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  • 7/30/2019 Unit Plan - Phase III


    How Much of What You Hear Can You Really Believe?

    A Thematic Unit on Authority and Opinion Formation

    For 11th Grade ELA

    Presented by Madison Giannattasio

    On [Date] for AED 341

  • 7/30/2019 Unit Plan - Phase III


    Table of Contents

    Overview . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Summary . . . . . . . . . 3

    Rationale . . . . . . . . . 3

    Administrators . . . . . . . 3

    Students . . . . . . . . 3

    Colleagues/Practitioners of Critical Pedagogy . . . 3

    Project-Based Learning . . . . . . . 4

    Interdisciplinary Justification . . . . . . 4

    Respect for Difference . . . . . . . 4

    Assessments . . . . . . . . . 5

    Text Set . . . . . . . . . . 6

    Unit Plan Schedule . . . . . . . . . 8

    Handouts . . . . . . . . . . 16

    Culminating Project Handout . . . . . . 16

    Culminating Project Rubric . . . . . . . 20

  • 7/30/2019 Unit Plan - Phase III




    The following details a unit based on the anchor text Delirium by Lauren Oliver based

    around the idea of authority. More specifically, the notion that not everything an authority figure

    tells you must be true; there is room for reason and research about controversial issues so that

    one can come up with a well-rounded and well-informed opinion on a matter. To display what

    they have learned, students will work in small groups to put together a ten to fifteen minute

    documentary about a controversial issue of their choice, including interviews and their ownresearch, which will be presented to the community at the end of the unit.

    Overarching Essential Question: How much of what you hear can you really believe?

    Overarching Essential Understanding: Students will understand that, to fully

    understand a controversial issue, they must take in all sides of it, rather than take it all at

    face value based on what a person of authority, like a teacher, tells them to be true.



    While at first, the notion of questioning the influence authority should have on a student

    can seem extreme, the real goal behind it is very simple. In a world where colleges anduniversities are much more competitive with regards to admittance, students need to be equipped

    with the skills to argue their case, make well-rounded opinions, and be able to defend them in

    i t i d I dditi thi ki d f it ill t h t d t h kill th t ill

  • 7/30/2019 Unit Plan - Phase III


    While it appeals to students in that it is hands on as opposed to a hefty research paper, it

    teaches them the same skills, as well as more complicated visual and media literacies. They also

    will enjoy the freedom that comes with choosing their own topic because it will likely be a

    subject theyre interested in, encouraging their best work. What seems like a fun, easy, project, is

    actually the equivalent amount ofif not more thanwork as a research paper. Furthermore, by

    bringing it out to the community through the premiere night at the end of the unit, it will give the

    project a sense of purpose because it is for more than the teachers and classmates eyes only.

    Project-Based Learning

    This unit plan is based off of the Project-Based Learning model, worked out by John

    Barell. As Barell writes and emphasizes, this plan is driven by the notion that it must be

    authentic. His book states, With authentic assessment and achievement we emphasize using

    complex intellectual processes found in life experiencesto ensure students understand content

    and can apply learning to life beyond the classroom (32). In other words, by teaching skills that

    will be used throughout the rest of their lives through content, students will become stronger

    learners. Ive taken that approach, focusing on encouraging open-mindedness and argumentative

    skills through the lens ofDelirium and channel it all into their final projects: a documentary that

    will be shown to different members of the community and having a purpose beyond getting a

    good grade.

    Interdisciplinary Justification

    The skills learned in this unitnamely; research media and cognitive skillsare very

  • 7/30/2019 Unit Plan - Phase III



    Throughout the unit, there are multiple forms of assessment that can be used to measurethe growth of the students knowledge. On days devoted to looking atDelirium, a paragraph

    answer will be written to a question that pertains to that nights reading. Some may be collected,

    while others checked over to make sure some work was done. This will encourage students to

    keep up with the readings. On days where skills for putting together their documentaries are

    taught, they will be expected to have at least a one-paragraph entry written in their Research

    Journals either about the unit for that class, orabout work they have done on the documentary

    and how they are grappling with the information. There are no set questions because this space isto be used for personal reflection, contemplation, and planning. After the previously listed

    formative assessments are completed, students will be fully prepared to take on the summative

    project; The documentaries, which will be displayed, upon completion, to an audience of

    community members. After the documentaries have been shown to both the class and the public,

    they will be asked to complete their Research Journals with an extended reflection about the

    process. The major assessment, however, is their documentary and presentation as a whole. It

    will be graded by how well they fulfilled the criteria set in the rubric with regards to content,

    creativity, and digital-media skills.

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    Text Set

    Anchor Text:

    Oliver, Lauren.Delirium. New York: Harper, 2011. Print.

    This book will be the anchor text of this course. It is a young adult novel that chronicles

    the experiences of seventeen-year-old Lena in a futuristic dystopian society that in some way

    resembles Orwells 1984. Love is considered a diseaseAmor Deliria Nervosaand young men

    and women are kept segregated from each other until they turn eighteen and are eligible to

    receive the Cure. The Cure is a laparoscopic lobotomy where the part of the brain that registers

    love is cut off from the rest of the body and people become complacent human beings. Lena,

    then, must deal with becoming infected and doing everything she can to break free from the

    government who has been feeding her lies on the dangers of love and the reality of the world

    around her. Therein lies the usefulness of the text. It takes something that seems inconceivable

    love being considered a diseaseand makes it a reality where students can see both sides of the

    picture, but Lena cannot. It shows the development of her character as she comes to realize that

    not everything shes been told is true and that it is up to her to get down to the facts and set

    herself free.

    Ancillary Texts:

    Lake, Nick.In Darkness. New York: Bloomsbury, 2012. 93-105. Print.

    In Darkness is a young adult novel about a Haitian boy who is trapped by an earthquake

    in complete darkness in the ruins of an old hospital. In this dark place, he starts to hallucinate and

  • 7/30/2019 Unit Plan - Phase III


    will argue as to how love couldand couldntbe seen as a disease, subsequently discovering the

    way any text can be twisted to suit a persons beliefs.

    Shakespeare, William. "Sonnet 18." Shakespeare-Online. Ed. Amanda Mabillard. N.p., 4 Feb.

    2010. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. .

    Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeareone of the most well-known of his many works

    opening with,Shall I compare thee to a summers day? is yet another literary work that appears

    in OliversDelirium. In the context of the novel, it is a forbidden poem which she only hears and

    learns about through Alex in the Wilds, about love. They will use this text within the context of

    Delirium to examine why the government would have banned such a poem using deductive


    Spurlock, Morgan, perf. Super Size Me. 2004. Kathbur Pictures. DVD.

    Super Size Me is a documentary written and performed by Morgan Spurlock that explores

    the rising impactas well as health implicationsthat come with the McDonalds food branch.

    He goes around the country eating only McDonalds every day, and his health is examinedclosely to measure the effects. The goal is that showing this film will help enhance the

    experience of students as they make their own documentaries. More likely than not, students will

    go into this unit with the preconceived notion that documentaries are boring and dry, something

    that may deter them from wanting to do a project like this. By showing Super Size Me, which is

    both factual and entertaining, it opens their mind to the more creative possibilities that they can

    take with a project such as this one.

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    Unit Plan Schedule

    Week Oneo Monday

    To Do Introduce Unit and Essential Question Hand out Texts Hand out Culminating Project Worksheet

    Homework None

    o Tuesday To Do

    TEQ: We seeRomeo and Julietby Shakespeare as a classic lovestory in todays society, but in Lenas, it is a cautionary tale. Why

    do you think it is, (or isnt), an ideal story to be used to cautionagainst love?

    TEU: Text can be manipulated in a multitude of ways to fit acertain perspective.

    Examine selections ofRomeo and Juliet Homework

    Read Ch. 14 ofDelirium You know you cant be happy unless youre unhappy sometimes,

    right? (23). To what degree do you agree with Hanas statement?

    Conversely, can you see the allure of the Cure?o Wednesday

    To Do TEQ: Why do we trust the facts we get in documentaries?

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    love is more deadly than a werewolf or a vampire, classic monsters

    for todays society?

    o Friday To Do TEQ: Why are documentaries a valuable source for trusted


    TEU: Documentaries are expected to draw their factualinformation from reliable and current sources. By searching

    databases and examining the strengths and weaknesses of a text,

    more of an understanding of a subject can be obtained.

    Homework Research Journals

    Week Twoo Monday

    To Do TEQ: Lena discovers Hana has been rather rebellious against the

    government lately. Do you think the authoritative government is

    right in imposing these restrictions? Why or why not? TEU: There is no real black and white with controversial matters

    such as how much or little power a government should have.

    Opinions vary and there is no set answerthat is how an issue

    becomes controversial. Homework

    Read Ch. 78 ofDelirium There has been a lot of imagery surrounding flames and fire so

    far in the book. Find examples and write what you think thesymbol represents.

    o Tuesday To Do

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    Read Ch. 9 ofDelirium This is the first time that Lena has ever been around this many

    uncured boys. Why do you think the government keeps the gendersso segregated? Do you think there are other reasons aside from the

    risk of infection?

    o Thursday To Do

    TEQ: What effect does genre have on the way it is perceived by anaudience?

    TEU: Every genre has its strengths and limitations. Students willbe able to dissect different genres for their underlying purposes.

    Homework Research Journals

    o Friday To Do

    TEQ: Look at the descriptions of the four phases ofAmor DeliriaNervosa at the top of chapter ten, (147). From the perspective of a

    foreign visitor to this planet, upon viewing a person undergoingthese symptoms, could love really be considered a disease?

    TEU: Society engrains in people, a set of understandings of what isnormal, and what is abnormal; what is learned, and what is innate.

    Homework Read Ch. 1012 ofDelirium Take it from me: If you hear the past speaking to you, feel it

    tugging at your back and running its fingers up your spine, the best

    thing to dothe only thingis run (176). Do you agree withLenas advice?

    Week Threeo Monday

  • 7/30/2019 Unit Plan - Phase III


    Look at section ofIn Darkness Homework

    Read Ch. 1314 ofDelirium Lena comes to a major realization over these two chapters

    regarding her opinion on the Invalids versus the Raiders. Describe

    a time when you learned that a stereotype you may have had turned

    out not to be true.

    o Wednesday To Do

    TEQ: Why is knowing the audience important? TEU: By understanding the audience, it alters the perspectives and

    biases to highlight. If an audience shares a collected viewpoint,

    while it is important to display that point, its also key to put moreof an emphasis on the other varying perspectives to add to their

    understanding. Homework

    Research Journalso

    Thursday To Do

    TEQ: They told us that love was a disease. They told us it wouldkill us in the end. For the very first time I realize that this, too,

    might be a lie (280). What is the significance of this quote?

    TEU: There are many ideas that people take as facts withoutbothering to question the truths behind them.

    Homework Read Ch. 1517 ofDelirium Alex and Lena impart on a big step at the end of this section. It is

    arguably one of her biggest acts of rebellion against authority so

    far in the novel Using what you know so far as well as your own

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    and after. The rest of the world falls away on either side.Before

    and afterand during, a moment no bigger or longer than an edge.

    Using closer reading, what is Lena trying to convey to the reader? TEU: Defining moments such as this have a heavy impact on a

    persons identity, and much can be learned about the self through

    introspection about such defining moments, as well as anunderstanding built about where a belief or opinion comes from.

    Homework Read Ch. 1819 inDelirium Alex recites two love poems to Lena: Sonnet 18 by William

    Shakespeare, and Sonnet 43 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.Select one of these poems and read it. Select some lines that you

    think might have stood out to Lena and write down why.

    o Tuesday To Do

    TEQ: How can different literary elements such as simile, metaphor,and hyperbole effect what the audience gains from the text?

    TEU: By incorporating and weaving in literary elements, it addscreativity and emphasis in key areas, becoming more appealing tothe audience as well as supplementing an argument.

    Homework Research Journals

    o Wednesday To Do

    TEQ: A pretty big bombshell is dropped on Lena at the end ofchapter twenty. Is it enough to change her perspective about hermother? What does it take to change a persons views after beingset one way for so long?

    TEU: With an open mind opinions can change; this comes with

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    TEQ: Lena gets a clear look at the other side of the President andConsortiums regime in chapter twenty-two. On top of that, she

    now has to bear the burden of wondering what the true fate of hermother was. Consider the phrase, Ignorance is bliss. Do youthink it applies, or is Lena better off for knowing, even if it is


    TEU: Ignorance can have a powerful impact on a personsperspective and it can be drawn from many different sources. It

    usually blinds a person to other perspectives, and therein lies the

    challenge of using logic to argue their case.

    Homework Read Ch. 2223 inDelirium They say the cure is about happiness, but I understand now that it

    isnt, and it never was. Its about fear: fear of pain, fear of hurt,

    fear, fear, feara blind animal existence, bumping between walls,shuffling between ever-narrowing hallways, terrified and dull and

    stupid (383). Is this an accurate way to examine human nature?

    How above animal-kind is man really? Week Five

    o Monday To Do

    TEQ: Who is a true authority figure? TEU: Society heavily dictates who can act as an authority figure as

    it varies all over the world and from culture to culture.

    Homework Research Journals

    o Tuesday To Do

    TEQ: Reflect back on a question from earlier in the unit regarding

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    Homework Research Journals

    o Thursday To Do TEQ: Reflect back to the question that was brought up at the start

    of the unit: How much of what you hear can you really believe?

    In what way can this text be used as a resource in helping youdevelop an answer to that question?

    TEU: All different genres of text are applicable and have use whenexploring different inquiries.

    Homework Read Ch. 27 ofDelirium Look at your prediction for what might happen at the end of the

    novel. How close were you to what actually happened? Did you

    like the ending? If not, write an argument why using supportingdetails from the novel.

    o Friday

    To Do Tech lesson: How to work a video camera and the editing software.

    Homework Work on Culminating Project Research Journals

    Week Sixo Monday

    To Do In class time to finish projects

    Homework Work on Culminating Project Research Journals

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    o Friday To Do

    TEQ: What have I learned? Discuss, as a class, the benefits and downsides of a unit like this.

    Did it work? Where could it have been better? Homework A handwritten reflection as the last entry in the reflection journals about

    their own part in the project and detailing some of their experiences,

    critiquing their work as well as highlighting the strong points.

  • 7/30/2019 Unit Plan - Phase III


    Get Some

    Whats this all about?

    The Get Some Perspective project is as simple and yet complex as it sounds. Get

    perspective? Get perspective on what? Thats up to you. Listed below are a multitude of different

    controversial issues in the world today. Some are broad, while some are more specific. In groups

    of four or so students, you will be delving into one of these topics that you all agree on and

    getting all of the perspectives there are to be had. Everyone has a side and a bias, so now, itstime to uncover the truth for you and become experts on the subject.

    Once a topic is set and research begins, you will build off of tools I give you in class, as

    well as your own creative minds, and your group will create a documentary of about ten to

    fifteen minutes in length where you do your absolute best to tell all sides of the storybut heres

    the catch: can you make the documentary without lending any bias to one perspective.

    Throughout this project, you will be making constant entries of at least one paragraph where youcan explore any part of your topic that youd like. If your opinion changed, write it down. If you

    found a source that gave statistics that keep running through your head, write it down. If you are

    h i t bl ith hi it it d Thi i l t h i l k d I ill

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    Researching the topic using databases and reliable sources and compiling a set list todraw from.

    Keeping notes in research journal throughout the process. Interviewing different members of the community on a video recorder. Create a documentary covering skills learned in class that utilizes research and interviews

    that with explain the issue in an unbiased way.

    Presenting this documentary to an audience with a wide viewership. Reflecting on the process.

    What can I choose from, then?

    You can choose from any of the following areas that the group as a whole comes to agreement


    Same-Sex Marriage Abortion Euthanasia Death Penalty Immigration Health Care Right to Birth Control Stem-Cell Research Animal Testing

    Legalizing Marijuana Gun Control The War on Terror Sexism in Pop Culture

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    Simple! Attached is a rubric that I will be filling out after I receive all of the finished

    pieces to this puzzle. I will be keeping an eye on your progress throughout the unit by

    periodicallyand sporadicallycollecting your Research Journals to make sure youre keepingup with the work, or at the very least, thinking about your own views on the issue and

    brainstorming ideas to measure your progress and process throughout. The next step comes when

    I watch your lovely finished documentaries and grade them on how well you:

    Researched the Topic Conducted Interviews Handled Avoiding Bias Use of Tone and Evidence of Clarity Creativity with regards to Literary Elements

    This will be the largest chunk of your grade [see rubric]. The last portion is based on your last

    entry in your Research Journals: your reflection. This may not be the most point-heavy area, but

    this is where you get to tell me directly what you learned, what you didnt learned, complaints,

    comments, concerns, revelations, mental breakdowns, thrills, chills, ect., that you encounteredover the course of this project. In this reflection, I will also ask you to give yourself a grade, and

    tell me why, based off of the rubric. I will take this number into account when I tally up your

    points, so be honest. And if you give yourself a 100, without a concrete reason, in the hopes Ill

    agree with you, you will get a very disapproving look from me and I will not take the number

    into consideration. You have been warned.

    Anything else?

    HAVE FUN WITH THIS! The more enjoyment and interest you put into this topic, the better

    your documentary will turn out. People are going to see this, so put your best foot forward and

  • 7/30/2019 Unit Plan - Phase III


    a. Explore topics dealing with different cultures and world viewpoints.

    [W 11-12] 4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, andstyle are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

    [SL 11-12] 5. Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and

    interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and

    evidence and to add interest.

    [SL 11-12] 4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear and

    distinct perspective, such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning, alternative or opposing

    perspectives are addressed, and the organization, development, substance, and style are

    appropriate to purpose, audience, and a range of formal and informal tasks.

    [W 11-12] 10. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and

    revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes,

    and audiences.

  • 7/30/2019 Unit Plan - Phase III


    Get Some Perspective! Rubric

    Generalization Quality 6









    Below Average



    Research Skills

    Use of


    sources from



    Proper citation


    How well

    researched wasyour topic?

    Were your sources


    Were they cited


    The topic was

    very wellresearched with a

    varied wealth of

    sources. All

    sources were

    cited correctly.

    The topic was

    well researchedwith a number

    of sources, most

    of which were

    cited correctly.

    The topic was

    researched withseveral sources.

    Some errors in


    The topic was

    shown to beresearched in

    through two or

    three limited

    sources. Many

    errors in citation.

    The topic was

    examined throughone or two poor

    sources. Little or

    no citation.

    One or no

    sources wereused. Any

    citations were


    incorrectly or




    Ability to form




    avoided holding

    a bias

    Ability to utilize

    all different

    sides of an


    Were questions

    asked informativeand well-worded?

    Was there any bias

    shown throughout

    on the part of the


    Were multiple



    The interview

    was conductedwith informative

    and unbiased

    questions. All



    were displayed


    The interview

    was conductedwith

    informative and


    questions. Most


    were displayed


    The interview

    was conductedwith mostly

    informative and


    questions. Most


    were displayed


    The interview was

    conducted withmostly

    informative and

    some biased

    questions. Some

    perspectives were



    The interview was

    conducted withsome informative

    and some biased



    perspectives were


    The interview

    was conductedwith poorly


    and biased

    questions. Only

    one or two


    were displayed.

  • 7/30/2019 Unit Plan - Phase III




    Skill regarding

    maintaining an




    of capabilities at

    showing all


    How successful

    was your group in

    keeping the



    Were there a wide

    range of



    Very successful

    at eliminating a

    bias and showed

    a very wide

    range of


    Successful at

    eliminating a

    bias and

    showed a wide

    range of


    Successful at

    eliminating some

    bias and showing

    a range of


    Showed some bias

    throughout, but a

    fair range of

    perspectives were


    Showed bias

    throughout and

    lacking multiple


    Heavily biased

    and showing

    only one or two



    Ability to keep

    tone even and

    set throughout


    Ability to keep

    the argument

    clear and



    Was an

    informational but

    interesting tone

    was set

    throughout? Were

    the arguments clear

    and concise


    Overall product

    was set with a



    and interesting

    tone, and the


    arguments were

    very clear and


    Overall product

    was set with an


    and interesting

    tone, and the


    arguments were

    clear and


    Overall product

    was set with an


    tone and the


    arguments were

    mostly clear and


    Overall product

    was set with an


    tone, but was not


    throughout, and

    the different

    arguments were

    fairly clear and


    Overall product

    was set with a

    varied and

    uninteresting tone,

    and the different

    arguments lacked

    some clarity.

    Overall product

    lacked any real

    use of tone and

    the different


    were unclear.


    Displays ability

    to use different

    literary elements

    throughout final


    Was there a

    creative flair to the

    presentation? Were

    different literary

    elements utilized?

    There was a very


    creative flair that

    utilized many

    different literary


    There was a


    creative flair

    that utilized

    many different



    There was some

    creative flair that

    utilized some

    literary elements.

    There was some

    creativity shown,

    but very few

    literary elements.

    There was a

    lacking in creative

    flair, and only one

    or two literary

    elements were


    There was no

    creativity in the

    piece and one

    or no literary

    elements were




    Ability to

    research and use


    during the

    writing process

    Did you keep up

    with the journal

    entries as listed in

    the syllabus? Were

    they in depth and


    There were many

    different journal

    entries that were

    very deep and



    There were

    many different

    journal entries

    that were deep

    and thought-


    There were

    different journal

    entries that were



    There were

    different journal

    entries, though

    only some were



    There were not

    many journal

    entries and only

    some were



    Very few to no

    journal entries

    and they lacked

    any real




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    to help improve

    upon overall



    Displays a


    process that


    growth over


    How well did you

    reflect back on all

    of the work you put

    into this project?

    Was your

    reflection honest

    and introspective?

    A careful

    analysis of the

    process was


    and there was

    very honest



    A careful

    analysis of the

    process was


    and there was




    An analysis of

    the process was


    and there was

    honest critiquing


    An analysis of the

    process was

    demonstrated and

    there was some

    critiquing evident.

    A limited analysis

    of the process was

    demonstrated and

    there was minimal

    critiquing evident.

    There was little

    to no evidence

    of analysis and

