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FPP L 1994 11

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Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science

in the Centre for Extension and Continuing Education,

Universiti Pertanian Malaysia .

October 1994

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Syukur Al-hamdu l l i l ah , I thank Al l ah for a l l the kindne s s

H e has g iven m e i n paving the way t o one o f m y goal s . With

this , I wou ld l ike to convey my s incere grat itude and

immeasurab l e apprec iat ion to the f o l lowing individual s who have

painstakingly led me to succeed in my educat ional pursuit :

1 . My committee members : Dr . Abu Daud S i long , Puan Jamilah

Othman and Encik Khairuddin Idris who have guided me throughout

the preparation of this thes is .

2 . Prof Madya Dr . Hj . Azimi b Hj Hamzah , Dr . I brahim b Mamat

and Dr . Bahari b Yatim, lecturers of the Centre for Extens ion

and Cont inuing Educat ion , Universiti Pertanian Malaysia , who

have given me construct ive suggestions as to the foundation of

this thes is .

3. Encik Mohamad I zad o f the Soc ioeconomic Research Unit , Mr .

Momen o f the Commonwea lth Secretariat ( India ) and Encik Jaafar

b Abdu l l ah o f B ank Bumiputr a Research Unit who have together

a s s isted me in my researc h .

4 . The entrepreneurs as wel l as the a s s istant interv iewers ,

who have devoted their t ime in gett ing the interv iew quest ions

completed in accordance to the needs of this thes is .


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5. My dearest f ather Encik Ahmad S aid , my mother Puan Om

Fat imah , my s i ster Cik Nur Sazal iah and my two brothers Encik

Ari f f Fad i l ah and Encik Othman Hamid who have inspired me in

this endeavour .

Thank you .


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x i i i



The Special Graduate Programme for Tax Agent s 2

Performance of the Graduate Entrepreneurs 4

statement of the Prob lem 6

Obj ect ives of the Study 7

S ignif icance of the Study 8

Scope o f the Study 9

Operat ional Def init ions 10


Definitions of the Entrepreneur

Characterist ic s of the Entrepreneur




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Perspect ives o f Entrepreneurial Act ivit ies 14

Approach to Entrepreneurial Development Theory 1 5

The Performance Measure 18

Factors Related to the Entrepreneurs ' Per formance 2 0 Personal Pro f i l e 2 0 Bus iness Pro f i l e 2 1 E ntrepreneurial Educat ion 2 1 Ent repreneurial Development 2 3

conceptual Framework of the Study Dependent Variable I ndependent Vari ables


Locat ion of the Study

Popul at ion of the Study

Instrumentat ion

Pretest ing

D at a Col lect ion

Measurement and Treatment of D at a Dependent Vari able I ndependent Vari ables

Analyt ical Procedures


Personal Pro f i le Bus iness Prof ile Entrepreneurial Educat ion Entrepreneurial Development Aspects o f Performance

C l ient s Served


2 6 2 6 2 7

2 9

2 9

3 0

3 1

3 2

3 2 3 3 3 3

3 7

4 0 4 2 4 4 4 7 4 9 5 0

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sales 50 Expenses 50 Net Prof it 5 1

Level of Performance 5 1

D i f ferences Between Means of Groups 5 2

Rel at ionship between Leve l of Per formance with 5 5 Entrepreneurial Educat ion and Entrepreneurial Development

Management Probl ems 59


Summary 6 1 The Problem 6 1 Research Object ives 6 2 Research Methodology 6 3

Conc l u s ion 6 4 Personal and Bus iness Prof i le s 64 Level of Performance 6 4 D if ferences between Means o f Groups in the Personal and Bu s iness Prof i les in terms of the Leve l of Performance 6 5 Re l at ionship of Entrepreneurial Educat ion and E ntrepreneu r i a l Deve lopment with the Level of Performance 6 5 Management Problems 6 6

D is cu s s ion 6 6

Recommendat ions 7 3



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A . Selected L i st o f Entrepreneur ' s Traits

B . Selected I nformat ion Gathered f rom the Spec i a l Graduate Programme ' s F i le

C . I nterview Schedu le

D . Pretest ing Anal y s i s

E . Add it ional F igures




8 6

9 4

1 2 3

1 2 5

1 3 1

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Tab l e

1 D istribut ion o f Respondent s by Age , Sex ,


Tenure , Previous Job and Qua l i f ic at ion . . . . . . . . . . 4 1

2 D istr ibut ion of Respondent s by Geographical Locat ion , Bus iness Premises , Bu s iness Statu s and Tot a l I n i t i a l Capital Ut i l i sed

3 Percentage Rat ing of Respondent s on


Entrepreneur i a l Educat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5

4 Percentage Rat ing of Respondents on Entrepreneurial Deve lopment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

5 ANOVA of Previous Job by Leve l of Per formance

6 Correl at ion of Selected I ndependent Var iables to the Leve l of Per formance

5 3

5 6

7 Percentage Rat ing on Management Prob lem . . . . . . . . . 60

8 Traits often Attr ibuted to a Succe s s fu l Entrepreneur

9 D istribut ion of Tax Agent s by


Group , State and Sex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

1 0 D i stribut ion of Tax Agent s ' Firms in Mal ays i a . . . 8 8

1 1 A Summary of Pre-Test ing Analys i s 1 2 3


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F igure Page

1 Two Perspectives on Ent repreneurship . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5

2 conceptual Framework o f the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8

3 Percentage Dist ribution of Respondent s by Client s Served 1 9 8 9 / 1 990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 5

4 Percentage Distribution of Respondent s by Tota l Sales 1 9 89 / 1 9 9 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 6

5 Percentage Distribution of Respondents by Tota l Expenses 1989 / 1 9 9 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 7

6 Percentage Distribution of Re spondent s by Net Pro fit 1 9 8 9 / 1 9 9 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 8

7 Percent age Distribution of Respondents by Leve l of Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 9


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Abstract of thesis submitted to the Senate of Universiti Pertanian Malaysia in partial ful filment of the requirement s for the degree of Master of Science .





October , 1994

Chairperson Dr . Abu Daud Silong , Ph . D .

Faculty Centre for Extension and Continuing Educ ation

This thesis on the gradu ate entrepreneurs of the Special

Graduate Programme ( SGP ) for tax agent s aimed to determine

the f actors as sociated with the level of ent repreneurial

performance o f graduate entrepreneurs . A total of 78 graduate

entrepreneurs from the state of Sel angor and Wil ayah

Persekutuan were studied . These graduate entrepreneur s were

heads of firms which have been operating for at least two

year s . Specifically the study sought to determine the

relationships between the entrepreneuria l education and the

entrepreneurial development with the level of per formance of

the graduate entrepreneur s .

Frequencie s , means and percentages were u sed to interpret

the entrepreneurs ' per sonal profile, busines s pro file and the


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management prob lems encountered . Corr e l at ions were used to

ident i fy the relat ionships and associat ions of selected

independent variab les with the leve l of performance . One-way

ANOVA and T-test were u sed to ident ify the d i f ferences of means

between groups of selected var iables in the personal and

bus ine s s pro f i le s .

I n general , the results showed that three-quarters of the

graduate entrepreneurs studied used only a minimal amount of

init i a l c ap it a l which was l e s s than RM 5 , 000 . Only a third o f

the respondent s have had work exper ience . The graduate

entrepreneur s scored ' moderate ' in entrepreneur ' s traits and

interest but h igh in entrepreneur i a l deve lopment . Ha l f of

these entrepreneurs felt that the SGP training has contr ibuted

h ighly towards the ir entrepreneur i a l educ at ion . Pos it ive

relat ionships exi sted between the level of per formance with SGP

t r aining , tert iary educ at ion , entrepreneur ' s trait s , interest

and upbring ing respect i ve l y . The l eve l o f performance of these

graduate entrepreneur s tended to be influenced by their SGP

training and entrepreneur ' s trait s . On ly previous j ob

experienced in the s a l es related f ie l d showed a s ignif icant

r e l at ionship with the level of per formance with regard to the

graduate entrepreneurs .

I n conc lusion, responses from 78 graduate entrepreneurs

have shown that among the independent var iab l e s found in

x i

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entrepreneurial educat ion , the SGP training has a s ignificant

influence on the overa l l leve l of performance of the graduate

entrepreneurs . Among the entrepreneurial deve lopment factors ,

the entrepreneur ' s traits seemed to great ly inf luence the

graduate entrepreneur ' s overa l l leve l of performance .


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Abstrak tes i s yang dikemukakan kepada Senat univers it i Pertanian Malaysia sebagai memenuhi sebahagian dar ipada keperluan untuk mendapatkan ijazah Master Sains .

Pengeru s i




Oktober , 1994

Dr . Abu Daud S ilong , PH . D .

Faku l t i Pusat Pengembangan dan Penyelid ikan Lan j utan

Tes i s mengenai u s ahawan graduan Skim Latihan Khas ( SLK )

agen percukaian bertu j uan untuk menentukan f aktor-f aktor yang

berkaitan dengan tahap prestasi us ahawan s i swazah. Seramai 78

u sahawan s i swazah neger i Selangor dan Wi l ayah Persekutuan telah

d ikaj i . Us ahawan s i swa zah ini merupakan ketua f i rma yang telah

beroperasi sekurang - kurangnya selama dua tahun . Khusu snya ,

kaj ian ini bertuj uan untuk menentukan perka itan antara angkubah

l at ihan keus ahawanan , pembangunan keu s ahawanan dengan tahap

prestasi u sahawan s iswazah .

Kekerapan , min , dan peratusan digunakan untuk menerangkan

prof i l u s ahawan , prof il f irma usahawan dan masalah penguru san

yang dihadapi . Korel a s i telah digunakan untuk mengenalpast i

perkaitan dan perhubungan angkubah- angkubah terpilih dengan

x i i i

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t ahap prestas i u sahawan . ANOVA sehala dan U j i an-T telah d iguna

kan untuk mengenalpast i perbezaan min ant ara kumpulan dalam

angkubah- angkubah terpilih daripada prof il per ibadi dan prof il

f irma ushawan .

Pada keseluruhannya kaj ian menunj ukkan yang tiga-perempat

daripada u sahawan s i swazah ini menggunakan modal permulaan yang

kurang daripada RM 5 , 00 0 . Hanya sepert iga dar ipada kalangan

u s ahawan s i swazah ini mempunyai pengalaman ker j a . Us ahawan

tersebut menun j ukkan pencapaian dan minat yang sederhana tetapi

t inggi dalam pembangunan keu sahawanan . Separuh dari us ahawan

ini merasakan yang lat ihan SLK telah banyak member i sumbangan

terhadap pendidikan keus ahawanan mereka . Hubungan yang po s i t i f

wu j ud d i antara tahap prestasi dengan lat ihan SLK , pend idikan

t ingg i, s ah s iah keusahawanan, minat dan asuhan . Tahap prestas i

d ipengaruhi oleh lat ihan dan s ahsiah keu sahawanan . Pengalaman

ker j a d alam bidang j u alan dapat memperlihatkan kepent ingannya

dalam perhubungan dengan tahap prestasi u sahawan s i swa zah ini .

Kes impulannya , re spon dar ipada 78 u sahawan s i swazah ini

mengambarkan kepent ingan lat ihan di kalangan angkubah s andar

yang terdapat di dalam pend id ikan keu sahawanan sebagai

mempengaruhi tahap pre stasi keu sahawanan . Di kal angan f aktor

pembangunan keu sahawanan , s ahsiah keu sahawanan mempengaruhi

t ahap prestasi keu sahawanan .


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I n the early n ineteen e ighties , Malays ian graduates were

f aced with unemployment . Unemployment rate in Malays i a rose

r apidly from seven percent in the year 1 9 8 7 to ten percent in

1 9 8 9 ( Abu D aud and J amilah , 19 9 1 ) . For the f ir st t ime , 2 0 , 000

graduates from both the local and foreign universities under

various study sponsorships were released f rom their scholarship

bonds ( New Straits Times , 198 3 ) .

However , the s ituat ion was not ju st due to the lack o f

pos i t ion s . According to the Malaysian Department o f Stat i stics

( 1989 ) 6 3 percent of job vacancies could not be f illed because

most o f the graduates ' qual i f ications did not correspond to

those requ ired by potent ial employers . Some graduates were

found to be inexperienced, technical ly unqu a l i f ied and too

choosy in their search for jobs . There were also graduates who

lacked init iat ive to be self-reliant ( Berita Minggu , 1 9 8 7 ) and

others who ju st do not have the conf idence to venture into

bus iness ( Abu Daud and Jamilah , 1 9 9 1 ) .

To reduce unemployment , the Educat ion Minister proposed

four strategies to encourage a change in the graduates ' way of

thinking ( Star , 1 9 8 7 ) . The strategies a imed to create a self-


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rel iant and independent graduate . One o f them was to employ

the graduates on temporary basis to give them employment

experience in secretariat s or units of organi sat ions which

include c hambers o f commerce and corporat ions . The aim was to

provide greater opportunit ies for the unemployed graduates .

Spec i al programs were des igned to c ater to the needs o f

the unemployed graduates . Berita Harian ( 1 9 9 1 ) quot ing Anwar

Ibrahim said that twenty agenc ies from the government and the

private sector have implemented the entrepreneur sh ip programme s .

They were the Small Scale Enterprise , Bumiputra Contractor

Training , Youth Enterpr ise Training , Project I dent i f ication and

Licens ing Courses and the Special Graduate Schemes . One o f the

Spe c i a l Graduate Schemes was the Spec ial Graduate Program

( SGP I I ) for Tax Agent s or more popularly known as the Skim

Lat ihan Khas I I Agen Percuka ian .

The Special Graduate Programme for Tax Agents

The SGP I I was a programme des igned to train the graduate s

to become t a x agent s . The SGP I I s cheme catered for two kinds

of graduates , the fully unemployed as well as the temporar ily

unemployed , which are both cla s s i f ied as unemployed graduates .

Cooperat ion o f agencies such as Mara I nst itute o f Technology ,

Univers it i Pertanian Ma l ays i a , I ncome Tax Department , Public

Service Department , Mini stry of Educat ion and also the Ministry

of Finance made it pos s ible to equ ip the unemployed graduates

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with the neces sary ski l l s in entrepreneurship . The training

programme was init ial ly c arr ied out in Universiti Pertanian

Malays i a . Today the programme has been trans ferred to the Mara

I nst itute of Technology .

On the whole, SGP I I a imed to produce 1, 000 qua l i f ied t ax

agents ( Abu Daud and Jamilah, 1 9 9 1 ) . They were se lected from

various backgrounds . Upon succe s s f u l complet ion of the SGP I I

training programme, l icences were given to them by the Mini stry

of F inance under sect ion 1 5 3 ( 3 ) ( c ) of the I ncome Tax Act to

conduct the relevant bu s iness the graduates were trained for .

The SGP I I training was conducted for s ix months . I t was

pragmat ic in nature . The curricu lum cons i sted of techni c a l

knowledge blended with t h e much-needed entrepreneurial skil l s .

The graduates were exposed to the overa l l nature o f the ir

intended job and given hands-on pract ical train ing .

I n it ia l ly the SGP I I was carr ied out in two groups . The

f ir st, Group A , completed a three-month course for

part ic ipants with an account ing background . The second, Group

B , f o l l owed a s ix-month course for part ic ipants f rom a l l other

f ie l d s of study . Two batches of tax agent trainees were

developed from each group . Later, it was real i sed that

entrepreneurship was a tot a l ly new experience for all the

graduates . Thu s a new schedu le was introduced ( Abu Daud dan

Jamil ah, 1 9 9 0 ) .

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Training for SGP I I was then c arried out for s ix months

for all groups irrespect ive o f their background . SGP I I

managed to produce four groups o f tax agent s by December 1 9 9 0 .

This accounted for 845 graduates trained f rom a l l over Mal ay s i a .

However, census made by t he SGP I I lecturers s howed that only

475 part ic ipant s out o f the tot a l number trained became

entrepreneurs ( Re fer to Appendix B ) . More than a third o f the

graduate entrepreneurs ( 3 6% ) were operat ing in the state o f

Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan .

Performance of the Graduate Entrepreneurs

On the per formances o f the graduate entrepreneurs , Haw

( 1 988 ) and Raj a Ar i f f in ( 1 988 ) acknowledged that the graduates

in the SGP I entrepreneurship scheme has reaped succes s .

Anwar Ibrahim quoted by Badrul ( 1 9 9 1 ) said that the SGP I I has

trained 845 qua l i f ied tax agent s and has thus succe s s f u l l y

created about 3 0 0 t a x agent f i rms throughout Malay s i a . The

graduate entrepreneur s have either formed sole propr ietorships

or partner ships . Badrul a l so reported that the government with

other interested part ies wi l l cont inue guid ing these graduates

in their progress ive careers .

Howeve r , despite the training and gu idance , the tax agent

graduate s are st i l l f ac ing prob lems in relat ion to their

entrepreneurship . They have no conf idence , do not know how to

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start a bus ine s s and do not know how to relate to c l ient s ( Abu

Daud and Jami l ah , 1 9 9 1 ) .

N ik Abdul Rashid ( 1 9 8 3 ) noted that new entrepreneurs

lacked resource fulnes s , knowledge , ski l l s and expert ise ,

support , aid and reinforcement for them to succeed . Conf irming

Nik Abdul Rashid ' s v iew , other interested part ies a l so noted

that graduate entrepreneurs l acked the c apital for their f irms '

f ormat ion a s wel l as experience to conduct their duties ( Berita

Harian , 1 2 -4-88 ) . A report in a daily news ( Berita Minggu ,

4 - 1-87 ) stated that the graduates do not ref lect the

behav ioural qual ities of an entrepreneur . I n add it ion ,

Sabar iah Sheikh A l i ( 19 8 9 ) commented on the ir entrepreneurial

educat ion and training which are st i l l insu f f ic ient .

I n a technical report made by Abu Daud and Jamilah ( 1 9 9 1 ) ,

the SGP I I graduate entrepreneurs were a l s o fac ing s imilar

problems such as market ing it s f irm services and gett ing access

to f inanc ial help . The short comings h ighl ighted earl ier

certa in ly do indicate some f l aws in the entrepreneurship

programme . However l ittle informat ion is ava i lable on the

actual programme resu lts and per formance of the graduate

entrepreneurs . Some of the l iterature regarding graduate

entrepreneurs in Malays ia were not based on empirical research .

S ince the programme is integrat ive in nature , whereby several

institutions and agencies are invo lved , there is a need for

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an in-depth research on f actors as soc i ated with the graduate

entrepreneu r s ' perf ormance . Such research wou l d be of great

interest to the relevant part ies .

Immediate informat ion was needed to ident ify the f actors

assoc i ated with the graduates performance in entrepreneurship .

How are the f actors rel ated and to what extent c an re l at ionship

be revealed? An in - depth knowledge on the f actors assoc iated

with the entrepreneurial performance w i l l be useful inf ormat ion

for the SGP entrepreneurs and administrators .

statement of the Problem

The SGP I I ' s aim to produce tax agents i s a new scheme

introduced with the objective of expos ing the unemployed

graduates to the wor ld of sel f-employment and entrepreneurship .

Several inst itut ions are keen to gather empirical facts to be

u sed as a foundat ion for the future expans ion and deve lopment

of strategies in fac ing unemployment . Enqu irie s on how

succes s fu l i s the tra ining approach and curricu lum u sed are

f requent ly r a i sed by the interested agenc ies . other enquiries

include the e f fect iveness , contr ibut ions and consequences o f

tertiary educat ion , work exper ience , the involvement in

a s so c i at ions and per sonal ity deve lopment such as interest ,

traits and upbr inging in a f fect ing entrepreneurial deve lopment

and strategies .

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With regard to performance o f entrepreneurs , it was found

t hat a s soc iated f actors are important cons iderat ion in the

graduate entrepreneurs study . These factors include training ,

tertiary educat ion , work exper ience and membership in

a s so c i at ions ( Co l l ins and Moore , 1 9 7 0 ; Amminudin S u l a iman ,

1 9 7 7 ; Abdul Azi z , 19 8 1 ; Storey , 1982 ; B irch , 1 9 8 2 ; Z u l k i f l i Abu

Bakar, 1 9 88 ) . In addit ion , the entrepreneurial deve lopment

factors such as interest , entrepreneur ' s traits and chi ldhood

upbr inging may a l so contr ibute to a pos it ive performance

( Fr iedman and Roseman , 1 9 7 4 ; Matteson and Preston , 1 9 82 ; Owens

and Vinars ky , 1 9 8 3 ; Gordon , 1 9 8 6 ; Z akar i a , 1 9 86 ) .

I n order to understand the performance of the graduate

entrepreneur s , issues ment ioned ear l ier need t o b e answered .

To date , complete dat a are not avai l able to understand the

re l at ionship of the factors associated with the per formance of

graduate entrepreneurs . This study wi l l focus on gett ing the

pert inent data assoc iated with the leve l of performance of the

t ax agents as graduate entrepreneurs .

Obj ectives of the study

The general purpose of the study i s to ident ify the

f actors associated with the level of performance of the SGP

graduates in Selangor and W i l ayah Persekutuan . The spec i f i c

object ive s are :

1 . To determine the pro f i le of the entrepreneurs

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2. To determine the leve l o f per formance o f the graduate

entrepreneur s

3 . To determine the d i f ferences between means o f groups

in the personal and bus iness pro f iles in terms of the

leve l o f performance o f the graduate entrepreneurs

4 . To determine the relat ionship o f the entrepreneur i a l

edu c at ion and entrepreneurial development f actors with

the level of per formance of the graduate entrepreneurs

5 . To determine the prob lems f aced by the graduate

entrepreneurs in the tax agent indu stry in the state

of Sel angor and Wilayah Persekutuan

Significance of the Study

I t is rea l i sed t hat entrepreneur s have an impact on the

economy . E f fort s aimed at deve loping and creat ing graduate

entrepreneur s among the unemployed graduates a r e being carried

out by both the pub l i c and the pr ivate sector s .

The ident i f icat ion o f the f actors assoc iated with the

graduate entrepreneurs ' leve l o f performance in the SGP

programme wi l l contribute to a better understand ing of the

graduate entrepreneurs . I t wi l l bring out new perspect ives on

the training needs for graduate entrepreneurs . I t w i l l f i l l

the gap which ex ists i n the study o f entrepreneurship in

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Malay s i a and it will ass ist the entrepreneur to cre ate new

ideas and experiences for their future development . This w ill

be o f int r insic sc ient i f ic and soc iological interest as well as

o f pract ical value .

This research on entrepreneur ship is important not only to

econom i st s , but also to soc iologists and psycholog ists who will

want to know about the types of ind iv idual needed for

successful entrepreneurship in Malay s i a . With the government ' s

c all for graduates to act as a c atalyst w ithin the country ' s

development , this research can in its minute way contr ibute a

more wholist ic view o f the s ituat ion .

Scope of the Study

I mmed iate ef forts of entrepreneurs c annot be quant i f ied .

The newly operating gr aduate entrepreneurs need to be g iven

t ime to practise the acqu ired skills and knowledge g ained from

the SGP training . Phys ical const raints have also led to the

limitat ion in this study . Time and f inance l imit the areas

covered . This study focu sed only on the graduate entrepreneurs

in the state o f Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan who have been

operat ing in the market for at least two year s . The populat ion

totaled 78 entrepreneur s . Results from this study cannot be

generalised to all entrepreneur s in Malay s i a .

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operational Definitions

Special Graduate Programme refers to the SGP I I programme held

in Univer siti Pertanian Malaysia to produce qualified tax

agent s .

Tax agents refer to the participants who graduated from the SGP

programme . They were given licences for operation under the

approval of the Minister of Finance within section 1 5 3 ( 3 ) ( c )

o f the I ncome Tax Act .

Graduate entrepreneur refers to practising tax agent based in

the state of Selangor and Wilayah Per sekutuan . They have been

in operat ion for at lea st two year s .

Sales refer to the cumulative income gathered f rom both the

received and unreceived income made on services produced by the

graduate entrepreneurs .

Net profit refers to the total sales made minu s all expenses

made . Expenses do not include tax reduction .

Performance refers to the respondent ' s s core based on the

number of client s served , sales made , expenses incurred and net

pro f it gained or los s for the year s 1989 and 1 9 9 0 .

Level of performance is derived from the net pro fit gained in

1 9 9 0 minus net pro fit gained in 1989 . I nterpretations o f

pos it ive , negative and n o change i n profit s a r e made .