with Canadas Not-for-Profit Act

    November 18, 2014 Niagara Ostomy Day. 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

    Note: If your chapter has an upcoming event that you would like added here or on the national website, please

    email the details to Carol Wells through the national office email.

    Jokes for Today Three Elderly Sisters

    Three sisters, ages 92, 94, and 96, live in a house together. One night

    the 96-year-old draws a bath. She puts one foot in a pauses. She yells

    down the stairs, "Was I getting in or out of the bath?"

    The 94-year-old yells back, "I don't know. I'll come up and see." She

    starts up the stairs and pauses. Then she yells out, "Was I going up

    the stairs or down?"

    The 92-year-old is sitting at the kitchen table having tea and listening

    to her sisters. She shakes her head and says, "I sure hope I never get

    that forgetful. She knocks on wood for good measure. She then re-

    plies, "I'll come up and help both of you as soon as I see whos at the


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    In the June issue of this August publication (or was it the August issue of the June publication no, it wasdefinitely June), I highly recommended you attend the 14thUOAC conference in St. Johns NL. I suggested

    youd miss a great time if you stayed home. I assured you the learning experience would be beyond compare.

    And I urged you to take advantage of the Newfoundland hospitality for which our hosts are rightfully praised.

    National president Peter Folk waxed eloquently about the conference in his message on page 1. Besides wax-

    ing eloquently, he also wrote nice things. And the floors of the hotel looked superb after Peter waxed them,


    Almost 150 people registered and I hope you were among them. If not, and you know who you are, start plan-

    ning now and putting your shekels aside for Winnipeg in 2016.

    What you missed in St. Johns should not have been missed. There were the usual strong education sessions

    and dinners and auctions and raffles. There were old friends to be seen and new ones to be made. There was a

    fantastic kick-off event at Bridie Molloys Irish Pub on St. Johns famous George Street, a strip of bars and

    pubs that offered great entertainment all weekend long, for those of us insane enough to partake.

    At Bridie Molloys, there was the traditional Newfoundland Screech-In. Countless conference attendees actu-

    ally and really and truly KISSED A COD, a live fish well almost live as it still had scales and an icky cold-

    fish feel on the lips, but it really had expired a short time before. Those brave souls also downed a swig of

    Screech (Newfoundland rum) and swore before the throngs they would live a clean life as honourary New-


    If THAT wasnt a highlight, listening to Brenda Elsagher uproariously talk of her life as an ostomate, a former

    hairdresser, a wife, mother, author, and now a highly-sought-after speaker, certainly was. I warned you in theJune UOAConnection that she would bring the house down and she did. The folks at the Delta had repair

    work to do after her speech.

    Awards were presented to worthy recipients (see Peters piece on Page 1). The AGM went without a hitch and

    the proper motions were passed without difficulty.

    And lastly, the organizing committee and volunteers, led by chair Carol Wells and coordinator Delilah Guy,

    did yeoman service for us all. Thank you most sincerely for your superb efforts.

    Now, you guys --- plan ahead. Well see you in Winnipeg in 2016.

    Joel Jacobson

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    Delilah Guy (Administrator)

    Carol Wells ,St. Johns, & Gander Chapters



    Pat Cimmeck (Leader)

    Lisa Gausman (Member)



    Andrea Manson (Leader)

    Delilah Guy, Carol Wells, Lorrie Pismenny



    Administrator: Steve Maybee


    Steve Maybee (Leader)

    Executive Committee (Member)


    Andrea Manson (Leader)

    Carol Wells, Andrea Manson, Roger Ivol, Steve

    Manson, John Delaney (Members)


    Rosemary Gaffray (Leader)

    Roger Ivol, Andrea Manson, Rosemary Gaffray


    Administrator: Carol Wells


    Carol Wells (Leader)

    Ann Ivol, Joel Jacobson, Lorrie Pismenny UOAC

    Office (Members)


    Lisa Gausman (Leader)

    Lorne Aronson (Advertising), Elizabeth Lindner,

    UOAC Office (Members)


    Ann Ivol (Leader)

    Joel Jacobson, Andrea Manson (Members)


    Peter Folk, (Leader)

    Angie Schickerowski (webmaster), Andrea Manson,

    Lisa Gausman, John Molnar, Carol Wells

    SASO Group visit to The Rooms

    Ann Ivol being Screeched in at the

    2014 Conference along withAndy Borrill

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    Surely there have to be men and women in your chapters who are doing all the little things that make the chap-

    ter tick. Email Joel Jacobson, UOAConnection editor, through the national office email at

    [email protected] their story.


    Your 2014-2015 Board of Directors

    Back row: Peter Folk, John Molnar, Steve Maybee, Ann Ivol, Rosemary Gaffray, Lorrie Pismenny, Ed

    Tummers, Ruth Kenney

    Front Row: Andrea Manson, Carol Wells

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    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]