Download - Unit 2 Visual Vocab

  • 1. Visual Vocab Unit 2Andrew ShawAP Biology 5 th

2. Isomer

  • one of several organic compounds with the same molecular formula but different structures and therefore different properties. the three types of isomers are structural isomers, geometric isomers, and enantimers.

3. Cellulose

  • A type of Structural Polysaccharide that is integral in the formation of plant cell walls.

4. The enzymes of a human can't break down cellulose

  • The outside of corn kernels are made of cellulose so our bodies can't digest it

5. Chaperonin

  • a protein molecule that assists in the proper folding of the other proteins
  • The crystal structure of the chaperonin.

6. Cholesterol

  • Most common type of steroid thats found in animal tissues.
  • A typical large yolk contains about 400 mg of cholesterol

7. Dehydration Reaction

  • A reaction in which two molecules become covalently bonded to each other through the loss of a small molecule, usually water
  • Table sugar is formed through a dehydration reaction between glucose and fructose

8. Denaturation

  • in proteins, a process in which a protein unravels and loses its native shape, thereby becoming biologically inactive
  • The skin that forms on curdled milk is a common example of denatured protein.

9. Enantiomers

  • one of two compounds that are mirror images of each other
  • An example of such an enantiomer is the sedative thalidomide. It was sold in a number of countries across the world from 1957 until 1961, when it was withdrawn from the market after being found to be a cause of birth defects.

10. Ester Bond

  • Ester bonds are formed by the reaction of an acid and alcohol.
  • A typical example is the solvent and anesthetic diethyl ether, commonly referred to simply as "ether" (CH3-CH2-O-CH2-CH3).

11. Glycogen

  • Glycogen is a substance deposited in body tissues as a store of carbs
  • Glycogen is stored in Liver and Muscle

12. Glycosidic Linkage

  • Linkage between 2 sugars
  • The link between thedisaccharide lactose in milk is a glycosidic linkage

13. Hydrolysis

  • a chemical process that splits molecules by the addition of water, functioning in disassembly of polymers to monomers
  • Example of a hydrolyses reaction: The hydrolysis of PET pellets using supercritical water

Before composition PET pellet material + water After decomposition Terephthalic acid (in fine particles) + an ethylene glycol aqueous solution 14. Peptide Bond

  • the covalent bond between the carboxyl group on one amino acid and the amino group on another, formed by a dehydration reaction

15. Primary Structure

  • the level of protein structure referring to the specific sequence of amino acids

16. Quaternary Structure

  • the particular shape of a complex, aggregate protein, defined by the characteristic 3D arrangement of its constituent subunits, each a polypeptide

17. Saturated Lipid

  • fat that consists of triglycerides containing only saturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids have no double bonds between the individual carbon atoms of the fatty acid chain
  • These foods are high in saturated fats

18. Secondary Structure

  • the localized, repetitive coiling or folding of the polypeptide backbone of a protein due to hydrogen bond formation between constituents of the backbone

19. Starch

  • a carbohydrate consisting of a large number of glucose units joined together by glycosidic bonds.
  • Potato starch granules

20. Tertiary Structure

  • irregular contortions of a protein molecule due to interactions of side chains involved to hydrophobic interactions, ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds, and disulfide bridges

21. Unsaturated Lipid

  • a fat or fatty acid in which there is at least one double bond within the fatty acid chain
  • Olive oil is an example of unsaturated lipids